Love Script (4 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Being the gentleman he was, he always ensured her satisfaction before seeing to his own.

Nick sucked harder on her nipple while increasing the speed of his fingers sliding in and out of her warm wet center. Kim moaned louder, until her back arched off the bed, and she came alive under his touch. Sitting back on his knees, he pul ed her open legs toward him, entering her with one smooth thrust. Grabbing a handful of her breasts in each palm, he moved in and out of her and quickly lost himself in the slick wal s of Kim’s pussy.

Vanessa’s meltdown at the restaurant earlier was al but forgotten. She had raved on and on about how thoughtless and uncaring he was, but when he’d told her they shouldn’t see each other anymore, Vanessa started crying and begged for forgiveness.

In the end, they did fuck in his car but not by choice.

He had no alternative but to take her that way. While driving her home she started giving him a blowjob.

Perhaps that was her way of making him respond to her, since he’d been giving her the silent treatment since leaving the restaurant. At any rate, he had to pul over and let nature take its course. It was a race to slide the condom on before Vanessa mounted him. Their argument must have aroused her, because she’d gone wild in his lap. She pumped her hips up and down his cock with crazed speed.

Twice, he’d had to hold her stil to prevent himself from coming too soon. Their climax was loud and hard. He’d literal y had to push her off of him to prevent her from enticing him for more. When he pul ed in front of her apartment building, he begged her off by pretending to have an early business meeting. She only retreated after he promised to cal her in the morning. When he was final y able to get rid of her, he’d headed to Kim’s apartment.

Kimberly Dawson was his equal in many ways.

They had the same thirst for career success and held each other in high regard. The two had met at Keegan Hues’s off-Broadway theatrical hit,
The Man
With Two Faces
. Nick had been on a date with another woman, while Kim, a successful art dealer, was entertaining clients for the evening. They’d locked eyes and immediately knew they would be lovers. Two years later, they stil were.

Kimberly Dawson had always been a reliable bed partner. She never asked questions, never expected more than he was wil ing to give and never disappointed him in the bedroom. But even as his hips jutted forward in release, he wondered how the hel he was going to pul off this magic show for Zelman. It seemed only natural that he would need Kim’s help.

❧ ❧ ❧

Laney finished folding her last piece of lingerie.

She was ripe and ready to enjoy a romantic excursion with Rob. She and Rob had been together for three long years, and final y they were taking that romantic vacation she had dreamt about. She packed the last of her intimate apparel and smiled with triumph. This was the start of something wonderful.

Ring. Ring.

Looking at her cal er ID, she giggled. “Hey, I was just thinking about you.”

Robert Smith I I laughed in that sexy tone he knew sent shivers down her spine. “I was thinking about you, too. How’s my girl?”

“I’m great. How about you?”

“Fantastic. Where’s your girlfriend, Danny?”

“Now, now. You know I hate when the two men in my life fight.”

“I can’t wait to steal you away from him,” he said.

“I’m yours for the taking. Have you packed?”

“We don’t leave until next week, Laney.”

“I know, but I’m excited,” she admitted. “I just finished packing.”

“Good girl. I need to have you work for me.”

“Do you need help?” she asked.

“Nah, I’l get to it tonight. I just wanted to cal to see how your day off was going. You final y have a day away from Mary-Knight, so I figured you were delirious with glee.”

She laughed. “I am.”

“Good. I like to hear you happy. Look, I’m about to leave for lunch. Can I cal you later?”

“Sure. Do you want to meet up tonight?”

“I don’t know, baby. I need to put in some extra hours so I won’t be too far behind when we get back. I’l let you know.”

“Okay. Have a good day.”

“You too, baby.”

Laney looked at the phone long after Rob had hung up. It amazed her sometimes how wonderful he was. Rob was al the things she’d been looking for in a mate. He was sweet, successful, handsome, and terribly romantic. Just thinking about lounging on a boat with him half-naked made her blush. Perhaps she should do something for him. He hadn’t found the time to pack yet. She should surprise him by seeing to the chore herself.

Laney ran a few errands first, dropping off bil s, picking up items at the cleaners and grabbing a muffin and frozen frappuccino from Starbucks. An hour later, she was pul ing up to Rob’s home. He owned a condominium in a trendy area of town not far from his job. There was a car parked in his reserved spot. Assuming the vehicle belonged to an unknowing





inconvenience and parked in one of the uncovered spots. Since she was close to the mail center, she decided to pick up his mail. The great thing about Rob was he was very open about their relationship.

No aspect of his life was closed to her. She gave him the same treatment.

She unlocked his front door and laid his mail on the console near the door. She slipped out of her heels as she made her way to the kitchen. On the refrigerator was a calendar. This Saturday she saw Rob’s neat handwriting.
Vacation with my Baby
. She pressed her hand against the paper. Wow, she loved this man.

That’s when she heard it, soft murmuring coming from the loft bedroom upstairs. At first she ignored it, thinking the neighbors were to blame, but then she heard it again. It was in Rob’s apartment. Thinking it might be robbers, she grabbed the first thing within reach, a chrome paper towel holder. She inched toward the stairs. The sound was definitely coming from the bedroom.

Ignoring the heavy thump of her racing heartbeat, Laney made a slow approach toward the bedroom.

When she cleared the corner she could hardly believe it. Rob had his cock buried bal s-deep into the ass of some woman. She didn’t even remember dropping the towel holder. Somewhere in the far recesses of her mind, she heard it thump on the carpet and make a crazy trip down the staircase.

Rob’s head swiveled around to look at her. He froze, a look of utter shock painted on his face.

When he considered how much more damning his predicament was the longer he remained in this position, he came off the bed as if the woman had the plague. “Baby, it’s not what it seems.” Laney was speechless. Her mind was slowly registering what her eyes had just seen. Her throat had gone dry and lips felt lifeless. She could only shake her head repeatedly as she backed away from him.

“Babe, we’ve been doing this for years. It has nothing to do with you.” He advanced on her, his flaccid dick swaying with every step. “Babe, please don’t look at me like that. Nina and I were saying goodbye.”

“N-Nina.” She could hardly believe it. Her Rob was fucking Nina Sheffield, a fel ow lawyer at the Lawson Firm. They had been sleeping together for years? Christ, she had invited Nina over for dinner several times! In the background, Nina wrapped herself in Rob’s bed sheets and stood behind him.

“Laney, he’s tel ing the truth,” she cal ed out over Rob’s shoulder. “This was supposed to be the last time.”

Laney held up her hand, the proverbial sign al black women used to shut someone up.

“Baby,” Rob started, “I love you. This was just…

just sex.”

Laney slapped him hard across the face. It was an action that seemed to surprise everyone. She and Nina gasped while Rob stared at her in disbelief.

He rubbed his cheek. “I guess I deserved that.”

“No, you didn’t,” Nina huffed. She stomped right up to Laney and pointed a manicured finger in her face. “The least you could do is listen to him, Laney!” Laney’s body seemed to be operating in autopilot. Before she knew it, she had slapped Nina across the face. Her blonde locks made a fan of gold as her face whipped around. Nina’s normal y pretty face wrinkled with anger. She lunged at Laney.

Rob intercepted her just in time, holding Nina against him.

“Don’t, Nina,” he snapped at her. “Please don’t.” Laney had seen enough. She spun on her heel and ran out of the apartment, picking up her shoes along the way. Rob cal ed her name repeatedly and even trailed after her, begging her to listen to him, but she could barely hear him over the sound of her own sobs. She made it to her car, started the engine and managed to drive herself to the gas station down the street before she completely broke down.

❧ ❧ ❧

Laney felt like shit. After catching Rob and Nina together, she raced home to get her suitcases. She knew as soon as Rob got rid of Nina, he would come looking for her, which meant she had roughly a half-hour start. The next few days were going to be a nightmare, and she didn’t plan on sticking around to see them through. How could he do this to her? To them? This was the man she’d planned on spending the rest of her life with, and he’d been screwing Nina Sheffield al along. How blind could she be? She hadn’t had a clue. She’d seen no signs of infidelity.

He had always been so open and loving that she hadn’t ever felt the need to entertain the idea of him being with another woman. What did that say about her?

Her hands were shaking, and twice she’d caught herself rambling aloud to an empty car. She couldn’t face Rob like this. He had broken her heart, and she was beside herself in pain. As soon as she got home she quickly tossed every necessity she could think of into her bag, enough to last her a few extra days away from home. When she was certain she had everything, she loaded up her car and drove to the park nearest her building. She didn’t quite trust herself to drive long distances. Resting her head against the steering wheel, she took deep breaths.

Calm down, girl
, she whispered to herself.
But it was no good. Her gasps for air continued as the shock began to fade away, only to be replaced by blinding pain. With trembling fingers, she cal ed the only person she trusted enough to confide in. He listened patiently while she sobbed on the phone.

“I can’t believe it, Danny. Why would he do that? I thought we had something special.”

“Let me get this straight, sweetie,” he said careful y. “You
both of them?”

“I don’t know how I’l ever get over this.”

“Did you slap them with your open palm or with the ever-fashionable back-hand?” he pressed.


“Okay, okay. I’m just trying to get a visual.”

“What am I going to do?”

“Go on your cruise, Laney. Fuck Rob. He’s a snake. Take that cruise as retribution for his actions.”

“We’ve been planning this for months. I don’t feel right doing something that wil only remind me of him.”

“Laney, go on the cruise. It’s paid for. You might as wel enjoy it.”

“But I won’t enjoy it,” she protested.

“Just take this opportunity to reflect on your situation and create new goals. You need to get away from here for a while. You need time to think.” He took a laboring breath. “And because I’m such a good friend, I’l go with you—you know, to help you get through this.”

“No, Danny.”

“Why?” he whined. “The trip’s paid for. You can’t go by yourself.”

“Yes, I can.”

“Laney Parks, the man of my dreams could be on that boat. Are you going to stand in the way of my happiness?”

“Danny, you’d better be joking.”

“I am. . .kinda.”


“But why?”

“Danny, I adore you, but I’m not up to spending ten days at sea with you. I just want to wal ow in my misery alone.”

“Haven’t you ever heard that misery loves company?”


“You haven’t? It’s a very popular saying, Laney.”

“I mean my answer is ‘no’.”

“Laney, you’re smoking crack and you aren’t sharing.”

“I know.”

❧ ❧ ❧

It hadn’t taken much convincing to get Kim to agree to play the role of his wife. In fact, it took no convincing at al . Nick had simply asked and Kim eagerly agreed. They arrived in Fort Lauderdale Thursday afternoon. Nick thought a night out would loosen them both up. He arranged for a limo to drive them to a private airstrip, where a helicopter waited to fly them down to South Beach for the evening.

They had dinner at Pepper’s, the hot new restaurant everyone was raving about. The place was packed but wel worth the trouble. The owner, Christopher Tate, a famous TV chef, happened to be in town and to the delight of everyone, he circled the room shaking hands, signing autographs and posing for pictures. Afterward, Nick and Kim decided to venture into a few nightclubs along the beach. Nick was old friends with the owner of a popular spot known as Club Babylon. After announcing his name at the door, the two were quickly ushered inside and seated at a table in the VIP section, where they were served complimentary drinks. Soon after, the owner, El iot Richards joined them. He shared a quick drink with the couple before excusing himself to greet a celebrity at another table. Nick ordered a bottle of white wine. It was quickly fol owed by another. He was final y beginning to relax. Kim pul ed him toward the dance floor, and the two were soon carried away on the hypnotic rhythm of the music. Kim’s eyes were hooded, and she had that sexy come-hither look he so enjoyed. He knew the night was only going to improve from here.

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