Mitry and Weni (14 page)

Read Mitry and Weni Online

Authors: Becca Van

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Mitry and Weni
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“You should feel her ass,” Mit rasped. “Tighter than a fucking fist.”

“Oh god,” Krysta moaned. She couldn’t believe they were talking about her like this, but what was even more unbelievable was the fact that their dirty talk was ramping up her arousal.

“She likes the dirty talk,” Wen gasped. “She covered me in her cream.”

“Good.” Mit’s hold on her tightened as he drove into her star again.

Krysta was having a hard enough time staying upright. Having their cocks driving in and out of her pussy and ass was so erotically indulgent she couldn't speak anymore. Every time they stroked into her they increased the pace until their bodies were slamming together and her insides felt as if it had curled into one tight huge coil.

Each time she exhaled she was sobbing. The tension inside was building fast. Her insides felt as if it was molten lava, the liquid heat almost too much to endure.

One of Wen’s hands moved from her hip, caressing over her belly toward the top of her slit. Krysta cried out when his finger pressed lightly on the sensitive pearl and sent her streaking toward culmination.

She screamed as her internal muscles clamped down hard on the two cocks sliding in and out of her pussy and ass, only to let go for an instant before clenching down again. Her body quaked and quivered. Her arms and legs trembled as the biggest orgasm she’d ever had held her in its grip.

Lightning flashed in front of her closed eyes, leaving pinpricks of star-like spots on her retinas. Cream gushed from her cunt covering her inner thighs and no doubt Wen as well. The white lights began to dissipate and in its place blackness came from the outside of her eyesight closing in.

Just as the contractions in her womb, pussy, and ass began to wane, Wen and Mit licked her mating marks and sank their fangs into her flesh. The roars of completion they made as their cocks jerked and twitched inside of her were muffled against her skin and then all she could hear was herself screaming as she shot back up into another orgasm. This one was more powerful than the last and as her voice faded away, she opened her mouth to drag air into her starving lungs but couldn’t manage to even do that.

The blackness covered her eyes and although she felt herself falling she could do nothing to stop it. Her breasts smashed into Wen’s chest, causing her to moan as the light hair on his chest brushed against her too sensitive nipples, and while she tried to fight against the invading darkness, she couldn’t hold it back. With a sigh of satiation she gave in and let it consume her as she was drawn down, down, down into the black hole that rose up to meet her.

Chapter Ten


“Geezus,” Mit groaned as the last of his seed was milked from his cock by the twitching of Krysta’s ass muscles.

“That was…” Wen swallowed audibly, obviously at a loss for words.

Mit knew exactly how his friend felt. His heart had never been so full of joy and warmth and it was all because of the petite, fiery woman sandwiched between them.

“Is she okay?” Wen asked as he brushed the strands of hair off of Krysta’s sweat-dampened cheek.

“I think she passed out,” Mit replied.

“I nearly did, too.” Wen kissed the top of Krysta’s head.

Mit moaned as he eased his deflating cock from his mate’s ass and flopped down onto the bed beside her and Wen.

“Yeah.” Mit had wondered for a moment or two if he was going to pass out as well. He’d had plenty of sex in his long life but nothing would ever compare to making love to his mate. He’d never come so hard or so long ever before and there was no way in hell he was going to compare her to any other woman he’d been with. He didn’t want to remember all the shallow encounters he and Wen had experienced before meeting and loving Krysta. He’d feel guilty for doing such a thing, and for once in his life he was glad he couldn’t even remember any of their faces or bodies.

Krysta was the love of his life and it felt like sacrilege even thinking about anyone else.

“Can you go and run a bath?” Wen asked.

Mit nodded, sat up, and shoved to his feet. He was happy to do something, anything that would make his mate more comfortable. If he could, he would give her the moon and stars if she asked for them.

He entered the bathroom, plugged the tub, and turned the faucets on full bore. He looked forward to helping Wen wash Krysta and while he waited for the bath to fill he hoped that now they were fully mated the connection between the three of them would strengthen. He could feel her in his heart and when he locked onto the tether he followed it back to his mate.

It was an amazing experience, and he hoped they would have long, happy lives together. The moment he was inside her heart, joy filled him to overflowing. Even though she was asleep he could feel her contentment and happiness. She cared for them deeply and even while she probably wouldn’t say she loved them, Mit knew she did. His smile grew wider until his face started aching and he couldn’t stop the chuckle erupting out of his mouth. Their mate was feisty and stubborn and although he longed to hear her say that she loved him, he realized if he wanted to hear those words on her lips that he and Wen were going to have to say them first.

His first instinct was to race back into the bedroom, awaken her with kisses, and declare his feelings but he knew she wouldn’t believe him and probably would think he was only saying them after the amazing fantastic sex they had just shared.

If she’d been a demigod for as long as he had she probably wouldn’t have had any qualms about being with them, but she had been human up until recently and she’d had no one to love her from a young age.

Mit sighed and tested the water to make sure it wasn’t too hot and adjusted it accordingly. He’d probably be as cynical as Krysta was if he’d lived her life. He and Wen were going to have to show her how much they loved her. After all, the adage about actions being louder than words was appropriate. Words were easy to say but showing what was in one’s heart would prove to their mate what she meant to them.

He turned when Wen carried Krysta into the bathroom and nodded to let him know the temperature of the water was fine. Wen stepped over the rim and sank into the water, taking their mate with him. She must have been exhausted because she didn’t stir, not even when they washed and dried her before Mit carried her back to the bedroom. He held her against his chest, staring at her beautiful face while his friend stripped the bed and remade it with fresh sheets.

He gently lowered her into the middle so he and Wen could get in on either side of her. Mit cuddled up to her back, spooning with her while Wen pushed his arm under her head and draped an arm over her waist.

“We have to keep her safe, Mit.” Wen’s gaze was intense.

Mit nodded, his jaw clenched with determination. “We will.”

“I’ve got a horrible feeling in my gut.” Wen’s gaze hazed over with anger.

“I do, too.”

“Do you think Apep knows about Krysta?” Wen asked.

Mit wished he could say no but he would be lying so he nodded his head.

“Why is it that the demonic seem to be targeting our mates just as we meet them?”

Mit sighed. “It may seem like that but Krysta’s been fighting those assholes for nearly two years by herself.”

“I hate to even think about that. How the hell has she survived so long without being possessed or killed?”

“I don’t know,” Mit replied. “Maybe she has a guardian angel.”

“You think Ra has been watching over her?”

“The only person who can answer that question is Ra himself.”

“I wish,” Wen muttered. “It seems our deity has been keeping his distance. I hate it that he doesn’t come when we need him most.”

“Maybe he can’t.”

“You think that he has rules to follow?”

“Don’t you?”

“I suppose.” Wen pulled the covers up over Krysta’s shoulder when she shivered. “It would be a hell of a lot easier if we knew all those alleged rules.”

“Yeah but I doubt we’ll ever be privileged with knowing what the gods can and can’t do.”

Wen nodded and settled back on his pillow.

Mit stroked his hand down Krysta’s thigh and nuzzled her neck with his nose. He sighed as peace and contentment washed over him. “We should take the opportunity to get some sleep. We both know that we’re going to be back out fighting those demons very soon.”

“I know.” Wen stroked his hand over Krysta’s upper back. “I’m just glad we don’t have to go out tonight.”

“Me, too.” Mit closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of Krysta’s ass nestled into his groin, her soft, silky, warm skin against his. He was going to relish this night holding his mate because he had no doubt tomorrow night would be spent killing the shadow demons.

What scared him the most, though, was that Krysta would be fighting alongside him and Wen. It wasn’t that he was worried she couldn’t hold her own against the shadow demons because he knew she could. The knot of trepidation in his gut told him something bad was going to happen and no matter how hard he tried to quell it, it wouldn’t dislodge.


* * * *


The moment Krysta woke she felt energized. Her heart was full to overflowing for her two mates and she wanted to shout with happiness. She was amazed that she had slept long and deeply without waking once and she was feeling so refreshed and buzzed she felt as if she could take on the world and win.

She blinked her eyes open, scrambled from the bed, and headed into the bathroom. She wasn’t disappointed or worried about Wen and Mit not being there when she woke because she could hear them in the large communal kitchen talking to the other sentinels.

She had no idea what the time was and didn’t really care. She was too happy to let anything bother her right now. After using the facilities she turned on the shower and stepped in, quickly washing her hair and body before turning off the faucets and drying off.

When she was dressed with her teeth brushed, she headed out of the bedroom down the small hall and was halfway across the living room when she froze.

The air around her turned cold and when she exhaled she could see a cloud of fog as the warm, moist air left her mouth. She took another step toward the open doorway to the apartment but she felt as if she was walking in slow motion. Her eyes widened when the door began to close of its own accord and that was when she felt the oily black sludge of evil.

The fluorescent lights flickered before dimming and then went out completely, making Krysta blink as her eyesight adjusted to the lack of illumination. She caught movement from the corners of her eyes and knew deep in her heart that the shadow demons were here, and they were here for her.

She was glad that Mit and Wen had left the apartment earlier and wouldn’t have to fight the demonic. She had only just met them but she loved them too much to want to see them injured or hurt.

Krysta’s gaze darted around the room looking for a weapon but there was none to be found. She should have asked for her sword the moment she woke up but after she’d been assured she was safe, she hadn’t thought about it.

If she survived this she would never be without her sword close at hand again. She hated feeling vulnerable, but as that thought crossed her mind she felt a surge of power rush through her body and her eye teeth exploded from her gums. If she had time to ponder over that anomaly, she may have laughed or maybe cried. She wasn’t sure which but she quickly pushed her thoughts aside.

The shadows were moving closer and she had to be ready to fight. Hot and cold warred in her body but again she shoved those sensations down deep. She’d been fighting these assholes for nearly two years. She could do so now even without a sword in her hand. At least she hoped so.

She glanced toward the closed door when she heard someone pounding on it, cocking her head to listen intently. She exhaled with relief when she realized that Mit, Wen, and the other sentinels were outside trying to get to her. Of course she knew that wasn’t about to happen. The shadow demons had powers beyond her capabilities and maybe their leader, Apep, also had a hand in what was happening right now. She wouldn’t put it past the fucker. Especially if he had plans of grandeur about ruling Earth.

Krysta couldn’t believe how calm she was on the outside. Inside her gut was churning and her palms were sweating but she made sure to keep her expression stoic and her body relaxed. There was no way in hell she was letting the bastards know she was more than a little trepidatious.

When the hair on her body stood on end and more power washed over her, she wondered what was going on. When a peaceful warmth invaded her frame from the inside out, she embraced it. There wasn’t time to do anything else. The demonic were upon her.

The shadows wrapped around her and while the pain was immense and her skin sliced open and began to spill blood, she clenched her jaw tight so she wouldn’t cry out. The demonic wrapped around her tighter and tighter, their oily black evil forms cutting deeper into her skin making her bleed heavier.

Krysta had no idea when she’d closed her eyes and tried to force them open but they wouldn’t cooperate. It was if her body had a mind of its own, reacting however necessary. Even through her eyelids she could see a bright light beginning to glow and for a second she marveled over the fact she could see the reddish-colored blood vessels in the lids.

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