Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)
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“Sir, may I undress you?” I asked, staring at his chest.

“If you wish,” he answered in an odd tone.

I chose not to question it and quickly undid the buttons on his dress shirt, revealing his muscular chest. Once I reached the top of his pants, I stood and waited until he followed suit. I pushed his jacket from his shoulders before undoing the heavy cufflinks at each wrist. Setting them on the table, I returned to tug his shirt from his pants and finish unbuttoning it before pushing it to the floor as well. I paused in hesitation.

“May I touch you, sir?” I questioned, biting down on my lower lip anxiously. I wanted it more than anything else I could think of at that moment.

“Yes,” he said, nothing more.

I grinned inwardly at the freedom to touch him for once, but I wouldn’t risk showing my excitement to him lest he decide to change his mind. Starting at his neck, I slid both hands over his wide shoulder to the beautiful, firm muscles of his pecs. My fingers brushed against both his flat, round nipples as I descended lower to let my fingers enjoy the many ridges of his abdomen. I took an extra moment to slide up and down the defined muscles I knew he had to work hard to maintain before dipping to his pants.

After slipping the button free, I slowly unzipped them before dropping to my knees in front of him. I hooked my fingers in both sides to tug them down over his hips. Pulling both his briefs and pants down, I stopped to remove his shoes and socks, then fully took off the last of his clothing.

I glided my hands up his calves to his hairy thighs. Licking my lips, I locked my eyes on his engorged cock and wiggled between his thighs so I could get closer. Lowering my head closer, I teased the underside of his length with my tongue until I got to the flared mushroom tip. Sucking just that into my mouth, I used my hand to slide up and down the rest of him.

The tangy taste of him burst over my tongue from the little drops that escaped the slit on the end of his cock. My tongue dipped into the tiny hole to gather more of his flavor before circling around him.

He moaned and threaded his fingers through my loose hair.

. That feels good,” he said, encouraging me to continue and take more of him in my mouth.

Little by little, I took him deeper, my lips meeting my hand that was wrapped around him. My other hand dropped to cup his tight sack and gently massage his balls. Each time I came back down on him, I took more until I finally had him all the way in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat.

He groaned and fisted the hand in my hair as his hips bucked up, forcing me to take him even farther.

I nearly gagged, but he pulled back and I could breathe again.

However, before I could sink back down on him, he yanked me up under my arms and spun me around. With a hand on my upper back, he forced me to bend over the table while he pressed against me from behind.

“I’m going to take your ass tonight,
,” he growled.

“Yes, Matteo,” I said. I’d wondered when he was going to go through with it.

He moved to my nightstand and retrieved a few things before returning to me. I heard the tearing of a plastic wrapper of some kind before I felt cool liquid being dripped down my crack. His fingers teased around my back hole for a moment before one finally breached the tight ring of muscle.

I cried out softly at the odd sensation, but it quickly became familiar from his previous teasing of my hole.

After a few thrusts of his single finger, he added another, then another. He didn’t wait long before withdrawing all of them and I felt the thick head of his cock being lined up.

I clenched my teeth and waited for the tearing sensation I expected when he entered such a tight, practically virgin hole. Like I had experienced the first time he’d had sex with me.

,” he breathed, running his palms up my back, then back down in a soothing motion.

I breathed deeply and tried to get my tense muscles to relax. Just when I thought I had managed, he pushed into me. While it didn’t exactly hurt, it wasn’t particularly comfortable either, and it certainly didn’t feel good.

One of his hands held onto my shoulder, the other my hip. He pulled away only to surge back inside me, using my shoulder to pull me to him at the same time.

It took a few thrusts, but it started to shift from uncomfortable to pleasurable. I spread my thighs and started pushing back into him, trying to take more of him.

“Yes, that’s it, my
,” he said, a smile clear in his gravelly voice.

Glee shot through me at his words. Nothing made me happier than pleasing him.

The quiet room was filled with the sounds of his thighs slapping against mine, both of us breathing hard while he continued to move swiftly in and out of my body. Our moans of pleasure commingled as both of us started to sweat from the effort we were putting forth while we chased our orgasms.

“Matteo,” I groaned when I couldn’t hold back any more. I was nearly there.

He pulled completely from my body and yanked a rubber cover off his erection before plunging into my pussy. His hand left my shoulder in favor of holding my hip so he could more forcefully enter me.

That was all it took. I cried out as my release shot through me, numbing every part of me and filling me with ecstasy.

Matteo reached up to yank back on my hair, forcing me up from the table. His lips kissed along my neck as he continued hammering into me. A hard groan and the sinking of his teeth into my neck signaling he had found his release.

I felt his teeth break through my skin as his tongue lapped at the small tear and the blood that seeped out.

“Mmm. That was a delicious ending to a great fuck,” he murmured against my skin, still teasing it with his tongue.

I held still until he finally slipped from me and released me from his grip.

“Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day for you,” Matteo said as he carefully redressed.

There was something in his face that made me want to ask what was happening tomorrow, but I didn’t. I knew I wouldn’t get an answer. The night had already been unusual and I didn’t want to end it on anything but a high note with the memories of being able to touch and undress him.

He looked at me quietly for a moment where I lay over the table before leaving the room.

I went to the bathroom to clean up the mess left behind and discard the little square and the rubber-feeling covering he’d used. Reading the container, I learned it was a condom. It was the first time he’d used one with me and only when he’d taken my rear hole. He’d made sure to come in me. Must’ve had to do with his endeavor to impregnate me.

The next morning, I went to get my chore list early and was surprised that the first item on the list was to urinate into a container that was provided for me. By the time I returned with the half-filled container, Aida was in the kitchen. I looked around for a place to leave it. I didn’t want to simply put it on the counter.

“Has your monthly visitor come yet?” Aida asked, causing me to lift an eyebrow.

“Uh, no,” I answered, unsure of the reasoning.

“We will use your sample to test for pregnancy. Once a week unless your period comes, telling us the month was unsuccessful,” Aida informed me while gathering supplies from the fridge. When she turned around and saw me still watching her, she huffed. “Well, go on. Get to your chores. I just wanted you to know what it was for.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said before heading out of the kitchen with my list.

My head was fuzzy the rest of the day as I went about my chores, wondering if I would find out the results of the test. When I got to the bottom of the list, I found that I was expected for dinner. My attire was listed as

I quickly showered and did my hair, leaving it down with a slight curl to it. Since I wouldn’t be wearing any clothing, I applied a bit of dark purple eyeshadow that made my eyes stand out, along with a bit of eyeliner and mascara, then sat on the bed waiting for Matteo to retrieve me.

Matteo walked in a short while later and without a word retrieved a pair of leather cuffs from the dresser and wrapped them around each wrist before clipping them together in front of me. Another leather band was placed on my neck with a metal chain that Matteo held in his hand as he said, “Come.”

He led me to the dining room, which was empty.

“Face down on the middle of the table,
,” he told me.

I climbed onto the table carefully and lay down.

Matteo circled to yank my arms over my head and secure them with another clip I couldn’t see. He unclipped the lead from my collar and moved to my ankles, where he forced my legs open before placing more leather cuffs around each one, then fastening them in place.

I tugged on them to find I wasn’t going anywhere until I was released.

“Don’t,” Matteo yelled at me.

I stopped moving immediately.

“Your pregnancy test came back negative, so you will be our entertainment tonight. Since you are not with child, you are able to handle the more extreme measures we’ve played with, so I suggest you behave or I will allow our guests to really play with you,” Matteo said before reaching out to a table along the wall. He picked up a white candle and glanced from it to me. “This is your final touch.”

He put the candle on my ass, forcing me to stay perfectly still or it would tumble off. With the flick of a lighter, he lit it.

The sound of the doorbell let me know it was show-time.

Aida must have greeted the guest because Matteo hadn’t left the room when I heard the sounds of people entering.

“Now that’s a nice centerpiece if I do say so,” an older gentleman said. His voice had a heavy Italian accent and there was a rasp to it that told me he likely smoked quite heavily.

“Yes, Father, she is exquisite,” Matteo agreed as a hand fell on one of my ankles.

“Is this my place?” the older man asked.

“Of course. The best view of the whole room,” Matteo said.

I felt the air shifting between my thighs and the scrape of a chair. He must have sat at the head of the table, which meant he also had the perfect view of my pussy. I fought back a chill. I had figured that would be where Matteo would sit, but I could see his father had control over Matteo.

A conversation was picked up in Italian between the other men, but his father sat quietly as a hand slid slowly up and down my calf.

When Matteo came into view and took the seat near my head, I realized it wasn’t him who was touching me, but his father.

More men entered the room and the conversation grew louder. As Matteo spoke, he tenderly ran his fingers through my hair and over the side of my face, but never addressed me or even looked at me.

Meanwhile his father’s exploring fingers moved farther up my leg. His hand roughly gripped my thighs before yanking me closer to him, making me realize that my arms hadn’t been fully stretched above my head.

Thankfully, the candle stayed in place, but I felt the hot wax running onto my skin. As a rivulet ran down the curve of my ass, Matteo’s father’s fingers teased up my inner thigh. The wax pooled in my lower back, giving me something other than the questing, unfamiliar touch.

Aida arrived, bringing a delicious-smelling cloud with her. She set down plates in front of a few men before leaving to gather more dishes. Once she had delivered food to everyone, the room fell silent except for the sounds of silverware against the plates.

My stomach rumbled, but I wouldn’t dare ask for food of my own.

Matteo’s father kept a hand on my upper thigh where his fingers teased along the crease between my leg and pussy.

More wax dripped off the candle,
running over my hip. It was hot enough to give me something to focus on for a short time, but not so much so that I thought I’d be burned from it.

I jumped when I felt something slide along my pussy. It wasn’t firm enough to be fingers and left behind a sticky residue.

“Mmm. She adds such a delicious flavor to the meal,” the man between my legs said to the room.

“Can I have a taste, Fausto? Matteo?” one of the other men asked.

Both Matteo and his father answered at the same time with a “No.”

The other man spoke quietly in Italian as if he wasn’t happy about the denial, but quickly went back to eating his meal.

Again I felt a piece of food being slid along my body before Fausto made a groaning sound as he noisily chewed. His hand, which had been idly teasing my skin, moved to pull apart my lower lips, and this time when Fausto went to ‘season’ his food, he pushed it into my opening.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to not make a noise at the intrusion. I didn’t think it could be healthy to put food there, but I wasn’t going to earn myself a punishment by acting out.



Chapter Nine









Fausto surprised me when he put his mouth on me. He licked me thoroughly cleaning off all the remnants of food. A flick of his tongue on my nerve-filled bud and he pulled back.

I thought he was done, but instead I was forced to endure the rest of the meal with food being slid along me, and toward the end, he started fully pushing his fork into me and sliding it in and out a few times before he finally ate it. Every few bites he’d clean me with his tongue.

Conversation started to pick up as the others started to finish their meals, but Fausto took his time and was the last to finish.

“Best meal I’ve had in a long time.” Fausto sighed contentedly as I heard his chair scrape against the floor. “Flip her over. I want to see her.”

“Yes, sir,” Matteo said.

My feet were released and I was flipped over onto my back. Thankfully, he’d removed the candle, but I could still feel the wax covering most of my butt, lower back, and upper thighs. My ankles were reattached and he moved back to his spot so his father could do as he wished.

“Ah, I see. You have claimed her as your own,” Fausto said, rubbing his fingers along my brands.

“Yes, I have,” Matteo said. His voice was flat as if afraid to give away anything.

“Well, in that case, I won’t sample her. However, you will fuck her for me right now,” Fausto said, letting his hand skim from my hip to between my legs. “And it better be good or I’ll show you how it’s done. If she wasn’t branded I might demand you give her to me for the night, but son, if you want her as your own show me you deserve her untouched.”

“Absolutely, Father.” Matteo moved around the table and unhooked my legs from their bonds and yanked me farther down the table.

My arms stretched painfully, but I didn’t cry out. Matteo looked into my eyes, and I could tell he was trying to convey something, but I didn’t know him well enough to know what it was.

He quickly undid his pants and pulled his semi-erect cock out. Sliding his hand up and down his length, he moved closer to me so he could rub the tip up and down my slit.

I glanced around the room quickly noticing there were at least six other men in the room, but I focused my eyes on Matteo. I recognized some of the men as the ones who’d been in the room the night he’d killed his cousin, but I couldn’t remember anything else about them.

Matteo gripped my thighs firmly, making sure my attention was on him when he plunged into me. It was hard and rough and I gasped from the force. He dug his fingers into me to keep me from sliding up the table as he thrust repeatedly.

My breasts bounced and I moaned. I was used to his harsh fucking and I’d come to like the way he didn’t hold back. The way he gave me all he had to give.

He reached up and grabbed hold of one of my breasts, never slowing his punishing rhythm.

“Yeah, you like when I fuck you hard. Ram my cock in as far as I can in that tight little pussy. You like having everyone watch while I give you pleasure? Want them to all see how beautiful you look when you cover my cock with your come? When you squeeze it so tight it’s like a fist sucking me dry?” Matteo’s voice was rough as his fingers dug into my tender breast.

I cried out when he suddenly released it only to smack my breast harshly.

He then slapped the other one before bending to take my nipple in his mouth and biting down hard enough to break the skin.

My whimper fell on deaf ears as he moved to the other side to once again make me bleed with his teeth. I knew he had a thing for blood, but he hadn’t bitten me many times so it was a shock that only ratcheted up my pleasure another level.

Another crack to each breast and he moved to hold my hips and increase his pace.

I writhed under him and cried out from how deep he was going. One final plunge and I screamed as my orgasm ripped through me, leaving me a shivering mess.

He jerked against me before pulling out and jerking his hand over his length only to shoot his release over my breasts and stomach. Trailing his fingers through his release, he mixed it with the blood bubbling up from his bite mark, then shoved his fingers in my mouth.

The tanginess of the blood and saltiness of his come made me moan before his mouth claimed mine. His tongue forced its way into my mouth to tangle with mine for a brief moment.

Matteo pulled back and adjusted his pants. If it weren’t for the sweat beading along his forehead and the wet spot on the front of his pants, it would be impossible to tell he’d just fucked me in front of his guests and father.

“Well done, my son,” Fausto said, laughing. He slapped Matteo on the back, then walked from the room, everyone else on his heels.

Matteo undid the link where my wrists were attached, and I sighed with relief as I brought them to my chest.

“You did well,
. Go to your room and I will be there shortly to attend to the bites and wax. Do not clean yourself up,” he instructed before giving one final slap to my sore breasts before leaving the room.

Slowly I got up from the table and rotated my shoulders to get circulation back in them. My body ached from the rough treatment, but I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I made my way back to my room.

After closing the door softly, I lay on my back and awaited Matteo. It was a long wait. I assumed the men had been taking care of some sort of business, which was the initial reason for their getting together that evening.

I used the time to think through everything that occurred. I was slightly disgusted by the way his father had used my privates as his personal seasoning. However, everything was overshadowed by the way Matteo had fucked me on the table in front of everyone. It was my first time having an audience, but it wasn’t much different from the way he took me in private. None of the men had spoken or touched me. In fact, it turned me on thinking of them just watching and being unable to touch or take part.

I doubted it was normal to be turned on by such things, but what did I know of normal? Would it have turned me on if it’d been Matteo teasing me with his food? That was the single question I kept asking myself. Eventually I settled on the fact that I probably would have been. The man had the ability to turn anything into something sexual and bring me along for the ride.

,” Matteo breathed when he walked into the room.

Without meaning to, my eyes jumped to him. He’d pulled his tie loose and undone the top button on his shirt. His jacket was nowhere to be seen, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Bending down, he removed his shoes and socks before removing his pants and briefs as well.

I dropped my eyes before he caught me watching him and was surprised when he scooped me off the bed.

He carried me to the bathroom as if I was weightless where he set me on the counter so he could turn on the water in the shower. Licking his lips, he took in my bruised and swollen nipples. They had stopped bleeding, but they were incredibly sore, with come and dried blood left behind from his bite.

After testing the water, he wrapped his arms around me and stepped into the shower. Setting my feet on the floor, he brushed my hair off my shoulders before using a finger under my chin to tilt my head back into the spray. His hands roamed over my breasts and stomach, helping the water remove the dry come that hadn’t sloughed off on my trek back to my room, as well as what was left of the blood.

I squeezed my eyes closed and imagined he was doing it because he wanted to touch me, not just clean up the mess left behind. I’d never know what his real reasons for doing it were so I’d make the best of the situation since he was touching me kindly for once.

His fingers slipped between my legs to tenderly wipe at my sore pussy.

I wanted to beg him not to touch me there since it was a long-lasting reminder of the interesting evening we’d had, but I wouldn’t dare speak such words.

“Turn,” he demanded gruffly.

I turned and ducked my head to keep the water from my mouth so I could breathe as it beat down over my face.

His odd, caring touch soothed my back and between my cheeks. He kissed my shoulder, then neck before sliding his hands down my shoulders to my arms. Wrapping his hands around my wrists, he lifted them until my palms rested against the wall.

I didn’t need him to tell me not to move from the way he flattened his hands over mine and pressed hard against the wall.

His fingers returned to my crack to tease up and down a few times before parting them. One finger nudged at my rear hole while his other hand pulled one cheek out of the way. Instead of entering me, he pulled back only to line up his cock.

I cried out as he shoved past the tight ring of muscles guarding my opening. Without lube or slowly expanding me, it hurt. Every muscle in my body tensed against the pain and invasion, but he only paused for a moment before pulling back and surging farther in.

Whether he didn’t sense my discomfort or didn’t care, I didn’t know. It didn’t matter. He was fully seated in me in a matter of thrusts. I was breathing roughly, trying to breathe through the pain.

Grabbing a handful of my wet hair, he jerked my head back at a painful angle.

I struggled to keep my hands on the wall and tilt my head back the way he demanded as he moved in and out of me. My scalp and ass burned, but I bit my tongue to keep from making any other noises for fear of upsetting him by not enjoying what he was doing.

He reached around my hips and slapped my pussy with a single jarring strike.

It was too much and I cried out again, causing him to release a low, deep laugh.

“That’s right,
. This is my pussy. My ass. Mine. You hear me?” He spoke in an angry tone as he tugged harder on my hair and landed another spank between my legs.

“Yes, Matteo. All yours,” I replied between gasps of air.

His breath was just as ragged against my ear as he leaned over me.

My scalp cheered for the release of tension, but his teeth nipped at my earlobe.

“Don’t. Forget. It.” He emphasized each word with a more forceful ram into me.

“Of course, Matteo. You own me,” I assured him as best I could.

With a vigorous rhythm, he pounded into me a few more times before sinking his teeth into the tender tissue at the base of my neck.

I cried out when he broke the skin again. He’d only bitten me a handful of times since I’d come to live with him and most of them had been in that single evening. Deep down, I knew it was his way of saying something, I just wasn’t entirely sure what.

After licking at the bite mark for a moment, he pulled from me before roughly washing his body with soap and then stepping out of the shower.

“You did well tonight,
. Rest up. No chores tomorrow. Rest,” he said before walking out of the room with a towel slung around his hips.

I stared after him for a moment. He never stayed around long after sex, but after such a whirlwind of an evening, I’d hoped for more comfort from him than a painful fuck in the shower only for him to leave me alone yet again.

It took me much longer than normal to get ready for bed as I sat in front of the mirror and examined my own body. There were three perfectly-formed bite marks from him on my body that would last days, reminding me every time I saw or felt them of the strange evening.

I was happy for the marks when I didn’t see Matteo for five days. I took the one day off to lounge in my room, but it drove me crazy and I’d rather have had chores to keep my mind busy. I’d already read through all the magazines, twice. The next day I’d picked up my chores and happily settled back into my normal schedule of cleaning, eating alone, and waiting for Matteo at night. When he didn’t show, I’d fall asleep, only to repeat the same thing the next day.

The next time I saw him, he was on his phone walking in from what I assumed was the garage as he had a set of car keys in his hand. He gave me a half smile before waving at me, telling me to follow him.

Excited to finally be with him again, I brushed myself off quickly and followed behind him as he continued his conversation in Italian.

He led me into what I assumed was his office, where he pointed to the top of his desk before sitting in the chair behind it.

I looked between him and the desk for a few seconds, trying to figure out what he was telling me to do.

Slapping his hand on the desk, he brought my attention back to him and his eyes flashed anger at me before he pointed to the desktop again.

I stumbled across the room to sit on the desk gingerly.

He pulled my hips forward then pushed on my shoulder so I had to lean back on my hands. Roughly, he shoved my dress up to reveal my panties. Spotting them, he sighed and leaned back in his chair while staring between my thighs. He carried on his conversation for a few moments before opening a drawer and withdrawing a pair of scissors.

My eyes widened and my heart rate accelerated at their appearance. Sweat popped out on my forehead and palms, but I stayed still.

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