Moments in Time (34 page)

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Authors: Karen Stivali

BOOK: Moments in Time
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“You sure you’re okay to go?” My brain felt muddy.

“I’m sure. Tell Tanner I’ll call later.”

“I will.”

She rooted around the room, putting on her shoes and jacket. She’d already changed back into her own clothes. Seeing the torn pants made me feel bad for her again. She’d had a suckfest of a weekend. As the door clicked shut, I realized she was gone and Tanner and I were alone.

Inching the sheets down, I eyed his sleeping body
. So fucking hot.
His shirt had ridden up exposing nearly a foot of beautifully sculpted abs. Abs I loved to stroke, to lick, to frot against, to come on, to watch him come on. My cock was in full agreement, standing tall and nodding inside the shorts I quickly decided were no longer necessary.

Tanner shifted onto his back, which made the outline of his cock clear beneath his sweats.
Fucking perfection.
Kneeling alongside him, I leaned down as close as possible without resting my head on him and huffed hot breath on his bulge. Even through the layers of fabric, it responded, twitching, then thickening. The head was most prominent, standing away from his body. I breathed again, feeling the warm moist air, knowing he was feeling it too.

He moaned but didn’t open his eyes. I placed a kiss on the tip of his cock, pressing my lips firmly and moving them back and forth. The fabric grew slick, and my lips grew salty. My cock was yelling for more action, but I had Tanner on my mind first. Grabbing the waistband to his pants, I stretched them far and high, then gently pulled them down. His erection sprung free, and I couldn’t wait anymore. Starting at his balls, I licked and sucked and nibbled my way up his length, tugging his foreskin gently between my lips, tickling beneath it with my tongue.

Tanner’s hips bucked, and I wondered if he was still asleep. I got my answer when his hand clamped around his cock tugging his foreskin way down, exposing the full meaty glory of his dick. A stream of precome flowed from my cock, and I could no longer ignore it. I lowered my mouth onto Tanner’s swollen head and took matters into my own hands.


I didn’t know which of us muttered it. I could guarantee we both thought it.
Jesus, it all feels too good.
Having Tanner in my mouth made me feel everything all at once—powerful, vulnerable, loved, in love, and fucking sexier than I ever imagined I could feel. His hand replaced mine on my cock, and he stroked while I sucked.

Soft moans filled the room. I hoped they were soft. I couldn’t hear much over the pounding of my heart.
Ba-boom. Ba-boom. Ba-boom.
How long can it keep that up before my entire body bursts?
I didn’t care. I was so close to coming, all I could think of was making sure Tanner was ready along with me.

I fumbled in the drawer for lube, squeezed some out, and slicked it back and forth against his hole before sliding in a finger. “Please, yes,” he said. “Oh, God, yes.”

I loved hearing him ask. Circling my finger wide to loosen him, I inserted a second, stroking across the knot inside him until I felt him tense and jolt.

“Oh, fuck.” He sounded desperate to come, but the hand on my cock told me he wasn’t going to until I did.

I pumped my hips, reveling in the feel of his hand on me while my lips pulled him into my throat as far as possible. Sucking and stroking and groaning with my own pleasure, I felt him stiffen the last little bit. His balls pruned beneath my thumb. Knowing he was about to bust was enough to put me over. Come sprayed out of me, landing right on his chest in big white globs. Tanner stared down at them, and then his gaze met mine. Deep, intense, smoking hot. His eyes narrowed, and I could see he was losing focus. Then the first burst hit the back of my throat. I held still and swallowed, then continued to lick and suck as he pumped inside me, his gaze never leaving my face.

Panting I sat up, then collapsed alongside him.

“Fuck, it’s hot when you look at me while you’re blowing me.”

I laughed. “Glad you approve of my technique.”

I pulled a towel from the bedside drawer and wiped off, then handed it to Tanner.

He seemed to be in a postsex haze. Even after I got out of the bathroom with brushed teeth and jeans and a T-shirt on, he was still sprawled on the bed, naked with a bedsheet covering none of the important bits.

“You have no idea how bad I want to take a picture of you like that.”

Tanner chuckled. “Yeah? What would you do with it?”

“Beat off to it when you’re not home.”

Tanner flung his arms wide in a very provocative pose.

“Remind me to buy a better camera, would you? The one on my phone sucks. Actually, I do pass that camera store on the way to work….”

He tossed a pillow at me, and I batted it onto his bed. With him looking that sexy, I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with him the whole day, but I’d already missed Statistics a bunch of times when we were living at Sean’s, and I couldn’t afford to fail a class. Especially one I needed to graduate.

I leaned down and gave Tanner the hottest kiss I could manage that I knew I’d still be able to pull away from. “I’ll be home by lunchtime. You want to meet me at the cafeteria?”

“Sure. If I ever find the motivation to get out of bed. Maybe I’ll just lay here and take some sexy selfies and torment you with them all day.”

I laughed. “You do what you’ve gotta do.”

Laughter still filled the room when I pulled open our door. Tim was inches away from me, leaning against the wall.

“You dog,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I got up early to go for a run and I’ve been out here listening to you and your sex noises instead. Who’ve you got in there? Is it Wendy?”

He pushed past me, barging into the room before my brain could even focus. I turned to stop him, but it was too late. The look on Tanner’s face was something I wish I’d never seen. Fear, shock, terror, mortification. He was nude, alongside a tangled sheet and a very used come rag with a bottle of lube at the side of the bed. And there was clearly no girl in our room.

Fucking hell.

My heart raced so fast I worried I might pass out. Tanner appeared frozen. I’d never seen his face so red. He made an initial grab for the sheet, but it was so twisted it barely covered anything.

Tim looked around the room. “The fuck. Where is she? I mean were you two both with one chick?”

And then it hit him. Tim’s face screwed up as he looked from Tanner to me to that damned lube bottle. “Oh, fuck no. You two? No fucking way.”

Tanner remained immobile. I stepped between him and Tim. “Take it easy. I know it’s a shock.”

“A shock? A shock is finding out your dad’s been fucking around and you have three half sisters. A shock is when you buy one lottery ticket and you win. This… this is… you guys make me want to puke.”

The words hit me like a punch to the gut. It was like Laura all over only ten times worse—at school, with one of our friends. One of our friends with a very big mouth.

“Tim, please. It’s not that big a deal.”

“Not that big? Are you fucking insane? I’m hanging out with goddamned faggots for two-and-a-half years. I can’t even….” He backed out of the room, shaking his head, and tripped over the trashcan, which he proceeded to kick into the open closet. “You make me sick.”


“Don’t even talk to me, fag.”

He scrambled over to his room and slammed the door behind him.

I closed our door and counted to five to try to steady myself before turning to face Tanner.

He was still in bed, although he’d pulled on a T-shirt and the pair of sweats he’d loaned Wendy instead of the ones he’d been wearing. “What are we gonna do?”

My head shook, partly because I didn’t know and partly because I couldn’t hold it steady.
Jesus. What now?

“Do you think he’s going to tell everyone?”

For the first time, I heard fear in Tanner’s voice. I knew he wanted us to come out to people, but at the right time, in the right way, so we had support before the whole world knew. And Tim didn’t make it look like we were off to a good start supportwise.

“I don’t know. He seemed so freaked, he may not want to talk about it. At least not right away. Hopefully he’ll talk to Eric first, and he’ll talk some sense into him.”

“Yeah. That would be good.” Tanner raked his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Collin. I should’ve at least pulled the blankets up before you opened the door. I was stupid.”

I sat down next to him. “I’m the idiot who opened the door and then didn’t stop him from barging in. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

“Now we’re both screwed.”

“Probably. But at least we’ve got each other.”

“And Wendy.”

“Yes, and Wendy. We’ll be fine.”

I kissed him hard and solid, trying desperately not to let him see how scared I was.

I don’t think it worked.




HEARD raised voices before I even got to the top of the staircase. I took the remaining steps two at a time and threw open the door to our floor. Tim and Tanner were standing in front of our room.

“You’re being a douche about three different ways right now. You going for some sort of asshat-trick?” Tanner’s voice vibrated with anger.

“Ass trick? That’s more your speed, D’Amico.”


Tim let out an ugly cackle. “Yeah, right. You’re nothing to be jealous of. Fucking degenerate.”

Tanner’s fist clenched and unclenched.

“Hey, guys.” I approached slowly, heart pounding, not wanting to set either of them off.

Tim’s lip curled. “Oh, look, your wife’s home. Or are you the girl?”

Tanner lunged before I could reach him and hit Tim hard enough to slam him into the wall. He’d taken Tim by surprise with that punch, but the shock didn’t last long and Tim swung back, catching Tanner under the ribs before he tackled him to the ground.

The sounds—grunts and thumps—coupled with the image of Tanner getting hit, and something inside me snapped. Tim had at least twenty pounds on me, but I pulled him off Tanner like I was ripping open a cardboard box. I don’t even remember aiming, I just remember my fist smashing into his jaw.

Tim regained his footing almost instantly and shoved me into his door. Before I could react, he landed a punch so hard, I thought my eye was going to explode. Tanner was on him, tugging him away from me, and then I heard Eric’s voice.

“Jesus. What the fuck?” Eric stepped between all of us.

For a second I thought Tim was going to take a swing at him too, but Eric had his hands up. Tim bounced with energy. “Fucking faggots!”

Tanner lurched toward him, but I grabbed him and held him back while Eric blocked Tim’s way.

“Stop it,” Eric said. “You’re gonna get us all kicked out of the dorm.”

Tim’s eyes bugged. “I don’t understand you, man. Did you not hear me?”

“I heard you.”

“Why are you sticking up for them? Are you one too?”

“No.” There was enough disgust in Eric’s voice for Tim to believe him and for my stomach to turn.

Tanner broke away from me. “What the fuck is it to you anyway, asshole? Trust me, neither of us has any interest in you. Unless, is that it? You feel left out?”

Jesus. Don’t antagonize him.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you, D’Amico.”

“Go for it.”


Eric threw me a look. “No one’s killing anyone. We’re all just gonna go back to our rooms before…

Footsteps echoed in the stairwell, and the RA from the floor below us came through the door, followed by two other guys I didn’t know. “Is there a problem up here?” the RA asked.

“No,” Eric said.

The RA looked back and forth among us, and then his gaze landed on our door. I hadn’t seen it before, but now it was as if it was the only thing in the hall. Bright red letters shone against the black door. “FAGS LIVE HERE.”

My entire body went cold.

The guys with the RA muttered something I couldn’t hear. The RA took a deep breath. “What’s going on here?”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Tim said. “These two queers are out of their goddamned minds. This one attacked me.”

Tanner was angrier than I’d ever seen him—his face was deep red, his fists balled so tight his knuckles were white. “This dickwad wrote on our door.”

Tim let out an ugly laugh. “Prove it. You think I’m the only one on campus who’s disgusted by the two of you? Think again.”

The RA held up his hands. “Do I need to call campus security, or can you two settle down? You can’t be beating the shit out of each other on university property.”

Eric nodded. “We’re okay. It was just a misunderstanding.”

Tim scoffed.

The RA looked at Tanner. “Is that true?”

Tanner’s jaw clenched so hard, I could see his pulse beating in his neck. “Just tell him to stay the fuck away from us, and yeah, we’ll be fine.”

“You agree with that?” The RA turned his gaze to Tim.


“I’m gonna have to report the graffiti on the door.”

“Fine,” Tim said. “The more people who know, the better.”

“Asshole,” Tanner muttered.

The RA’s eyes shot to him. “Do we still have a problem here?”


“Good. Maintenance probably won’t get to the door for a while, but it’ll be repainted. You can, I don’t know, hang a sheet over it or something in the meantime.”

Seriously? A sheet?

Tanner’s eyes darkened, and I could tell it was killing him not to say anything else.

“Are we done?” Tim asked.

“I hope so.” The RA shook his head as he looked at our door again. His gaze drifted back and forth between me and Tanner, and I saw it—he was trying to mask it, but I saw it—disapproval. Repulsion.

Heat prickled through me followed by a rush of icy cold. There was no hiding anything anymore. Like it or not, we were out.




HE LAST thing I wanted to do was go to work. Tanner was still shaking with rage, and I didn’t want to leave him alone, but I’d promised Gino I’d work the kitchen, and I knew he had a huge catering job booked. He’d be screwed if I didn’t show up, and I couldn’t afford to get fired.

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