Music of the Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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“Are you coming around with me to shop or just going to sit and wait?”


“Oh honey, wherever you go, I’ll be right there with you.”


I’m just looking at him and he grins and hands me a Café Mocha to start my shopping with. 

When I tell you he never left my side shopping, I would not be lying.  He helped me pick out every single gift for everyone ranging from my parents to my niece to the girls and guys and everyone in between.  When 10:00 rolls around, I have probably bought three-fourths of my gifts which makes me happy.  We give the last of the bags to Thomas and before I know what is happening, he pulls me in for a hug.  I hesitate but then I wrap my arms around him and reciprocate the hug.


We stand there hugging for longer than normal and I feel both of us just relax in each other’s arms.  I’m pretty sure I fit perfectly in his arms and I’m starting to realize I like being there.  Before he releases me, he kisses me on the head.


“Okay, do you think you can handle more of me today?”


“Actually, I’ve enjoyed my time with you so far and I may be able to continue spending the day with you.”  I smirk at him and continue, “I need to go to the toy store to shop for my niece.  I have this long text my sister sent me with tons of different toy ideas for Greer.  You think you’re up for that?”


“Bring it on baby.  Toys R Us, here we come!”


We make our way to the toy store and both of us grab a cart when we enter. 


“What do you need a cart for Cross?  You getting some toys to play with at home?”


“No smart ass but I may buy some gifts while I am here.” 


We walk around the store and I pull up the list of ideas for Greer.  There is so much shit on this list.  I love my niece but this list is extreme even for me.  I start looking at Sofia the First and Doc McStuffins toys and Cross is looking over my shoulder trying to read the list, which drives me nuts. 


I swat at him.  “Quit looking over my shoulder.  It drives me crazy when people do that and I thought you were going shopping for toys?  Why are you still standing here?”


“You trying to get rid of me?


“No but the sooner we finish here, the quicker we can go to Target!  I love Target!”


He walks away laughing and shaking his head.  I’m going up and down the aisles like a crazy woman trying to get a good bit of the toys.  I can’t get it all but I get a lot of it.  After I finish, I walk around looking for Cross and when I find him, he is with an employee with four carts loaded up. 


I walk up to them and ask, “What is all of this?  Did you leave anything in the store?”


“Well, most of it is for a children’s charity we donate to every Christmas and the other is for a special little girl.”


I look at him for a minute in awe of him buying all of these toys for children who would normally not get anything.  As the employee walks away, I just turn and give Cross the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek.  When I go to stand back, he pulls me in tighter and doesn’t want to let go.


“Cross, people are starting to stare.  Maybe you should let me go.”  Reluctantly, he pulls back and just stares at me again.  I wish I knew what he was thinking in that mind of his.


After we check out, we head to Target and I go crazy buying things.  He helps me unload all of my purchases when we get back to my house.  By this time, it is already almost 6:00 p.m.  We have been gone for so long and Merritt is coming over with take out and wine for a girls night at 7:00.


“Thank you so much for today Cross.  I would ask you to stay for dinner but it’s girls night with Merritt and she has a pretty strict no boys policy.”  I just grin and shrug my shoulders in apology.


“It’s okay.  I would stay but I don’t want the wrath of Merritt to come after me.  Do you have any plans on Sunday?”


“Other than watching the Falcons game?  I was actually going to decorate my house since I will be home for longer than a couple of days.  If you want, you can come help me put up the tree and hang lights.  I’ll even spring for lunch and treat you to your favorite.”


“Sounds good.  I’m not the best at decorating but I can try to help you.  I’ll see you around 11:30 and don’t worry about lunch, I’ve got it covered.”


With one last hug, he gives me the one thing that melts my heart.  He cups my face and kisses me on the forehead which is of my favorite signs of affection.  As he leaves, I can’t help but think this just may be the man to steal my heart.






              I’ve been out of town for two weeks on business.  For those two weeks, I have thought of Ashleigh a lot.  Who would’ve thought I would enjoy my time with her decorating her house for Christmas?!  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to talk to her or text her during this time either due to my crazy meetings.  And by the time I sit and relax at night, it’s very late back home and I don’t want to bother her.  My mom has been texting me constantly about being home for Christmas Eve.  It is a week away and I still have several days left in Vancouver to wrap up some loose ends on this deal. 


              It’s 10:30 p.m. here in Vancouver which means it’s 1:20 a.m. in Atlanta.  I really want to call Ashleigh but I know she’s sleeping.  I’m sitting in my hotel room having a drink and watching the news when my phone chimes.  I’ll admit I was hoping it was Ashleigh but when I reach for my phone, I see that I have a text from Dixon.


Dixon: Hey man.  You ever coming home?  I mean it’s almost Christmas and you’re in fucking

              Canada.  Your mom will shit if you don’t make it home.


Cross: I know, I know.  I will be home by Christmas Eve.  I’ve got at least four more days before              

              I can head home.


Dixon: Wait a minute.  When is your flight home?


Cross: I am supposed to fly out on the 22
but it could be the 23
if I don’t get things finalized

              soon.  Why?


Dixon: You do realize you’re going miss our Christmas dinner with friends, right?


Cross: What?  When is it? 


Dixon: It’s on the 20
.  Ashleigh has to leave to go home to Alabama on the 21
.  Man, the

              girls are going to be pissed off at you.


Cross: Fuck.  There is no way I can leave earlier.  I have to land this deal and it will take

              several more days of meetings to make that happen.


Dixon: Have you told Ashleigh you won’t be home? 


Cross: No man.  I haven’t talked to her.


Dixon: At all?  Surely y’all have talked in the two weeks you’ve been gone.  Right?


Cross: No.  By the time I’m back in my room at night, it’s late here and with the time

           difference, I don’t want to bother her.


Dixon: Shit man.  Let me just tell you now. I can guarantee you not only she is pissed at you

but so are all the other girls.  I’m sure you know by now, they’re like a package deal. 


Cross: Shit, you know work is my life.  I’m sorry but I have never put a girl before my work

and I’m not about to start right now.  This deal is huge for me and my company.  That

has to take priority over everything right now.


Dixon: Look, you know I’m your best friend and I have your back but Ashleigh is also like a

              sister to me.  If you feel something, don’t fuck it up.


Cross: Hear you loud and clear man.  Look, I need to catch some sleep.  Early meeting.  See you

              in a few days.


Dixon: Night man.











































Chapter Seventeen




              Three weeks.  That’s how long it’s been since I’ve heard from Cross.  Just when I was actually starting to like him he goes and proves what an asshole he really is.  This just shows I need to stay focused on my work and forget about guys and dating.  I just don’t have time for bullshit like this.


              I spent all day yesterday baking and cooking for our friends Christmas today.  I am a stress baker and cook so I have tons of sweets and tons of food for my friends.  I am praying that Cross is not at lunch today.  There is nothing I have to say to him right now.  I grab all my food and head into Merritt’s house.


              “Hey ladies.  Merry Friend Christmas!  I come bearing food and sweets galore.  I hope you wore your elastic pants.”


              “Hey Ash!  Merry Christmas bestie!  Good Lord, what all did you bring?  Wait.  You’ve been stress baking, haven’t you?”


              “You know me too well Merritt.  I brought…”


              “What’s up bitches? Merry Christmas!  Holy shit Ashleigh, what all did you make?  You’ve been stress baking and cooking, haven’t you?”


              I look at Ava and then look down at everything I brought.  There is so much food from cookies to cake pops to three different dips to several side dishes and more.  Why have I let Cross get to me like this?  This is so unlike me.


              “No.  I was just in the holiday spirit and wanted to cook a lot for everyone.”


              I start unwrapping things and helping Ava put food in the places she wants them on the buffet.  The guys are due any minute and I am so nervous that Cross is going to show up.  I hear the front door open and my eyes instantly look that way.  Thankfully, it is just Dixon and Reed.  They go through hugging and kissing all the girls and when Dixon gets to me, he leans down to my ear.


              “Hey, what’s wrong?  You look worried.”


              “Oh… a nothing.  Nothing is wrong.  Why do you ask?”


              “Ashleigh, if you could see your face right now.  Come grab a beer with me.”


              We walk to the patio and grab a beer.  Thankfully, the weather this holiday season is beautiful and in the 60’s so we can be outside even in December.


              “So, it’s just you and me now.  I know you almost as well as Merritt.  What’s going on?”


              “Um… Well… is Cross coming?”


              “Ash, he’s not.  He’s still out of town on business and isn’t getting home until Christmas Eve.  I’m sorry.  I know you must be upset.”


              “Thank God.  I’ve been worried I would have to see him today.  Luckily, I’ll be gone by the time he gets home and then back on the road.  Well, we better get back in the kitchen.”


              Dixon grabs my arm as I try to walk away.  I turn back around and he has the most confused look on his face.


              “What the hell?  I thought there was something between you and Cross?”

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