Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (46 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Rachel gawped at him. “Are you mad? You actually let people
punch you?”


“Well they certainly try – that’s the whole point of
boxing Rachel. I’m quite good though and my height helps. I don’t get punched a


“Aren’t you worried about your face?” She was looking at him in


“No” he shrugged. “It looks ok doesn’t it? We wear protective
gear anyway.”


“Aren’t you a bit old for all that?”




“Well; don’t you need speed?” Not a question Rachel should have
asked as her back hit the mattress faster than she could take a breath. She
hadn’t even seen him move.


“Point proven” she exhaled loudly but her gut had rolled in
panic at the thought of someone pounding on Joe.


“Don’t worry sweet cheeks – no one’s going to hurt me. I
mean look at me!”


“First of all you arrogant twit; my cheeks are not sweet and if
you ever call me that again
punch you. And secondly, I’m never going to be ok with the thought of you being


Joe laughed as he flipped her onto her stomach and nipped her
bare bum mumbling about it definitely being sweet. He was running his fingers
up and down the strip of fabric that disappeared between her thighs and gently
tugged it upwards. Rachel gasped as the wet lace dragged across her sensitive
sex. Her clit throbbed against her thong and she writhed under his torturous
teasing. She gathered he was a fan of her choice of underwear after all.


“Do you always wear these kind of panties?” Joe enquired
tracing his fingertips over each cheek and blowing lightly making her shiver.




“You definitely should.”


Rachel smiled into the mattress. “Let me clarify. No, as in I
don’t always wear panties.”


Joe froze. “Are you telling me that you’ve been to work without
underwear on?”


“Um, maybe?”


“No ‘maybe’ sweetheart, Yes or no?”


“Yes then.”




“VPL issues.”


“Come again?” Joe made that cute exasperated face when he
didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.


“No danger of that anytime soon is there big man? Are you more
interested in talking about my knickers or getting in them?” Rachel tutted her


“Very peculiar language?” he ventured.


“Visible panty line, hot shot!”


“Big and hot…that’s flattering.”


Rachel twisted around to meet Joe face on. “Oh god, you’re a
nightmare. Kiss me for god’s sake if only to shut you up!”


Joe chuckled and then did as he was told. He brushed his mouth
over Rachel’s tickling her face with his beard. She reached her fingers up to
his chin and fiddled with the hair there, loving the texture. Pressing down he
flicked the tip of his tongue over her lips and tugged gently on her lower one
coaxing her mouth open. Slowly easing into the warm wet heat of Rachel’s mouth,
Joe swept his tongue over hers and up to the roof of her mouth and back. The
kiss was seductive and sexy and hungry. Rachel moved her hands around the back
of his neck keeping him in place, offering as much as he could take.


Breaking apart as a necessity for breathing they stared
intently at one another. Joe smiled at Rachel and she spotted endearing little
lines that crinkled around his eyes. Rachel returned the smile and Joe lost
himself in the depths of her beautiful brown gaze. He kissed her again on her
mouth then lowered his lips to her throat finding a spot in the crook of her
neck that made her moan. It was the sexiest sound Joe had ever heard so he
lingered there for a spell trying to get her to do it again.


Joe lightly bit Rachel’s shoulder eliciting a breathy gasp and
a small buck of her hips connecting with his rock hard cock sending him
reeling. Continuing down her arm he licked the sensitive inner elbow all the
way down to her wrist and then he switched to her other arm and did it all over
again. Rachel writhed beneath him whimpering her frustration; she reached for
his hard on but he deflected her holding both wrists in his hand while the
other flicked her taut dark nipples through the lace of her bra.


“Oh Joe, please…” Rachel had closed her eyes tightly shut
focussing only on the maddening torture the big man was reining down on her.
Letting go of her hands, Joe eased her breasts over the top of the cups without
undoing her bra keeping them pushed forward and pert. She arched her back as
his mouth clamped around the sensitive peak of her left breast and then again
when he laved her right one. He dragged his teeth over her nipples causing her
to hiss at the slight sting. He did it again and she moaned. He did it again
and her hips thrust against him. Joe buried his head in between her breasts
inhaling her intoxicating scent. He had never smelled anything so divine and he
breathed in deep imprinting it to memory.


Trailing feather light kisses down her stomach Joe reached his
final destination with a loud grunt of approval. He trailed the edges of her
thong with his tongue driving her wild, teasing her but never quite touching
her where she needed it the most. “Please Joe” she whimpered, but Joe was in no
mood to be hurried. He nuzzled her pussy through the fabric smelling her
arousal and groaning low at how wet she was already. He nipped at the waistband
with his teeth.


“Don’t rip them, Joe. They were bloody expensive.” Joe looked
up at her, his eyes sparkling and a devilish grin spread across his face.
Rachel rolled her eyes.


“Oh go on then but you have to buy me more.” A noise rumbled
out of Joe – it could have been a laugh or some kind of primeval cry of
triumph – either way it was damn sexy and when he tugged hard at the
flimsy cloth in his teeth and ripped it clean away from her body, Rachel let
out a sigh. “Bloody caveman…” she mumbled happily as Joe resumed his journey
down her body to her now thong free pussy.


Rachel kept herself tidy down there with a neat strip of hair
down the middle of her crotch leaving most of her mound and lips bare. Joe
dipped his tongue into the top of her slit and lazily dragged it down all the
way to her hot, wet opening and all the way back up again. He noticed with a
fair degree of smugness that Rachel had fisted the sheets either side of her
and was panting. Her olive skin was slick with a light sheen of sweat and a
blush had spread over the rise and fall her chest. Her dark nipples were
painfully hard and he took the opportunity to pinch them delighting in the loud
moan from the woman beneath him.


“Oh shit, Joe, get on with please man. I need to come so


“Sssh baby. Patience is a virtue.” He nuzzled her clit with his
nose and Rachel damn near shot off the bed as a litany of extremely rude words
flew out her mouth.


“Jesus, that’s dirty.” Joe mumbled as he nudged her legs open
wide and placed her knees over his broad shoulders. His cock felt hard enough
to explode and Rachel all riled up and needy beneath him was threatening to
undo him; patience may well be a virtue but Rachel did indeed make a very good
case for hurrying the fuck up.


Dipping his head to her wet cunt, he used his clever tongue to
work her up into a frenzy before she climaxed hard coming in his mouth. Screaming
her thanks, Rachel jerked and panted at the intensity of her orgasm. “Fucking
awesome bossman,” she gasped, “but I want that huge cock of yours in me now…”


Rachel was simply gorgeous when she came; no inhibitions and no
holding back. Grabbing a condom, Joe sheathed his throbbing cock desperate to
be inside her. He was so hard he knew he wouldn’t last long; he could already
feel the first tingle of orgasm sliding down his back to his balls. Rachel’s
pussy was still spasming and her pussy walls clamped around his erection as
soon as he slid into her.


“Do it hard Joe. Go deep baby please.”


The big man grunted at her hot demand happy to comply. With her
legs still hooked over his shoulders he held her steady as he drove in deep.
Rachel yelled her pleasure begging for more and he jerked his hips bucking into
her. Surprising them both, Rachel came again very quickly, which tipped Joe
over the edge to his own explosive climax.


Roaring her name his entire body stilled as his orgasm ripped
through him. Every muscle was taut and defined and shiny with sweat. Rachel
opened her eyes to be gifted with the magnificent sight of this beautiful man
in the throes of ecstasy and in that moment she knew it was the finest thing
she’d ever witnessed.


“Shit, Joe – that was seriously quite lovely. Thank you.”
Joe had collapsed on top of her resting his head on her chest. Rachel dragged
her nails lightly up and down his back waiting for him to come down a bit. She
felt him shudder and sigh under her touch and it warmed her soul that she was
able to make him feel so good. “Still haven’t got any lighter though especially
with three tons of sushi inside of you.” She bucked her hips to emphasise her
point. “Squashing me…” She felt Joe’s smile against her skin and the tickle off
his beard as he lifted up and kissed each breast adoringly.


Flat on his back next to her Joe chuckled. “I’m glad we’ve
progressed from ‘nice’ to ‘lovely’, Rachel – it’s flattering.” She went
to pinch his inner thigh but his reflexes were lightening fast and he clamped
his hand over her offending one. Rachel squealed and Joe took both her wrists
in one hand and proceeded to tickle her with the other. He knew she hated it
but he couldn’t resist seeing her at his mercy.


“Bastard,” she hissed as she squirmed.


“Shit!” Joe cried and let go of Rachel, grabbing his junk.
“Fucking kneed me in the balls woman!” Rachel froze as Joe writhed and got
snotty from his watery eyes. Then she was all over him apologising and offering
to rub him better, which soon had Joe agreeing that would be the only way to
make the pain go away, especially if she used her mouth.




The alarm roused Rachel from a deep and satisfying sleep. She
decided she liked Joe’s bed very much; especially when he was in it which disappointingly
didn’t seem to be the case right now. She listened for any tell tale sounds
around the apartment and smiled when she heard him tinkering around in the
kitchen. Expecting breakfast in bed as a nice little treat she was sorely
unimpressed after waiting for several minutes and nothing.


“Joe!” she shouted. “I need coffee!” Nothing; no response, the
Hulk was silent. ‘Well, that was rude’ she thought kicking off the covers and
wandering naked down the hallway. Stopping as he came into her range of vision,
Rachel hung back appreciating the view. The kitchen telly was on CNN and he was
wearing a pair of wireless Beats, which explained why he hadn’t heard her. He
was leaning over the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal and drinking his
coffee already fully dressed for work. It looked like he had been up for some


Rachel was admiring his fine form encased in designer threads
when he must have sensed her standing there. Twisting slightly he glanced at
her over his shoulder grinning. Removing his headphones he nodded at her.


“You can’t go to work like that sweetheart – you’ll give
the old folk heart failure.” Rachel laughed resulting in Joe having to
rearrange himself as her jiggling tits clearly affected his lower half. “You
better be quick in the shower because if you don’t get dressed soon we’ll both
be very late.” Rachel smiled as she turned around wiggling her arse at him all
the way back to his bedroom. She could hear Joe grumbling “…fucking hard all
day” as she retreated.


“And my work here is done!” she congratulated herself as she
prepared to get ready for the day ahead.






At Rachel’s insistence, Joe dropped her off well away from the
office. She really didn’t want her work colleagues to see her arriving with the
boss and getting the wrong idea. Although, in this case the wrong idea was
definitely the right idea!


But she was serious when she told Joe that to earn their
respect she had to succeed on her own merits and not due to her association
with him. Whilst he understood, he didn’t like it having already spent far too
much of his life worrying about the opinions of others, but he agreed to
Rachel’s pleas for discretion for now.


The day passed in a blur of meetings and research for Rachel.
She hardly saw Joe during the day but when she did snatch a glimpse of him the
effect was instant and completely devastating. The man desperately infatuated
her, and a secret wink or stolen smile left her reeling with pleasure. It was
off the scale crazy for such a short acquaintance but Rachel couldn’t deny she
was relishing every minute. It was extremely flattering to be wanted by a man
such as Joe, and as dedicated as she was to her Genesis project, she couldn’t
wait to get him on his own again.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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