My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“Hey, Dove.” He says. He has a backpack slung over his shoulder and a smile on his lips. Still sexy as ever. Beat up jeans, tee shirt and cowboy boots. Really like those boots. His buzzed hair is now getting longer and it looks like he hasn't shaved in a few days, the stubble really is a good look for him. “Can I come in?” he asks breaking me from my stare.

“Oh yeah come in.” He smirks at me as I step aside letting him through the door. He walks over to the couch and plops his bag down onto it.

“So turns out I can't stand being at home and when I started driving out of Texas, Montana was my destination. You said you had an extra room?” he asks me.

“Oh yeah. I do.”

“Would it be an inconvenience if I rented it for a spell?” I'm still stunned that he is standing in my living room. “Dove?” he waves his hand in from of my face. I shake myself out of my state and go to Karter’s chair putting him down and strapping him into it. “This is the little man huh? He’s a good-looking kid.” He says following me over to the chair my baby boy is now in.

“You need a place to stay?” I ask.

“Yep. Don't feel pressured to say yes, though.” Oh no pressure, you are just here in my home throwing your bag on my sofa and stuff.

“Alright I guess, I will ask Cris.” His eyebrows rise.

“Cris?” oh yeah.

“Cristal. My roommate.” Relief is all over his face.

“Yeah forgot bout that. I can pay whatever you need. Up front even. It’s just for a couple months. You won't even know I'm here.” Oh, I'm sure about that last one.

“We have rules, though. I do have a baby. So that means no coming home in the middle of the night and being loud. Oh and don't bring any women home. I don't care what you do in your spare time just don't bring them here.”

“Oh yeah for sure, wouldn't dream of it, Dove. Promise I will be on my best behavior.” I'm sure he will be. I roll my eyes at him.

“Well, I'm making dinner. The empty room is Linn’s old room, have at it. I will talk to Cris when she gets back.” Wherever she is. He grabs his bag and saunters over to the room and closes the door. This won't be weird will it? I think to myself. Yeah, it's going to be weird. Minutes later Cris comes through the door with tears in her eyes.

“What did he do now?” I ask, thinking Dez fucked up again.

“Oh, nothing. Just a crap day is all.” She says drying her eyes. I start to tell her about our house guest but she starts talking again. “So I'm going to go and visit mom for a while.” Wait what? “I just rented a car to drive over there.”

“Is everything okay?” I know it isn't and know she won't tell me anything. Maybe time with mom will help.

“Everything is fine. Just need some time you know?” I guess I do.

“Alright, when are you leaving?”

“As soon as my bag is packed.” She states. That soon huh? She takes off to her room only to return minutes later with her small rolling suitcase behind her. “I promise to call.” She says.

“I can't believe you are leaving so quickly.” I know her, though, she is a runner. Her way of coping is shutting down and getting as far away from the situation as she can. Something the three of us girls have in common most of the time. “Alright. Please be safe.”

“Always Shane.” She goes over to Karter and gives him kisses on his chubby cheeks making him coo at her. “Going to miss you little guy.” She kisses him one last time then comes and hugs me. “Love you,” she says.

“Love you too. Have a safe trip, call when you get there. Oh, and you had better stop and see Linnie and say goodbye. She will have your ass if you don’t.” with that she is out the door saying she will stop there on her way out of town. I really don't even know what to think. Row still hasn't come out of his room and when I walk by it I hear heavy snoring. I laugh to myself, his damn snore is sexy. How the fuck is that even possible?


I swore to myself I wouldn’t do it, but here I am, looking in the room Row is staying in. The room in which he is sleeping right now and has been for I'm not kidding, two days. Straight. I was really starting to get worried when I stopped hearing the snores coming through the wall. That was hours ago. Which leads me to this point in time. Checking in on him. To make sure he is still breathing of course. This is my excuse. I push the door open just enough for me to peek in. His clothes are on the floor next to his boots, they are tall beat up and red. I didn't expect that. The red is quite faded and the two hole things at the tops of them look like they were maybe once white. These boots have seen some time. I wonder how many women’s floors they have been on. Don't even go there Shane, I tell myself. I do a quick scan of the room a notice the only thing out of place is the bedspread, which only part of his bottom half is covered by. He is laying on his stomach sprawled out with his arms above his head. Then my eyes go down, down to where the purple comforter and white sheet are only covering half of his ass cheek, leaving the other one completely uncovered. He has a tattoo on his ass I can’t quite make out from where I am. So being the curious person I am, I push open the door a little further, and walk in. Like I am Sleeping Beauty about to prick her finger I keep going until the ass cheek in question is right in front of me. It is quite a cheek too. Now from this vantage point, I can definitely see that it is a cowboy riding a bull. Just a silhouette. Right there on his derriere. Then suddenly it's moving, rolling over taking the covers with it, hiding what is on the other side.

“Hey, Dove.” A sleep ridden voice says, making me jump out of my skin. Shit, I have been caught. “Whats up?” he asks sitting up yawning and rubbing his eyes. Oh, nothing just came in here to check out the tattoo on your left ass cheek, it's nice by the way.

“You have been out for a couple of days. I couldn't hear you snoring, so I thought I would come to check on you. Make sure you were still breathing.” Really that is the honest truth, most of it.

“I see.” He stretches then rubs his chest and when I think he is done with his wake up routine he actually reaches down and scratches himself. There. Not even caring that I am there in front of him. “Two days? Damn.” He yawns again with his hand still on his manhood. Thankfully not moving anymore. “I drove straight up here from Texas, musta been tired I guess.”

“Must have been.” I echo.

“Nice of you to come in here and check on me.” Then he looks down as if just noticing for the first time that he has his hand on his balls. Over the sheet at least but still on his junk. “Catch a good peek while you were in here?” he asks removing his hand standing up, taking the sheet with him. Just because I am a girl and well It’s just what we do I look down to where… well, you know. He has a serious case of morning wood that I couldn't see with his hand on the thing. But now with a sheet wrapped around his waist. I can definitely see its there. I quickly look up and shake my head. “Oh now, don't be shy, you know I ain't.” He says then bends down to grab his clothes from the floor.

“Sorry for waking you up. I'm glad you are still alive.” I say then make a dash for the door. I hear him chuckle a little when I do this and decide to be brave. “Nice tattoo by the way,” I say then go out the door closing it behind me. On the other side, it’s booming with laughter.












“Shana it's your mother. Call me.” I listen to one of the damn messages left on my phone from my mother. It’s been a quiet few months on her end I'm sad for it to be ending. I put off calling her back. I really don't need this today.

When I woke this morning Row was gone. His door was open and his bag still on his messy bed. I think I heard him leave shortly after Karter and I went to bed but I wasn't sure.

I busy myself picking up all the toys scattered around the apartment along with the clothes and burp rags. I really don't know how long Row will last with the place smelling like baby vomit. I quickly sniff myself. When did I shower last? My hair is a mess and my blond roots are starting to show again. I really don't have the time to go and get my roots done or freaking bathe for that matter. Oh, motherhood. Even with it all, I wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe his sleeping habits and my hygiene.

Getting a basket of clothes ready for the laundry I set it by the door. I think there are more of Karter’s clothes in there than mine. I live in the same sweat pants and tank top day in and day out.

Knocking at the door distracts me from my task. Answering it I see Row standing in my doorway.

“I think I might need to get a key from you.” He says sauntering past me, helping himself to the contents of my fridge. He settles for a bottled of water and some leftover chicken parm. I watch him pop it in the microwave checking it after a minute. Then when he seems satisfied with the temp he sits down at the table and begins digging in. Only now noticing that I have been watching him this whole time.

“You creeping on me Dove?” seriously? I just scowl at him.

“Help yourself. No I didn't want to eat that for lunch today.” He stops mid-bite.

“Shit, I'm sorry I didn't even ask.”

“No problem, look I need to shower and Karter is sleeping. I won't take long.” Some would think it's crazy leaving a perfect stranger with my baby. But I doubt a playboy like him would want to run off with a child. Might cramp his style.

“Do what you gotta do. I’ll be here.” with that I take off for a much-needed shower grabbing my clothes to change into when I get out. Trying my best not to think of the damn sexy man that is eating my chicken parm.

Walking out of the bathroom feeling ten times better and cleaner. I hear talking coming from the living room.

“What do you like to watch Little Man? A little Law and Order or Walking Dead?” I hear Karter make one of his cooing noises. “Yeah me too. Walking dead it is then.” Silence for a little bit then I hear what must be his phone ringing. He must silence it because he doesn't answer and it goes quiet. “Let me tell you, kid, when you find a good woman don't let her go because there aren't many out there.” He sighs. Saying something else but I don't catch it he says it so softly.

“So you think a zombie apocalypse show is the best one to watch with a baby?” I say walking over to the chair next to the couch. He has Karter cradled in one arm and the remote in the other. Seeing him sitting there holding my son does something to my lady parts. Bad, bad lady parts.

“This is a good show. You watch it at all?” before sitting down I reach to him and he hands over my baby. I cradle him next to me and immediately he starts rooting around for my boob. Feeding time I suppose.

“No. Haven't. Too scary for me.” I confess, trying not to watch what is on the TV.

“Well, I'm here to protect you.” He says in a playful voice. Ever the womanizer. That is when I catch the small red mark on his neck.

“Had a productive night last night I see,” I say pointing out the hickey on his neck. His hand flies up to the mark as if he forgot it was there.

“Oh yeah, girl had a mouth to rival a Dyson, never lost suction.” What a guy. I roll my eyes at him. Karter is starting to get pissed at me so just like any other time I plop out my boob, they have gotten so much bigger since giving birth. I start feeding my hungry man relaxing into the chair getting comfortable. Then I look over at Row who has gone silent. He is staring at my boob with a shocked look on his face. Maybe doing this in front of him is too much. I never really thought about it before it is usually just me and the girls. I am now a little embarrassed.

“He is really liking that.” Row finally says breaking his silence. Still staring.

“Um… I'm sure you liked sucking on your mom's boobs too.” I say. That breaks his stare, jerking back with a disgusted look on his face. Point for me.

“Sit Dove. Thanks for putting that image in my head.”

“You’re the one who put the image of some chick with a vacuum hose for a mouth sucking on your dick in mine.” He barks out a laugh.

“I sure do like you.” Is all he says then gets up handing me the remote and taking off to his room. Well, that wasn't weird at all. I promptly turn it to my profile in Netflix and find some movie to get into. I don't have anything to do today, do I?


After deciding that I need to get my ass up and go do some laundry. I strap on my baby carrier so Karter is laying on my chest and try to shuffle our the door holding my laundry basket.

“What are you doing?” Row’s voice says from behind me.

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