My Kind of Perfect (15 page)

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Authors: Freesia Lockheart

BOOK: My Kind of Perfect
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In another while, they were finally out of sight. Mom and
Dad were taken back by one of Dorothy's limousine. And with that, I was finally
relieved. At last, I could stop pretending. I was waiting for that moment for
like forever.

I pulled my arms from John's and exasperatingly said, “Stop
touching me!”

He seemed baffled and said back, “You were the one who
linked your arms with mine.”

“I did not!” I argued, although I fully recalled that he was
right. But still, I just couldn’t let myself admit it.

“You two can stop arguing and head upstairs and put on some
new clothes,” said Dorothy before saying another ‘evil’ word again to her
sidekick—men-in-black Nate.

“What for?” asked John.

Dorothy looked up to both of us and said in a
manner-of-fact-way, “Your honeymoon.”

“Excuse me?” I said. “Do you think we'll go on with that
honeymoon plan of yours?”

“You won't?” she asked, raising one her eyebrows. I shook my
head firmly. Then she added, “Nate, the phone please.”

“Who are you gonna call?” I asked her.

“Your mother,” she answered and started dialing some

“Wait!” I said, grabbing the phone from her. “Okay, so we're
going to change our clothes and head off for some vacation.”

She was good at all this blackmailing of hers and definitely
a pro in torturing me. I said to myself to just endure it for a while.
Everything would be through and I would soon walk away as the luckiest girl in
the world.

And so, with Dorothy still looking at us and waiting for the
two of us to get moving, I dragged John upstairs, only to let him lead the way
as soon we arrived at the second floor. As much as I wanted to be all knowing
and such, sometimes, an unfamiliar household would still get in the way.

“Where's the room that she was talking about earlier?” I
asked him.

John sighed before leading the way and stopping at the room
beside the humongous window. “Here's my room.”

He opened the door and I followed him in. The inside was... extravagant.
Okay, so really, I had to remind myself to expect that much every time I was
about to see something new in their place. It would do me so much good like
keeping my mouth closed instead of let it hung in the air. All their things
were grand, expensive, or just plain jaw dropping awesome.

And as Dorothy said earlier, there were two single beds that
were placed a little closer than what I expected. The moment I noticed it, I
said, “John, don't you think the beds are placed a little closer than the

“Now that you've mentioned it,” he said, examining the small
gap even closely. “You’re right.”

I tried walking in between. Then with my most intelligent,
kind of obvious deduction, I said, “Only a single person can fit in here.”

“Grandma's doing. No wonder,” he replied. “But don't worry,
there's the other side of the bed for that.”

I nodded and replied, “Maybe we should be thankful that she
didn't place huge closets on the outer side of the beds.”

Then we heard a knock coming from the door. In a while, Nate
said, “Ms. Brooks is waiting for the two of you. She said that she's giving you
five minutes to get change and head downstairs.”

“Five minutes?” I blurted out. “Do I even have clothes in
this room?”

“Fortunately, you do,” said John as he was examining the
contents of one of the closets at the far side of the room. “Even I don't have
any idea where all this came from.”

“Are you sure you don’t know a thing about this? For all I
know, this could be your plan all along,” I said, searching his eyes for my

He got that look like he couldn’t believe I was saying all
that. Then he said, “Don’t you think you already know the answer?”

I shrugged my shoulders and went to his side and saw the
vast amount of ladies clothes in the closet. “Are you sure this is mine?”

“If not yours, then who else will it belong to? It can’t be
mine,” said John as he opened the other closet and grabbed a set of clothes.

I gulped.

I never had such expensive brands being named as mine. This
was surreal, like I was living in a dream. “Are you sure?”

He didn't answer.

But instead it was Nate's voice who echoed from across the
hall outside, “Two more minutes.”

I snapped back to reality and mentally slapped myself for
fantasizing about all this. Then I instantly grabbed the first pair of clothes
I had set my eyes on and headed towards the bathroom. Two more minutes and I
would be up to no good again.

Chapter 12


“Just how long do they plan to follow us?” I asked John,
looking back to the car that was trailing us behind. It was still moving in
that slow yet quirky and infuriating way.

He answered, “I have no idea. Maybe you want to go down and
ask them instead.”

I rolled my eyes in disbelief and continued sulking as I
sunk even lower in my seat. We had been driving for several hours by now, and
Dorothy and his men were still escorting us all this while.

Why couldn't they just leave us alone? Didn't they know the
meaning of the word freedom? Oh right, Dorothy-wise, she hadn't even learned
the meaning of the word privacy. So definitely, she had no clue what freedom or
free will was all about.

Since yesterday, all we did was follow her orders like some
programmed robot obeying their master without a complaint. And this was the
first time that a thing like this ever happened to me. Kayla Wilson was now
obeying someone against her will. Good heavens, I must be gifted with such a
pure heart for me to do so.

Cha Ching. Cha Ching.

No, it was not the money I was after. All I did was try to
lift of the curse that was ruthlessly imparted to me by this nerd. And the
money involved was just a bonus since I had succeeded in asking John’s
forgiveness and undoubtedly got my luck back and everything.

I tapped my fingers impatiently on my arms, forcing the
previous thoughts out of my mind. I was preventing my comely mind from being
corrupted with material thoughts and things that somehow pointed out that I was
a dreadful person.

Which clearly I wasn’t.

After another long minute, I asked John again, “Are we there

“No clue. I don't even know where we're heading. It's also
my first time going to that place,” he said, holding the wheel firmly. And even
though he was trying to hide it, my perfect eyes saw the yawn that he let out.

“Don't fall asleep while driving,” I reminded him, looking
at him intently.

He widened his eyes before rubbing it twice. “I'm not

“And lower your speed,” I reminded him again. Ever since he
held that wheel, all he did was speed up whenever I wasn’t looking.

“We're already as slow as those cows out there. Even if I
doze off for several minutes, we still won't hit the car in front,” he said,
pointing outside to the innocent cows to which our decent speed was compared

“It is better safe than sorry,” I murmured. “And we're not
as slow as them.”

He let out a long sigh, finally giving up the fight. I
looked outside and watched the grazing cows. And really, they were slower than
us. Johnny here was just exaggerating. Our speed was fine.

“Can we go a little faster?” he tried asking again, almost

“Not a chance. Just drive,” I replied, closing my eyes and
telling myself to understand the situation. John really had a thing for driving
fast, which of course, never failed to scare me from way back then. He should
thank me for my utmost concern.

I was just keeping us safe from danger.

A loud screech of the brakes disrupted my thoughts. Forcing
my eyes shut, I held on tightly to my seat. Were we going to die? Did we hit a
meteorite? Or rather, a meteorite hit us? I let my thoughts calm down first
before I opened my eyes again and saw that we, like what I was telling him over
and over again to be careful with, almost hit the car in front of us. And he
said that we couldn't possibly hit the car in front!



“Sorry about that. The car in front stopped all of a sudden,”
he said, pointing to the black Porsche.

“By any chance, is it broken?” I asked, a tint of happiness
resounded in my voice. If it was broken, that could only mean one thing—freedom
from one stalking car. And chances were, we could get away from this honeymoon
with just one car to run away from.

“Maybe,” he said, leaning his chin on the wheel and yawning

“Come on, let's go out and ask them what's wrong. Maybe the
plans will change and they'll let us off the hook for today,” I said to him.

He lazily nodded and unlocked the doors. We went out the car
and saw that the Porsche was miraculously spouting off smokes. Lovely. I saw
Dorothy coming out of the other car and looking very much displeased. Finally,
Heaven smiled down on me. I suddenly wanted to go down on my knees and utter my

“Oh my, look at the trouble we have in here,” she uttered as
soon as she got closer to us.

“What a lovely trouble,” I said back, smiling wildly.

She wasn't pleased by what she had heard. “Oh, is that so?”

I swallowed hard. Her eyes told me that I had said the most
uncalled for words that I could ever utter in this lifetime. I then instantly
took it back by saying, “No, I mean... this is really a big trouble. But I'm
sure we can find some way to fix this.”

“It may take some time though,” she replied absent-mindedly.

Oh great! Her mind was elsewhere and it shouldn't be there
at all. For the past few moments that we had been together, I had been more
cautious of her every movement. Whenever she creased her eyebrows, it meant
that she was thinking of something. Well, from previous observations, it
usually involved her plans with me and John. Those were of prime importance for

“Why don't you two go ahead,” she started saying the verdict
once more.

“Ahead?” I echoed.

“Yes dear, just follow the map I gave you a while ago. The
boys and I will be coming along a little later,” she said.

Was she serious?

“You're letting us off your sight?” blurted John.

I nudged him in the stomach and whispered to him, “Let her.
This is our lucky chance.”

“You saying something, Kayla?” asked Dorothy, curious at
what I just said.

“It’s nothing important. I told him he looked so handsome
today. And I mean, we can find our way to that resort. Meet you up there?” I
replied, smiling at her with eyes sparkling.

Dorothy nodded and told us, “Go along, both of you.”

“Okay!” I blissfully replied, forcefully dragging John back
to the car.

As soon as we got inside, John instantly asked, “So what's
the plan?”

“We'll lose them and head back home instead,” I replied,
feeling smart again with such a brilliant plan in mind.

“It's a one way street. There's no other way around,” he
said while examining the map.

“We don't have to use the map or the roads that are placed
in there.”

He looked at me and asked with a confused expression. “We're

“Yes,” I said, “If there's no road, we'll just have to make

He gave it a thought, I presumed. He stayed silent for
several minutes as his fingers lightly tapped the steering wheel. “Kaye, that
doesn't sound like a good idea.”

My shoulders dropped in disappointment. I couldn't believe
that he just said that my brilliant plan was some utter nonsense. I argued,
“It's the most intelligent thing one person could every think of.”

“But making a road out of nowhere and not to mention in the
mountains, is just plain absurd,” he said, stressing the words.

“Don't call my plan absurd. Think about it, do you want to
go along with Dorothy's plan?” I asked him.

“Of course not.”

“Then trust me, I've got a good brain to put into use,” I
said, all high and mighty.

“You sure?” he said, holding on the wheels doubtfully.
“Cause really...”

“Positive,” I assured him before he even say anything that
could ruin my mood.

I was just saying that. After a while, I realized that my
plan was absurd.

“I don't think this will lead to any good,” John finally
said while trying to get the car out of a mud cow path.

“Just a little more and we'll be out of this in no time,” I
said, showing off a spark of my undying optimism for the past few hours.

He stepped on the gas and the wheels roared in an epic
attempt to get out of the mud. However, as hard as he tried, the car already
gave up on us and mellowed itself in the mud path instead. John took off his
seatbelt and said, “There's no way we can get this thing out of this mud. I'm
going out.”

“Wait! What about me?” I said in protest.

“What? You won't come down and just stay here?”

I looked around and saw that we were lost in the middle of
nowhere. Staying here didn't seem to be the most enticing idea either. I
cleared my throat and said, “I will. I'll come down.”

Then in a moment, I heard the slamming of the door from my
left. I looked outside and saw the knee deep mud that I have to walk through.
Gross. I watched as John unloaded the things from the trunk and get the ones, I
presumed, we needed to survive in this... woods or mountain.

Why was I even here?

John grumpily tapped his feet as he waited for me to come
out of the car. I looked outside again and hoped that somehow, the mud
miraculously dried up and there will be flower beds in place of it instead.
Reality hitting on, there was still mud when I looked again for the second

Then John knocked on the car window beside me. I rolled it
down. “What are you still doing out there?”

I crossed my arms and answered, “I can't go down. There's a
lot of mud.”

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