Moments in Time (31 page)

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Authors: Karen Stivali

BOOK: Moments in Time
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I put the car in park and turned it off.

“No one, huh?” Tanner’s voice was even lower, thick and seductive.

My cock pulsed in reply.

Tanner’s seat belt clicked as he released it. Before I could reach for mine, his hand was on it. The belt slithered up across my chest, followed by Tanner’s fingers. I groaned, shivering with need and wanting to savor every second of his touch.

He cupped my neck, leaning closer. “You’re sure?”

He didn’t say it, but I knew he was thinking about Laura barging in on us. I hated that we had to be so hesitant, so cautious. Nodding, I pointed out the front window. “Even if someone was coming, we’d see the headlights way before they got—”

Tanner interrupted with a kiss that stopped my sentence and my brain. His lips pressed against mine, irresistibly warm in the cold, damp night air. I shifted closer, feeling his fingers tighten on my neck as our tongues touched. So sweet. He tasted so fucking sweet. I nipped at his lower lip, breathing him in as he moaned.

“Jesus, I miss this.”

My hand couldn’t move fast enough as I reached for him, grabbing his shirt and tugging him closer, then sliding my fingers down the ridges of his abs, inching lower, passing from thin T-shirt to thick denim. Heat radiated through the fabric as I stroked his erection, pressing against him with the heel of my hand and feeling him throb in response. I fumbled to undo his fly.

Smooth metal button. Jagged zipper. Cottony boxer briefs. Each texture left me aching more for what I really wanted.
. The hot silky feel of him sliding into my waiting hand had me squirming in my seat.

“Fuck,” Tanner groaned as I freed him from his clothes, shoving his pants lower, stroking him as slowly as I could make myself go.

I slicked my thumb across his swollen tip, vaguely aware that the windows in the car were already steaming up around us.

Tanner’s head fell back against the seat as his hips lifted to thrust harder into my hand. “Christ, that feels fucking amazing.”

“Good.” I leaned forward, kissing his neck, his chest. “Because I believe I owe you a cargasm.”

Tanner’s laughter vibrated through me. His fingers wove into my hair, and he tilted my head so I had no choice but to stare into his eyes. Not that I minded. I was happy to gaze at him all night, especially when he looked like this, hair disheveled, face flushed from need, pupils so huge and dark I could get lost in them. His desire was palpable, and what he wanted was me.

I kissed him hard and fast, maintaining my grip on his cock but not stroking at all. He twitched in my hand, impatient and demanding. I wasn’t about to keep him waiting any longer. Pulling away from the warmth of his mouth, I lowered my head, swept the bead of precome off his swollen crown, and eased him between my lips.

Tanner hissed, tightening his grip on my hair, then massaging my neck as I slowly teased him. Short licks swirling around his head, first one way, then the other, then up and down over the sensitive seam. He whimpered, raising his hips off the seat, but I pushed him down, anchoring him with a firm hand to his chest. His heart pounded beneath my fingertips, the booming audible even with the rain drumming onto the car.

Knowing he was that excited pushed me to the brink of control. My cock had worked its way up to my waistband, leaving damp streaks on my belly each time my head bobbed in Tanner’s lap. I sucked him deeper, reveling in his taste, clean, slightly salty, all Tanner. I missed this so much.

His breathing grew more ragged with each pull of my mouth. I was lost in thoughts of making him come, feeling him fill me, but insistent hands tugged me upward, bringing my mouth to his.

I considered protesting, but with his tongue wrapped around mine and his hand freeing my erection, I couldn’t say anything more complex than a muffled “Good.”

Tanner’s lips pulled into a smile against mine as his fingers shoved my pants open and wrapped around my length. He stroked with reverence, up to the tip, flipping his hand over, then sliding down to the base, flipping over, then back again, like sliding into an endless tunnel of his warmth. I panted, not wanting him to stop but longing to have him back in my mouth. Kisses distracted me, and I was caught up in wave after wave of pleasure as his tongue spiraled mine. My heart raced, my head swam. I didn’t want it to stop—ever.

Tanner pulled away, breathless, and I let out an exasperated grunt as the cool air rushed between us. Then I saw his lopsided grin. “Show me the Batemobile in action.”

Heat filled my cheeks.
Seriously? That’s what he wants?

My cock weighed in quickly—
Give the man what he wants! Show him. Now!

Out of habit, I threw a nervous glance over my shoulder, then checked the sideview mirror. Nothing but rain and darkness, and Tanner’s hungry stare. His seat creaked as he turned to face me, his head resting on the seat back, his fingers lightly stroking the underside of his cock.

I wrapped my hand around my erection and sighed, from the feel, from the sight of Tanner, from the memory of how many times I’d done this alone, from all the times I’d wished for him, from—everything. Lifting my hips, I shoved my jeans farther down my legs. The waistband of my boxers hugged my balls, caressing them as I stroked. Tanner matched my pace, up and down, up and down, swivel over the head, up and down. Fuck, I loved watching him.

The wet, rhythmic sound filled the car, mingling with the drumbeat of rain. My breath puffed out hard and fast, turning the windows opaque with steam. As insanely good as it all felt, I needed more. Switching to my left hand, I reached for Tanner with my right. Stroking us both at the same time was nearly enough to push me over the edge. Then he leaned forward and kissed me. I moaned into his mouth, and his hand covered mine. Two hands were more than my cock could manage. My balls drew up so full and tight, they ached. Tingling ran down my thighs and up my torso, concentrating at the base of my cock as my body started to shake. My knee vibrated against the keys that still hung from the steering column, and the jingling added to the chorus of sounds. Tanner’s fingers sank into my hair, holding me steady as he worked my mouth with his, my cock thrusting in and out of our hands. With a low growl, my orgasm ripped through me, racing up my length and coating us both. Pleasure seeped over me like warm honey.

Tanner slowed his tongue, allowing me to breathe. My eyes struggled for focus. He slid his hand off me and hit the automatic window. Rain bounced off the doorframe into the car as Tanner stuck his arm out the window letting the downpour rinse him clean. I was about to do the same, but he caught my hand in his, brought it to his lips, and gave my fingers a long, slow lick.

Everything he did was sexy, but something about him licking away the come he’d just stroked out of me drove me wild. I traced my finger around his tongue as he sucked, quite sure I’d never seen anything hotter in my life. I withdrew slowly, reluctantly. Without thinking, I lowered my head. Having him back in my mouth went beyond need or desire. I had to have him. All of him.

Cries of pleasure echoed through the car as I sucked, stroked, cupped, squeezed—no matter what I had to offer, I wanted to give more. I tilted my head to catch a glimpse of his face and found him staring down at me, mouth open, brow furrowed, eyes locked on mine, though it was clear he was struggling to keep them open. I sucked slower, more deliberately, rubbing my tongue in just the right spot, making his eyes slam shut as he growled and came inside me.

I swallowed, hard, continuing to lick and suck until his breathing slowed. I’d have been happy to fall asleep right there, head in his lap, surrounded by the darkness. Tanner massaged my back, running his fingers through my hair, along the side of my face. I sat up enough to kiss his hand, and he pulled me into his arms. Our tongues lazily rolled around each other, sweet and salty. Satisfied.

Tanner rested his forehead against mine. “You think they’re having this much fun at that Truth or Dare party?”

I laughed. “Doubtful.”

“You think they’re done and maybe we can get some sleep? I’m exhausted.”

I turned the key in the ignition. According to the clock, it was past midnight. “They started early. They might have passed out by now.”

“I’d almost rather sleep here.”

“I think we’d regret that in the morning when we can’t move our necks.”


I stretched and shifted back to the driver’s side, straightening my pants and zipping them up. Tanner did the same. I waited until he had his seat belt on, then flipped on the headlights and let the car roll along the bumpy pavement. Our lives were still a mess—no place to live, Wendy still pissed, my family in a shambles—but I’d never been more thankful, because I had Tanner. As we reached the main road, I stopped.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I pulled my shoulder strap aside and leaned across to give him one more kiss. “I just love you.”

At that moment, nothing else mattered.




HE FIRST thing I saw was pink. Everywhere. Sunlight filled Wendy’s apartment and seemed to be reflecting off every pink surface in the room. And there were a fucking million of them.

I squinted and pulled the balled-up sweatshirt I’d used as a pillow over my head.

A high-pitched female groan sounded across the room. “Coffee….” the voice whined. “If either of you guys are willing to walk to the deli and get me a coffee, I’ll do anything you want.

I chuckled, thinking she was definitely using the wrong bargaining chip.

“I’ll go.”

Tanner sounded way more awake than I expected. I opened my eyes and noticed he was sitting at Wendy’s desk, already showered, hair still damp. I was grateful a sleeping bag had my lower half covered, because the morning wood I’d been sporting turned into a damned sequoia at the sight of him.

“Morning, sunshine.” He winked at me.

Sarah groaned again, the distinct sound of a hangover. “I think I love you,” she murmured. “Light and sweet, please. And a donut if they still have any.”

“Sure thing.” Tanner tucked his wallet into his pocket. God, I loved that pocket, pulled tight against the curve of his ass. “Want anything?”

The smile he threw me was enough to set my face on fire. “You know what I like.”

“I do indeed.” His grin widened. “Be back in a few.”

The door closed behind him, and the pink covers rustled again. “Where were you guys last night?”

My flush deepened, and I was glad Sarah was still buried under her blankets instead of looking at me. “Library, mostly. Seems like you all had fun back here.”

“Too much fun. Well, too much rum is more accurate.”


“I’ll live. Maybe. If your friend brings back that coffee fast enough. Tanner, right?”


“He’s cute.”

I laughed. “So I’ve been told.”

Sarah yawned. “You can use the bathroom, by the way. I’m not leaving this bed until after caffeine.”

“Thanks.” I stretched and crawled out of the sleeping bag, tugging my clothes into place. My phone was plugged into the charging station on Wendy’s desk. I grabbed it, hoping to maybe see a message from Sean. Instead I found a text from the Housing Department.

Your room is now available. You may move in any time after noon on Saturday. Your key will be available with the RA for your floor.

Saturday? Today’s Saturday. I couldn’t help myself. “Woo-hoo!”

Sarah moaned and sat half upright. “Oh my God, please stop making such loud noises.”

“Sorry.” I kept my voice as soft as possible, even though I felt like shouting from the rooftop. “Good news. Looks like you’ll get to enjoy your coffee in peace. We’ve been given clearance to move into our dorm this afternoon.”

“Mazel tov.” She settled back under the covers.

Not only was I thrilled that we’d finally get our room, but this gave me a reason to text Sean. I typed a quick message:

Just wanted to let you know we’re moving into our dorm later today. Hope all’s well with you. Hug the kids for me.

I hit Send, then immediately checked to see if there was a reply.
Stop it. Give him time.
My mind bounced around. I couldn’t wait for Tanner to get back. I couldn’t wait for us to finally be in our own space again. My shift at Gino’s didn’t start until three o’clock, which gave us enough time to unload our stuff and go get the rest of the things I was storing at the auto shop. Then, when I got off work tonight, we’d be alone. Together. I couldn’t wait.





D TAKEN their sweet time getting the building ready for move-in, but they’d done a good job. The halls smelled fresh and clean, like new paint, and every piece of woodwork shone like new, which was impressive for a building nearly a hundred years old.

It had taken most of the day, but Tanner and I had managed to get all our shit moved before I headed to work. Saturdays at Gino’s were busy as hell, so the time flew by. When the crowd thinned around eleven o’clock, Gino stuck three pizzas in the service window. “Go home,” he said.

“I’m on till close.”

“Not tonight, you’re not. We’ve got it covered. Take these with you—I’m sure someone at the dorm will eat them. Go celebrate move-in day.”

Marissa came up alongside me. “You better watch it, Gino, your reputation as a hardass is gonna go south real fast if word gets out you’re this nice to people.”

“You complaining about picking up extra tips for the night?” he asked.

She grinned. “No, sir.”

“I can stay,” I said.

“Get the hell out of here. And put a stack of menus out while people are eating. I’m not that nice, I’m just a marketing genius.”

I took the pizzas and a handful of our take-out flyers. “Thanks. I owe you.”

My heart fluttered as I drove back to the dorm. I couldn’t wait to spend the night in our room. My cock was in full agreement.
Not yet.
I focused on how and where to dispense the pizza to try to distract myself.

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