Love Script (22 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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She wanted to burrow deep beneath the sheets and sleep for a minimum of six more hours, but knowing how important it was to Nick to make an impression on Zelman, she forced herself to get out of bed and begin dressing.

Nick and Laney arrived in the dining hal hand in hand. They hadn’t spoken much since that morning, but somehow the silence between them was peaceful, their growing familiarity surprisingly comforting. Nick located their party within seconds of entering the room and smiled brightly at the Zelmans as they approached the table. With a grace that could only be admired, he smoothly inserted himself into the conversation and managed to turn the focus of the discussion onto himself, making it impossible for Zelman not to notice him. Although the meal was enjoyable and the idle chatter entertaining, after an hour it was apparent they were al worn from a long day. Vivian had become noticeably quiet; Heidi kept muffling yawns; and Laney could hardly keep her eyes open. Thankful y, Wil iam Zelman put them out of their misery by abruptly announcing he was retiring to bed early. The couples made plans to meet the fol owing morning and soon went their separate ways.

Laney was relieved when they returned to the suite; she was dead-tired. Nick helped her out of her dress and then, to her delight, he did not stop there.

He unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. Stepping in front of her, he kissed her lightly on the lips, on her neck, on her col ar bone, and he worked his way downward. Hooking his fingers into the material of her panties, he pul ed them down the length of her body, kissing her legs as he progressed. When she was completely naked, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. After depositing her gently on the mattress, he began to discard his own clothes. Laney watched him sleepily. She didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking at him. Nick slid beneath the sheets, his warm, naked body pressed intimately against hers. She snuggled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. She inhaled deeply, smel ing the scent of his skin. His arm tightened around her, and she gave a smal moan of pleasure. She pressed herself closer and before she knew it, she was sound asleep.

❧ ❧ ❧

The next day, they landed at Isla Margarita. Not wanting to endure another exhausting day, Laney suggested that the group do something more relaxing. To the dread of the men, the women agreed to visit Waterland to swim with dolphins.

Just as they were disembarking from the ship, Nick became painful y aware Laney was wearing a bikini beneath her clothing. This little known fact both pleased and annoyed him. Had he been given the chance, he would have inspected it before leaving the room, but Laney had not relaxed her tendency to seek refuge in the bathroom. He now knew every inch of her body, yet she continued to dress and undress in privacy. He dreaded the moment the swimsuit would be revealed. If it was anything like the leopard-print one, he would have to fight the men off her.

They took a forty-five-minute transfer to Waterland, Isla Margarita’s acclaimed aquatic attraction. Upon arrival, a staff member guided them to a training room for an introductory video on dolphins and an orientation to aquatic encounters.

Afterward, they headed for the dolphin pool.

That was when Laney’s bikini made its appearance. To Nick’s frustration, she gained one too many approving stares from the men in their group. Even Cooper, who had until now played the part of loving and attentive husband, did a double take. Nick clamped a possessive arm around her waist and boldly stared down everyone. Laney seemed somehow completely unaware of the mayhem she was creating.

They entered the pool with the dolphins and were quickly instructed to stand stil for ten minutes while the dolphins swam around them, becoming familiar with their presence. Then, under the supervision of the dolphin trainer, they were al owed twenty minutes to interact with the dolphins. Laney’s excited laughter was contagious, and soon everyone in the group was oohing and ahhing over the pod of graceful marine mammals. Nick felt strangely content, knowing Laney was enjoying herself. Her sunny smile lifted his heart; never had he felt this unusual sense of pride and satisfaction through someone else’s joy.

Careful, Sinclair
, he chided himself.
Don’t get
attached. Yes, she’s fun. Yes, she’s beautiful. Yes,
he enjoyed fucking her. But focus on the big
picture, Sinclair. Focus.

❧ ❧ ❧

The next day they were in Barbados. This was the one stop on their tour Laney had been most anxious to see. She was in a particularly festive mood today. It was the Zelmans’ anniversary, and they had opted to spend the day alone, so Nick and Laney were free to do whatever they wanted. Nick had tried to keep them in bed al morning after she awoke to him making love to her. Their climax was passionately explosive. The second time was Laney’s fault as she’d playful y flirted with him after breakfast, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer when his hard-on was painful y present.

When they were final y on shore, Nick convinced Laney to try horseback riding. She was terrible at first but quickly caught on to the basics. Nick enjoyed the relaxing trail ride their guides took them on, especial y since he was behind Laney and had the pleasure of watching her bottom bounce up and down on the saddle. They rode through grassy fields passing old sugar plantations, taking in views of the rol ing hil s and the distant coast.

Their guide stopped the group in an open field to take a break. A native of the island, who must have been pretty familiar with the horse trail, was sel ing picnic baskets and blankets. Nick bought one of each and spread out the blanket while Laney went through their basket. When Nick finished fussing over the blanket, Laney laid out the fruit, cheeses, two mini bottles of champagne and napkins included in their basket. They ate while looking at the scenic view of the island.

Nick arched his brow. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes. This is very romantic. I can see why people are so crazy about cruises now. Is this your first cruise?”


“Have you brought Kim or Vanessa before?” He smiled. “Would you be jealous if I had?”

“I’m only asking.”

He wasn’t fooled. “No, I’ve been when I was younger. Family vacations mostly.”

“Were they al like this one?”

“Not even close.” He looked at her curvy body.

“It would be hard to fol ow up this experience.” She blushed. “I’l take that to mean you’re having a good time.”

“Let me show you how good.” He placed her hand over his throbbing cock. If possible, it grew harder at her touch. “That’s how good.” He kissed her lightly. “I get hard just looking at you.” He kissed her again. “I want you right now.”

She looked around at the cluster of picnickers lounging on their blankets. “We’d have a crowd. I’m not that adventurous, Nick.”

“That’s not what I hear.” His eyes turned dark blue with seriousness. “Heidi was led to believe you were interested in having a foursome with her and Cooper.”

“Nick, I—”

He placed his finger over her lips. “Cal me selfish, but I don’t want to share you with the Wrights.

To be more specific, I don’t want you anywhere near Cooper. Understand?”

She nodded.

“I mean it, Laney. As long as we’re on the cruise, Cooper better not touch you.”

“What about Heidi?”

about Heidi?”

“Do you plan on sleeping with her?”

“Would you have a problem with it if I did?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Then I won’t.”

She gave a sigh of relief. “You promise?” He grinned. “I didn’t know you were the demanding type.” Laney frowned. “I promise I won’t touch Heidi, but…”

“But what?”

“But you can touch her as much as you like. Just make sure I’m there.”

She grinned. “Sorry, I’m not putting on any show for you.”

He leaned over to kiss her neck. “I promise I won’t touch her; I just want to watch.”

“No, I’m not into girls.”

He snapped his fingers. “How unfortunate; I had my hopes up.”

“Very unfortunate. You should be thankful I’m into you.”

“I am.” He stood and pul ed her to her feet.

“Come with me.”


“It’s a secret.”

Nick guided her away from the group, beyond the tree-lined trail. Laney grinned with anticipation as Nick guided her deeper into the brush until they were wel out of sight. He pul ed her into his arms and crushed her lips beneath his own. His hands ravaged her body, pushing her clothing aside to touch her skin. As soon as he could free her breasts from her bra, he sucked hungrily at her nipples.

“Nick, someone wil be looking for us.”

“Then we’l have to make this quick.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

She laughed at his playfulness. “I’m numb from the waist down.”

“Great, then you won’t mind if I do this.” He turned her around and placed her hands on the trunk of a large tree. Flipping up her skirt, he pul ed down her panties and slid his finger into her slick pussy. She gasped from the sudden intrusion.

Leaning against her back, he sucked on her earlobe. “I thought you were numb.”

She moaned in response. He unzipped his shorts, hastily pul ed down his boxers and embedded himself inside her with one strong thrust.

She was wondrously tight. He gripped her hips and slammed his cock into her.

Again and again, he plunged inside her, his self-control slipping with every thrust. He pul ed her against his chest, fondling her breasts in his palms.

She arched her back, offering him better access.

Reaching back to wrap her arm around his neck, she pul ed him forward to kiss her, and he welcomed the taste of her.

Laney was trying to calm him down, but it had little effect. Wrapped in her embrace, his blood was raging. Nick knew he was being rough with her, but he couldn’t help it. He needed as much of her as he could get, wanted to drown in her warm skin. Shit.

He could feel himself coming. Gripping her hips tight, he prepared himself for his release. His pelvis jutted forward in succession, his bal s emptying his hot seed inside her. Nick groaned loudly as the spasms shot through his body. Taking deep gulps of air, he slowly returned to himself. With her hands placed firmly against the tree to brace herself for his thrusts, he watched her hang her head between her arms, gathering her strength. He pul ed her back against him to massage her breasts with more tenderness than before.

“I’m sorry, Laney,” he whispered against her ear.

“I didn’t mean to take you so roughly. Are you okay?” She said nothing, just continued to gasp for breath. He turned her around to face him, needing to see her face, to make sure she wasn’t upset with him for the hurried way he had taken her. Cupping her face in his hands, he forced her to look up at him.

“Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “I’m fine, Nick.” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed the tip of his chin. “You didn’t hurt me.”

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

Her arms instinctively circled around his neck. Their kiss was long and ardent, both content with this moment in time.

“I could take you again, Laney.”

She cuddled closer to him. “I wouldn’t stop you.” She kissed his neck. “However, we should get back to the group; it wouldn’t do if we got left behind.” He smiled. “I don’t know. I’ve taken a liking to being behind.” He dragged her into another searing kiss while his hands lifted her skirt hem up.

“Nick, we’l have plenty of time when we get back on the ship.”

She pushed his hands away and tried to readjust her top. Twice Nick tried to undo her work. Final y, when they were both dressed, Nick guided her back to the group. No one took notice of their disappearing act. They packed up their things and prepared to continue the ride. Afterward, they indulged in complimentary drinks at the cabana until it was time to report back to the boat.

❧ ❧ ❧

Back on board, Laney cal ed the winery and (with Nick’s financial assistance) had a bottle of Château Valandraud Saint-Émilion, circa 1995, delivered to the Zelmans’ suite. At her prodding, they went up on deck and strol ed the open area. There were colorful lanterns and bal oons hanging from above, creating a festive yet intimate atmosphere. They held hands as they walked, talking very little. The weather was perfect and the scenery was gorgeous, so they welcomed the absence of words. They paused to lean against the railing to see the city lights of the Barbados nightlife.

“This is beautiful,” she whispered. “I wish I could stay here forever.”

Nick said nothing.

She told herself not to be wounded by his silence. Nick was protecting himself; so should she.

This was just a fling—a business deal with benefits

—she had to remember that. “Do you want to go dancing?” she asked, wanting to change the subject.

Nick pinned her with his blue gaze. “Are you uncomfortable?”

She blanched. “Not yet. I suppose when we get back to the office, I wil be.”

He grinned. “I meant your butt.” He cupped her bottom in his large hands. “Today was your first time riding a horse. Aren’t you sore?”

She blushed for missing his meaning and saying too much. And then her face grew hotter at the thought of him touching her so intimately in public.

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