Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)
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I flicked my tongue against him, making sure I didn’t miss a spot, and he smiled down at me.

“I’ll let you off without a punishment because you are such a good girl, but don’t expect it to happen again. Next time you stick around to listen to conversations you aren’t invited to, you
be punished. Do you understand me,
?” he asked, taking his fingers from me and standing. Methodically, he fixed his pants and straightened his shirt and tie before holding a hand out to help me from the floor.

My palm felt so tiny when his much larger one swallowed it before he pulled me to my feet.

“I understand, sir. I’m sorry I am letting you down in so many ways. This is the first time I’ve not had very specific instructions as to what I am to do. I will do better next time, sir.” I lowered my head even though I wanted very much to look into his dark brown eyes.

“And I will try to be better about remembering that you haven’t been fully trained as to how I expect you to be.” Matteo surprised me with his answer.

I wasn’t given time to digest his response before he opened the door to my bedroom.

“Sleep now. You will be expected to be up and dressed in that nasty dress promptly by eight AM tomorrow — we have a busy day, so don’t be late. Aida will bring your dress back if she hasn’t already.” With a knowing smirk, he pressed a kiss to my cheek before turning and walking farther down the hall and vanishing into one of the many rooms.

As soon as he was out of sight, I ran into my bedroom, careful to close the door quietly. Without much thought, I showered away the night before climbing into bed nude. I didn’t have anything else to dress in and that was okay with me. I was more focused on what the next day would bring.

Would it be more of the nice Matteo or the harsh Matteo?


Chapter Four








I spent the night tossing and turning, as I wasn’t used to sleeping in such a soft bed and it was uncomfortable. Finally, I took the thinnest pillow of the bunch and a blanket, then lay on the floor where I eventually found a few hours of rest. As soon as light streamed through the window, I made the bed and showered once again.

Pulling my hair back in a braid, I put on in my dull brown dress and rested on the bed, waiting for Matteo to retrieve me for the day. At least my head and cheek were feeling better than they had the night before. I’d timed it so perfectly that I didn’t have to wait long before he opened my door without knocking.

“Hmm, yes, that is a sight I could start every day with,” Matteo purred, entering the room. He left the door open, which told me he wasn’t planning on staying long since every other time he had closed it.

Resting a hip on the bed edge, he smiled down at me while his palm slid up the inside of my spread thighs. When he found my lightly-furred pussy, he ran his fingers over my swollen lips.

“Yes, today will be filled with a lot of new experiences for you, and I plan to be right by your side through them all. But in case I am called away for any reason, there is something I’d like to give you to keep me on your mind at all times,” Matteo murmured as he continued to tease my opening. Shifting his hips, he reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a shiny metal object. He turned it slowly, letting the light reflect off it for a moment before he met my gaze. “This,
, is called a butt plug. Do you know what it is for?”

“Uh…” I had an idea based on its name, but couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud.

“It is to fill your ass while we are out. You are not ready for me to fully claim you there yet, but this will remind you that I am always with you. I’d fill that delicious pussy with a toy, but it’d only hinder what I have in mind, so this will have to do.” He looked lovingly at the object before reaching for the top drawer of the nightstand. He retrieved a bottle of clear fluid and flipped open the lid, then dribbled a few droplets onto the object before closing it again. Since my legs were already spread for him, it was easy for him to glide the object between my thighs before going lower, where my tight hole was located. His eyes followed the object as it slowly pushed past the tight ring of muscles, only to retreat a bit.

I clenched my eyes and tried to breathe through the pain and new sensation. However, when I released the breath I’d been holding, he shoved the thing deep in me, and I gasped at the sharp pain followed by the full feeling in my rectum. He released the object and pressed two fingers into my dry pussy. It was then I decided the anal plug wasn’t as uncomfortable as I initially thought. Once the widest part was in, there was no pain, only a foreign fullness. I could deal with that. It was the intrusion into my body when I wasn’t ready that was worse, but his fingers slipped out almost immediately.

“Perfect.” Matteo smiled down at me before standing and helping me from the bed.

When my feet reached the floor and the metal object shifted, I groaned. It felt dirty and incredible at the same time. If it was how he wanted me to remember him, I could easily do that. Anything besides pain. I didn’t want to remember him with the haze and hatred pain brought. The pleasure and good feelings no one else had ever given me was how I wanted to keep him in my mind. It seemed the longer the plug was in the better it felt, or maybe I just grew more accustomed to it. Either way, I certainly wouldn’t be able to forget about the man who had put it in me and that was exactly what he wanted.

Madam had taught me that
came with a side of pain. The only difference was how it was dished out. It all depended on what kind of mood she was in, and I quickly learned it was the same with Matteo. I was used to Madam and her favorite ways to inflict pain. Matteo, however, was completely different. I didn’t know how to please him no matter how much I tried. It was a new day, and I was determined to be a better slave to him than I had been on the previous one. All I wanted was for him to be proud of me and happy he purchased me.

,” Matteo said, holding out a hand to me. He threaded his fingers with mine and led me from the room, then down the stairs. There was a black car waiting for us. Once again he helped me into the car and slid in next to me. It reminded me of the trip from the airport, only he didn’t raise the barrier between us and the driver. Without a single word, the driver seemed to know where we were headed.

We pulled to a stop outside of a long row of stores, all of which appeared to be women’s boutiques. Matteo flashed a smile at me while he waited for the driver to open his door. He stood and offered me his palm. Sliding my hand into his, I tried to return his smile. I wasn’t used to smiling so it was difficult. I wanted to show him I was as happy as he was, even if I was unsure of what was happening or where we were. Not to mention the plug still shifting and moving with each step I took, keeping me off-balance.

Once again, he threaded his fingers with mine and led me to the first shop. Over the next few hours I was subjected to trying on nearly every piece of clothing in every store in the area. At each stop Matteo sat patiently, waiting for me to show him every item, then purchased those which he liked. Not once was I asked what I liked or wanted to wear, but I didn’t care. Anything was better than the dress that Madam had given me. Plus, everything was soft and caressed my skin as I pulled it on or walked around for Matteo to view. All very different from the rough material of the dress I was used to.

Finally we made it to the last shop in the strip, and my heart rate tripled when I saw it was for lingerie and underthings that were smaller than I’d ever worn before.

Sensing my hesitation, Matteo pulled me to a stop before we entered. He’d handed off every purchase to the waiting driver so both his arms were free to wrap around my waist and pull me firmly against him.

“My favorite place. Only thing you need to remember is that no one here matters. You only need to worry about me and my opinion of what you are trying on. Plus, if you please me here, there is a reward in it for you,” he breathed against my throat. He dropped soft, sucking kisses against my sensitive skin and I softened in his arms. “Maybe I’ll join you in the fitting room and lick your pussy until you explode over my tongue or dick. Or perhaps I’ll fuck you in the stall and let everyone know how much I like what you had on. Would you like that? Me sneaking past the employees so I can fill you with my big, hard cock? Make you scream so loud everyone in the shop has no doubt about what we’re doing? Or would you rather I ram my dick down your throat until I explode and fill your mouth with my come because I’m too turned on to wait until we’re somewhere private?”

“Anything you want, Matteo,” I moaned as he rocked his hips against mine, shoving his erection against me. Oddly, I meant it. Knowing he was so excited and turned on by simply the thought of what I could be trying on made my pussy dampen and the rest of my body jitter with nerves, hoping I could hold up to the images he had in his mind of how everything would fit.

He swore in Italian as he thrust against my belly once more before pulling back and ushering me into the shop. Before long the woman helping us had an armful of tiny pieces of fabric and was showing me to a private area to try them all on. Matteo was instructed to wait out by the racks of clothing where a few chairs were located, but he simply laughed at the woman and followed me to wait right outside the door of my room.

“Sir, I’m sorry, but you can
be back here,” the woman insisted once I was locked away.

“Find your manager and bring her to me,” Matteo answered her, loudly enough that I heard it through the door.

I heard her huff and the sounds of her retreating footsteps. Ripping my old dress over my head, I pulled on a pair of lacy panties and a bra that matched. I took a fortifying breath before cracking the door open.

Matteo was speaking in hushed tones to a woman in a suit who seemed to be apologizing to him, but as soon as he lifted his eyes to me, she murmured a few more words and made a hasty exit.

“Mmm. I’ll have to see more to decide if I like it,” Matteo spoke to me as he pushed off the wall. He ran his fingers over the rough hair that had grown along his jaw throughout the day as he peered at me.

Shoving the door open farther, I let him see all of me, then turned around so he could see the back as well.

“Okay. Next one,” Matteo said after a second.

I turned to face him again expecting more, but he pulled his phone from his pocket, showing me that was all he intended to say about that outfit. Feeling like I’d let him down, I shuffled through the many outfits he’d picked out to find the smallest, skimpiest piece in the bunch. Not bothering to look in the mirror once I had it on, I threw the door open, hoping to shock a response out of him. Instead, I found a woman on her knees in front of him. Her head was bobbing up and down and he looked up to meet my gaze with half-open eyes. With a nod in my direction, he turned his attention to the woman obviously sucking his cock.

Embarrassed, I shut the door quietly and leaned my head back against it. I’d never seen someone else perform such an act and certainly didn’t expect it to be happening to the man who owned me while we were out together. How could he speak to me about such naughty things and then turn to another woman in the next moment? It hurt that he didn’t use me, but I didn’t understand why it bothered me. I didn’t really want him touching me in such a lewd manner.

Stripping out of the slinky panties and bra, I pulled my ugly dress on and sat on the bench, waiting until they were done. As soon as I heard him let out a long, low groan I knew he’d gotten off and yanked open the door. I gathered all of the items in my arms and took them to the counter without casting another look in his direction.

I was angry, hurt. I didn’t understand it, but it didn’t matter.
didn’t matter. The woman at the counter rang everything up into her computer and then bagged it all and handed them over without asking for payment or a signature. I left the store and handed the bag to the driver as soon as I spotted him then climbed into the backseat of the car.

A few minutes later Matteo joined me. He didn’t look at me at all as he got comfortable.

“We’re done here,” he said to the driver.

Once the car was moving and the divider was raised, his hand wrapped tightly around my upper arm.

“What was that little scene about? Never seen someone getting sucked off?” Matteo asked me with a sneer.

“N... no, sir,” I stuttered as fear shot through me. My hurt feelings fled, replaced with sheer terror. Everything was so different outside of Madam’s house that I didn’t know up from down.

“Get used to it. Until you can learn to give good head and fuck better than a virgin, I’ll be getting it better from somewhere else. Now get on your knees and show me what you learned from watching her blow me.” He didn’t give me a chance to move on my own. Instead, he yanked me to the floor and grabbed my braid with his other hand, shoving my face into his crotch.

My fingers shook as I struggled to undo his pants and release his hard cock from its confines. It bounced free and immediately Matteo pulled me closer.

“Suck it deep and hard,” he demanded, bucking his hips as I tried to follow his orders.

The tip hit the back of my throat, making me gag, and he groaned.

“Yes, gag around that big, fat dick.” His grip tightened in my hair, making me yelp around his length as it plunged in and out of my mouth.

I repeatedly gagged and feared I was going to get sick on him, but was able to hold back when he changed the deep thrusts for shorter, shallower ones. That didn’t last long before he was bumping the back of my throat, forcing me to take him deeper than I ever would have on my own.

,” he groaned after seemingly never-ending minutes. Suddenly, he pulled out of my mouth only to take himself in his hand, finally releasing my arm. After a few slides over the glistening shaft covered with my saliva, he arched against the seat and white streams shot from his tip, all over my face.

Closing my eyes, I hoped none of it would get in them. I didn’t know if it’d burn or not, but didn’t want to find out.

“Open those beautiful eyes and lick your lips. Clean up as much of my come with your tongue as you can.” Matteo released my braid and shoved himself back in his pants while watching me.

I slid my tongue over my lips slowly. After swallowing, I made another swipe over them and then circled as far around my mouth as I could, hoping I reached enough to please him.

The car came to an abrupt stop. I was knocked backward and he laughed.

“Clean yourself up and come inside. Don’t do anything stupid,” he said, tossing a tissue from his pocket at me before climbing from the car.

I quickly wiped my face as much as I could without a mirror and hoped I got all of his release before following him. I didn’t look either way down the street. There was nowhere for me to go, so why even look? Matteo didn’t treat me all that badly anyway, not like the horrible people who lived on the streets. Madam had shown me the news a few times to make sure I knew of the horrors that she was keeping me safe from. The unthinkable things people did to each other.

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