Mating Games (14 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Mating Games
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Constantine clasped his hands behind his back and smiled at Sebastian. “Normally, that would be true. However, this time I’m here on my own accord. I got wind of Alpha Rodrick’s little scheme and decided to investigate on my own.” He chuckled. “Imagine my surprise when it led me to you, Sebastian.”

“Wait,” Dobry said. “If you’re a Delta, then why were you working for Alpha Rodrick?” Dobry glanced over at the Alpha, relief filling him when he saw Zac and Aiden tying the man up and wrapping his injuries. The Alpha was apparently alive.

Dobry wasn’t sure if that made him happy or not. He didn’t necessarily want to kill the man, but he did want him to pay for the things he’d done. He just hoped the wolf council would give the Alpha what he had coming to him.

“So, why were you working for Alpha Rodrick?” he asked as he turned back to Constantine.

The man shrugged. “I figured the easiest way to find out the information I needed was to get close to him.” Constantine pointed to two of the men tied up on the floor. “Besides Jake and Mike here, his Betas, no one gets close to him except those guarding him, those who do his dirty work.”

“And that would be you?” Sebastian sneered.

“Dumbshit never even knew I was a Delta, let alone a wolf.”

Constantine chuckled.

“Are you sure about that?” Alastar asked. “He seemed to know all about me and Dobry being Sebastian’s mates. He wanted Sebastian because he’s a Delta. How do you know he didn’t just let you think he bought your story so he could get another Delta in his grasp?”

Constantine shook his head. “No, he didn’t know. I haven’t found my mates yet, so how could he know anything?”

“You might want to rethink that statement,” Sebastian said as he walked over to wrap an arm around Dobry. “I didn’t know Dobry was my mate until I met him, and Alpha Rodrick already had him. You heard him. He even knew about Alastar before I did.”

“Are you sure he wasn’t fucking with you, Sebastian?”

Constantine asked. “That just doesn’t make sense. How can anyone know who your mate is before you smell them? It’s not like there’s a mating book with all of our names or something.”

“I know this might be none of my business,” Dobry said, “but maybe that’s what you should be investigating instead of what Alpha Rodrick was up to. It seems to me that it might be the bigger mystery.”

“I think I know where you should start,” Matt said, joining the group. “When I was looking into Alpha Rodrick, I noticed he was paying a man named Owen Carell. I couldn’t find anything out on the man. He seems to be nonexistent. All I got was a town in Michigan where the checks were being deposited. There was nothing in Rodrick’s files that said why he was paying the guy.”

“That’s my brilliant little mate,” Zac said, wrapping his arms around Matt. “If there was anything more to be found on this Owen, my baby would have found it.”

“Be careful going up that way,” Alastar threw in. “Our coven was told by other covens that there’s some turf war going on between packs of Chicago, Wisconsin, and Michigan. No one knew how bad it was, but bad enough the covens up there told us to be wary of traveling the area.”

“Thanks for the heads-up,” Constantine replied. “Always good to know what you’re walking into. So, what do we think? This Owen guy is some kind of mating expert? He magically knows who’s mated to who and gets paid to tell people? That could be a huge issue for shit Alphas like Rodrick to know that information.”

“But on the other hand,” Dobry said softly from Sebastian’s arms,

“think how nice it would be to help other wolves looking for their mates? This guy could help couples find each other. I think that would be really cool!”

“Always with the big heart, my baby,” Sebastian said, leaning over to kiss his lips. Dobry melted into the kiss, instantly getting hard and squirming against his mate. “My loving little mate.”

“I try,” he replied, looking up at Sebastian lovingly. “You make it really easy.”

Chapter 10

Sebastian could barely keep his chuckle to himself as he watched Dobry from his hiding spot in the branches of a nearby tree. He loved playing hide and seek with his mates. Dobry was getting better at it every time they played.

It only took Dobry ten minutes to track Sebastian down to the tree he was currently in. Sebastian grinned. Dobry was just too cute. In the three weeks since Alpha Rodrick had attacked them and lost, mostly due to Dobry’s interference, Dobry had come almost completely out of his shell.

He was like a new man, laughing all of the time, happy and content. He even started initiating sex with both Sebastian and Alastar. The man even still came at the drop of a hat, which Sebastian and Alastar both enjoyed immensely.

There were times when Sebastian could see the shadows of the past creep into Dobry’s eyes. He’d start thinking about the past and the things Alpha Rodrick did to him. A good cuddle usually put the twinkle back in Dobry’s baby blues.

Sebastian knew it wouldn’t always be easy for them, though.

Alpha Rodrick had been condemned to death by the council, and his sentence was to be carried out soon. In the meantime, he was being held under guard. Sebastian knew that Dobry wouldn’t feel relieved until the sentence was carried out.

Dobry stuck his nose in the air and took a deep breath, a small smile playing out over his lush lips. “I know you’re here, Sebastian. I can smell you.”

Sebastian slapped his hand over his mouth to keep his deep chuckle from escaping. A moment later, he almost swallowed his tongue when Dobry began to strip off his clothes. His mate was surprising him more and more every day they spent together.

Dobry laid his shirt out on the grass and then settled down on top of it. He grabbed his cock in one hand, the other going to his nipple.

Sebastian licked his lips as he watched Dobry start to stroke his hard shaft.

“This would be a lot more fun if you joined me,” Dobry said quietly.

Sebastian couldn’t shimmy down the tree fast enough. He leapt the last few feet and landed on the ground next to Dobry. Shifting from chameleon form to man, Sebastian was grateful that he was already naked.

He knelt on the ground and crawled up between Dobry’s thighs, reaching for the man’s bobbing cock. Just as he settled his mouth around the erect organ, Dobry reached out and grabbed him.

“Got you!”

Sebastian’s head jerked up, and his mouth dropped open in surprise as Dobry rolled with laughter. He couldn’t believe the little shit caught him, but he had, fair and square. Sebastian walked right into the sexy little trap Dobry set for him.

“So you did,” Sebastian remarked as he wrapped his arms around Dobry and rolled onto his back. “Now that you have me, what do you plan to do with me?”

“Well,” Dobry said as he sat up, straddling Sebastian’s chest, “just as soon as Alastar gets here with the lube, I’ll show you.”

“If this isn’t a sight to get any man hard,” Alastar said, joining them. He pointed to Dobry. “And I want that little ass.”

Sebastian’s jaw dropped as he watched his mate shed his clothes, then drop to his knees and sink his fangs into Dobry’s perfect round ass.

“Oh, fuck,” Dobry moaned, humping his hips along Sebastian’s chest. It was seconds before his baby’s cock erupted, shooting load after load of white seed over his chest and mouth. Sebastian chuckled as he wiped some off his cheek, then met Dobry’s eyes and licked his hand.

“Did he come?” Alastar asked, raising his head from Dobry’s ass.

“I love watching our baby come.”

“Definitely gives new meaning to the phrase
bite my ass

Sebastian chuckled.

“This is the only game I like,” Dobry replied, his breathing returning to normal. “Well, the only game I like better than hide and seek.”

“What game is that, baby?” Sebastian asked as he started to rub Alastar’s hip.

“How many times can we make Dobry come,” his little mate said with a smirk. “It’s the best game ever!”

“It’s certainly my favorite.” Alastar chuckled. “Now I want my prize. Roll over, baby.”

Sebastian heard Dobry mumble into his chest, but he couldn’t make out what he said. “What did you say, baby?”

“When do I get to be in someone’s ass?” Dobry mumbled again.

Sebastian looked over at Alastar, who looked as shocked as he felt.

The man’s mouth hung open, his eyebrows nearly up to his hairline.

“Is that what you want, Dobry?” Alastar asked cautiously. “You want to be on the giving end?”

“I’ve never been on that end,” Dobry complained, lifting his head.

“I’d like to at least try it.”

“Well, then, by all means,” Alastar said, getting on his hands and knees. “I volunteer my ass for the taking.”

“Really?” Dobry whispered. “You’d let me do that?”

“Of course I would, Dobry,” Alastar replied gently. “We’re mates.

If you want to try something, then all you have to do is say something.”

“I’d let you, too, baby,” Sebastian added, pushing Dobry’s hair off his face. “You give us so much. We want to give you what you want, too.”

He watched Dobry’s eyes fill with tears.
I love you both so much.

We love you, too, baby,
Sebastian replied through their mental link, realizing Dobry couldn’t speak.

We love you so much, Dobry
, Alastar added.
You make our little
threesome complete. I love Sebastian just as much, but you are the
glue that holds us all together. We would do anything for you, baby.

Dobry didn’t say anything as he climbed off Sebastian, crawled to Alastar, and kissed him. Then he grabbed the lube and moved behind Alastar to get him ready.

“My ass,” Dobry said, smacking Alastar’s ass, giggling. Then he leaned down and bit Alastar’s ass, which made their mate moan in pleasure and pre-cum glisten at the end of his hard cock.

“All yours, Dobry, all yours,” Alastar groaned as their baby slipped in two lubed fingers. Sebastian decided he’d done enough watching. It was time to get in on this. He rolled to his knees and moved around behind Dobry.

Taking the lube from his little mate, he rubbed some on to his cock before squirting more on his fingers. Sebastian slid one finger into Dobry’s perfect, tight, little hole and wiggled it around.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god.” Dobry started to moan and pushed back on his finger. Sebastian slipped in a second finger as he growled and licked his sexy mate’s neck. Dobry tasted like heaven.

“Now, Dobry. Fuck me now, please,” Alastar begged, wiggling his ass. “I’m ready. Please? I’m so ready for your gorgeous cock to be in me.”

Sebastian slid in a third finger, hurrying to catch up as Dobry slid his cock into their mate’s waiting ass. Just as Dobry sunk balls deep in Alastar, Sebastian removed his fingers, scooted forward, and started to work his cock into Dobry.

Dobry cried out at the penetration and started thrusting his hips.

He pushed into Alastar, then moved back out, impaling himself on Sebastian. It was the perfect combination of movements.

He let his little mate work them both. This was Dobry’s show, after all, his time to play with what he liked. As Dobry’s rhythm began to falter, Sebastian reached around him, grabbing Alastar’s hips. He thrust forward into Dobry, causing his little mate to thrust forward into Alastar. All three groaned at the feeling, spurring Sebastian on.

Moving his hips faster, it wasn’t long before Dobry cried out his release, followed shortly by Alastar. Sebastian knew he wasn’t far behind as Dobry’s muscles squeezed his cock. A few more thrusts forward and Sebastian was shouting out his climax, pounding into Dobry. Both of them collapsed onto Alastar, Sebastian holding up most of his weight on his arms.

“Really,” Alastar panted, “this is so much better than hide and seek.”

All three mates looked back and forth between each other before bursting out laughing, holding each other tightly.

This is perfect, Sebastian thought, just the way it should be.









Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two, or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.


Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, two old biddy cats, and three fish.


You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at


Joyee Flynn grew up in Chicago living in the same house all her life until she went left for college. Though she has a great life, she loves to get lost in fantasy that only books could bring. Her wide interest in reading was reflected in her writings. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Ann Rice’s
Interview with
the Vampire
series. She dreams of one day living out in Montana, enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of cowboys of her own.


A lover of men, Joyee’s all about them in any form in her books.

Vampire, werewolf, military, doesn’t matter at all as long as they are hot, hard, and sex fiends!


Also by Stormy Glenn and Joyee Flynn


Delta Wolf 1:
Chameleon Wolf


Also by Stormy Glenn


Wolf Creek Pack 1:
Full Moon Mating

Wolf Creek Pack 2:
Just A Taste Of Me

Wolf Creek Pack 3:
Tasty Treats: Volume 3, Man to Man
Wolf Creek Pack 4:
Blood Prince

Wolf Creek Pack 5:
Love, Always, Promise

Tri-Omega Mates 1:
Secret Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 2:
Forbidden Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 3:
Hidden Desires

Tri-Omega Mates 4:
Stolen Desires

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