My Kind of Perfect (13 page)

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Authors: Freesia Lockheart

BOOK: My Kind of Perfect
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“Foolish child, you really don’t understand a thing,” she
said, shaking her head a little.

“I do and you don’t” I replied bluntly.

She laughed for a while and sipped another mouthful of
coffee. After which, she cleared her throat and pronounced, “So I take that as
you two wanting to go along with the three month plan.”

“I haven’t agreed to any of that. I want the marriage and be
divorced tomorrow. End of discussion. Case closed,” he uttered needlessly,
throwing his hands to the air.

I looked at him in horror. And before Dorothy would even
have the chance to agree to what John said, I hurriedly retorted, “Oh no, Mr.
John Brooks. I won’t be married to you in papers and to be divorced tomorrow.
You must be kidding me. Dorothy, let’s hear the rest of the contract.”

Dorothy chuckled at my misfit then afterwards she reminded
us, “And don’t forget that you two are now all over the news. If you divorce
the next day, we might lose our hotel, my boy.”

John’s eyebrows meet in disbelief as he heard the uncanny
reminder from her grandmother. And without any of us saying anything—as if we
got a choice—Dorothy continued on with the verdict, “It’s a three month
contract to be together while acting as husband and wife in front of everyone.
Well, everyone except for me and my boys here.”

“And that’s it?” I asked. Wow, somehow I believed that I was
really being called for to be an actress. Everybody seemed to have wanted me to
play a part in their show.

Oh yeah, Hollywood, here I come!

“Well, that’s not the whole story. In fact, if you are
wondering for the rest of the contents, I have a copy of it,” she said as she
called for Nate and he handed her the ‘deadly’ black suitcase.

After a while, she pulled a bundle of papers and handed John
and I a copy. I read it, scanning the whole thing, and saw that she all got it
in here. First thing that came into mind was that I was impressed. I had
totally underestimated who I was dealing with. Then I thoroughly read the
contents of the contract the second time. And what had caught my utmost
attention was the fact that I was supposed to live under one roof with John and
share the same room with the nerd.

“This is quite unfair. You told us that we should only act.
Why are we supposed to share the same house and the same room?” I dubiously
asked, flipping the pages furiously.

“This is the house to begin with and there are two beds for
the room so you don’t need to worry about all that,” she told me.

I frowned, annoyed. But nevertheless, I continued to read
on. In the third clause, it was stated that we must go on a date every week. I
shook my head in disapproval. Whoever created this contract held a grudge
against me. Oh, wait. I reminded myself that, yes, Dorothy was holding a grudge
towards me for ditching his grandson years ago. And then in the seventh clause,
it was indicated that I was to undergo a training to be the perfect wife for
those three months under the guide of the ‘spectacular’ mentor—Dorothy.

“What are you saying? I should be your maid around here or
something?” I asked as I pointed out the seventh clause to her. Never mind the
third one. I could devise something to escape that.

“You’ll be a wife in training and not a maid. Janette here
will do that part,” she said as the maid beside her smiled in agreement.

“And what will I get with all these?” I ambiguously asked.

“You’ll be paid for it. Twenty times the amount of your
usual salary for a year and with sufficient separation pay at the end of the
contract. I heard that you’re currently short on money nowadays. Very well
then, I’ll send half of the amount to your bank account the instant you signed
the contract,” she told me.

“I’m not—“

She threw me ‘the’ look.

“Okay, fine. Maybe I am,” I admitted with a shrug. So she
did do a background check on me. But as much as I didn’t want to admit, I
really needed some help right now. I swallowed the lump in my throat upon
realization that if Dorothy would actually do that, it was as if my life
savings would come back to me plus some added bonus.

It wasn’t everyday you were given a chance like this. And
all I got to do for all that was to act as John’s wife. It wasn’t a bad offer.
Not at all. And the whole world already knew about our ‘wedding’, leaving me
with no choice either. That or be a divorcee. But with the thought, divorcee
was gaining some weight on the scale.

Mrs. Brooks? Oh, nightmare!

“And you will not send those papers to court if we would
agree with that?” I asked Dorothy.

“Of course! This license is valid for three months. So for
that whole time, I’ve got something to hold the two of you back with. If any of
you do anything wrong, I’ll just send the portfolio back to the clerk’s office
and you’ll be married right away,” she threatened.

Evil. She was plain evil.

I nodded, a little hesitantly, and continued on reading the
rest of the contents of the papers I was still holding in my hands. For a moment,
I wondered why John hadn’t said anything about all this. He just stood there
and was also reading the papers, well, in a way that was the total opposite of
mine. His face was finely composed.

No emotions whatsoever.

I noted that it was said that for every violation, there
would be a ‘punishment’ that Dorothy could choose from. Some of the punishments
were to make us watch a movie together or walk hand in hand around the house
for twenty times. It was kind of hilarious that those were the ones she thought
about. I was kind of expecting some things like hanging us on our feet or slashing
our backs with a whip.

You know, like the ones mafias do... or rather, what I
imagined them do.

The rest of the contents were safe and everything seemed to
be pretty harmless. I convinced myself that this was more like taking up a job
to be someone else’s pretend wife. It was not that hard and clearly it was
indicated that we would never be wed in papers. At least I got to save myself
from making this legal.

And after three months, John and I would tell the whole
world the truth. And I perceived that after several more months of humiliation,
I would be able to move on as one rich gal. It was also said that they would
give me a secure job afterwards. This was totally not a bad offer after all.
Where else would I get something like this?

I hurriedly asked for a pen after I finished reading
everything. “Where should I sign?”

Dorothy was quite surprised at my uncanny reaction. Okay, so
I had to admit that I was hesitant about all this at first. But when I finished
reading all the benefits that I could get, what was there to lose? Well, I
already lost everything there was in the start and it wasn’t like anyone cared
that if I would do all these. Even that jerk named as ex-boyfriend Aaron would
not say anything about these things.

“That’s the spirit. Go ahead and sign all this,” she said as
she pointed it out to me. Then after a while she added, “Just don’t forget that
you guys should never utter a word about this contract or else your marriage
license will surely find its rightful place.”

Sure thing, whatever she said, I’d do them.

Three months of pain was no big deal. This must be my luck
finally making its grand entrance to my now very fortunate life. I realized
that I needed to thank that old lady from the fortune teller shop and maybe
send someone to clean the place for her. She clearly indicated where I went
wrong and how to fix it.

Everything she said was true.

I took a seat on the sofa and lay back comfortably while secretly
laughing to myself. I was still the perfect Kayla who just got back her luck,
making me the most envied person on earth by now. Dorothy seemed to be pleased
as well as she was happily finished her cup of coffee without uttering another
word or two. It was John who was obviously vexed with all these. I didn’t blame
him though. He clearly had nothing to gain from all this. Oh well, that was not
my problem.

“Take a seat and read it thoroughly before signing,”
suggested Dorothy.

“I don’t get it. It’s as if I’m being used and will be used
with all this,” he said as he furiously flapped the papers around.

“Got that right,” the words escaped my mouth when I clearly
knew that I shouldn’t have said all that. He eyed me intently and I widened my
eyes as I shrugged in response. As I said, I was just going on with the flow. I
couldn’t blame myself for being so lucky.

And him being not.

“Treat it as my last wish, dear,” said Dorothy endearingly.
She sounded convincing. Maybe I should verify her identity and see if she was
an actress before.

“But Grandma...” John’s voice softened a little upon hearing
her dearest grandmother’s words. This was such a touching moment that I had
felt the need to put this into film.

“Yes, dear, this is my only wish,” she finally said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes at their obnoxious display of affection—not
my thing and definitely off my book. I turned my gaze on the newspaper that was
under the table and opened it to search for my lucky horoscope for the day.

You finally opened up the door towards your much awaited
future. Just a few more bumps here and there before you finally arrive at your
destination. And don’t forget to enjoy the ride along for this kind of thing
only happens once in a lifetime.

I totally agreed with what it said. In a moment, I noticed
that John finally gave up and signed the papers afterwards. He hadn’t uttered a
word to me though as he sat back on the sofa beside where I was.

I took a glance at the papers and convinced myself that I
was not a materialistic person. Just a practical one. And it was not as if I
had any other options regarding this matter.

I was blackmailed!

“Alright,” said Dorothy as she grabbed the papers and handed
it off to Nate. “You know what to do.”

“Okay, now you’re up for the next surprise,” Dorothy said as
she adjusted her clothes and placed herself in a comfortable position.
“Janette, bring the guests in.”

Chapter 10


“Guests?” I repeated, not being able to fully grasp the

“Yes,” Dorothy started. “We must put all of this to a test.
And also because I’m pretty sure that they are worried, too.”

“Worried? Who’s worried?” I dubiously asked.

A cunning smile flashed on her face and I instantly feared
what she was up to again. All the plan that she devised was either made to
torture me, make me suffer, or annoy me to the core. I would bet everything I
had to say that this one would also fall into any of those categories.

“Who are you talking about, Grandma? We’re not expecting
anyone,” said John, who was as skeptical as I was.

“They are what you call as unexpected guests. Now tidy
yourself, young man. You’re about to meet your in-laws,” said Dorothy as she
motioned for Janette to open the door.

“In-laws?” I exclaimed, suddenly standing on my feet. But as
soon as I saw Mom and Dad came in abruptly and a little bit too soon, my voice
changed its tone as I said, “Hi Mom... Dad.”

I waved to them a bit. But of course, it hadn’t done me any
good. My mom instantly came to my side and without any further ado, she asked,
“What’s going on around here, Kayla? How come you haven’t told us that you’re
getting married?”

Well Mom, I also had no idea that I was getting married.

“I...” I stuttered.

Even my perfect being wasn’t able to comprehend such
situation instantly. I met her eyes and saw the uneven shade of eyeliner under
it. She must have had been in such a hurry for her to look that way. Come to
think of it, it had only been about several hours since the broadcast from
which I was sure they have heard of all this. The ‘evil’ Dorothy must have had done
something after that for them to end up in this remote place.

“They kept it a secret from everyone. I guess they’re
planning to surprise us all,” said Dorothy on my behalf.

“But from us? You haven’t even invited us to your wedding!”
answered Mom, her voice an octave higher than before. She was clearly holding
back the Aaron issue.

“I’m sorry. It’s just uhmm...” I fidgeted for words,
brushing my fingers against each other furiously.

“It’s really a sudden wedding. She met her first love again
yesterday and decided to throw off a wedding, realizing that they still love
each other,” said Dorothy.

Was it me or was she really good at this? Or rather,
everything was planned from the start, every little thing, including this
story? But wait. First love? John Emerson Brooks was not my first love, for
crying out loud!

“You two wed a day after meeting up with each other?” Mom
exasperated, creases formed in her forehead in denial of what had happened.

Oh trust me, I understood her reaction.

“Yes?” I nervously replied.

My mom, hearing what I answered, ended up in shock—her mouth
hanging open. As for my dad, well, he seemed composed and calm and undeniably
lost in his own thoughts. Why did men do this all the time? I looked at both of
them nervously, throwing glances one and then to the other, and hoped that my
lies wouldn’t be seen through or else my instant luck might disappear together
with their realization of everything that was happening.

It was my dad who broke the awkward silence. “Excuse us for
a moment. My daughter and I need to do some serious talking.”

I swallowed.

Serious talking was not something a girl like me wanted to
hear from my dad. The last time we did that, I had been grounded for months.
But despite my apprehensiveness in doing so, the others had agreed. Dorothy led
everyone out to the garden, telling them that she prepared some nice tea for
everyone to drink. In a moment that I was certain I never wanted to experience
again, I was alone with my dad.

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