Maid To The Billionaire: The Tycoon's Love (Part Two) (Billionaire Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Maid To The Billionaire: The Tycoon's Love (Part Two) (Billionaire Romance)
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The next day I went to the apartment to pick up my things. Alex insisted that I go and spend some time with Liz while I was there. Michael was almost two weeks old and I’d spent nearly every minute with him even though he’d just come home from the hospital. To me, that was a good thing, just thinking about leaving him made my chest hurt. I was really unsure how I would do with a nanny. She would probably despise me. As reluctant as I was to leave him, Alex can be very persuasive. He told me that Michael would suffer if I didn’t take care of myself and stay healthy, and he told me that I was “hogging” Michael and he wanted some time to himself with him. I couldn’t very well argue with either of those since it seemed he had our family’s best interest at heart either way. 


Alex’s driver took me over and dropped me off in front of Liz’s apartment. I’d tried to drive my own car. It was another thing that Alex had objected to. He told me that he was having a new car sent over for me. He didn’t feel like mine was safe, for me or Michael. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I’d had my car for a long time and it never did me wrong. I didn’t want to argue with him over something so silly though. The man was buying me a new car; I should be thrilled.


The driver told me to call when I was ready and he would help me load my things. This life was foreign to me. I’d never been so pampered, or pampered at all for that matter. It was going to be hard for me to get used to. There was also the part where Alex liked to be in charge of things and he practically insisted things be done his way. I appreciated his desire to make life easier for me, but I had no intentions of losing myself completely. I was still going to follow my dreams.


As soon as I got out of the car, Liz opened the door and threw her arms around me. “It’s good to see you. Look at you, you look so pretty! I’m so happy for you!” I was slightly confused. She had already come to the hospital to see Michael and she’d told me how happy she was for me then.


“Thanks, I love him so much. I’m happy for me too.”


She pulled me inside and she looked like she was about to burst. “You’re even ready to admit that it’s love? Oh my goodness that’s even better than I thought!”


“Wait a minute… what are you talking about?”


“You and Alex of course. What did you think I was talking about?”




“Oh, well of course I’m happy for you and proud of you and your gorgeous son, but I was talking about you moving in with Alex.” When I called her about picking up my things I had done my best to avoid the “why” of moving in with him. It was a lot about convenience still, mostly about raising Michael… but I also couldn’t deny that I had very strong feelings for him.


“Oh! Oh no, that’s just about Michael. We both want to be with him and this was the best way for that to happen. Alex and I are… well, I’m not sure what we are yet. We’re just co-parenting and taking things slow for now.”


She raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you sure that’s wise?”


“What do you mean?”


“Because of how you feel about him.”


“I thought you were going to make me some cookies… and tea.”


“You’re not going to get out of talking about this,” she said.


“I’m not trying to get out of talking about it. I just want what I was promised. I smell chocolate chips. You wouldn’t deny a post-pregnant woman a chocolate chip cookie, would you?”


She rolled her eyes. “Okay, come on.” We sat out on the balcony with a plate of cookies and a pot of tea. While I stuffed my face with cookies she said, “Okay, now talk to me.”


“I’m not really sure what you want me to say. Of course I care about Alex… he’s my son’s father. But it’s not like I’m expecting him to marry me…”


“Vicki, you’re in love with him.”


“No. When I said that, I was talking about Michael.”


She smiled. “I know you were, but honey I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice when you talk about him. You may not have even admitted it to yourself… but honey you do, trust me.”


I laughed. “I should trust you to tell me who I’m in love with?”


“Yes, because no one knows you like I do. You’re in love with him and if this is truly only about Michael then you’re going to end up getting hurt eventually…”


“You mean when he brings another woman home?”


“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”


“He kissed me last night. It wasn’t a friendly kiss because I’m the mother of his child. It was a real kiss and there was real passion behind it. I don’t know that I’m in love with him, but I care very much about him and I’m attracted to him in a way I’ve never been attracted to anyone before. I think it’s worth exploring as long as I keep reminding myself that living with him does not make us a couple… yet.”


“Just be careful with your heart honey. Jason did a big enough number on it.”


“I will be, I promise. What’s new with you?”


“Absolutely nothing,” she said, with a sad smile. “I went on two dates this past week. One of them was with the guy from apartment 82… did you ever meet him?”


“Oh! The cute guy with the little Boxer he walks every morning?”


“Yeah, him.”


“He’s so cute and he seems really nice. You didn’t have fun?”


“It was… interesting. We went to a restaurant in Venice Beach where we could eat outside… do you want to know why we had to eat outside?”


I could guess, but I said, “Why?”


“Because Louie… that’s the boxer’s name… he had to go with us. He sat on the seat between us. Louie has some kickin’ breath and he emits gas almost constantly.”


I was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down my face. “I’m sorry, it’s not funny…”


“Oh, go ahead and laugh. It’s either that or cry. I always wondered why he was single and now I know.”


When I finished laughing I said, “So who was date number two?”


“You remember Grant from my Yoga class?”


“Grant? I thought he was gay?”


“He’s not sure… I am. We went to a club and he spent the night staring at all of the hot guys. I walked up on him getting one guy’s number.”


“Oh Liz, I’m sorry!”


She rolled her eyes again. “Me too. I attract the weirdos like flies.”


“Don’t give up. You’re amazing. You deserve so much better.”


“Does Alex have a brother?” she asked, with a laugh.


“Not that he’s mentioned, but if it turns out that he does you’ll be the first person I call after I meet him.”


She smiled and said, “Or a cousin. A cousin would be nice.”


We talked and laughed for over an hour and I realized that Alex was right… as hard as it was to leave the baby I needed this. I felt lighter and I suppose it’s true what people say about being unable to care for others if you don’t care for yourself. When it came time to go, I assured Liz that I wouldn’t be a stranger.


“I will call you in a few weeks after we get a nanny hired and we’ll have lunch, okay?”


“I’d like that,” she said. “I’d also love to see that sweet baby boy again too.”


“That, you can do anytime. You know where to find us.


“Um… yeah, I’ve only been to the mansion that once when I dropped you off… I felt out of place just in the driveway. I don’t really fit in there.”


“Don’t be silly,” I told her, but I had to wonder if she really was being silly, or not. Didn’t I feel the same way? I lived there now and I still had a hard time thinking of myself as anything but the maid. I knew in my heart that I’d never fit in with the people I’d seen at Alex’s parties and the thought of meeting his parents terrified me. When it was just me and him, or me and him and Michael, everything was great and his world and mine melded together to form a beautiful place. But, I had been around that house long enough to see him in his element. He’s hosted parties and gatherings that I worked at; serving food or drinks, he was everything a man in his position should be. He was polite and charming and a gracious host all the way around. He put on a tuxedo and wore it as if he’d been born in it. I wasn’t elegant, nor was I comfortable in formal wear. I heard his guests talking about vacations and new houses and cars… I wasn’t comfortable with that either, I fear that I never will be. But at the same time, I wasn’t ready to give up on the dream of Alex, Michael and I being a family either. It was definitely a quandary.


When I got back to the house I ran into Karen in the foyer. She hugged me and congratulated me on the baby. It was strange and a little bit uncomfortable to be the mistress of the house where I used to work. I wasn’t quite sure what to say to the people I used to talk with and joke and laugh with on a daily basis. She was actually deferential to me, which really freaked me out.


“Thank you, Karen. He’s amazing that’s for sure. Have you seen him?” She smiled and her uncomfortableness seemed to disappear.


“I just came from upstairs. I was checking on the new upstairs maid and I looked in on Mr. Reigns… both of them…” She had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face as she said, “It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. You’ll just have to go up and take a look for yourself.”


“Well now you’ve peaked my curiosity. It was so good to see you, Karen.”


“You too, Miss…”






“It’s Victoria or Vicki, just like it has always been.”


She smiled, “It was good to see you, Vicki. Your son is beautiful.”


“Thank you.”


I went up the stairs and down the long hall towards the nursery. On my way there, I passed the master suite. The door was open and I glanced in. I was frozen to the spot, in awe of what I saw. Alex was lying on his big bed, shirtless. Baby Michael was lying on his chest in only a diaper. Alex had one hand resting protectively on the baby’s back. They were both asleep. It was literally the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. I don’t know how long I stood there like that… I couldn’t draw myself away. My attention was suddenly drawn behind me where a middle aged lady was mopping the floor.


“Oh hello.”


She looked up at me and smiled. “Hello Miss. I’m Esther I don’t think we’ve met yet.”


“Hi Esther, I’m Vicki.”


She glanced in at what had me so captivated and said, “Oh my goodness, if that’s not the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”


I smiled. “Me too,” I said. “I can’t seem to drag myself away.”


“Don’t Miss. Just stand there watching them as long as you can. Before you know it, that little one will be grown with his own babies. My youngest just turned twenty-two.”


“How many children do you have?” I asked her.


“Two boys,” she smiled. Then suddenly she looked wistful and she said, “They didn’t have a daddy around. Your little one is lucky.”


“Yes, he is.” She went on to do her work and I stood there looking at the two men I loved most in the world. She was so right. Michael was lucky and if it meant living here forever and watching Alex have relationships with other women… then that’s what I would do to ensure that he never had to be without his father.









I had the best time taking care of Michael while Victoria went to visit her friend. He was so alert to be so little and when I talked to him he stared up at me wide-eyed and looked like he was taking in every word. It was almost eerie to look down at eyes that were so similar to my own. The only difference between them was that his held an innocence that mine had long since lost.


When he got hungry, I fed him the bottle that Vicki pumped before she left. He ate it like a champ and then we lay down on my bed to have a talk and he fell asleep on my chest. I didn’t have the heart to move him and before I knew it, I fell asleep too. When I woke up, Vicki was sitting by the bed watching us.


“Hi, how long have you been home?”


She shrugged. “An hour or so. I lost track of time watching the two of you.”


I looked down at Michael. He was beginning to wake up, stretching and wiggling in that way newborns do. He amazed me like nothing in my life ever had. I would be eternally grateful to Vicki for giving him to me. “He’s something, isn’t he?”


“He sure is.” I looked up at her and she was looking at me, not the baby. She smiled and then she stood up and scooped him off my chest. Holding him in one arm, she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine. It was a soft, sweet, intimate kiss… nothing that should have excited me too much… but it did. I found myself wanting her more and more with each day that passed, but I had to examine my feelings and make sure that this was about me wanting her and not me being grateful, or her just being convenient. She’s the mother of my son and she’s a good mother. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt her.


“That was nice,” I told her. I sat up and said, “What time is it?”


“Around three.”


“I have an idea… if you’re up for it.”


“What’s that?”


“Maybe after you feed him and get him settled back down… Karen could watch him for a bit while you take a walk in the gardens with me? I could ask Cook to pack us some snacks and we could have a little picnic by the pond?”


She smiled and her eyes lit up. “I’d like that a lot,” she said. I was happy and surprised. I’d almost expected her to refuse to leave Michael again. I suppose it was because we weren’t going that far, or away for that long.


“Great!” I reached for my shirt and pulled it on. “I’ll go talk to her and cook and set it up.” She started out of the room and I said, “Vicki?”




“Thank you for him.”


She laughed. “You put in half the genes you know.”


“I know, but you could have… you didn’t have to let me…”


“It’s okay, I know what you mean. Just so you know I’m so glad that I did. I think he’s so lucky to have you. We both are.” She left with the baby and a smile that made me feel warm all over. I think this past couple of weeks with her and Michael have been the most truly contented moments of my life. I wanted it to be like this forever… only I was beginning to want more. I didn’t want to rush her and scare her… but I am not sure how much longer I’d be able to keep those kisses chaste.


I asked Karen and she said she’d love to watch Michael for an hour or two. Cook set about packing a basket full of delicious snacks and by the time Vicki finished feeding Michael, everything was ready.


We walked away from the back of the house towards the gardens that I regrettably didn’t usually get enough time to enjoy.  When I first bought the house I’d had grand delusions that Cassandra and I would live here forever and that we would raise children here. I had the gardens designed with walking paths and clearings around the pond where the lawns were lush and green and just perfect for a picnic on a beautiful day. We walked along one of the brick paths and the smells of the flowers wafted around us in the breeze. The fragrance was soft and sweet and I could see Vicki inhaling deeply as we passed the roses. I stopped and picked a deep orange and white one; a variety that I’d had specially imported. I handed it to her and she smiled and put it up to her nose. I wondered as I watched her if she had any idea how beautiful she is.


“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen one this color before.” She looked into the rose garden and made a little happy noise. “Look at them all! Every color you can think of! They’re gorgeous. Why does the gardener deliver red ones for the house every day?”


I hated to bring up Cassie to her, but in order to give her an accurate answer I said, “He’s still following the instructions that Cassie gave him. You can let him know that you’d like a different color… or a variety. You’re the lady of the house now.” I couldn’t really read the look on her face. I wasn’t sure if it was shock or reluctance.


She laughed then and said, “I’m the lady of the house?”


“Well of course you are. You’re the mother of the lord of the manor and my…”


She looked at me curiously, in anticipation of what I was going to say next. “Your what? What do you think of me as… other than Michael’s mother?” She looked like she enjoyed putting me on the spot.


“I would love to think of you as my girlfriend… to start. If that’s okay with you?”


She smiled brightly then and the next thing I know she was throwing her arms around my neck. I had to drop the picnic basket and blanket I held onto in order to wrap her up in mine. “It’s okay,” she said. She looked up at me with her pretty face and I brought my lips down to meet hers. She was so responsive, I loved kissing her. This kiss started out sweet, but the feel of her in my arms was too comfortable and the tickle in my core too powerful. I pressed my tongue into hers and she tangled hers up with mine. Her hands went up and her fingers tangled in my hair as my hands found the bottom of her blouse and ran up underneath her shirt and across her silky soft skin. I wondered if she could feel the evidence of my desire against her hip. When we broke the kiss, we were both breathless and a light sheen of sweat had gathered between us.


“I want you, Vicki.”


She smiled, “I could feel that,” she said, with a blush. “I want you too.”


“Will you stay with me, in the master suite tonight?”


“Any night that you’ll have me,” she said. I kissed her again.


“When we get back to the house, I’ll move your things in there. I’d like to have you there every night.”


She laid her head into my chest and we just stood there for a long time in the midst of the beautiful, fragrant flowers. Vicki finally pulled back first and said, “Since we have to wait until tonight, maybe we should finish our walk and have our picnic. Breastfeeding makes me hungry.”


I laughed. “Okay, then we better feed you. I fed the little man the bottle earlier. He’s a glutton. You’ll need your nourishment.”


We walked until we came to the clearing by the pond. Vicki gasped again. “Oh Alex! It’s so beautiful!”


“It is,” I agreed with her. “But you know what?”


“What?” she asked, looking at me with those clear blue eyes and her blonde hair blowing back gently in the breeze.


“It pales in comparison to you.” Although it wasn’t my intent the compliment netted me another embrace and another long, deep kiss. After we tore ourselves apart again I laid the blanket out and sat down. Vicki was still transfixed by the pond and the brilliant colors that surrounded us. The sun reflected off of the water and back into her eyes. They were filled with wonder and I suddenly realized that I wanted to do something every day for the rest of her life that brought that look into her eyes.


I sat out the food that Cook packed for us and said, “Would you like to join me or should I just fix you a plate and hand it on up?”


She grinned and sat down. “I’m sorry, it’s just so gorgeous.”


I looked at her smiling face and said, “That’s okay, I know the feeling.”


She looked down at what I sat out and said, “Wow! Cook outdid himself.”


Laughing I said, “He usually does.” He hadn’t packed anything paper. There were real china plates and linen napkins and glass champagne flutes. He remembered about Vicki breastfeeding and he’d packed apple cider instead of champagne. There was a tray of exotic cheese and hard salami and another of prosciutto. He’d packed a baguette and even some beautiful French pastries. While we ate, I took the opportunity to ask her something that I’ve been thinking about. “Have you ever been out of the country?”


She looked at me like I was crazy and said, “I’ve barely been out of Los Angeles.”


“I was thinking that maybe you and I could take a weekend and go somewhere… anywhere you’d like to go… somewhere you’ve always wanted to go…”


“Oh, I think it’s a little too soon for that, don’t you?”


I raised an eyebrow and smiled at her. “You just agreed to move into my room.”


She laughed. “I guess that did sound a little backwards, didn’t it? I meant that it’s too soon to leave Michael.”


“Then we won’t leave him. We’ll hire a nanny this week and we’ll plan the trip for next weekend. Michael and the nanny can go too.”


“Well…” My phone rang before she was able to finish.


“Hold that thought… as long as it was a yes,” I told her with a wink. “Hello?”


“Alex, it’s Amanda.” Amanda is my personal assistant. I could tell just by the sound of her voice that something was very wrong.


“Hey Amanda, what’s up?”


“It’s not good, boss.”


“Okay… what is it?”


has a two-page spread about your “love child.” It names his mother and it also says that she was in a relationship at the time and working as your maid. They of course failed to mention that you and Cassandra were in the middle of a divorce at the time.”


“Damn it! Where did they get their information?”


“I don’t know, but it’s pretty accurate.”


“Do whatever damage control you can. I’ll talk to Vicki and she and I will decide what we want to do. I’ll let you know.” I hung up, pissed that my good mood had been blown out of the water just like that. Vicki was looking at me with big eyes waiting to hear what had happened. “Variety did a story about my supposed infidelity and the birth of Michael. They named you in it and said that you were my maid when you got pregnant. I guess they made it all sound pretty seedy.”


Vicki looked like she was about to be sick. “I’m sorry,” she said.


“You’re sorry? For what? You didn’t seduce me… I was separated at the time and you and that bozo you were with were “on a break.” We didn’t do anything wrong and you have nothing to be sorry for. We have Michael and we have each other and the rest of the world can go…”


She smiled and put her fingers on my lips. “I get it. Thank you. You’re so sweet. I just worry all the time, Alex… I worry that I’m not going to fit into your world. I worry that I’m going to embarrass you, or cause trouble for you…”


I took her hand and I looked into her eyes. With every last bit of sincerity in my body I said, “First of all, you could never embarrass me. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and you have more class in your little finger than most of the women I know. Second of all, if anyone thinks that you don’t fit into my world… they better keep it to themselves. They will be very, very sorry if I ever hear them say anything of the sort… okay?”


She nodded, but I’m not sure she believed me. We finished out picnic, but the mood was much more subdued than it was. When we made it back to the house, Amanda was there. I wanted to choke her for showing up and not just calling me. I had a feeling that she was about to say something to make Vicki feel even worse… and I was right.


“Who is Rita Lawton?”


“I have no idea….”


“She’s my mother,” Vicki said. Suddenly I was the one who felt sick.


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