Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (19 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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“It’s nearly pub closing time
– probably busy.” Answered Lucy.


“I can wait with her if you like?”
offered Luc hopefully. “I’ve got to go home and get cleaned up now anyway.”


“Nah” the twins replied in unison.


“It’s not like we can leave her
alone when she’s like this. We’ll probably all bunk in together tonight eh
Jess?” Lucy nodded to her sister. Luc plonked down on the bench next to them,
rejection weighing heavily in his chest.






The cab finally arrived to pick
them up and take them back to Rachel’s house. Sitting in the back wedged
between her two daughters Rachel’s frustration with the turn of events burned
in her chest. The melodrama chasing her the whole evening meant that poor Luc
came off worse for wear through no fault of his own. His chivalry had been well
rewarded for sure, she smiled to herself and licked her lips subconsciously in
memory of the blowjob in the bushes episode, but she knew that was just a
taster as far as Luc was concerned. He wasn’t one for a quickie as she had
learnt to her wonderful benefit several times recently – part of his
satisfaction came from knowing how much he was able to pleasure her.


“Well, that ain’t happening
tonight for sure.” She sighed as her eyes rested on the back of his glorious
head. Luc was sitting in the front of the cab within easy touching distance and
her fingers itched to brush through his shiny blond hair and massage his scalp
to ease some of the tension visible in his rigid shoulders.


“Hey Luc – how’s your
tongue?” asked Jess leaning forward to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek from
behind. Rachel noticed his body sag slightly clearly resigned to the fact that
his night wasn’t going to go as planned.


“Hmm s’okay baby.” Turning
slightly he gave Jess a half smile, “good job I won’t be needing it tonight!”
he joked.


“Luc, honestly, you must have blue
balls – it’s unlike you not to get laid in so long.” Lucy rolled her eyes
at Rachel. “He gets super grumpy if he doesn’t have sex regularly” she
explained to her mother.


“Lucy shut up!” Luc told her


Rachel could sense his unease.
“Don’t worry Luc, I’m fairly laid back about these things – I was your
age once!”


Luc just groaned and smacked his
head back against the headrest. “I’m not talking anymore.” He stated and closed
his eyes effectively calling a halt to any more speculation on his love life.
Lucy and Jess rolled their eyes and stuck their tongues out at him behind his


Arriving at the Renton house the
twins jumped out to let everyone in the door. Rachel was slightly perturbed to
find George and Leo sitting on the stoop and prayed Luc wouldn’t be ripping
their heads off anytime soon. They seemed to take endless amounts of pleasure
winding him up to provoke some kind of reaction from him. Rachel supposed they
were ever hopeful that one day he would relent and let them have their wicked
way with him. Luc seemed to be a fairly tolerant person and highly sexual, but
she doubted he was that way inclined. Rachel made a mental note to ask him
about it some time.


Luc was leaning up against the cab
waiting for Rachel to finish paying the driver – he was still royally
miffed he wouldn’t be fucking her anytime soon and now these two clowns had
reappeared to continue to make his life a misery. The twins adored George and
Leo and because of that he tolerated their overt antics most of the time, but
due to having recently been on his hands and knees in the dirt and subsequently
covered in puke, he was just desperate for a hot shower.


“Lulu…” they chimed as he strode
towards the front door.


“Fuck off “he snapped at them
uncharacteristically, then faltered and mumbled an apology before bounding up
the stairs to the sanctity of his room.


“Blimey” chirped Leo, “that’s one
unhappy divine example of male specimen if ever I saw one.”


Jess laughed but Lucy answered
irritably, “Seems he can’t handle mother drunk! Go figure, and now we’re home
far too early and he’s in a strop.”


Rachel, still decidedly queasy but
relatively able to function, had wandered into the kitchen to put the kettle


“Tea or Coffee anyone?” she
called. The twins slumped into the bench seat around the table as the boys
grabbed the biscuit tin from the counter top and delved in.


“Mmm,” hummed George, “choccy
digestives, my favourite! Thanks Auntie Rach.” Serving up steaming mugs of
sweet tea, Rachel joined the kids at the table feeling a lot more sober now she
was home and safe. As they gossiped away, her eyes kept drifting to the doorway
hoping Luc would come down and join them but obviously when the boy was sulking
he really liked to long it out.


“Jess – do you think Luc
would like something to drink?” she prompted.


“Oh maybe, let me go and ask him.
Lulu!” she cried as she skipped off upstairs to find her friend.


Five minutes later she returned
alone. “Loser boy is fast asleep,” she announced as she slipped back into her
seat, “I don’t know what’s wrong with him lately he used to be such a party
animal. I thought we’d drop you home then be out clubbing by now Mum, to be
honest. But Luc’s gone all studious on us – he’s a bloody genius, he
doesn’t even need to revise that much.” Jess frowned as she took a long swallow
of her tea.


Rachel’s mind was filled with the
image of Luc in his bed asleep. She wondered if his big beautiful body was
naked or whether he was wearing those low riding sweat shorts she loved on him,
or maybe he had boxers and a t-shirt on. Oh god she was desperate to find out
and not surprisingly wet thinking about all the unfinished business between them.
Rachel had no clue as to when he’d seek her out again but she fervently hoped
it would be soon.


“Lucy, Jess, boys – I’m also
feeling quite exhausted. I’m off to bed. Darlings, “she turned to her
daughters, “I really don’t need you to sleep with me, I’m perfectly fine now.
Go on out and have your fun…. go on….”


“Really Mum?” asked Lucy.


“For sure,” replied Rachel, “the
holidays are nearly over and you also have exams soon enough. Enjoy while you


“Well if you really are sure…”
Lucy had already grabbed Jess and was dragging her out the door with George and
Leo not far behind. “We’re going to call a mini cab to take us to a party in
Camden. We might not be back till morning if we crash there. Are you sure it’s
ok Mum? If Luc wants to come will you tell him we’re at Fiona’s.”


“Just text me if you’re not coming
home.” Rachel called after them as the four young friends fell out the door
jabbering away about who was going to be at the party. Rachel smiled after them
– she really was knackered and although disappointed Luc was already
asleep, relished the thought of finally falling into bed.


Locking the front door and turning
off the downstairs lights, Rachel slipped off her heels and tip toed up the
stairs. Half way up she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Luc sitting
on the top step leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He was
wearing the shorts she loved so much on him and nothing else. The expanse of
bare chest, thick arms and flop of blond fringe made her mouth water but when
he fixed her with his baby blues, her stomach flipped shooting pure desire
straight to her core.


“Rach” his husky tone washed over
her and she closed her eyes at the sound.


“I thought you were asleep?” she
accused lightly.


“Yeah, about that – so did
Jess.” He said one side of his mouth lifting in a half smirk. God how she
wanted to lick that mouth. She silently begged his dimples to make an
appearance knowing that would tip her desire off the scale, but his expression
turned serious and he extended his arm beckoning her.


“Luc, I’m so sorry about earlier.
It’s been a long time since I drunk that much and then with the dancing, that
horrible man and the other thing…well; it was all a bit too much.”


“The ‘other thing’ Rach? Being
puked over was a small price to pay for having experienced the ‘other thing!”


“I have no idea what you think of
me...” Rachel closed her eyes and waited for Luc to make the next move.


“C’mere Mrs R.“


Rachel’s nipples hardened against
the cool satin of her bra and she gave a little shiver.


“Don’t call me that Luc.” She
protested for the millionth time, as he placed a hand around her wrist and
eased her forward into his chest. Nuzzling the top of her head, breathing in
her delicious scent, Luc whispered, “you say you don’t like that Rachel, but
your body tells me otherwise.“ And he reached down to tweak a stiff nipple
between his fingers. Rachel whimpered against his warm skin.


“It reminds me how ancient I am
compared to you” She told him.


“It makes you horny, don’t deny
it,“ he replied gruffly.


Rachel swatted him on the
shoulder. “No, you do that Luc, not your age. You know how gorgeous I think you
are – the fact you don’t have saggy flesh is just a plus.”


“Nothing saggy here right now
that’s for sure. And Rach, women half your age would love to look as good as
you so stop with the age shit.”


Luc cupped her bum and pulled her
up to meet his face. Holding her in place he ran his tongue along her bottom
lip. He could hear her breath coming in erratic little breaths and it made his
cock jerk inside his shorts.


“Put your legs round my waist Mrs
R.” Rachel complied willingly gasping as her swollen clit hit the steel
hardness in Luc’s shorts. Clasping her hands around his neck she pressed her
lips to his beautiful mouth coaxing him to open and let her tongue in. Rachel
deepened her kiss as a wave of lust so powerful shuddered through her body. The
sensation of his tongue mimicking what she wished he was doing with his cock,
made her grind against him furiously. Luc swung her round and marched them into
his room.


Slamming the door closed just in
case the twins decided to come home unexpectedly, he threw her on the bed
tearing at her clothes.


“Off, get them off now!” he
growled pulling at her jeans.


“Whoa slow down there lover boy,
these jeans cost a fortune.”


Luc looked like he was fit to
burst. She could see a vein throbbing in his forehead and he was panting
slightly. Rachel had never seen anything so wildly erotic and as much as she
frantically wanted to jump his bones she decided he deserved a little more than
a quickie after all she had put him through that evening – blowjob aside
which she enjoyed almost as much as he had. Biting on her bottom lip a plan
formed in Rachel’s mind.


“Get on your back Luc and budge up
to the head board. Oh and you won’t be needing these.” Rachel tugged on the
waistband of his shorts dragging them down his legs allowing his magnificent
cock to spring free. Stroking it once making him rear up slightly to her touch,
she patted him on the thigh and backed away from his reach. The whole time Luc
remained silent but his eyes never left her face. The stunning baby blues were
twinkling around dilated pupils and his jaw muscles were clenching and
unclenching as he fought for control.


Rachel moved towards a panel by
the door that controlled an in built sound system throughout the house –
another one of Nate’s passions. He was a gadget man who loved to keep up with
the latest technology and she had to admit this is one thing he’d installed
that she absolutely loved. Luc watched patiently as she studied the keypad and
then tapped away for a few seconds. The soulful sound of Marvin Gaye singing
‘Sexual Healing’ flooded the room and Luc threw his head back and laughed.
Rachel stood facing him with her feet apart and a sultry expression on her
face. Her hair was slightly mussed; her lips swollen from his kisses and her
eyes hooded. Luc had never seen her look sexier and he so badly wanted inside
of her but evidently she had a plan and he wasn’t about to derail it by rushing
her along.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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