My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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I have decided that bull riding is freaking awesome. We are all having so much fun I almost don't hear the name they say next.

“Here in chute number four we have a cowboy by the name of Row Canter, he is from a small town in Texas ranked number five in the circuit.” I have heard that name only once before and it came from the bluest eyes I have ever seen. I frantically look around to try and see if it is the same Row, then the chute opens up and a brown bull with a white face bursts out. He spins to the left and to the right trying his hardest to get the offending rider off of his back, but it isn't working. The buzzer sounds and the cowboy jumps off, throwing his hat into the air as if it were the easiest thing in the world to do. That is when I get a good look at him buzzed blond hair and those damned blue eyes that seem to break into my dreams every now and then. Its Row, I never thought I would see him again.

“You know him?” Cristal asks when she notices my interest. I never told Linn or Cristal about that day at Starbucks.

“Um not really just bumped into him a while back, never thought I would see him again.” I tell her still a little too caught up looking at the man.

“Looks like it’s more than that, he is…” she pauses a moment. “I would love to hear what Linn thinks of the guy.”

“I know right? That is exactly what I thought when I first saw him.” We both laugh catching the attention of the guys who seem to be having some fun too.

“What is so funny over there girls?” Rick asks

“Oh just wondering what Linn would say about Mr. Blue eyes out there,” I tell him nodding in Row’s direction who is now safely on the other side of the arena.

“How could you tell his eyes were blue from here?” Dez asks.

“Must have better eyes than you I suppose,” Cristal tells him, I silently thank her for helping me out. I really didn't know how to explain I knew that simple fact.

“So where are we going from here? Please don't say home or I will strangle one of you, this mommy doesn't get out much anymore and I really want to let my hair down tonight.” I tell them shortly after the last rider was thrown. We are all heading to Dez’s car now and they agree that a night out is just what we need.

A little dancing, a little drinking later and we are all well on our way to having a hell of a night. I even got Cristal out on the floor and a little toasted, I really think it is driving Dez mad seeing her like this. Her two buttons have come undone and she hasn't noticed it but he sure has. It’s all in good fun, she really doesn't let lose anymore, and the girl deserves it.

“Hey baby you come here often?” a deep southern accent asks from over my shoulder. The tingles that it gives me are so familiar. Turning around I see Row standing there with a sexy smile and a black cowboy hat on.

“I really hope you don't expect that line to work,” I say with a smile. He is in full cowboy attire jeans, belt buckle, and a button down with logos of all kind on it.

“I'm kidding, how have you been Dove?” he asks giving me a once over probably noticing that I am obviously no longer pregnant.

“Good. Nice ride tonight, didn't know you were a bull rider.”

“Oh, you were there? Yeah, it was. Cut me a nice check on that one.” I can’t get over that voice, last time I blamed it on hormones. This time, I will blame it on good ole vodka.

“Yes, sure was. First night out since my baby was born.” Crap I wasn't going to talk baby tonight that has to be a real turn on for him, but he just smiles.

“I did notice you were a little less baby since the last time I saw you. What did you have boy or girl?” I can't believe he even asked, does he genuinely really want to know?

“Boy, named him Karter. He is four months old now and so adorable.” There I go again.

“That's great, you got any pictures of him with ya?” is he for real? Most men, you say that your uterus has been occupied by a child they hightail it as far away from you as they can.

“Um yes, I do actually,” I say then grab my phone before I can show him I get interrupted by a bottle redhead wearing next to nothing. Her button down shirt is tied at her waist and her barely there shorts have holes in them exposing her black lacy panties. Oh, and of course she is wearing cowboy boots, the blinged out kind with wings on them. Yuck.

“Row, you said you were going to be right back.” She says with a pout face then gives me a glare. Bitch. I almost feel my claws coming out but why I don't know, I have no claim on this man. We are only talking and I'm sure he isn't interested anyway.

“Yeah, I'm talking now Melony, I will be over there in a few.” He says brushing her off.

“It’s Madeline.” She huffs then stomps off.

“Sorry about that, let's see them pictures.” Who is this guy?

“If I'm keeping you…” he puts up his hand.

“Hell no, you ain't. I'm right where I want to be, now, pictures.”

I really don't know how long it's been. We are both sitting at a table laughing about… everything really. We have talked about his family my family and more about Karter. We are having so much fun together that when bottle Red comes up to Row’s side we don't even notice her at first.
At first
. Until she starts whining.

“Row I'm ready to leave.” He clears his throat.

“Oh yeah, Melony.” He says getting her name wrong again, I laugh internally when she gives him a look but doesn't correct him this time. I take this as my cue to get going.

“Well I had a lot of fun tonight thank you, maybe I will see you around sometime.” I get up and leave without letting him respond, he really does have his hands full with Red anyway.


“You two were over there talking for an awfully long time, you seeing him again?” Cristal asks when we get home.

“Probably not, he seems like a player, I really don't need something like that in my life, besides I only have room for one man in my life and his name is Karter.”

“He is one handsome man.” That he is. Luckily I don't see any of his father in him, he looks mostly like me. Poor guy even has my nose.

“When is Linnie suppose to drop the little guy off?” I sigh, I really do miss him. Don't get me wrong this nice little break is wonderful, but I really do feel like a piece of me is missing.

“Sunday afternoon.”

“Anything else planned?”

“I'm having lunch with dad tomorrow. He flies in, in the morning.” He has been trying to get me to bring Karter to California for a visit. He never did marry again and I’m his only child so being in Karter’s life I think is his way of getting back all the time he lost with me growing up. “Have you seen my phone? I thought it was in my purse but I can't find it.”

“No I haven't, you want me to call it for you?” shit did I leave it at the bar?

“Yeah please.” She does and puts the phone to her ear, then gets a look on her face that has me taking the phone out of her hand and putting it to my ear. I hear a woman moaning in pleasure and slapping of skin. Clearly, it's two people fucking. What I hear next has me almost quivering.

“Fuck Dove.” A familiar deep southern voice growls out. My eyes snap to Cristal's and I quickly take the phone away from my ear hanging it up. What the hell was that?

“I think I know where my phone is,” I say trying to break the weird vibe that is going on right now. “I will try and find it… tomorrow I guess. Night.” I all but run to my room and shut the door. His voice is echoing in my head, and he said, Dove. Is that what he calls all of the girls? I'm not sure, he never called that Melony chick that tonight, could he have been…? The thought makes me shudder, what if he was thinking of me while fucking her?






My dad and I are at The Mustard Seed, my favorite restaurant, he takes me here every time he comes to visit. We just connected a little over a year ago, my mom decided that she didn't want him to be in my life and took me away in the divorce. She implemented a clause in the their divorce agreement that he was not allowed to contact me at all until I was twenty-two. He, however, was given permission to send gifts and pay for things. That is as long as the alimony and child support payments kept coming. Needless to say, I got tons of gifts, one every holiday, and when I say every holiday I mean every one of them. The girls and I always stalked him online, I was always curious is to what my dad was like. Then one day he just showed up, I was skeptical at first but soon our relationship grew into what it should have been. I can still see the hurt in his eyes when he holds Karter, he missed out on so much with me, I really wish he lived closer.

“So I have some news.” He tells me, oh my gosh he is getting married, I think. He must read it on my face. “Not that, Shana.”

“Sorry it just sounded like that was the way the conversation was going, are you seeing anyone special?”

“Aren't I supposed to ask you that?” he asks chuckling. “No, for the record I'm not, but I am retiring early, and have decided that Missoula would be the best place to retire to. What do you think?” I am so taken aback that I'm silent for a minute. “You okay sweetheart?”

“Yes! Yes, I'm okay. This is great, I'm so excited!” I say almost tearing up.

“I thought you would be happy, I just miss you and Kart to much while I'm at home. Been working my whole life, I really don't need to work anymore. My time is better spent with my family.” Oh, and there are the tears. “Don't cry sweetheart.” He comes over to hug me sending more happy tears from my eyes.

“Love you, dad.” I tell him, tears soaking into his shirt.

After the tears are dry and the food is almost gone he asks the normally dreaded question. “You heard from your mom at all?” I know he is only asking because he cares. Even though my mom put him through hell and basically stole me away, he still wants her and I to have a relationship.

“No, I haven't. Nor has she called. I'm not sure I could answer it if she did. Dad, she was a horrible mom and I don't want her negativity in my life. I have no room for it.”

“I know. But please just do me this one favor.” I nod my head in response. “Just remember she is your mother. Even though she was a crap of a mom she still is your mom.”

“Why do you think I would always drop everything and go running to her whenever she called? It was because of that simple fact. I refuse to run anymore. If she wants to reach out, fine. But I will not.” I say taking the last green been off of the plate and eating it.

“I will accept that then. So how are the girls?” he asks and we shift the conversation to better topics.


We are walking out into the parking lot when his phone rings, he has a strange look on his face then he looks at me and answers it. “Who is this?” the person on the other line says something then he pulls the phone away from his ear. “Someone named Row found your phone?” oh no. I reach over and take the phone out of his hand. Ignoring his chuckle as I walk away to answer it.

“This is Shana.” Obviously.

“Dove, you left your phone on the table last night, would have tried to get it back to you last night but I got… distracted.” I bet he did, it's easy to do that when your dick is slamming into someone.

“No problem. How did you know to call my dad?”

“You said you were eating lunch with him today figured it was my best bet to get it to you. Where are you? I can come drop it off.”

“I'm at the Mustard Seed but…”

“I'm close by I will be there in five.” He says then hangs up on me. Crap I'm not ready to see him after that call last night. I still can't get that voice out of my head. I go back to dad and hand the phone to him.

“Friend of yours?” oh no.

“Um just someone I talked to last night after the rodeo, I left my phone there and he found it. That's all.” He doesn't look convinced.

“Alright sweetheart I had better get going, got some Realtors to meet, you know me, have to get the best deal. I will call you and let you know when we can go house hunting.” What?

“You want me to house hunt with you?”

“Well yes I do, have to find the best place with the biggest yard for Kart to play in.” Oh no, I am going to cry again.

“Okay, I will be happy to do that with you,” I tell him trying to choke back my tears. He hugs me tight and we exchange goodbyes in the parking lot next to his rental car. When he pulls away I hear a really loud pickup pull up behind me. I feel my body break out into goose bumps even though I am dressed in layers, he must be here.

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