Militant Evangelism! (14 page)

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Authors: Ray Comfort

BOOK: Militant Evangelism!
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Look at what Ernest Newman said:

"The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach and Mozart settled down day after day to the job in hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day with his figures. They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration."

The revealed will of God in Scripture
should be our inspiration.
If God has purchased the car, filled it with gas, paid the insurance, given us the license, sat us in the driver's seat, shown us our destination, started the engine, and told us to go,
should He now have to push the car?

Peter used initiative in Acts Chapter 3 when he prayed for the lame man. He did the right thing without being told. He didn't have to pray and seek God's will, because he knew it already. He knew that Jesus "went about doing
, and healing those who were vexed by the devil." In verse 12 of the same chapter, we see that when the miracle of healing took place, "all the people ran together to them ... and when Peter saw it, he answered the people . . .
" A
modern version says, "And when Peter
saw his opportunity ...
(italics added)." Peter didn't pray and see if it was God's will to preach the Gospel to every creature, he saw an opportunity, and used his initiative and preached to them.

Do you remember the incident in Acts 16:6, where the disciples were heading for Asia, and then God told them not to go there? What does that show us? It shows that the disciples didn't have a "word from the Lord" to evangelize in Asia. If they had prayed, "Lord, do you want us to preach the Gospel in Asia?" and God had directed them to go there, it means that He then changed His mind. Rather, the disciples merely obeyed the command to "Go into
all the
world, and preach the Gospel to every creature," and God, in His faithfulness had directed their steps by saying, "Not Asia, at this time."

If there is one thing
seeks to kill, steal and destroy, it is man's initiative and creativity,
especially in the area of evangelism.
When people say to me, "You are very creative," I agree and say, "My Father is very creative. Look at Genesis Chapter 1." God is
itself, and I say it reverently, He is
of initiative. God took the initiative in the beginning when He spoke creation into being. When Adam fell, so did his direct contact with the Father, but now you and I have the mind of Christ. We have access to the incredibly infinite intellect of Almighty God, and we can let His creativity flow through us.

Left Foot of Fellowship

You may be asking the question as to what you can do in a practical way to reach people for the Kingdom of God. Here are a few suggestions: There are a number of evangelical organizations you may like to join. I was in
International for seven years until I became a pastor (they don't allow pastors to be involved, only lay people). It is such a blessing to be involved in an organization that gives away copies of God's Word. There is Youth
With A
Mission, Youth For Christ, Full Gospel Businessmen's Association, Campus Crusade For Christ, Women's Aglow and many others you could become involved in. Perhaps you could invest in a small advertisement in the personal column of your local paper saying something like "Find reality, read John 8:31-32."
Get a cost quote before you commit yourself
I wanted to buy a full page in the
during the Gulf War in 1991.
I thought it would be around $6,000, and figured I could probably raise that sought of money.

I called the
and the gentleman gave me the cost: "A full page is $61,023." I thought he had slipped an extra number in by mistake. Wrong. I dropped that idea quickly.

Perhaps you could visit a hospital once a week, with the purpose of finding and befriending someone who doesn't normally have visitors. If you have a flare for drama, start a drama group. How about writing a tract? Don't say,
"But I can't write,”
say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Write out your testimony, and have a friend or two read it and give their opinion. Then print out the edited copy, and have it typeset at your local printers. Remember to get quotes before you do anything, so that you won't get burned. When it is printed, keep copies in your wallet or purse to give to old friends or people you meet, with the words, "You may like to read this when you have a moment. I wrote it myself." Put copies into the envelope when paying bills.

Back in the late 70's, I had 40-50 children in our garage every Friday for a 20 minute "Good-time" Club. I remember praying that God would send me someone who could play a guitar to give the music a bit of a lift. One Friday evening, my brother-in-law walked into our living room knowing nothing of my prayer, and said, "For some reason I feel the Lord wants me to give you my guitar." I hadn't thought of me. I was never able to play a guitar, but now I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (I just have trouble convincing those in earshot).

You could easily start a club through your local church. When I decided to start mine, I just took a marker pen and wrote, "KIDS CLUB, FRIDAY 4 P.M., (ADDRESS), CANDY, PRIZES, STORIES AND SONGS," gave out photocopies at a school gate, and had a crowd of children eager to learn about the things of God. Nowadays, with all the allegations and accusations of child molestation, etc., it would be wise to have both male and female leaders. Start with a firm hand, sing some lively songs, tell a Bible story, teach a memory verse, give out some candy,
tell the kids, "It's all over, see you next week." If the children don't say "
!" you've probably gone on too long and they may not be back the following week. I found 20 minutes was adequate for most.

Sometimes talented Christians don't feel right about using their gift of music or writing, etc., to reach the unsaved. It is often because of their own pride that their conscience is condemning them, and not God. This happens regularly with counterculture people who become Christians. Their conscience will not allow them to eat meat. After some time they come across a Scripture
such as 1 Timothy
4:3-4, which says that God has created all foods "to be received with thanksgiving by them who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused, if it is received with thanksgiving." Immediately their conscience is released by understanding the Word of God.

When we understand the emphasis which the Word of God places upon evangelism, we should humble ourselves, thank God for the gift He has given us,
use it for His glory. If you have no apparent talents, visit an old people's home, or ask your pastor if you can help in any way within the local church. Do something for God. Desire to do nothing, and God will give you the desires of your heart.

Dig in Your Own Soil

An old Arab once told a poor man of the beauty of diamonds. He told him that if he possessed just a handful of sparklers, he would never want for anything ever again. He could have whatever he desired in life. From that time on, the poor man began to dream about diamonds. He spent every moment thinking about those glittering gems. Finally, he was so consumed by that
he left his home and began a search for his dream. Wherever he went he would dig for diamonds.

Years passed, until that disappointed poor man flung himself into the sea and committed suicide.

The old Arab visited the poor man's home not knowing of his death. As he walked into the living room he noticed a rock on the mantelpiece and said, "Where did you get that diamond ... is the poor man back?" Those in the house said that it was just a rock they had found in the back yard. The Arab picked it up in his trembling hand and said

I know a diamond when I see one—where
get it?”

They rushed out to the back yard and began digging in its white sands, and found diamond, after diamond, after diamond. Thus began the Golconda diamond mines, which exceeded the Kimberley mines in value!

You don't need to chase around the world searching for the illusive and sparkling diamonds of the will of God;
just begin to cultivate your own back yard.
The Bible says,
" .
. . a good man shall be satisfied from himself." Start digging for those gems of creativity, and then do something for the Kingdom of God.

When John Wesley was asked what he would do with his life if he knew that he would die at midnight the next day. His answer was something like this: "I would just carry on with what I am doing. I will arise at 5:00 a.m. for prayer,
take a house meeting at 6.00 a.m. At 12 noon, I will be preaching at an open-air. At 3:00 p.m. I have another meeting in another town. At 6:00 p.m. I have a house meeting; at 10:00 p.m. I have a prayer meeting and at 12:00 midnight, I would go to be with my Lord."

If we knew we were to die at 12:00 tomorrow night, would we have to begin or step up our evangelistic program, or could we in all good conscience carry on just as we are?

It would seem that there are only three types of people in this world—the
and the
The jaw-bone says he will do something, one day. He never puts his muscle where his mouth is. He prays about things, but never does them. His conscience stirs him to prayer, but the warmth of his comfort zone stifles his good intentions, because his own well-being is more important to him.

The wish-bone gazes with starry eyes at his godly heroes and wishes he could be like them. His is a world of dreams. Like the wish-bone, he is easily divided from his goals. He wishes he could preach, write, pray, sing and dance. Yet, no one ever did anything without doing something. An aspiration will only become a realization with perspiration. If he wants to see revival, he should stop wishing and start fishing, but his dreams are not fuel enough to motivate him to movement.

In contrast, the back-bone soldier of Christ sees Goliath and
towards him. He breaks out of the barracks of apathy, warmth, and security. He leaves the fat cat of indifference sleeping by the fire. He walks on water while others sit in the safety of the boat. He holds his weapons with resolution and takes ground from the enemy. He uses what he has to do the will of His Heavenly Father.
He knows His God, and does
He doesn't let his fears stand in the way of his dreams.

Let's close this chapter with some words from that distinguished and decorated veteran of the Lord, Charles Spurgeon. He sums up what I'm trying to say:

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