Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (93 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Ami was thinking that he was going overboard but was more afraid that he wasn't.  The things Gabe was doing now were things she had always imagined Corin doing if he found her.  Why was it that just when she’d found out Corin was dead, she’d somehow managed to invite another psycho into her life she wondered? 

Carson was talking again.  "The two weeks you got left at the bar are going to be the hardest.  At least when you're at the alley Nick can keep an eye on you at work and I can keep an eye on you when you're at home.  Hopefully that sack of shit will get the picture and you leave you the hell alone."

"I hope so," Ami said.  Oh, did she hope so she thought.

Ali reached out and squeezed her hand.  "It's gonna be okay, Ami."

"Thank you guys so much." She was overwhelmed by their kindness.

"It's what friends are for girl."

"I guess I'd better go get ready for work.”  This was not a night she was looking forward to she thought.

"Have you told him you're quitting?" Alicia asked.

"No.  That's what I have to do tonight.  If he doesn't come in, I'll call him or text him."

"If you have any trouble you know who to call."

Ami nodded.  "I will.  I promise."

"Be safe honey," Ali said.

"I will.  See you guys later."

They both waited until she was up the stairs before going inside.  She went into the bathroom, and stared at herself in the mirror.  She looked like shit she thought.

She shoved the necklace into the back of her underwear drawer and grabbed her stuff.  She dreaded the conversation she was going to have with Gabe but it had to be done.

His truck wasn't in the lot when she got there.  There were only a few cars besides Eric's and Rick's.  She almost wanted to tell Rick what was going on because she knew he would protect her.  It wasn't in him not to protect a woman that felt as helpless as she did, but she was embarrassed about the whole thing and wanted as few people involved as possible.

The night seemed to drag.  The customers were few and far between and most of them seemed to be women who were a lot more interested in chatting up Rick than being served a drink by Ami.

Around seven she told Rick she was taking her break and went outside for a cigarette.  She was afraid that she'd find Gabe sitting in the parking lot, but she didn't see his truck.

Her hand was shaking as she typed out the message 'I'm giving you my two weeks’ notice.'

His response was immediate.  She could almost feel the chill behind his words 'Why is that?'

'This is too much for me Gabe.'

'You didn't like my gifts?'

'I’m going back to my boyfriend.’

Her words may have been a lie, but she didn't care.

'Don't lie to me Ami.'

'I'm not.'

'You fucked Nick Allison two nights ago and now you're going back to your boyfriend?'

How the hell did he know she thought?   Or had he been following her again and seen her leave Nick's apartment?   Seen her car parked there over night.  She had to be careful with what she said.

'I didn't sleep with Nick.'

'Am I stupid?  Of course you did.  I will forgive you.  If you come to your senses.'

'I can't do this Gabe.  I don't want to be with you.'

'You wanted me Saturday.  You practically begged me for it.'

'It was a mistake.'

'You know it wasn't.  Fine.  I will let you go.  Two weeks from now, you no longer work for me.'

'Thank you.'

'But don't think that it's over between us.'

'It never started Gabe.'

'Didn't it?  I don't like to be toyed with.'

'I'm not playing games.  I made a mistake.  I'm sorry.'

'You're sorry?   I don’t accept your apology.’

'Please just leave me alone.'

'I can't leave you alone.'

'You can.  Forget it happened.'

'I will never forget you Ami Collins.  You are mine.'

'I'm not yours.  I never was and I never will be.'

'We are tied.  Deny it but it won't go away.'

'Gabe please listen to what you’re saying.'

'I am.  I know what I need.  You are the one that is fooling yourself.'

'I'm not.  I have to go back in.  Rick needs my help.'

'The bar is dead.'

'It's not that dead.  Two cars just pulled into the lot.  My break's over.'

'A love like mine will never die.  We are not over.  Have a good rest of your night love.'

Not knowing what else to say she wrote back 'You, too.'

She shoved her phone back in her purse and went back inside.

Rick had already served the couples from the cars that had pulled in.  He gave her a concerned look.  "You okay?"

She was far from okay but she nodded.  "Yeah.  I'm sorry I took so long."

He winked at her.  "No problem.  I won't tell Gabe if you don't."

She felt almost sick at the sound of his name but she gave Rick a weak smile.

The rest of the night went faster.  She was glad when it was finally over.  She was counting the days until her last day.  She told Rick that she was quitting when they were cleaning up and.  He wanted to know why.

"I don't think I'm doing a very good job.  I'm going to work at the bowling alley."

"You're doing fine.  We'll be sorry to see you go.  But Bobby's good people.  He takes good care of his employees."

She nodded and let it go.  She had a feeling Rick knew something else was going on, but he didn't press her.

He walked her to her car.  When they parted ways she looked around, making sure she didn't see Gabe's truck before she pulled out.  Rick looked concerned again, but she gave him a wave and pulled out of the parking lot.

Nick's call came at almost exactly the same time as it had the night before.  She pulled up to the same stop sign.  "Hello."

"Hey.  Everything okay?"

"Not exactly.  Can you call me back in like five minutes?  I'm driving." She thought that she was much too nervous tonight to drive and talk at the same time.

"No problem.  Talk to you in a bit."

She hung up the phone and made her way home.  When she got out of her car, she glanced across the street.  Gabe's truck was nowhere to be seen.  Ali's light was off.  She breathed a sigh of relief and headed towards the stairs.

When she was halfway there, a flash of headlights caught her eye.  She turned slightly, knowing what she would see before she saw it.  He was back.  His shiny maroon SUV was back in the place it had been before.  Her heart pounded and she had to stop herself from running up the stairs.

When she was inside her apartment, she peeked back out the window.  He was still there.

What the hell was she going to do she thought?

She fought tears as she waited for Nick to call.  Finally her phone rang.  She swallowed hard and said "Hello."

"You don't sound okay.”

"He's across the street again."

"Stay put and keep your door locked.  I'm on my way.  I'll be there in five minutes."

Nick was gone so she hung up the phone.  She went back to the window.  Gabe was still there.  Would he leave when Nick showed up she wondered?

She hoped so.  She found herself pacing, glancing out the window every thirty seconds or so.

Of course he was still there every time she looked.

Nick pulled in, tires squealing.  He looked at Gabe when he got out of his car.  There was a staring contest between the two men for almost a minute.  Ami was starting to fear Nick confronting him.  Finally he turned and headed up the stairs.

When she opened the door he said "Get back inside."

But she didn't miss what Gabe did.  He waved at her and blew her a kiss before his headlights came on and he pulled away.

"Sick fuck," Nick said.  He'd seen it, too.

"I guess you came here for nothing." She was suddenly very, very tired.

"Just because he's gone now doesn't mean he won't come back.  I don't have to work tomorrow.  You're stuck with me tonight."

"Thank you.” Her voice was weak and her legs felt shaky.  She wanted him to hold her.

"Let me make up the couch.  Though I doubt I'll sleep much."

"I'm not trying to put any kind of pressure on you but will you hold me?  At least until I fall asleep?"

"He really got to you didn't he?  Bastard.  I'd like to wring his neck.  Ali's upset, because she's worried for you.  Carson's pissed because when Ali's as upset as she is right now, it puts the baby at risk."

"I didn't mean to upset anyone." She suddenly felt very small.  She wanted her father.

"Oh honey.  It's not your fault." He pulled her into his arms.

She didn't know she was crying until he handed her a tissue.  Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying being in his arms.

"You need to get some rest babe."

She let him lead her to her bedroom.  She didn't bother to turn around when she undressed because she didn't care.  Nick watched her, but all she saw in his eyes was concern.

He was already in his pajamas.  She figured he must have looked a little funny driving over, but she knew he didn't care.

He kissed her once, very softly.  She didn't have the strength to push for more.  He lay her down on the bed and reached for the light, even though it was on her side of the bed.

The light was off and she was nestled in his arms.  For the first time since she'd known him, he was this close to her and she wasn't thinking about sex.  She just needed the comfort he offered.

It took her a long time to fall asleep that night.  She kept thinking she heard noises outside and whenever she moved, Nick moved.  She was beginning to think that she was the only one in the room that wasn't thinking about sex.

Exhaustion finally won out.  Before she fell asleep she wanted to ask him to stay with her all night but she didn't.




Chapter 14

When she woke up Nick was gone.  She wondered how long he'd stayed with her.  Sunlight was streaming through her window.  Her clock said that it was twenty minutes after nine.

She got up and used the bathroom.  She thought that she still looked like crap but she didn't really care.

She went out to the living room.  Nick was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating a bowl of cereal.  He gave her a sheepish smile.  "I hope you don't mind.  You sure do have a lot of breakfast food for someone that doesn't eat breakfast."

"It's okay.  Thank you for staying with me."

Nick nodded.  There weren't any blankets or a pillow on the couch so she figured he'd stayed with her all night.  She appreciated it, but knew he couldn't stay with her every night.

How long would it take for her to feel safe again she wondered?   It didn’t seem fair that when she’d finally gotten rid of Corin, she now had yet another stalker to worry about.

"You're off today too, aren't you?" Nick said.

"Yeah.  I'm off until Saturday.  At least Gabe's letting me go.  I mean letting me go from the bar anyway.  He said pretty much what Angela told me about the rest of it.  That it's not over until he says it's over."

"That guy is scum.  I think he gets off on making women feel weak.  You mind if I look at what he said to you?"

She dug her phone out, handing it to him.  His eyes were on her briefly as she poured herself a cup of coffee but they quickly returned to the phone.

It was quiet for a few minutes as he read through the messages.  Once he was finished he said "He's got a serious screw loose.  How many times do you have to tell him that you don't want anything to do with him?  Can you send a copy of all of those messages to your e-mail?  And copy it to mine if you don't mind.”

She took the phone back from Nick, and sent every text from Gabe to her e-mail.  It took quite a while.  By the time she was finished, Nick was pacing back and forth between the living room and the kitchen.  She caught his eye and he said "Sorry.  It helps me think."

"It's okay."

In truth he was driving her half nuts but any useful thought they could come up with right now she welcomed.  She didn't know what was bothering her more, distracting herself by looking at his butt every time it crossed her vision or his returning to the window every time he crossed back to the living room, making sure that Gabe wasn't there.  Her hormones had come alive again at least, though she didn't know if that was a bad or a good thing.

"What's your e-mail address?"

He gave it to her.  She spent another few minutes forwarding him all the texts.

His back was to her.  He was standing at the window and he'd paused this time.  She wondered what he was looking at.

"Son of a bitch."


She started to get up but he motioned for her to stay where she was.

"I had to look closer to be sure, but it is him.  I don't know why he's doing it but that asshole is sitting outside now in his wife's car."

"His wife's car?"

"I had to check and double check.  The license plates tell you that it's her car.  No one else has plates that say 'Les 4 U'.  From what I heard she had to fight the DMV to get them but it might just be a rumor.  It's her little play on words.  Yeah, her name is Leslie but they say that it means what it looks like.  That she's telling everyone she's a lesbian."

"Nice.  No wonder Gabe's such a weirdo."

"I think that guy was weird long before he met her.  I'm willing to bet he was terrorizing chicks back in high school.  Some guys just can't get over the one that they can't have.  He's good looking enough that he can get almost any girl but when the one that he really wants doesn't give him what he wants, he snaps."

"It doesn't exactly sound like he's snapped."

"Ami.  Do you not think what he's doing to you right now is pretty damned creepy?"

"Yeah.  But it's not like he's actually done anything.  He sits there, but he hasn't ever got out of his car that I know of.  He's sent me some kind of obsessive texts but I haven't really seen him since Saturday."

"He wants you to let your guard down.”

"So what exactly do you think he's going to do if I do?"

"I don't know.  That's what everyone's afraid of.  Even Angela thinks there's something different about you and him."

"Why?  Because I'm not a druggie or an alcoholic?"

"It's not the fact that they're on drugs or like the booze a little bit too much.  It's that they're vulnerable.  Everyone's got something that makes them vulnerable.  If he can't get you with money, he'll get you with sex.  I'm almost willing to bet that you're one of the first women that's been so adamant about saying no to him after he's gotten them into bed.  Maybe that's all it is.  You damaged his ego because you weren't on your knees the next day begging him to screw you again.  So he tries to ply you with that fancy necklace."

"I didn't want the stupid necklace and believe me, if I could take back sleeping with him, I would.  But there’s something else Nick.  He knows my son’s name.  I never told him I have a son."

"Shit.  You kid is safe right?”

“Yeah, he’s with my aunt until I can get my life together enough to get him back.”

“I’m sure your life was plenty together before Gabe walked into it Ami.  I think he knows that you wish you wouldn’t have slept with him too.  So I'm thinking that he's either going to shower you with a bunch of crap to try and break you that way or do something to manipulate you.  From the text, he was pissed at first when you said you were quitting but then he just lay down and took it.  Expect your last paycheck to be bigger than it should be.  Way more.  And he's doing that for two reasons.  To let you know that he's got cash to throw at you whenever you want it, and also to make you feel like a whore."


"I think that you should expect to have some twit working at the bar within the next few days.  He's going to flaunt her, shove her in your face.  Hopefully, after his ego is repaired, and you're working with me, he'll leave you alone.  But I wouldn't count on it.  I think that he's going to bide his time with you.  I think he's going to be waiting in the wings for a while."

"Thanks for the lovely thought Nick.”

"I want you to be careful.  When you first start at the alley, I'm going to want you there when I'm there.  It might piss Bobby off a little but he'll get over it.  That new girl is doing better than I hoped.  If you want weekends off, let me know.  Penny works weekends because she's in school and Missy said she'll work whenever we need her."

"I'll let you know.  Thank you."

"No problem.  You and Ali got anything planned today?"

"I don't think so."

"We'll go out and do something then.  I gotta drag you two to my apartment.  I need clothes obviously and I need to take a quick shower.  I was so afraid something was going to happen last night and I'd miss your call that I didn't bother."

"Can't we stay here with the doors locked?  And what if Ali has to work?"

"Carson got a raise and Jenny's backing off on the child support since her new man is loaded and Elijah is going to be living with Carson half the time anyway, full time soon enough.  Ali's too stressed to work.  Carson made her promise she won't go back to work until after they get married.  She makes her own hours and she's good enough at what she does that a few days won't matter.  Besides, I'm under strict orders to keep an eye on you two until Carson gets off of work.  You get to hang out with Carson tomorrow.” He had already turned back to the window.

"Is he still there?"

"Hold on."

"What?" She wanted to see, but he again motioned for her to stay put.

"His wife's out there.  They're trading out cars, but it's not his truck that she's getting out of.  This is weird.  How in the hell is she okay with him sitting out there?  She's handing him the keys.  I can't see real well but she looks kinda pissed.  No, she's kissing him.  Really kissing him.  Those two are quite a pair."

She was startled when Nick moved to the door.  "What are you doing?"

"I'm going outside.  I want to check out his new truck.  And I want to read his license plates."

"Let me come.”

"No.  That's what he wants.  We're not going to give him the satisfaction."

Nick went outside, shutting the door behind him.  He was back in less than a minute.  She didn't like the look on his face.


"I don't know how he did it.  Vanity plates usually take a while to make."

"What does it say?"

"You don't want to know."

"Yes, I do.  Just tell me."

"His plates say 'Only You'."

She slumped back onto the couch.  Nick went back to the window.  "He's leaving now.  His new truck looks even nicer than the last one.  Damn.  He must have been in his wife's car because she was picking up the new one or something.  Maybe she was getting the plates.  I don't get it, though.  I know they have what you would call a unique relationship to say the least, but how can she lay one on him when he's sitting out there watching you?  And even if he already had the car and just wasn't driving it how did he get the plates so quick?"

"Money talks."

"You've been here less than two weeks though.  Even if he decided he wanted you the second you walked in the bar.  .  ."

"I don't want to think about how he did it.  Let me get dressed so we can go get Ali."

When she was in the bedroom, her phone went off.  Nick got to it before she could.  He handed it to her with a dark expression on his face.

The words she read didn't make sense.  'It's for you.'

It was from Gabe, but she had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

She replied 'What's for me?'

'The SUV that your boyfriend was admiring.'

The color drained from her face.  He had to be kidding she thought.

‘I don't want it.'

'Thought you needed a little more persuasion since a $15,000 necklace didn't do it for you.'

'You can't give me a car.  I don't want it or the necklace.  Take it all back.'

'Sorry darling.  I can't.' She could almost see the smug grin on his face.

'The cost of that thing could put one of your kids at least halfway through college.'

'Don't patronize me.  My kids have trust funds.'

'You and your wife are both sick.'

'I give Leslie what she wants; she gives me what I want.'

'I don't want you.'

'Ami love, this is getting rather boring.'

'You stalking me is boring?'

'I'm not stalking you.  I am simply letting you know I am there.'

'I don't want you anywhere near me.  I'm not coming back to work.'

'You work Saturday and you don't have to.'

'So you already have another girl lined up.  Give her the car.'

'She is not what I want.  She is merely a toy.'

'You disgust me.'

'Pretty lies to yourself.'

'Fuck you Gabe.'

'Don't get nasty Ami.  It's not necessary.  If it's for your boy toy's benefit you can stop.'

‘He's not my boy toy.'

'He can't give you what you need.  Only I can.'

'I don't want anything you give me.  Get it through your head Gabe.'

'I will wait for you.'

'You're going to be waiting forever.'

'Will I?  I think not.  Be stubborn if you want.  When Nick breaks you I will pick up the pieces.'


She was getting extremely frustrated.  Nick was in the kitchen, talking quietly on his phone, probably to Carson she thought.

'No need to yell darling.  Though your feistiness does turn me on.'

'You will never touch me again.'

'My, my.  Did Nick not give you what you needed last night?'

'He gave me everything I needed.'

'Lying again.  I have what you need.'

'I'd rather go to bed with Carson than you.'

'Ooh, don't let your pregnant friend hear that.  No reason for insults.  You like sex Ami.'

'Not with you.'

'I could take you to another level.  Angela looks well doesn't she?'

'Stay away from her too.'

'I'm finished with her.  Let Manny and Sissy have her.  She's fine.  Ready to be a mother now.'

'You should stay out of things that aren't your business.'

'You are my only business.  I'm outside.’

'Go away.'

'Calm down lover, I'm leaving your truck.'

'I'm not your lover.'

'Denial isn't healthy.  I'll leave the keys under the visor.'

'Take your truck and your scary self and get away from me.'

‘Do I scare you love?'

'What the fuck else are you trying to do?'

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
8.04Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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