Music of the Heart (13 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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“I actually need your help with Ashleigh.”


I explain everything going on with Ashleigh to my dad and he seems genuinely concerned.  He really likes Ashleigh and after I tell him the doctor she has already seen, he tells me he’ll make a couple of calls.


“Now Cross, after I hear what these doctors have to say, I’ll call Ashleigh myself and let her know.”


“No dad, I can call her and let her know.”


“Son, take my advice.  Let me deal with this so she doesn’t think you’re trying to take over her life.  I know it probably isn’t the best situation for her to have to be in right now and it might be better coming from me rather than you.  I’m not exactly sure what your feelings are towards Ashleigh but she’s a nice girl and she’s definitely not like anyone we’ve seen with you before.  Be good to he really like her.”


Damn it, he’s right.  I agree after I make him promise to call me as well and let me know what the doctors say and what Ashleigh says.  I head out to run home so I can pack for my next business trip to New York tomorrow.



























Chapter Fifteen




              Wednesday rolls around and all that’s been on my mind is my voice, my throat and am I truly hurting myself singing?  I’ve stayed holed up in my house the past few days and decide just to stay here all week sulking and pouting.


              I’m on my second cup of coffee when my phone rings with a number I don’t recognize.  I notice on the caller ID, it says Emory Hospital so I quickly grab it. 


              “Hello?”  I pray it’s not the hospital telling me someone I know is hurt.


              “Ashleigh, it’s Preston Hamilton.  How are you doing dear?”


              “Oh, Dr. Hamilton, hello!  I wasn’t sure who this could be when I saw the hospital on caller ID.  I got a little worried.  Is there something I can do for you?”


              “Well, first, call me Preston.  Second, can you come by my office today?  Maybe around 12:30?  I’ll have my secretary call us lunch in.  Rumor has it you like the Sweet Peach Café.  Would that work for you?”


              I’m speechless for a minute because I can’t imagine what Preston Hamilton needs with me.


              “Um, sure Preston.  I can be there at 12:30 and lunch sounds perfect.  I guess I’ll see you then.”


              The next few hours pass by and I head to Emory.  Still unsure of why I am here, his secretary shows me to his office.  He’s finishing up with a patient but she lets me know he’ll be in soon after she asks for an autograph and a picture.  As I’m waiting, she brings lunch in.


              “Ashleigh, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”  I stand up and he gives me a hug.  “I’m sure you’re curious as to why I’ve asked you to come here today.”


              “Well, now that you mention it, I am kind of wondering why you asked me to come here.”  He hands me my food and I see my favorite chicken salad sandwich in the box. 


              “Don’t be upset with me but I was informed of your situation with your throat and I got in contact with a new doctor for you.  I thought maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion.”


              His words make me stop chewing my food for a minute.  I just look up and stare at him.  I finally swallow my food and finally find my voice. 

“I’m not sure what to say Preston.  I’m assuming Cross called you.”


              “He did Ashleigh but this was all my idea.  He just told me what was going on and I offered to get in touch with a few doctors for you.  I also told him I would talk to you instead of him because he needed to back off of you for a bit.  I love him but damn, he can be a little overbearing sometimes, right?”


              I almost spit my drink out when he says that about Cross.  After we talk a bit more, he gives me the information and tells me he had me scheduled to see a new doctor next Tuesday.


              I enjoy talking to Preston and we lose track of time until his secretary comes in to tell him his afternoon patients have started arriving.  I apologize for taking up so much time and thank him for everything. 


              I spend the rest of Wednesday and all of Thursday attempting to begin my Christmas shopping.  I put if off and I’m not sure I can wait any longer.  I wake up early on Friday so I can go shopping and as I go to fix my coffee, there is a loud knock on my door.  I have no clue who would be at my house at 7:30 a.m. but I head to the door to find out.





              I get home late Thursday night and after talking to my dad, I decide to head to Ashleigh’s house early in the morning.  I don’t tell her I am coming and decide to surprise her.  I know, I know.  I said I wasn’t going to pursue her.  Unfortunately, I can’t stop.  I tried and I can’t make myself.  I need her in my life. 


              I ring her doorbell at 7:30 a.m., realizing she may still be asleep.  I see her peek through the side window and then throw the door open. 


              “What in the hell are you doing here?”


              I hold out a cup of coffee from the Sweet Peach and give her my panty wetting smile I am known for.  Dimples and all.


              “I’m sorry Ashleigh.  I know I’ve been kind of an ass lately.  I’m here to make it up to you.  So, I know you love this coffee and thought you might like a cup.  Also, I need you to go get dressed.”


              “Get dressed?  Why?  Do you actually think I’m going somewhere with you?”


              I look her up and down.  She’s even more beautiful in her just woken up look.  She looks very fuckable right now and she doesn’t even realize it.


“Well, first, unless you want me to take you right here, right now, you need to change out of those barely there pajamas.  Second, yes, I am taking you somewhere.  Nowhere fancy so just put on jeans, a shirt and comfy shoes and let’s go.”


              I laugh as she looks down at herself.  I know she is inspecting what she wore to bed last night.  It’s December and she is wearing tiny boxer shorts with a pretty sheer tank top which displays her taut nipples perfectly.  I seriously would like to say screw my plans and take her upstairs and fuck her senseless.


              “Oh God.  I’m sorry.  Let me go change and I’ll be right back.”


              I just laugh which pisses her off more.  As I am waiting downstairs, I shoot a quick text to Jamie at JMA Music Group.  I can’t begin to think how much she’ll hate me if she ever finds out what I’m doing but as the saying goes… ‘I’ll cross that bridge when we get there.’


              “Okay, I’m ready.  Don’t judge.  You said don’t dress up so here I am.”


              I look up to the stairs and she truly is beautiful.  Even dressed down, she could put most women to shame.  She’s wearing skinny jeans, gray sweater UGG boots, a pale pink shirt with a scarf and her hair is in a messy high ponytail.  She has on minimal make-up which I love.  I can’t stop staring at her and she catches me.


              “What?  Why are you looking at me like that?  Do I have something on my face?  I’m not showing my boobs off to you again, am I?  I’m glad you got your little peep show for your morning entertainment by the way.”


              I just sit there laughing.  I finally stop and I go and wrap my arms around her in a big bear hug.  I could hold her like this all day long.  Hopefully, soon, she’ll let me.


              Reluctantly, I let her go but not before I give her a kiss on her forehead.  “Grab your coffee and let’s go.  I have a fun filled day for you.”


              “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?  I mean, I know you own the company but I thought you traveled all over for your job?  Plus, everyone says what a workaholic you are.”


              I open her car door and she slides in.  After I head out of her neighborhood, I answer her question.


              “I do travel all the time for work much like you.  It’s pretty rare for me to take a day off but I just got back in town late last night and didn’t feel like working today.  There was someone I wanted to spend my day with instead of being cooped up in an office all day.  Plus, I need to grovel for your forgiveness.”


              She laughs and I love to hear that sound.  “Well, if you think I’m letting you off easy this time, you are mistaken, my friend.  I want to see you make it up to me all day long if you think I’m spending it with you.  Are you even going to tell me what we’re doing?”

              “Patience, love, patience.  I have something special we are doing.  Breakfast will be waiting for us when we arrive also, along with more coffee of course.”


              I head straight for Phipps Plaza.  By now, it’s 8:15 and the mall is not actually open yet.  We pull in and a valet is waiting along with Thomas.  I turn to look at her and she has the most confused look on her face.  Hopefully, everything I have planned today is fun for her because it is nothing I would ever think of doing with any other girl.






































Chapter Sixteen




The mall?  Why in the hell are we at the mall?  Granted, it’s Phipps Plaza and it’s a nice mall but still… not my idea of fun.


“Care to tell me why you brought me to the mall?  Surely of all the digging around you’ve done on me, you know I hate the mall and don’t really like to shop either.”


He laughs at me.  “I’ve heard you aren’t a shopping fan but have you even started on your Christmas shopping?”


I just look at him and realize even though I went shopping the past two days, I really didn’t buy many gifts.  I’m pretty sure I bought more stuff for myself.  It’s like he sees it register in my brain and he gives me the panty dropping dimpled smile that makes me want to throw him down and kiss him.


“Since I’ve left you with no words, let me fill you in.  The mall is closed to the public right now but with a name like Cross Hamilton, you can make things happen.  It is now 8:30 a.m.  You have until 10:00 a.m. to shop anywhere in the mall you want with no other customers around.  It’s not long but I wanted you to get most of your Christmas shopping done so you didn’t waste the next few weeks having to shop.  Thomas is here to take all of your packages home because after shopping at the mall, we’re not finished yet with our day yet.”


“What else are we doing?”


“Again, you need to learn patience.  When 10:00 hits, we can continue shopping amongst the other patrons or I have other plans for us.  We’ll talk about it when the mall opens.”


With that, he grabs my hand and leads me into the mall entrance that is opened for only us.  It’s very strange to walk into a mall that is totally quiet with no people anywhere around.  Apparently, Cross had asked for one person at each store to come in for me to shop.  I’m totally in shock by all of this.  I know this is his way of trying to apologize for being an ass.

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