Love Script (7 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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“Look, Ms. Parks, I realize this is going to be a bit difficult for both of us but if we do this right, the payoff wil be considerable.” Nick dragged his hand through his hair. “I’ve never been married before so I can’t promise you I’l know al the answers. Al I’m asking—begging—you to do is help me and be damn convincing. Wil iam Zelman could quite possibly be my biggest client ever. Landing him as a client wil catapult our reputation to a level we have worked years to achieve. I know we can make him happy but he is a hard customer to sel . Everyone has been after him and no one has succeeded. This is my chance, Ms. Parks. This is the single edge I have over my competitors but I can’t do it without your help.”

“Let me get this straight.” She placed her fists firmly on her hips. “You want me to charade as your wife just so you can land a business deal?”


“I guess I shouldn’t wonder why you picked me.”

“If you’re hinting to the fact that you and Zelman’s wife are black, yes, that is why I’m asking you.”

A thought occurred to her. “What did you plan on doing if we hadn’t met in line?”

He shrugged. “I honestly don’t know.” Her gaze flitted toward the sunglasses he’d tossed in the bed. “Exactly what would you expect me to do?”

“Everything,” he said.

she chirped loudly.

“Not everything. . .so to speak. Only in public. I need you to be persuasive.”

Her brow arched into her hairline. “How persuasive?”

“Very.” His eyes narrowed in seriousness. “I can’t al ow Zelman to have a shred of doubt that we’re married.”

“Where would I sleep?” she asked.

“In my bed,” he said.

She crossed her arms protectively. “And you?” He shook his head with obvious annoyance at so many inconsequential questions. “I’l figure that out later. I’l sleep on the couch if I must.”

“You don’t think this is just a bit too much? Can’t you just mail him a sales packet, or something?”

“Look, Ms. Parks, nothing wil stand in my way to get this account.” His voice turned cal ously cold. “I’m offering you a hefty fee and a free cruise in exchange for your posing as my wife. If you can’t do it, then tel me now, so I can get someone else.”

She huffed. “You know, in the three years I have worked at Sinclair Corp, you have never spoken to me. I bet if I hadn’t mentioned I worked for you today, you wouldn’t even know I’m alive. And now you lay al your issues at my feet and expect me to accept your offer because you’re my boss?”

“Yes or no?”

“My opinion may not have been very high of you before, but this fal s off the scale.” He scowled at the jab. “Is that a no?”

“If I say no, is my job in jeopardy?” she asked.

“That depends,” he hedged.

“On what?” she insisted.

“If I can successful y land Zelman without your help.” He shrugged. “If I can’t. . .” He let his words trail off, letting the implication make his point.

Laney considered this. Sure, she could sue him to keep her job, but who would want to work with a woman everyone knew sued the boss? She would definitely not be popular among her peers. If Mr.

Sinclair didn’t outright fire her, Mary-Knight would find a reason to gain points in her favor. Laney rubbed her temples. How had she managed to get herself into this insane situation?

She’d worked three grueling years under that horrid Mary-Knight Tyler, and depending on the answer she gave Mr. Sinclair right now, it could al go down the drain. She looked at him. He wasn’t a bad-looking man. Correction, he was handsome.

Very handsome—lean in build, broad shoulders and slender hips. A swimmer’s body, only to be upstaged by a strong jaw, straight nose and intense blue eyes. His looks alone were reason to make her say no. Nothing good would come of being stranded on a luxury boat playing “house” with her handsome boss.

“I’m waiting, Ms. Parks.” His patience was slipping away fast.

She pul ed her gaze away from his body long enough to think straight. “I understand your predicament, but I need some sort of incentive.”

“I’m paying you ten grand. What more could you ask?”

She gave him a sardonic smile. “You and I both know that is pennies for you.”

“You want more?” His anger began to boil. “If you’re trying to hustle me, then get it over with.”

“Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Sinclair; you are the only hustler in this room. You’re hustling me and the Zelmans.”

“Get to the point.”

“I want a promotion,” she said.

“To what?” he asked, momentarily taken aback.

“VP of Art Direction,” she said.

“That’s Mary-Knight’s position.”

She cocked her head to the side. “I’m wel aware of that fact.”

He thought for a second then nodded. “Fine.”

” Her request had been so outrageous, she’d been convinced she was provoking him to fire her on the spot. “That’s it?” Surely he wouldn’t honor her demand.

“Yes, are we agreed?” he said quickly, wanting to get these negotiations over with, so they could focus on the task at hand.

“You promise to give me the promotion?” she clarified.

“Only if I get Zelman’s account. That means you wil have to be very convincing, Ms. Parks.” She wasn’t quite sure she liked the tone of his voice but she nodded her agreement.

“Then it’s done. We have some work to do. I’l cal housekeeping to bring your bags to my room.”

She held up her hands helplessly. “So what do you need me to do?”

“You’re coming with me,” he said.



“Shopping for what?”

“A ring,” he said simply.


“And first things first, Ms. Parks”


“Cal me Nick.”

She nodded. “I’m Laney.”

“Laney,” he repeated. He tilted his head to the side and seemed to be making a mental note of this fact. “Laney.” The sound of her name on his lips was foreign and awkwardly pronounced. She could tel he was trying it out, attempting to acquaint himself with the word. As if reassuring himself he could indeed remember her name, he gave a quick nod. “Shal we?”


Laney felt very out of place with Nick in the jewelry store. She wished he had let her see to this task by herself. The entire situation was unnerving.

He al but dragged her inside. The sales girls virtual y devoured him with their eyes, but Nick paid no mind to their shameless flirtation. He was wearing the look of a man focused on only one thing.

“I need a ring,” he muttered as he scanned the displays.

The cute little brunette tilted her head back. “For yourself?”

“No, for her.” He pointed in the general direction of Laney, who until now, remained close to the entrance. “Laney, tel me what you think of this one.” Nick was so absorbed in his search, he completely missed the look of shock that covered the woman’s face. Laney couldn’t quite describe the look but she knew it wasn’t one of joy.

He pul ed her hand toward him and pointed down into the glass enclosure. “What about that one?”

“No,” she said, with a shake of her head He looked at her. “Why not?”

“It’s a teardrop.”

“What does that mean?”

She sighed. “It means no woman would want to be caught dead with that thing on her finger. Maybe if I was seventy years old, I might think it was appropriate but I’m not. Teardrop diamonds are not fashionable.”

“It looks fine to me,” he argued.

Laney looked over his shoulder and pointed to a modest-looking ring. “How about that?”

“No, not big enough.”

The saleswoman final y awoke from shock. “Ah, how sweet. You’re a very lucky woman.” Laney didn’t know how to respond to that comment. She knew just about as much of Nicolas Sinclair as the saleswoman did. To avoid saying something stupid, Laney decided to give the woman a noncommittal smile.

Not wil ing to take the hint, the woman persisted.

“How long have you two been together?”

“One year,” Nick offered without looking at her.

“Let us see that one.”

“Nick, I don’t care for that one too much.” Nick waited for the saleswoman to disappear before responding. “It’s not like this is for real. Why do you care what it looks like?”

“Why the hel did you ask my opinion in the first place?” she snapped. “I could have just given you my ring size and stayed in the room.”

“Okay, fine.” He sighed. The salesgirl returned with a piece of velvet cloth. “We’ve changed our minds. Please get my…uh…wife whatever she wants.”

“Oh! You two are already married?” There was a questioning look in her eyes that Laney felt almost compel ed to answer, since Nick was doing such a poor job.

“You’l have to forgive him.” Laney smiled. “He lost my ring down the drain. I’ve barely spoken to him in days, so he’s anxious to undo his mistake.” She winked at the girl secretively. “You know what I mean?”

The girl smiled knowingly. “I understand. What are you interested in?”

Half an hour later, Laney was wearing an unbelievable wedding ring and matching band, and Nick was sliding an astronomical receipt into his wal et. Laney could hardly believe someone would spend so much money on such a little thing. It al seemed so pointless, yet she could not keep her eyes off the ring. She was also frightful y aware just how wealthy Nick was. He didn’t bat an eye when she selected the Schlumberger Bud Ring, a beautiful round, bril iant diamond center complemented by pavé-set diamonds throughout the band. She was in love. Even if Nick drove her crazy during the next few days, at least she could calm herself by staring into the perfection of her ring.

Nick purchased a simple platinum band for himself. He’d picked it out in less than two minutes. It had no fril s and yet the minute he’d slipped it on, it seemed to elevate his natural good looks. Go figure.

Laney glanced at his ring for only a minute or two before fal ing back under the trance of her rings. So this is what it felt like to wear a wedding ring? Even though she didn’t care for Mr. Sinclair, she couldn’t resist the heady feeling slowly taking her over.

“I see you like your rings,” he said.

She smiled shyly, feeling guilty for being caught staring at them. “I’ve never worn a wedding ring before. I feel a little giddy.”

“Don’t get too comfortable, Laney.”

“I won’t. Don’t worry.”

They walked a few steps more in silence before he startled her by asking, “So are you holding out sex on me?”

“What?” Laney came to an abrupt stop.

Nick grinned. “Back there in the shop. You hinted that you were withholding sex from me, right?”

“Oh, that.” She felt her cheeks flush. “It’s not every day that a man demands a ring and doesn’t care about the cost. It’s a bit suspicious. I had to give her a plausible reason.”

“You think that’s plausible?” he asked.


“That you could put a man under a spel like that?”

She final y dared herself to look at him. He was playing with her. That breathtaking smile of his was proof enough. “If that were true, I wouldn’t be on this cruise ship alone.” She looked away. The reminder of Rob made her heart sink.

❧ ❧ ❧

On the way back to the room, they practiced holding hands, an awkward task to say the least.

They got a smal taste of what marriage life together would be like for the next few days. Everywhere they looked, there was a swimsuit-clad body. Several times, Laney caught him making eyes at other women. However, she couldn’t blame him; even she noticed a few yummy male physiques. Upon returning to their suite, Laney was happy to discover her luggage had been delivered. She eagerly slipped out of her heels and dug through her bags to find her tennis shoes.

“We set sail at five this evening,” Nick informed her as he scanned the vessel itinerary. “The captain’s dinner is at seven. We’re joining the Zelmans. Do you have a black dress?”

“Yes. I brought one just in case.”

Nick checked his watch. “It’s only ten o’clock; I think we should scope out the ship. Maybe we’l run into the Zelmans.”

“Do you have anything in particular in mind?” She looked over her shoulder at him, watching him stare out the balcony windows.

“The weather is perfect for a game of golf. Let’s start there.”

Laney frowned but said nothing.

“What?” Nick picked up on her look of dread.

“Don’t you like golf?”


He looked at her in disbelief. “Come on, Laney.

Golf is the game of legends.”

“Let me guess; you like basebal too.”

“Yes, why?”

She laughed to herself. “This may surprise you, but I don’t care for golf. Not even a little bit.”

“Have you ever played?” he asked.

“I’ve never desired to.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. Golf is nature’s version of chess. It’s a game of skil and strategy.” She could hear the excitement building in his voice. “Once you try it, I promise you’l love it.”
That could be said about a lot of things
, she thought,
including him

“Trust me,” he said.

She gave a smal laugh. Did he real y think she was going to enjoy enduring a boring game of golf?

The man was delusional. Laney Parks was not a golfer, but she reminded herself that she had agreed to pose as his wife for the next ten days. If he wanted a club-swinging companion, she would try to oblige him. . .if she didn’t die from sheer boredom first.

Nick offered her the privacy of the bathroom to change. She col ected several items before disappearing inside. After a quick shower, she worried herself sick trying to decide what to wear.

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