My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“What made you want to be a bull rider?” I ask while we are laying in bed, recovering from yet another round of sex. The sun is starting to peek up through the window and I'm sure Karter will be waking up any time now.

“Well, I was about ten when I watched my first rodeo. Thought it was the coolest thing. My dad was in the steer wrestling event. You know what that one is?” he asks. When I shake my head no he smiles. “City girl.” He chuckles earning a smack to the chest. “Well they let the steer loose and you run out with em, JP off your horse and wrestle the bugger to the ground.” My eyes go wide.

“Seriously? You just jump off of a horse? A moving horse.” This gets him laughing even more.

“You live in Montana how do you not know this?” he chuckles. I decide to give in.

“I know what it is. I'm only kidding.”

“Well back to the story. Mom never let me watch the whole rodeo much but that one time when we went to watch dad we stayed for the whole thing. I remember watching them bulls throw the cowboys off thinking tat it would be fun to try it out. That year I begged my mom to let me participate in the youth rodeo. She said no. And the year after that she did too. See I needed her to sign a permission slip so I could ride the bulls. Well the steers, they didn't have bulls for the youth rodeo.” He squeezes me tighter to him. “I was at my friend’s ranch one day and his dad gave us a big blue plastic barrel. We strung that thing up in the barn and played rodeo cowboy.” He chuckles. “Fell off and broke my arm. My mom was pissed. Wouldn't let me go over there for a month. Well, time went on and I got older, old enough to not need a permission slip. My first ride I got thrown but I kept at it getting better and better until I got real good. To cocky. Got thrown off and broke my collarbone. Was laid up for months.” He shifts a little, moving me so the side of my face is now on his chest. “Love the rush it gives me. Being able to hold on for eight seconds on top of a two thousand pound animal that is doing nothing but trying to wreck you.”

“It scares me.” I prop my head up and look at his face. “I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I'm just telling you, it scares me. I just want you home in one piece is all.” He smiles at me.

“I like that you call this place home for me. Feels like home. Being with you feels like home.” Oh, my heart. I push myself up more and kiss him, pulling back and touching the small scar on his brow. “This from a bull riding fall?” running my finger back and forth across the small indent. He chuckles, his chest vibrating. Shaking me with it.

“Nope. That is from a little tussle I got in.” He says smiling.

“Let me guess it involves a girl?” I ask rolling my eyes.

“I does. Not what you think. My sister was working as a waitress at the bar in the town where we grew up. Summer job while she was home for college.” He explains. “Some asshole decided to grab her ass while me and my buddies were in there drinking. One thing led to another and I ended up getting a beer bottle broken over my face and we all ended up in the drunk tank for the night.”

“Good big brother.”

“Good big brother.” He echoes. “Yeah. After that, I refused to let her work there anymore. She is too damn pretty to be a waitress anyway.”

“Bossy man aren't you?”

“You have no idea Dove.” I hear Karter start making noises from the other room.

“Oh, sleepy time is over. Time to get up.” I say going to lift off of him and the bed.

“Nope. You relax babe. Go back to sleep, take a bath, shower or something. I got him.” He doesn't give me a chance to argue. Getting up and leaving the room after pulling on a pair of jeans. Bossy man.


“Shana it is your mother. Again. Please, would you just call me? Our anniversary party is tonight and I… we all would love it if you came. Kyle and Linn are coming. I won't try and introduce you to anyone I promise. Just… please.” I listen to the message on my voice mail from my mother for probably the tenth time wondering if she is being sincere or if she had a gun to her head when she left it in my inbox. I'm going for the latter.

“You listening to it again?” Row asks me when he walks into the living room seeing me with my phone to my ear.

“Yes. I still don't know what to think of it.”

“You should go Dove.” He tells me. Do I really want to do that, though?

“Will you come with me?” I ask not knowing what I want his answer to be.

“You want me to?” he asks skeptically. “Because I would love to be there with you. Backing you up. If you need it that is.” He comes to me placing a sweet kiss on my lips. “Do I got to wear a tie?” he says the last part jokingly but I know he is being serious. This man was not made to wear a tie.

“No. You will not. I expect to see you wearing your whole cowboy getup boots hat and all.” I smile. “Much better than any suit and tie in my book. I like the man in a hat, not the man in a tie.”

“Hat it is then babe. Maybe later I will wear nothing but my boots and hat. Think you might like that look too.” He winks. Really I don't know why I never thought of it before.

“Is that a promise?”

“You bet it is Dove.”







Walking into the large banquet hall my mother has rented out for this extravagant party she is throwing for her five year anniversary. Oh, wait her and John’s anniversary. I am accompanied by Row dressed in exactly what I told him he should wear and damn he looks more handsome than any other man at this stuffy party. He trimmed up his slight stubble, not shaving it completely, and had his hair slicked back under his black cowboy hat. A pair of nice black jeans and a deep dark red long sleeve button down shirt with Wrangler written down the sleeve tucked in under his big shiny belt buckle. Wick I might have to get a closer look at later tonight. All I know is it has a bull and rider, much like his tattoo on his ass, and it states that he is the champion of something. Like I said I am going to need a closer look at it.

“Did I ever tell you how fucking sexy you look with your hair down.” Row whispers against the shell of my ear nipping it before he pulls away. Goosebumps pop up all over my body and he chuckles causing them to deepen even more. I'm am wearing a long sleek black dress with a v cut showing off my ample cleavage. My hair is down in soft curls thanks to Linn and my makeup is done to perfection. Also thanks to Linn. I really do feel beautiful and with Row next to me it just solidifies that feeling.

She and Lee are here too, looking amazing together. He has on a tux looking ever the dashing lawyer he is. Linn is wearing a beautiful purple chiffon dress with one strap wrapping up around her neck. She looks stunning.

“Shana dear. I'm so glad you could make it.” Mom says coming over to our table before we sit down. Her voice is that high pitched fake voice she saves for public events. Loud, making people look her way. Always the show horse.

“Mom.” I regard her.

“Who is your friend?” she looks up at Row standing close to my side. Lifting her fake eyebrow already judging him.

“I'm Row ma’am. Shana’s boyfriend.” He states causing both of us to suck in a breath. Obviously from two different reactions to his declaration. I look up at him with the biggest smile my face can handle.

“Yes. My boyfriend. He is a bull rider. Quite good actually.” I say proudly still looking in his eyes. He smiles and leans down to steal a quick chaste kiss.

“Well, I never.” My mother says breaking the moment. “Is this what you want in your life. You are a mother for Christ sake.” She says in a hushed tone now. “You need a man that can support you. A good steady job.” I almost do it, almost break down but Row snakes his hand into mine squeezes it, silently showing me support like he promised.

“Mother.” I start getting another squeeze from Row’s hand. “I came here tonight because I thought you were trying to change. Trying to be a mother and accept me for who I am. I guess I was wrong on that account.” John walks up, joining his wife’s side. “Until you can do that. Until you can accept me for who I am and who I chose to have in my life. What I chose to do with my life. Do not call. Do not text. Do not stop by.”

“We are at a public event are you causing problems for your mother again Shana?” John asks, ever the reinforcement for my mother. I don't even give him the time. I start to turn to leave when I hear Lee’s voice from beside us.

“That goes for me too father. Shana is family to Linn there for is family to me too. I don't accept how this family has chosen to treat her. She is a great person and a wonderful mother.” He directs his next sentence toward my mom. “She hasn't had a great role model in that area but she is amazing with that little boy. Happy anniversary to you both I hope you have a nice and long miserable life together. Goodbye.” Lee finishes snaking his arm around a shocked Linn and starts walking to the exit. Row and I follow suit. Did that really just happen?


We are all quiet when we pile into Row’s truck, well that is until Linn says something. “Did we have to leave before dinner was served? I heard they were feeding us prime rib.” She wines causing me to burst out into a laughing fit. We both laugh for a full minute straight causing tears to fall from my eyes probably ruining my perfect makeup job. Oh well, I needed that laugh.

“Well.” Row says pulling into some fancy restaurant. “Heard this place has prime on the menu.” We laugh even more.

“This is perfect,” I say trying to catch my breath. The guys get out of the cab and go around the truck to help us down the ten-foot high drop.

“You need some floor boards Row.” Linn bitches. “A girl in heels could kill herself getting in and out of this beast. Not to mention giving people a view of their who-ha.” She says as Lee lifts her out of the truck. We all laugh at that.

“Well why do you think I have it lifted so high?” he asks wrapping my hands around my waist pulling me close and kissing me before he lifts me out. “It’s so I can get my arms around this beauty every chance I can.” He winks at me and we all start heading inside but I pause for a moment.

“Um, guys can you two go in and get us a table. I want to talk to Lee for a second.” I tell Row and Linn. They both say yes Row giving me one more quick kiss before heading inside. Not looking at Lee yet I start.

“Thank you. For what you said tonight. You didn't have to do that…” he stops me turning me to face him with his hand on my shoulder.

“I might not have had to, but I wanted to. I meant every word I said too, Shana.” He pauses. “Listen. What happened between us. I was a jerk and you didn't deserve that.” I try to stop him from apologizing yet again but he keeps going. “I know I have already apologized. This isn't what I am doing right now. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You are more family now than ever before. I love Linn with all my heart and she loves you with hers. There for I love you. You are my sister-in-law, not my step sister.” Another tear comes from my eye this one not from laughter but also a happy one.

“Thank you, Lee,” I say and hug him. “Gosh. What a night. Let's go in I'm starving.”

“Agreed. I think Linn might go into hysterics if she doesn't get her prime rib.” We laugh and walk arm and arm inside.


Dropping off Linn and Lee I'm contently stuffed full of an amazing meal and maybe a little buzzed when Row asks the question I have not wanted to come up. “So what is the deal with you and Lee?”

“Deal?” I ask.

“Linn said something tonight while you were out talking to him and something clicked. You have always acted a little off around him. Not a bad off just a slightly uncomfortable off is all.” Fucking Linn.

“What did that little bitch say now?” I grumble not even caring what she said. I don't let Row answer. “Well, way back when…” I start to say before Row interrupts me.

“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” He says.

“It’s fine. Jut not something I like to remember. Him being my step brother and now is with Linn. After I graduated I came to live with mom here, I told you that. Well, what I didn't tell you was Lee, I knew him as Kyle then, came back from Seattle. His wife had just riped his heart out and basically stomped on it. We got piss faced drunk and slept together.” I hear Row grumble from across the truck but he doesn't say anything. “He was my first, and the next day he was regretful. Leaving me without a word and well since I was an emotional wreck I tried to make it out to be more than it was. Hated him for a long time. Still is a little weird now but it is getting better.” Row is quiet, to freaking quiet. “Say something Row please.”

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