Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (45 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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The next day passed in a state of frenzied bliss for Rachel.
New cases were pouring in on the back of her first success and she had
instructed her research team to investigate every single one so that they could
ascertain the genuinely needy from the just plain greedy. By Friday she had to
have a shortlist of 3 to present to Joe to determine which one would be her
next case and she felt a great responsibility to make the right choice.


Rachel had hardly seen Joe all day, but as promised he gave her
a lift home. “I don’t feel like making dinner Joe; can we go out?” She pleaded
with him on the way back. She also wasn’t sure how she felt about him in her
house yet, especially with the whole Luc confession still hanging over her
head. “Do you like sushi?”


Joe nodded eagerly. “I love sushi. How about I make us a
reservation at Nobu?”


Rachel snorted her disapproval. “Er, no. I want proper sized
portions thanks, not pretentious over priced designer shit. I went there once
but came home hungry; sorry. There’s a place I know on the high street. You can
eat as much as you like for fifteen quid a head. It’s brilliant; I always come
out stuffed.” Joe looked dubious. Rachel rolled her eyes at him. “What? Don’t
tell me you’re a sushi snob.”


Joe crinkled his eyes at her. They were sparkling a lovely
shade of grey making Rachel swoon a little bit in her seat; she’d never get
tired of looking into them. “I’m not a sushi snob as you put it; it just takes
me a while to translate what you’ve said into something my brain can process.
For an intelligent woman you talk weird.”


There was a pause while Rachel digested Joe’s words. “You think
I’m intelligent?” She grinned.


Joe groaned. “You’re impossible.”


Rachel chatted to him about mundane stuff on the journey home.
She directed him to the sushi restaurant teasing him about slumming it. She had
to give him credit, he tried really hard not to make any derogatory comments
about the place and barely baulked at the jug that arrived after he’d requested
water to drink. He was clearly a bottled water kind of guy.


It amused her to see him trying to make an effort, but he soon
relaxed when the food started to arrive agreeing with her that it was indeed
very worthy. “And you can have as much as you like right?” Joe confirmed with her
several times.


“It’s not rocket science bossman – just eat then order
again.” Rachel smeared wasabi over her crispy salmon skin maki roll using her
chopsticks with a skill honed over years of enjoying Japanese food. She
realised Joe was staring at her as she popped the sushi in her mouth. “What?”


“I like watching you eat sushi.”




“It’s sexy.”


“Don’t be daft. How can eating bits of raw fish and rice be


“The way your tongue darts out to catch the food on the end of
your chopsticks. It’s hot.”


“You won’t think that when I’ve got teriyaki sauce dripping
down my chin.” Rachel chuckled as Joe leaned in close to her ear and whispered,
“I will if you let me lick it off.” She choked on her maki roll and Joe had to
repeatedly pat her on the back and ply her with water until she’d calmed down.


“Honestly, Joe,” she croaked, “you can’t just say things like


“I can, and I will. I like how you react.”


“Oh so watching me choke and get all blotchy turns you on does


Joe thought about it. “Not so much, but your expression before
the dramatics is funny.”


The waiter appeared to take Joe’s order for more food; Rachel
was astonished at the quantity the man could put away; she never seen anyone
eat so much. “You’re going to put them out of business!” she laughed as the
waiter reluctantly slunk off to place yet another order with the kitchen.


“Small food; big guy – not great for an ‘eat as much as
you like’ sushi restaurant.” He didn’t look that bothered but had the good
grace to leave rather a large tip when they finally left.


Joe eased the Range Rover on to her driveway. Glancing at her
from the corner of his eye, he noticed her shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
Something was off and he suddenly remembered the pep talk Angela gave him about
being a bit more sensitive. Joe wasn’t used to considering other people’s
feelings before his own but he sincerely did not want to cause Rachel any
unnecessary angst.


“You know what Rachel, it’s late and I have some things I need
to um…. attend to at my apartment. Would you mind if I didn’t come in?”


“Oh, er, no. Of course. Well, thanks for the sushi and the lift
home.” Joe acknowledged that he had managed to make a total fuck up of this bit
of the evening so far. He switched off the car’s engine and released his seat
belt. Leaning over to her side of the vehicle he kissed her on the lips quite
lightly. He loved how she softened straight away and willingly relaxed into the
kiss. He kept it pretty chaste with no licking or nipping but just enough to make
sure she knew he wasn’t just being sociably polite.


“Go pack a bag for tomorrow and come home with me.” It wasn’t a
request. Joe had no reason to believe she wouldn’t comply.


“And if I decline your invitation?”


“You won’t, and I didn’t invite you.”


“You’re very confident. Have you considered that I may want to
stay in my own home?” Rachel opened the car door and slid out, determined not
to give in easily to his arrogant assumptions.


“I have indeed, but until you want me in there with you, it’s
best if you just come to mine.”


She stopped her dead in her tracks; it seemed that Joe Mason
was in fact being uncharacteristically considerate in his own unique manner,
and wasn’t that a first. She’d never let him know she’d have gone back with him
in a heartbeat rather than be on her own.


“How can I say no to that stunning offer – give me five




Rachel took nearly a quarter of an hour to return to Joe. She
didn’t apologise; just hoisted herself into the front seat chucking her bag
into the back. Joe scowled as it scuffed along the soft leather but refrained
from saying anything. He was far too distracted by the sight of Rachel in tight
black leggings, a loose white linen blouse and flipflops. He liked her casual
style even though she still managed to look well put together it was definitely
the most relaxed outfit he’d seen her in.


“You look cute.”


“Oh thanks, I think. Do you mean cute as in puppy, or cute as
in hot?”


“You definitely don’t look like a dog.” Rachel gasped at Joe’s
comment but judging by the puzzled reaction on his face he clearly had no idea
that to call a girl a dog in the UK was not exactly a compliment.


“Well that’s a relief,” she mumbled stifling a laugh. Joe shook
his head and busied himself by turning on his iPod that was connected to the
car’s sound system. Rachel found herself intrigued as to what Joe listened but
nearly pissed herself when Justin Bieber came blasting through the speakers.


“What the fuck!” roared Joe yanking the lead out immediately.
“Bloody child; oh she thinks she’s so funny.” He tried to keep his expression
serious but failed as his mouth turned up and a deep chuckle escaped. “My
daughter,” he explained to Rachel, “ she knows how much I hate that little
cretin. She must have loaded it as a joke. Can you plug it back in and scroll


The difference in Joe when he talked about his daughter was
adorable; she couldn’t believe it was the same man. His features softened; his
eyes went all dreamy and he properly smiled. She bet he was a fantastic father
if not a touch over indulgent for sure.


“What’s her name?” she held the MP3 player in her hand but had
yet to press play.


“Olivia; commonly known as Liv, just to annoy her mother. She’s
18. And my boy is Ethan; he’s 16.”


“You love them very much.”


“I do; unconditionally. They are the reason for everything I do
in life. I want to make them proud.”


“You must miss them.”


The big man sighed and looked sad. “Every single day. It’s the
only bad thing about coming to the UK but hopefully they’ll come visit soon
enough. They are dying to see London.”


“Oh, I’d love to meet them.” The words were out before realising
she may have overstepped the mark. Rachel quickly pressed play before Joe could
answer. The steady beat of a rock band she didn’t recognise filled the car and
she turned her head to stare out the passenger window hiding her embarrassment.


Joe mulled over their conversation and decided he liked that
Rachel was thinking that far ahead.




Finding herself once again in her boss’s apartment, Rachel
tried to get a lid on her spiralling emotions. Joe was constantly surprising
her with the many facets to his personality and she felt like they had gone
from being adversaries to lovers without giving themselves time to consider
what it would mean to start a relationship at this point in both their lives.


Staring out the lounge window at the many joggers in Regents
Park, Rachel felt the stirrings of doubt. Joe was so far out of her league she
had yet to fathom what he saw in her. She didn’t want to be a conquest,
although she couldn’t complain about the sex so far – it was awesome. She
thought maybe she could just enjoy the fun as long as it lasted, but truthfully
she was affected by Joe big time. Having lost Nate, Rachel was constantly
reminded that you never knew what was around the corner. Never in her wildest
dreams did she ever think she could be with someone as amazing as Joe on every
level, and she wasn’t about to waste this opportunity for whatever it was


“Here.” Joe thrust a glass of what she presumed was Jack
Daniels in her hand. “You’re thinking too much. Is there something you need to
get off your chest?” He took a swig of his own drink and settled himself in one
of his couches kicking off his loafers and resting his feet on an enormous
matching pouffe.


“I was thinking about you actually.”


Joe cocked his head at her. “Was I naked in those thoughts?”


Rachel tutted at him shaking her head disapprovingly.


“No you conceited idiot.” She laughed and kicked his legs to
get him to shuffle up so she could wedge herself next to him. He threw an arm
over her shoulders and she laid her head back in the crook of his arm. Picking
up the remote to the TV, Joe flicked to CNN. Rachel dropped a hand to his thigh
and lazily rubbed her hand up and down his leg. She relished the feel of the
taut muscle and hummed in appreciation. Joe kissed the top of her head then
swallowed the rest of his bourbon.


“Finish up” he told her huskily, “its nearly bedtime.”


The rasp of his voice did wicked things to Rachel’s libido.
Having been mildly turned on just by the closeness of their bodies on the sofa,
she was now damp between her thighs at the underlying meaning of Joe’s words.
She was sure that bedtime with Joe had nothing to do with sleeping. Rachel
drained her glass quickly knowing the added buzz of alcohol in her system would
make her feel even hornier.




When Rachel had started rubbing his leg CNN fast lost Joe’s
attention. The warmth of her hand on his thigh spread straight to his crotch
and made his balls ache. He hoped Jack had helped get her in the mood, because
right now wild horses could not have stopped him hauling her into his bed.
Scooping her up effortlessly, Joe rearranged her so that she had her legs
around his waist. Nuzzling her neck all the way to his room, he carefully sat
her down on his bed and took a step back. He pulled his shirt out of his
trousers and undid it flipping the buttons out from the bottom upwards allowing
it to fall open once he’d finished. He liked how Rachel scrutinised his every


Removing his cufflinks he placed them in a drawer behind him
then shrugged out of the shirt altogether. Slowly unbuckling his belt his
breath hitched slightly as Rachel slid her tongue repeatedly over her bottom
lip and then began to chew on it deep in concentration. His dick swelled at her
pretty wet mouth and he wanted in there. He undid the zip and pushed his
trousers down aware that his erection was tenting his boxers. Judging by the
increased chewing of her bottom lip and the colour rising in her cheeks, Rachel
was enjoying the show. He pulled off his socks, fully aware of the bunch and
flex of his shoulders and arms as he did so. Finally he hooked his thumbs into
his boxers and rendered himself naked before her. Rachel’s breathing sped up as
she tried to maintain a semblance of control.


“You’re beautiful Joe,” she told him huskily; the rasp of her
voice making him impossibly harder, “can I touch you?”

Joe could barely breathe but he knew the simplest touch of her
hand on his cock and it would all be over far too soon. He’d never felt so
horny in his life; he needed to buy himself some time.


“Not yet sweetheart – you have to get naked first.”
Rachel kneeled on the bed and hurriedly pulled off her shirt rewarding him with
the view of her stunning tits encased in a white lace demi cup bra. It was
designed to offer up her breasts like an exquisitely wrapped gift and his
fingers itched to touch them. “Leave the bra on.” She raised her eyebrows at
his instruction but thankfully did as she was told for once. There was
something about her expression that had Joe curious, and he narrowed his eyes
suspiciously but he motioned for her to carry on. He watched as she stood on
the mattress swaying slightly to keep her balance as she drew down her


While she was bent from the waist down, Joe couldn’t see her
panties and Rachel was delaying. She had sussed that Joe hadn’t yet caught on
to her penchant for expensive lingerie and especially for little thongs instead
of knickers; the last time they’d gotten naked together they were in far too
much of a hurry for him to even notice her underwear. She wasn’t going to let
him off that easy this time though. Rachel slowly unfolded as she took a step
towards him steadying her self by placing one hand on his massive shoulder
dying to see his reaction. She was not disappointed.


The little scrap of white lace barely covered her mound and as
damp as Joe had made her, it was now practically transparent. Joe was
transfixed and couldn’t lift his gaze from her crotch. A tick pulsed along his
jaw and he moved his hands slowly to encase her waist.


Being that Joe was naked there was no hiding the fact that he
was now fully aroused. He looked so hot standing there she just wanted to lick
him from head to toe.


“Joe, have you ever heard the expression ‘built like a brick
shit house’?” she asked him quite seriously.


“No; can’t say that I have ever heard that endearing phrase.
Are you applying it to me by any chance?” He was still staring at her pussy but
his hands had cupped her arse and he was squeezing it and caressing it with a
light touch that was driving her mad.


“If you were green you’d give the Hulk a run for his money
that’s for sure.”


Joe sighed deeply, “Are we seriously having this conversation
now? And I’m not as big as the hulk…although I am incredible.” He nodded
agreeing with himself.


“Indeed Mr Mason” Rachel agreed smiling seductively at him as
his warm hands continued to rub her bum cheeks.


“It’s boxing” Joe told her not lifting his gaze from her




“Yes, I box. The training suits my body style; gives me the
build I like and the fighting helps me let off steam.”

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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