Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (73 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Once the dishes from their snack were in the kitchen, Neal returned to the couch.  He sat down closer to her than he had been before.  Robyn hid a smile. 

When the movie was over, Neal stood up and stretched.  “I guess I’d better get home.  It’s getting late and I should probably let you go to bed.”

“Would you mind staying with me tonight?”

“Um, sure.  I can sleep on the couch.”

“You don’t have to sleep on the couch.  And you can kiss me if you still want to.”

He chuckled.  “Yes, I still want to.”  Then he turned serious.  “Are you sure Robyn?  I’m afraid that if I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop myself from taking it further.  You’re so beautiful and I’ve had such a good time with you tonight.  I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you into something that you don’t want.”

“You wouldn’t be pressuring me.  Kiss me and let it lead where it takes us naturally.  If we end up making love, then it will be because it was meant to be.”

Neal’s kiss was hesitant at first.  But when Robyn felt him relax and let go, he almost blew her away.  He was suddenly all raw emotion.  She felt almost overwhelming feelings of need, hunger, lust, loneliness and something deeper just with the touch of his lips to hers.

When he pulled away, his face flushed, she said “Wow.”

He grinned, but it faded quickly.  “That was a good wow right?”

She laughed.  “Yes Neal.”

She rose from the couch, trying not to think about the fact that she wouldn’t be able to get up so easily much longer, and held her hand out to him. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

“Robyn, are you sure?  I don’t want you to wake up in the morning and say wow, what the hell did I do?”

“Quit thinking so much Neal.  I like you, you like me.  I was going to eventually have to end it with Gabe anyway.  It’ll just be sooner rather than later.  Now c’mon.  You don’t make a pregnant woman wait.”

Neal smiled.  “I should know better huh?”

Robyn laughed.  “Oh yes you should.”

Once they were in the bedroom, clothes were soon on the floor.  Robyn felt a little strange since Gabe had made love to her such a short time ago, but she wanted Neal.  She’d wanted Neal
for so long.  With him naked and in her bed and looking so glorious that she could hardly stand it, she didn’t think much of anything was going to stop her from having him.

He kissed her.  His kiss was no longer hesitant, but it was still full of feeling.  She loved the feel and the taste of his tongue in her mouth.  She put her arms around him and pressed her body to his. 

When they had moved past the foreplay stage Neal said “Robyn?”


She was so turned on by then that she thought she would scream if he suddenly changed his mind.  His erection was rather evident, but she knew that a guy like Neal didn’t always listen to his penis.

“I am in no way trying to be rude, and I meant it when I said that you don’t look pregnant, but you are pregnant.  Tress was the only pregnant woman I’ve ever been with but when she was further along, it got really uncomfortable for her to do it in the missionary position.  Of course she gained a lot of weight when she was pregnant and she was huge compared to you, but I don’t want to do anything that makes you even a little uncomfortable.”

Robyn kissed him.  “You are so sweet Neal.  It doesn’t bug me yet.”  Her face flushed, thinking that she knew that for a fact because she had just been with another man. 

Neal touched her face.  “I’m sorry.  I stick my foot in my mouth quite frequently.  I definitely don’t want you to think of Gabe when I make love to you.”

“Gabe no longer exists.”

Neal smiled.  “And I thought that I’d have to blow your mind when I made love to you for that to happen.”

“You’ve already blown my mind tonight Neal.”

She closed her eyes as he gently spread her legs, but opened them once he was inside of her.  It felt so incredible.  She had wondered what it would feel like for so long, and now that it was actually happening, she could hardly believe it. 

He paused in his slow thrusts and smiled down at her.  “Oh Robyn you feel so incredible.  I knew that if I ever got the chance to be with you it would be a feeling like no other, but this is indescribable.”

She linked her fingers through his.  “I feel the same way.  You can move a little faster though.  I won’t break.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.  Love me Neal.”

She kissed him, but pulled back soon after so that she could look into his eyes.  He looked like he was on fire with passion but full of contentment at the same time.  He reached his release quickly, but remained inside of her, bringing his hand down between them and stroking her womanhood until she reached orgasm.

He withdrew from her and moved to the other side of the bed, letting out a quiet sigh.  “I feel like I could make love to you all night long.”

She smiled.  “Don’t tease a pregnant woman.”

“Who said I was teasing darlin’?”

He brushed her hair back from her neck.  He kissed her neck, trailing kisses down it and then following his kisses with the delicious flow of his tongue.  It made her tingle, and made her believe that she wouldn’t mind spending whole days making love to Neal.

They showered together and then made love again.  When Robyn fell asleep that night in Neal’s arm she felt a contentment that she hadn’t ever felt when she was in Gabe’s arms.  Neal would be her man alone, and she would never mind sharing him with his daughter, because she hoped very much that Ashlyn would soon be where she belonged and that was with Neal.




Chapter 10

Robyn’s good feelings didn’t fade the next morning because when she woke up, Neal was still beside her.  On the few nights that Gabe had been able to stay with her, he had always been gone by the time she woke up.

She got out of bed quietly and used the bathroom, washed her hands and face and brushed her teeth.  When she looked at herself in the mirror she looked happy, and it was a happiness that was not burdened with the knowledge that it was a married man that was making her feel that way.

Neal smiled at her when she entered the bedroom.  “Good morning beautiful.  You are so beautiful Robyn.  But you’re so nice too.  After I was with Tress, I was afraid that all pretty girls were heartless bitches.”

Robyn laughed.  “You know, Gabe told me something similar.  But I guess that I should have listened to what Angel tried to tell me and taken everything that he ever said to me with a grain of salt.”

“I know that it hurts to think that you were fooled so easily, but what they say about love being blind is true.  Love causes people to stay in relationships that are unhealthy and that will never bring them the happiness that they deserve.”

“I think I always knew that Fuller never planned to marry me.  I’m the only one of my siblings that is of age that isn’t married.  Even my eighteen year old brother is married.  He’s really happy.  Some people might think it’s weird because she wasn’t pregnant and he’s good looking and was always popular in school, and his wife is a big girl and her parents were considered trash where we grew up.  But he loves her because she’s smart and she’s kind and she really is beautiful on the outside if you look past the fact that she’s carrying some extra weight.  If you met her before you met her parents you’d never believe that she was their child.  I think that part of the reason that I wanted marriage and a family so badly is because I look at my older sister and my brothers and even my parents and see that they’re all married.  My sister and my brothers all have good marriages.  My parents fight a lot and sometimes I wonder if they’ve resigned themselves to the lives that they settled for and to being with each other forever, but I don’t think they’d really know what to do if they were apart.  I always dreamed about growing up and getting married when I was
little like I think a lot of little girls do, but I think I wanted it so much more because it was something that all of my siblings besides my little sister who is only sixteen had.”

“I can see that.  I was an only child.  I didn’t much enjoy it.  I never wanted Ashlyn to be an only child, but as time when on, I also knew that I could never have another child with Tress and be able to live with myself.”  Neal squeezed her hand.  “I want to kiss you, but since it is morning, I have morning breath.  I hope you have some mouthwash I can use.”

Robyn smiled.  “I do.  Our night together was so wonderful.  And I feel like I can be happy about it without this weight pressing down on me, telling me that it’s wrong to want to be with the man that I want to be with.”

“I have a feeling that we could have something really special together Robyn.  I was a fool for not telling you how I felt before.”

He squeezed her hand briefly and then headed to the bathroom.  Once he was back in the bedroom, he kissed her.  Robyn let herself get lost in the heady sensation.  She thought that being with Neal felt so right.

Robyn was aroused by the end of passionate joining of their mouths, but Neal gave her an apologetic look when she noticed the evidence of his erection.  “I’m sorry Robyn.  You probably think I have an endless sex drive.  It’s just been so long for me that it’s going to be hard to control my hormones for a while.”

Robyn smiled.  “What they say about pregnant women being easily aroused is true Neal, or at least it is in my case.  I want us to have a real relationship, but I won’t mind if it involves a lot of love making.”

Neal grinned.  “I think I can handle that too.”  Then his smile faded.  “With the way Gabe acts, I think that we should probably keep our relationship quiet.  Not that anything in Brunton seems to stay quiet for long, but it should be at least a little easier since we live in the same apartment building.”

“I’m not sure how I’m going to break it off with Gabe.  Do you think I should keep quiet with Kasia, or should I say something to her?  I don’t want to bring up the stuff about the abortion since it might not be true, but maybe she knows how to get rid of Gabe without ruining their employer employee relationship.  She’s said some things to me that lead me to believe that she knows that I’ve been sleeping with him anyway.  Eric has too, but I’ve always known well enough to take everything HE says with a grain of salt.”

“I never would have thought that you were sleeping with Gabe until last night, but sometimes I think that I don’t see the things that everyone else seems to.  If you want to bring it up to her, bring it up to her.  But I’d be careful.  Kasia is a good mother, and she’s not really the trashy slut that some people think she is, but I wonder sometimes how stable she is emotionally.  She takes money from the father of her oldest son, and from what people say still sleeps with him.  She claims to love the father of her daughter, but he treats her like crap and she sleeps with other men all the time when he’s not around.  Her being with Gabe is not something that would be surprising.  But with Gabe, a relationship is at the very least unique.”

“Yeah.  He’s on a quest to find a woman that will love him in ways that his wife never will.  I was dumb enough to believe that I was the only woman he had gone to bed with during that search.”

Neal touched her face.  “Hey, don’t beat yourself up over this.  Gabe is attractive and charming and he is a good father, even if he’s not home as much as he should be and for some reasons claims that his children aren’t his by blood.  Everyone has their own search for love.  But sometimes it gets twisted.  Gabe’s search is twisted.  He has his own reasons for not divorcing Leslie I’m sure.  Some of what he’s told you in that regard is probably true.  But their marriage is not just dysfunctional because of Leslie.”

“I know.  But when you only hear one side of the story, it’s easy to believe that that’s the way it is.  I know it’s wrong, but I really thought that I loved him and that we were going to get married and raise my baby together.  I was looking forward to be a stepmother too, because Leslie doesn’t sound like a very good mother.  Of course I don’t know her, but I have a feeling that a lot of what he says about the way she treats their children is true.”

“I’ve never seen her with their kids.  I’ve seen them with Gabe and who knows how many nannies, but never her.  The one time I talked to Leslie, she was covering a shift at the bar.  She told me that she wanted to take me in the bathroom, give me a blow job and then screw me silly.”

“Wow.  What an introduction to your boss’s wife.”

Neal chuckled.  “You would make a wonderful stepmother and you’ll be a wonderful mother.  I wished so many times that I had had a child with a good woman instead of a selfish conniving bitch, but I can’t change the biological mother of my child.  And Ash wouldn’t be Ash without Tress as her mother.  We may not always adore the people that we create children with, but that doesn’t mean that we should love our children any less.”

“I know.  Fuller still hasn’t called me.  I don’t know if he’s even still in town.”

“Your baby will be loved no matter whether he ever gets his head on straight or not.  I would be honored to be a part of your child’s life Robyn.  Do you know for sure that it’s going to be a girl or are you just hoping?”

“I have pictures from the ultrasound.  There’s no visible penis, but I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.  I have a feeling that she’s a girl though.  Do you want to see?”

Neal smiled.  “I’d love to.”

Robyn dug the pictures out of her nightstand and handed them to Neal.  He smiled.  “A beautiful baby no matter what the sex.”

Robyn put the pictures away.  “Thank you.  I feel really lonely when I have to go to the doctor by myself.  But Fuller doesn’t want to be there and of course Gabe can’t be there.”

“I’d love to go with you if you wanted me to.”

“Thank you.  I’d like that.  Now how about we get back to where we were before?”

Neal grinned.  “Oh yes.”

They undressed and kissed and touched until they’d had their fill of foreplay.  Though the missionary position was still comfortable for her as she’d told Neal the night before, Robyn had looked at sexual positions online that were comfortable for women later in their pregnancies and they tried one. 

They both found it very enjoyable.  They showered together and then Neal made them breakfast.  He returned to his apartment to change his clothes, but returned soon after.  They spent the day until she had to go to work together.

Robyn very much enjoyed her time with Neal and was sad to say goodbye to him, though the kiss he gave her made her look forward to many more goodbye kisses from him.  They made plans to get together after she got off of work. 

Robyn felt a little like she was walking on air when she walked into the bar.  Kasia gave her an amused smile and said “You look like you got laid by a man that will be yours in a way that a married man never can.  Did baby daddy come to his senses or did you hook up with a random hottie?”

“Kasia can we talk if business dies down later?”

“You okay hon?  I was just teasing you, but you do look happier than you have in a while.  Not that you’re not cheerful and don’t look happy, but there’s always something underneath it.”

“Yeah.  It’s kind of hard to explain.”

“A lot of stuff might seem like it, but I’m far from the girl next door Robyn.  There’s nothing that you can tell me that will make me think of you differently.  I’ve probably done it or thought about doing it.  We can talk about whatever you want.”

Robyn smiled.  “Thank you.”

Business was busy until almost ten o’clock.  Then the weather started to get bad again, so it slowed down a lot.  There were two guys sharing a pitcher of beer at one end of the bar and a couple making out in the back booth, but other than that Gabe’s Place was empty of anyone besides the two pretty women behind the bar.

Kasia gestured for Robyn to sit down.  “Sit.  You don’t look pregnant, but I’ve worked all the way through two of my pregnancies and know that it sucks being on your feet.  So Robyn, what do you want to talk about?”

“Um, I don’t mean any offense when I ask this Kasia, but are you sleeping with Gabe, or have you in the past?”

Kasia laughed.  “I am not sleeping with Gabe right now, but that man is so hard to get rid of.  He doesn’t just want in your pants, he wants in your head.  I’m marrying my oldest son’s father in a month and a half.  I know that I’m probably not the woman that he deserves, and I may never love him the way he wants me too, but he is so good to me and he loves all of my kids and I don’t mind sharing his bed.  It’s more about comfort for me, but my kids need a good father and I need to settle the hell down and stop playing revolving door with my daughter’s dad.  I don’t have any idea who my younger son’s dad is.  That disgusts me, but he has always had a man that was willing to be his father.”

“Congratulations.  Are you quitting?”

“Oh yeah.  I will not be sad to kiss this place goodbye.  Way too many bad memories.  I did mess around with Gabe for a long time, but I haven’t for almost six weeks now.  When I met him, I was fooled too.  I’d heard the rumors that he beds every female bartender he hires, that he hires the women he does on purpose because he plans on screwing them.  I heard that he stalks some girls and pays places around town to pass along the info to pretty girls that Gabe’s Place is always hiring, even if you have a less than perfect work history or background.  But I looked at this gorgeous charming man and I was taken in.  I’d seen him around town with his kids.  Never his wife, just him or some nanny.  He looks like such a wonderful father and Leslie is a bitch.  I’ve talked to her once.  She came on to me hard and when I turned her down she said some dirty, low down shit to me.  Gabe promised me he’d help me with whatever I needed when he hired me.  I was trying to take less from Buster’s dad so I let him buy me a car, because having three kids, I really needed one.  He pays for my health insurance and my daughter’s and my younger son’s.  Before he ever put a move on me, he gave me the sob story of how terrible to him Leslie is.  I don’t doubt it, but in this day and age the remedy for that is divorce.  He told me that one of the reasons he’s afraid to divorce her is because his kids aren’t his.  I think he thinks that it’s easier for women
to swallow because their kids have dark hair and Leslie has that bright flaming red hair.  But it comes from a bottle of dye.  I know a woman who works at the hair dresser that she goes to, and every time that brown hair starts to pop up, Leslie is right back in there, getting it erased again.  I’m pretty sure her vivid green eyes come from contacts, but I think they just enhance what’s already there.  Her eyes might be a less noticeable green, or maybe even hazel.  Both of those kids are Gabe’s by blood.  She was not pregnant when he met her.  She got pregnant a couple days after they met and it freaked him out.  He took off on her for months and then went crawling back to her and proposed.  You’ve been sleeping with Gabe haven’t you Robyn?  I’ll bet he told you what a piece of shit Fuller was for taking off on you when you were pregnant.  Pretty damned hypocritical when he did the same thing to Leslie.”

“I have been sleeping with him.  I thought that a lot of what he told me didn’t make sense, but I wanted so badly to believe him.  I was so sure that he would divorce her and we’d get married and raise my baby together.”

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