Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (47 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Rachel was sitting at her desk chewing on the end of her pencil
faced towards the window enjoying the incredible view of London’s skyline. One
of her research interns was talking her through a possible client when the
young lad faltered and stopped. A familiar American drawl filled the room.


“I wonder if I could have a moment of your time Mrs Renton.”


Rachel swung round to see her intern looking decidedly nervous
with Joe hovering behind him. His jacket was off and his hands were in his
pockets. His trademark waistcoat was cut perfectly to fit his huge upper body
and the sight of him looking entirely too sexy stole her breath.
He was leaning against the doorpost
looking entirely too edible for words.


“Mr Mason. As you can see I’m extremely busy right now. It’s
not such a good time.” Rachel knew Joe would not take kindly to being brushed
off especially in front of junior staff which is exactly why she did it.
Somehow she just couldn’t resist teasing him.


“Mrs Renton, it won’t take too long for what I need you for.”


Mr Mason,
Peter here
is in the middle of presenting to me; it would be fairly rude to stop him now.”
Peter was shaking his head and swallowing repeatedly. “Rachel, I can come
back,” he croaked looking like a poor rabbit caught in the headlights of a fast
approaching vehicle.


“Excellent idea, Peter. Off you go.” Joe held the door open as
Peter darted out to freedom.


“That was really unnecessary, Joe.” Rachel snapped at him. She
sounded more pissed off than she actually was.


“Your fault.”


“My fault!” she sputtered.


“If you had been dressed a bit more decently this morning at
breakfast I wouldn’t be so fucking distracted all day long; not to mention hard
as a rock. It’s unacceptable quite frankly.”


“And?” Rachel tipped her chin up in defiance.


“And you need to rectify the situation.”


Rachel gaped at him. He had to be joking, no way was she about
to pander to his needs at the drop of a hat even if her hormones were screaming


“This is a clear cut case of sexual harassment in the workplace
I think you’ll find.” She wagged her pencil at him and pursed her lips trying
to look offended.


“Oh there’s no doubt about that. I fully intend to sexually
harass you.”


“Oh my god you’re forward!” Rachel laughed really loudly. “Joe,
go away. No sex at work mate. You’re nuts.”


“About you, lady.” Joe stroked his bulging erection. It was a
complete turn on but Rachel wasn’t about to give in or she knew Joe would be
around every 5 minutes for a quickie.


“Not happening Joe.”


She crossed her legs and tucked her self into her desk for
protection. Joe’s handsome face creased into a scowl as he stalked over to her
desk. Staring down at her his voice dropped low for her ears only, “I bet
today’s excuse for underwear is drenched already and I’m not sorry you have to
sit there wet for me all day. I could get you off in minutes sweetheart and
relieve some of that ache I know you have for me. Let me know when the ‘no sex
in the office’ rule needs to be broken. Just buzz me.” Joe smirked at her;
adjusted himself with no shame right in her bloody face and turned to walk out.


Rachel was gobsmacked. He was right about everything but that
only irked her into pushing his buttons even more.


Quick as a flash Rachel whipped her thong off. “Joe” she
called. He turned around to face her. She threw him a seductive look full of


“Come here big man, I have a little something for you that may


Grinning like the arrogant idiot she’d appealed to, he
sauntered slowly back to her desk clearly under the impression sex was after
all on the menu. Standing up to meet him, Rachel took his hand between hers and
placed her thong in his palm and closed his hand around it. Leaning towards him
she breathed into his ear. “Problem solved, thanks. You can go now.”


Joe’s eyes widened in disbelief and a flash of something
despicably naughty crossed his face. For a split second Rachel wondered how he
was going to react and her heart skipped a beat at the decidedly real
possibility of Joe just taking what he wanted, but then she saw his mouth
twitch at the corners as if he was trying hard not to grin at her. He slowly
shook his head side to side and tutted. Rachel’s stomach flipped – she
wasn’t scared of him hurting her; she knew he’d never use his physical strength
against her, but he could be unpredictable and that was exceedingly nerve
wracking. Never breaking eye contact, Joe lifted her panties to his face and
inhaled. She gasped at the unexpectedly crude display and watched with wide
eyes as he pocketed her under wear. With a smug grin, Joe leaned forward and
pecked her on the cheek. “Later baby,” he promised then turned and briskly
exited her office.


Rachel slumped into her chair breathless and shaking like a
leaf. She was ridiculously turned on and completely in awe of her boss. She
thought her little act would shock him but he seemed totally non-plussed by her
overtly flirtatious display. In fact she suspected he had rather enjoyed it.
Joe had turned the tables on her and left her humming with delicious sexual
tension. It was going to be a frustratingly long day.




Joe practically sprinted back to the safety of his office. It
had taken every last inch of control not to haul Rachel over the desk; ram her
up against the wall and do her right there. He’d never seriously thought she’d
agree to a workplace quickie or one of her spectacular blowjobs, but she’d
nearly knocked him off his feet when she shoved her underwear in his hand.
Rachel was proving to be a worthy advocate in and out of the bedroom and he was
enjoying himself immensely. It didn’t solve the hard on predicament he was
currently still suffering with, but knowing she was in the same state of
frustration was deeply satisfying.


Closing his door, Joe leant back against it and reached into
his pocket for the scrap of satin thong Rachel had bestowed upon him so
thoughtfully. He brought it to his face once more and rewarded himself with a deep
breath of her intoxicating scent. It both calmed and excited him and he
considered the reason for that carefully. After a few moments he came to the
realisation that Rachel Renton had worked her way under his skin and into his
life and just simply made everything better than it had ever been. Joe released
a sigh of happiness and went back to work.




The work day finally drew to an end and Rachel and Joe went to
the gym as they had planned, both excited to spend some time back in the steam
room. Sadly, their plans were scuppered as Angela was there with a few other
Gyles Bishop staff so they were forced to work out separately. Rachel then
waited a full 10 minutes after Joe left to avoid suspicion-sneaking unseen into
his Range Rover.


“We need to find another gym,” Rachel suggested to Joe on the
way home.


“Or we could just come clean and let people know we’re
together.” Joe grumbled. “I’ve had enough of this sneaking around shit.”


“It’s only been a day Joe, calm down!” Rachel sounded exasperated.
“Please try and understand why we need to be discreet. I don’t want people to
think I’m getting preferential treatment just because I’m shagging the boss.”


“Whilst I have never ‘shagged’ anyone as you so elegantly put
it, in my whole life; I don’t see how it is anybody’s business quite frankly.”
Joe’s cheek muscles were working furiously as he clenched and unclenched his


Rachel huffed. “Well, while you sit there in your ivory tower
oblivious to all the office gossip that goes on; I have to live with it.”


Joe let out an absurdly exaggerated sigh. He could care less
what people thought about who he chose to sleep with, but he did have more
concern for Rachel’s reputation, especially due to many at Gyles Bishop who had
previously worked with her husband Nate. Speaking of which, Nate had been on
Joe’s mind a lot lately. Having taken over the man’s major clients, Joe was
seriously impressed with what he was discovering about Nate’s ability and good
name. He had been popular and much admired and Joe felt a weird sense of
responsibility towards Rachel on Nate’s behalf. Like that wasn’t totally fucked
up. There had been a couple of times over the past few days that Joe had wanted
to ask Rachel about Nate but it was still a bit too weird.


Rachel interrupted his thoughts. “I need to go home and check
on a few things. Would you please drop me off there, and I’ll drive back to
you; I want my car for tomorrow anyway; we can’t keep turning up to work
together or someone will see eventually.”


Joe reluctantly agreed. “But we’re still going out tonight
right? And you’re still staying over?”


Rachel nodded. “Yes, of course. But don’t forget Mr, you said I
got to pick where we go later.” Judging by the mysterious smile on her face,
Joe was already regretting it.




“I’m driving!” Rachel announced as they headed back down to the
underground garage beneath Joe’s apartment. Joe groaned. He wasn’t keen on
being a passenger at the best of times, but folding himself into Rachel’s BMW
was his first challenge. “I fucking hate Beamers,” he complained.


“Wait, I’ll take the roof off – it’ll be easier, and
darling, no one calls them Beamers in the UK.” Rachel chirped. She was chomping
at the bit at the thought of driving Joe around knowing how much he would hate
it. He was such a control freak the thought of placing his life in her hands
must have him bursting at the seams. It was too tempting to play with him and
Rachel fully intended to stir things up a little. She was convinced that Joe
thought she’d be a crap driver, but it was one of the things she loved to do
most and she was actually extremely competent at it.


“Have you got your seatbelt on love?” she asked with a
concerned expression on her face. Joe frowned and nodded; his hands were palm
down on his lovely thick denim clad thighs. She noticed his fingers denting his
jeans and a slight tick in his clenched jaw.


“You alright Joe?” she asked in a voice dripping with concern.


“Let’s just go already.”


Rachel was impressed by the way he could speak through gritted
teeth. She jerked the car and crunched the gears as she reversed out of the
space. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Joe checking the wing mirrors
with a look of horror as his Bugatti sat directly in line with her boot. She
sniggered and braked within a hair’s breath of his beloved Veyron then swung
round narrowly avoiding the Harley that sat covered nearby. Joe shot up and
swore under his breath, but refrained from actually bursting a blood vessel.
Rachel stopped the car; she couldn’t breath for laughing so hard.


“Oh my god – you are so easy to wind up” she was crying
now and had to rest her head on the steering wheel while she caught her breath.


Joe’s whole body sank into the seat and his head lolled against
the backrest. He yanked at the seatbelt restraining him. “Oh so fucking funny.
I promise you are so going to pay for that later.” The raw menace in his voice
was enough to make Rachel sit up and pay attention, much the same as her
nipples were now doing. The man was so hot when he was angry.


“Oh calm down dear; I was only messing with you.” She patted
him on the thigh patronisingly.


“As I said; I will have my revenge.” He threw her a smile laced
with pure evil. She rolled her eyes, threw the car into gear and screeched out
of the car park.




It was a pleasant evening; warm without being too muggy. Joe
was constantly moaning about the shit British weather, but tonight wasn’t too
bad which was perfect for what she had in mind. Parking near the South Bank,
Rachel led Joe along the side of the River Thames to the London Eye. She had
hired an entire pod just for them, and organised a picnic to eat while they
rode the city’s most popular attraction.


“I don’t expect you’ve done anything touristy yet have you?”
she asked him with a big grin on her face. Joe stared up at the huge wheel
feeling strangely excited at the prospect of being encapsulated up there with
only Rachel for company. He was also hugely touched by the extremes she had
gone to for their second proper date. This had to have taken some serious
planning not to mention costing a fortune. Once again he was lost for the right
words so like an idiot he just bumped shoulders with her and laced his fingers
through hers. It was the small stuff he was no good at yet Rachel made him want
to try and do better. She deserved it really.


“This is just perfect Rachel, thanks.” His voice was gruff and
his words stilted, but Rachel didn’t seem to notice.


“I knew you’d love it” she jumped up and hugged him. Joe
grunted smiling into her hair, pleased to have given her the response she was
hoping for. Still he didn’t want her thinking he’d gone completely soft.
“Darlin’ I can’t wait to take that ride with you,” he whispered into her ear.
Rachel shivered at the feel of his breath. “But don’t for one minute think this
gets you off your punishment. I haven’t forgotten how badly you behaved today
and I always make good on my promises.”

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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