Read Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Romance

Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10) (31 page)

BOOK: Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)
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“I agree.”

“Leave the tray,” Benjamin said and reached for it. “We’re still growing.”

Katie pressed the tray into his hands. “Please share it with the others.”

“Sure,” Benjamin promised, but his facial expression said otherwise.

Maya put a hand on Katie’s arm and they walked away.

“You doing okay?” Maya asked.

“You asked me that already last week when you examined me,” Katie said tersely. “I’m fine.”

“Well, I just wanted to follow up. It’s hard for me to forget that I’m a doctor. And looking after everybody at Scanguards is in my blood. You’re part of my big extended family.”

“I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” She sighed. “I’m really fine. I didn’t even get a cold after that nighttime swim in the Bay. Guess I’m more resilient than I thought.”

“Yes, you are.” Her gaze suddenly drifted away, and a lovely smile curved her lips upward.

Katie turned her head to the side and saw Maya’s mate Gabriel approach. Despite the large scar that marred the left side of his face, there was something attractive about the big vampire with the ponytail as he locked eyes with his wife.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything important,” Gabriel said. “But I just put a song request in with Damian and was hoping to dance with my wife.”

“Don’t let me stop you,” Katie said.

He nodded. “Everything all right, Katie?”

Why did everybody keep asking her that? Didn’t they already know that she was hurting? That with Luther gone all her hopes had been destroyed. That she barely knew how to get through this day, let alone the coming year. And there was nothing she could do about it. Samson had told her that as a non-Vampire she wasn’t even allowed to visit Luther in prison. Besides, at this point it wasn’t even clear where they’d taken him or how long they were going to hold him. They didn’t even know if there would be a trial and a sentencing.

“I’m sorry for asking,” Gabriel suddenly said. “I know this is hard on you.” He put a hand on her forearm and squeezed it. “Don’t give up.”

Tears shot to her eyes and she pushed them back, trying to be brave. “Have you heard anything at all from him?”

Gabriel shook his head. “There’s no news.”

A new song started.

“Go and dance; enjoy yourselves. I have to check on something in the kitchen anyway.”

Katie caught Maya’s pitying smile before turning and walking toward the kitchen. She didn’t get far.

“Hey Aunt Katie,” Cooper greeted her. “Do you have any more food? Damian and Benjamin are hogging that tray.”

Katie hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, then ruffled his hair. “I thought you stopped at Pasquale’s on your way and had pizza.”

“That was hours ago!”

Lydia appeared behind her brother and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t bother Aunt Katie. She’s got enough on her plate. You know where the kitchen is. Fix yourself something if you’re hungry.”

“Fine!” Cooper spun around and marched toward the kitchen.

“Honestly, that boy is like an eating machine!” Lydia gave one of her long suffering sighs. “I don’t know what to do with him.”

Katie laughed. “You sound like his mother.”

“Sometimes I feel like it. I swear I’m never gonna have kids. I’ll be like you. Footloose and fancy free. No commitments. No strings.”

“No, Lydia,” Katie said softly, brushing the girl’s red hair out of her face. “Commitments are good. I just wasn’t lucky enough to find somebody I wanted to commit to. Hollywood wasn’t exactly conducive to forming lasting relationships.”

“Was it really that shallow there?” Lydia asked with interest.

“People used each other to get ahead. There was always an ulterior motive to any relationship. Trust was hard to come by.”

“Is that why you left?”

“Partially. I guess I was tired of that life.” She sighed and looked past her niece. “Oh look, there’s Grayson and Isabelle.”

Lydia turned her head as the entire Woodford family entered the room. “Grayson looks kind of grown up now, doesn’t he?”

Katie nodded. Grayson had changed since his sister’s abduction. Suddenly he seemed more like a man than the hybrid teenager he’d been before. “He’s going to be as dashing as his father.”

Lydia turned back and chuckled. “I like Patrick better. He’s a much nicer guy.” Then she quickly added, “Not that I’d ever date any of them. Hell, I’ve practically grown up with them. I feel like their older sister.”

Katie laughed. “Lydia, you’re sounding much older than your age.”

“Mom often says that. I don’t mind.” She paused. “Let me go say hi to Isabelle.”

“Go,” Katie encouraged her and watched her greet her best friend.

Katie caught Samson and Delilah looking at her and approached them.

Delilah hugged her. “Thanks for throwing this party. I just couldn’t face arranging anything in our house. Too much going on.”

“I really don’t mind. I love having people over.” Katie smiled at Samson. “I’m glad you came.”

Samson took her hand and squeezed it. “We haven’t had a chance to thank you yet. The last week has gone by so fast.” He exchanged a look with Delilah. “We’re very grateful for all you have done for our family. I want to apologize for how I reacted when Isabelle disappeared.”


“No, please,” Samson interrupted. “I was distraught and needed to let out my anger on somebody. You were just a convenient scapegoat. I’m sorry for that. None of this was your fault.” He paused. “Norris never laid a hand on Isabelle. I think he knew once Isabelle told him who I was that if he hurt her, I would chase him to hell and back. That’s why he tied her up at a safe distance from where he blew up Forrester. He just wanted you. He was sick. But we got Isabelle back, because you, Katie, were brave. You took so many risks for us. For that I’ll always be thankful to you.”

“I wish people would stop saying that I’m brave. I don’t feel brave.” Luther had called her that, too.

“But you are,” Delilah said softly. “You helped get my baby back. Thank you.”

A tear escaped Katie’s eye and ran down her cheek. “I’m glad it’s all over,” she choked out. “Will you excuse me? I need to check on something.”

It was an excuse and they knew it, but they were gracious enough to let her escape. When she opened the door to the kitchen, she instantly saw that she wouldn’t be able to find any solitude there either. Not only was her nephew raiding the fridge, three more boys were helping him: Adam and Nicholas, Zane and Portia’s twelve- and thirteen-year-old sons, and Sebastian, Ursula and Oliver’s ten-year-old half-Asian son.

All four boys whirled their heads in her direction, looking like deer caught in headlights.

“Oops,” Sebastian said, looking absolutely adorable with his sheepish facial expression.

“Don’t worry,” Cooper said. “Aunt Katie said it was okay to make ourselves something, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. No worries, kids,” she said quickly and walked through the kitchen, exiting through the other door.

She almost bumped into Haven in the corridor. “Hey, sis, don’t you wanna dance?”

Katie sighed. “I can’t, please, Haven. I just can’t.” Another tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek.

Haven wiped the tear away with his thumb. “I think you should, sweetheart.”

She shook her head and tried to squeeze past him. But he took her by the shoulders, stopping her.

“There’s somebody who wants to dance with you,” Haven insisted.

“Haven, don’t you understand? I can’t pretend any longer that nothing is wrong.”

“Then let me make it right,” he said and turned her to face the hallway leading to the entrance door.

There, in the foyer, stood a vampire.

“Luther,” she whispered.

Haven let go of her shoulders. “Happy New Year, sis.” She heard him walk away.

Her feet carried her to Luther, who met her halfway.

“Katie,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms. “Oh God, I missed you.”

His lips were on hers before she could say anything. His kiss was brief, but hungry. When he released her lips, he pressed his forehead to hers.

“They let you go?”

“Kind of.”

She pulled back, staring at him, gripping his arms to hold on to him. “I can’t let you leave again. Luther, please.”

He brushed his hand over her cheek. “I’m not leaving, baby. I made a deal.”

Her heart beat into her throat. “A deal? What kind of deal?”

“The council dropped all charges against me in exchange for me working for them.”

“Doing what?” Striker Reed and the dangerous work he’d done for the council suddenly flashed in her mind. “They want you to be a tracker for them?”

Luther threw his head back and laughed. “A tracker? No. That’s not my specialty. They want me to consult on prison security for them. Considering I was able to break in and out again, they figured they need to upgrade their systems.”

Relief flooded her.

“I can work from San Francisco,” he added. “If that’s what you want.”

Katie threw her arms around him and pressed herself against him. Suddenly she lost the ground under her feet. Luther was lifting her up.

“I take that as a yes.”

“Yes,” she said into his ear.

“Good. I hope you don’t mind if I skip the party. But I don’t feel civilized enough right now to be among people.”

She shifted her eyes to the staircase.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Luther pivoted with her in his arms, when he suddenly froze, his eyes directed toward the door to the living room.

Katie followed his gaze and saw Samson standing in the open door.

“I’m glad you’re back, old friend,” Samson said.

Luther’s voice cracked slightly, when he answered, “It’s good to see you, brother.”

Katie saw it in their eyes. Their old friendship was restored. They were like brothers again.

Samson turned with a nod and a smile and went back into the living room, closing the door behind him.



Luther set Katie on her feet and locked the bedroom door behind them. Only the lamps on either side of her bed were lit, otherwise the room was dark. The music from downstairs was subdued and just loud enough to give a little background ambience.

He couldn’t believe he’d actually made it back. After he’d presented his plan to the council to negotiate his release, he’d taken a vicious beating from Bauer and Patterson, the guard who’d stabbed Katie. Once they were satisfied that they’d caused him as much pain as he’d caused them, the council had debated for several days. Days he’d spent in a dark cell, thinking of Katie and praying he’d see her again.

And now that he was back, he could barely believe that he wasn’t dreaming.

Luther brushed his fingers through her hair, holding her face in his hands. “Oh, Katie, I know there’s so much you don’t know about me, and I promise you I’ll tell you everything you want to know, but I need to hear one thing from you. Please tell me that I’m not just imagining what I think you feel for me. Please tell me it’s real.”

“I’ve waited half a lifetime for you. I would have waited another lifetime.” She lifted herself on her tiptoes. “I love you, Luther.”

Her lips were soft, warm, and welcoming. She tasted of ripe woman and innocent girl. Of seduction and comfort. Of love. His desire for her instantly spiraled out of control. But he stilled, forcing his breath to gentle.

“I need to ask you something.”

He let go of her face and took one step back. As he dropped to one knee, he pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. When he looked up at her, she stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Katie gasped. “Oh, Luther.”

“I haven’t asked you yet. I want to do this right.” He took a deep breath and locked eyes with her. He took her hand in his. “Katie, you’ve shown me that there is redemption, that even I deserve love. You’ve taught me that the demons of our past only have power over us if we let them. And I’m not going to let them have that power any longer. I’m free of my past. I’m ready for a new life. And I want to share this life with you. As my mate, my wife, my everything.” He opened the box to present the diamond engagement ring he’d picked out for her. “Will you blood-bond with me?”

Katie pressed her lips together, visibly choking back tears. “Yes.”

Luther slid the ring on her finger and rose, tossing the box to the side. He rid himself of his jacket and pulled Katie into his arms. “I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.”

Her body molded to his. Through the thin fabric of her evening dress, he could feel every curve and every muscle of her luscious body. He slid one hand to her nape, the other to her ass, holding her to him, letting her feel what she did to him. A soft gasp told him that she could feel the outline of his cock press against her center.

“Take me,” she begged.

Her words fueled the fire in him, the fire that was raging, threatening to incinerate him if he didn’t make her his.

He brought his mouth to hover over hers, inhaling her sweet breath. Without haste, he slanted his lips over hers and took her mouth captive, kissing her with a passion he thought he wasn’t capable of anymore. But Katie had awakened his heart just as surely as she was causing his cock to harden and thrust against her with unquenchable need.

When her tongue touched his and they began a passionate dance as old as time itself, waves of pleasure coursed through his body. He delved deep into her delicious caverns, soaking up her taste, getting drunk on it. Every sigh and moan she released, he captured and swallowed, wanting to take everything she was willing to give him.

He was crazy about Katie. Needed her like his next breath. She nourished his heart and made it awaken again just like she would nourish his body from now on. Because once they were bonded, he would only drink from her. She would be his only source to sustain him, to keep him alive. In turn, she’d partake in his immortality and remain as young and beautiful as she was now. It was a perfect symbiosis. A flawless connection. He didn’t have to explain it to her. She’d been living with vampires. She knew what a blood-bond entailed.

Slowly, Luther began to undress her. He found the zipper of her dress and slid the straps off her shoulders, letting the silk fabric pool at her feet with a soft whoosh. He looked at what he’d unveiled, drinking her in with his eyes. She wore a red bra and matching panties. His cock leapt at the tantalizing sight.

BOOK: Luther's Return (Scanguards Vampires Book 10)
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