Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Rachel unpopped the button on her
jeans and slowly pulled out her blouse; Luc’s attention was focused on her
every movement. Rachel teased the buttons on her blouse undone and shrugged it
off her shoulders baring her satin bra. She circled her already aching nipples
tweaking the hard buds so they stood out visibly against the expensive fabric
and the boy on the bed groaned and touched himself.


Luc’s obvious excitement spurned
Rachel on. She dragged down the zip on her jeans and slowly stepped out of
them. Luc bolted upright, his cock still in his fist.


“Fucking hell – what are you
wearing? Turnaround and let me see your arse - oh my god Rachel turnaround


Kneeling on the bed practically
begging, Luc was truly a sight to behold. Rachel twirled around hearing him
sigh and before he could wank himself off she launched herself at him
effectively straddling him. She felt his big hands clasp her bum cheeks as his
erection hit the nub in her thong applying excessive pressure on her clit.


“Oooooh” cried Rachel into Luc’s
mouth as he devoured her lips and tongue in a chaotic assault.


Twisting his body so Rachel was
underneath him, Luc planted a hand either side of her head and dipped his
tongue into the valley of her cleavage inhaling her unique smell. Rachel arched
her back thrusting up in response to his fierce onslaught grabbing his arse and
grinding her hips into his crotch. That insistent little bud of satin brushing
against her clit was actually driving her insane.


“Shit Luc, I
need to come,” she pleaded with him. Rachel’s inhibitions
had left along with all sane thought and she grabbed his right hand and shoved
it between her legs.


“Touch me, pleeeeease” she wailed
throwing her head back hard into the mattress and clenching her thighs around
his hand in a carnal display of pure need. Luc chuckled and hooked a finger
inside of the thong separating him from her swollen clit. A short, sharp tug
and the fabric gave way giving him complete access to his new most favourite
place in the world.


A deep sexy groan vibrated through
Luc as his fingers became drenched with Rachel’s juices. She was so wet it made
his cock throb and swell and he wanted to plunge into her slick heat more than
he wanted to breathe. Rachel let her knees drop giving him greater access to
her pussy. She gasped as one then two of his long fingers entered her hooking
against the front wall of her womb to reach her g spot. Rachel moaned and
thrust beneath him wild with lust; her eyes were squeezed shut and her face a
mask of concentration.


“You look so sexy; so hot; you
make me so hard, Rach – I could keep teasing you all night just so I
could look at you like this.” Luc cooed into her ear as his thumb pressed down
on her clit making her cry out and buck into his hand.


“Oh god Luc, don’t stop baby.
Harder, go harder.”


“Nah – you’re not ready
yet.” he tormented her retrieving his fingers. He placed his hand over his nose
and inhaled deeply his eyes flickering closed in pure ecstasy.


“God you smell divine – I
can’t wait to taste you.” Rachel’s eyes flew open staring daggers at him for
denying her climax when she was so close, but the erotic effect of what he just
did made her heart hammer wildly in her chest.
Luc was going to use his magic tongue on
her again and she was not beyond begging for him to hurry up.


Luc slid down between her thighs
using his shoulders to keep her open to him.
Easing his way down her legs moving in
between her knees Rachel’s entire body quivered in anticipation of what was
coming next.


Taking both her wrists in one hand
holding them over her head he gave her one smouldering look then tapped her
knee with his free hand. In a voice hoarse with desire he instructed


“Open a bit more for me baby
– wide as you can now.”


Rachel spread her legs and placed
her feet flat on the mattress. Luc was staring intently at her pussy and she
was beginning to squirm a bit under his scrutiny. She supposed she should be a
little embarrassed but the heated expression on Luc’s face just turned her on
even more if possible, until she was sure he could actually see for himself how
wet he made her.


“That’s fucking awesome Rach” he
moaned and in one fluid motion he dipped his head between her thighs and sucked
on her throbbing clit until she whimpered. Releasing his grip on her wrists Luc
lay on his stomach with his face buried in the sweetest place on Earth.
Grasping her hips he clutched her closer still then placed her legs over his
shoulders to give him total access to every part of her sex. Once he was happy
with his position he smoothed his hands up and over her stomach to roll and
pinch her nipples.

“Oh yes Luc. Like that…shiiiiit.”
Rachel’s nipples were so sensitive to his touch she felt it everywhere; deep in
her core to the knot of nerves in her clit. Little licks of fire ignited every
raw nerve ending until she felt like she would come from this exquisite
stimulation alone. But then Luc’s clever tongue got to work and she plunged
into a realm of ecstasy beyond anything she’d ever known. Whether it was the
remainders of the alcohol freeing her inhibitions or just the fact that he was
so skilled; Rachel no longer cared.


Her freed hands fisted the sheets
beside her as she jerked and gyrated to the rhythm Luc was applying to her
clit. Her sensitive nipples were hard as bullets under his constant tweaking
only heightening her pleasure. A low ache took hold in her stomach and worked
its way down to her swollen nub Luc was currently laving. He let up momentarily
to flick his tongue inside her but she wanted him back on her engorged clit
which so receptive to his attentions. Humming in pleasure Luc slid his tongue
through her plump pussy lips until returning to suck on her lush nub. Rachel
moaned loudly in response to the vibrations and her hands flew to his head
twisting in his hair as she gyrated against his face, bucking wildly as she
came in his mouth.


“Luuuuuuuc!” she screamed as her
entire being shattered into a million pieces and her head was ablaze with
colour and light in an epic overload of sensation. It was easily the most
intense orgasm of her whole life; she was completely undone and yet incredibly,
she craved yet more.


“Luc baby, put a condom on. Now Luc
– I need you in me. Pleaaaaase hurry.”


She pushed at the heaving
shoulders at her waist insistently until Luc stretched out to reach the bedside
table drawer. Fumbling around for a few seconds Rachel saw the glint of a foil
packet in his hand. Moving out from under Rachel, Luc flopped onto his back
looking thoroughly smug. His face was slick with Rachel’s come and he was still
breathing heavily.


“You want me, you got me love” he
tossed her the condom. Scrambling upright, she grabbed the packet super quick
and manoeuvred herself up and over him until she was straddling his thick
thighs. Luc folded his arms behind his head resting it in his hands determined
to let Rachel do all the work now.


Rachel paused momentarily drooling
at the sight of Luc underneath her in all his masculine glory. His dick bobbed
merrily against his stomach as Rachel frantically tore the foil square open
with her teeth. He chuckled causing his abs to tighten then let out a strangled
‘aaarghh’ as Rachel rolled the condom onto his rock hard erection. Squeezing
his balls gently Luc’s easy going expression soon rearranged itself into one of
abject need. Rachel sighed in satisfaction as the blue eyes darkened and Luc’s
focused grimace released the dimples.


“I want to lick those –
smile for me baby boy…” and she dipped the tip of her tongue into each cleft
giggling at his forced grin.


Placing her hands on his pecs she
lifted her hips so that she was directly over the head of his cock now weeping
pre-cum into the rubber. Rachel rubbed the length of him along her mound and
they both moaned at the intense sensation, she then gradually lowered herself
onto him engulfing his entire length in her tight heat. It felt like she had
swallowed him whole and as she started to ride him Luc panted at the incredible
sensations she was arousing in him.


Luc released his hands so he could
grasp Rachel’s hips helping to drive her up and back down his cock hoping to
control the pace to his satisfaction, but when she reached behind to stroke and
squeeze his balls he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.


“Jesus, fuck that feels good. Ride
me harder Rach. C’mon baby.”


Rachel could sense Luc was close.
His brow was furrowed in concentration and he was lightly covered in a sheen of
sweat. He looked so fabulous it made her moan in appreciation of the pure
carnal beauty of the man in this moment and she clenched her walls around him
in response to the feelings he invoked in her.


“Jesus…” Luc gasped, “you’re going
to make me come too quickly if you keep doing that.”


“So I should stop?”


Luc groaned and his voice
deepened, “Don’t ever fucking stop.”


Amazingly Rachel could feel Luc’s
cock swell even bigger inside her and she rode him harder just like he wanted.
Suddenly she felt Luc’s hands grip her hips and lift her off him. Momentarily
stunned at the unexpected disruption Rachel soon found herself repositioned on
all fours as Luc rammed himself into her from behind. He grabbed a handful of
hair and pulled her head towards him as he plummeted his tongue into her mouth.
Luc was strong and the power of his thrusting drove her into orbit as she came
apart underneath him. Holding her in place with his big hands now on her hips
Luc’s own orgasm followed swiftly as he jerked then stilled pulsating into her.


“Fuck” he roared hoarsely, “holy
fucking fuck!”


Rachel and Luc fell back onto the
mattress – the cool cotton sheets absorbing their heat while they calmed
themselves. “Now who’s the one saying fuck a lot?” Rachel teased him.


Rachel hooked a leg over one of
Luc’s and tucked herself into his side lightly tracing the swirls of his tattoo
before resting a hand on his chest. Luc placed his hand over hers and they lay
there staring at the ceiling smiling into the dark.


Moments later the silence was
rudely interrupted by the chime of a message alert.


“Must be yours, mine’s off”
croaked Luc.


Rachel sighed grudgingly
untangling her heavy limbs from golden boy’s, to go and find her discarded
jeans to retrieve her phone from the back pocket. Crawling on her hands and
knees across the carpet she heard a “whoa” pass Luc’s lips and she smiled at
him clearly relishing the sight of her bare arse pointing in his direction.
Honestly, she was too knackered to care; anyway he was obviously enjoying the
view. Touching the message icon on her iPhone, Rachel read that the twins’
party was ‘crap’ and they were “on way home Mama.”


“I have to go” groaned Rachel
towards the bed and began the familiar task of gathering her things from his


She wanted to take a quick shower
then fall into her own bed and sleep for a week. Luc let loose a deep sigh.


“Me too Rach.”


“Eh? That doesn’t make any sense
Luc you’re already in your own room!” she tutted at him.


“I’m leaving tomorrow.” He replied
his voice still raspy from all the sex noises.


“What? Wait? Why? Motherfucker!”
she blurted at him standing bolt upright at his statement.


“And that there Mrs R is why. The
irony of your incidentally vile language is that I am actually sleeping with
the mother of my best friends. But now Rachel you are making me feel things I
can’t deal with and I have to leave before I fall any deeper under your spell.
What you do to me; I just can’t handle it. I need to go.”


Rachel’s face crumbled at his
words, the last thing she had set out to do was hurt him and yet that seems to
have happened anyway.


“Luc, don’t go yet; we need to
talk about this properly but the girls will be back any minute. Let’s meet
somewhere alone for breakfast tomorrow and sort this out. Please Luc?”


Rachel realised she was sounding
whiney but she felt panicky at the thought of him leaving her just yet. She had
banked on another week to prepare herself for his absence and the return to
reality and that was ultimately the crux of it. Without him to distract her she
would have to trawl though those dreaded emails and finally face Joe Mason.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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