My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections (6 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #romance, #erotica, #mafia, #sex slaves, #human trafficking, #captives

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My eyes fell to her cleavage. “Maybe not
in some areas.” I looked back up at her innocent face. “But, you’re
not a woman yet, so stop staring at me like I’m some Disney prince.
Girls should seek boys’ attention, not men’s.”

She lifted her chin.

not the only one here with a staring problem, you

I laughed. “You have

She straightened. “That is a rude thing to
say to a woman.”

Well, you do have balls
for speaking so brashly to me, and again, you are not yet a

Regardless, you were still
checking me out.”

I like what I see, that’s
all. You are a pretty picture, nothing more.”

I’m not as
naïve as you perceive me to

Oh, Jagger chose a girl with
bite.” I moved my face close to hers, the girl now looking nervous.
She probably thought I was going to kiss her, but regardless, she
remained still. I snapped my teeth at her, making her jolt. “You
better be careful around this wolf, Red, because I definitely bite

She shivered, but said nothing, just
stared at me with those lovely eyes of hers.

Taking a hold of her
turned her around. “Run back to your grandmother, Red, before I eat
you alive.” I placed a hand on her pert ass and pushed her

She spun around and slapped me across the
face. My hand went to my cheek, shocked that she’d hit me. I’d been
slapped by many women, but they were women, not a scared looking
teenager who was slapping a grown man.

Her hand fluttered to her
mouth. “I’m so sorry;
I don’t know what came over me

No, I deserved it,
. Still, if you do it again I will return the favor, but on
your other cheeks.”

She took a step
. “Why
are you being so rude?”

I don’t like the fact a child
is looking at me in a sexual manner.”

I’m not a child! I’m almost

Almost is not good enough.
Maybe my father was right for not allowing Jagger
to be in a
relationship with you

face fell. “Is that why Jagger’s

, so it’s for the best that you don’t

She screwed up her face,
looking like she was going to cry, then she spun around and ran
down our driveway to her bicycle, which was leaning against the
fence. I watched her jump onto the bicycle and pedal off, feeling
bad for upsetting her. Though, it was for the best, because
the girl was
clearly not right
for Jagger—or me.





soldier escorted me through the
second floor passageway,
demanding I check on the Don’s
. I
had desperately wanted to search for information on Jagger
but my desires were once again overlooked.
assessment of me was accurate: I was still a slave whether I
attended to wounds or cocks. My mind drifted to the new slave
trainer and the way he’d taunted me, touched me—stalking my every
move. It was deeply unsettling to know that he was living in the
same house, a place I couldn’t escape. I just prayed he grew bored
with me, because I didn’t want to worry about running into him
every second of the day. It reminded me of my constant paranoia
over Alberto entering my cell. But, at least Alessandro
anything against my will, not yet anyway
. He just terrified me with his
hungry stare. Even though I had been fully dressed, he made me feel
naked and vulnerable with the way he’d stared at me. God, chills
ran up my spine just thinking about it.

I stopped outside the
where another soldier was stationed. He opened the door for me. I
entered with my escort, finding the black-haired woman sitting on
the Don’s bed, glaring at another soldier standing a few feet away
from her.

The woman’s attention
me. “You’re the nurse?” she said, sounding surprised.

I nodded and headed
for the Don, who
was still unconscious. I checked the dressing the soldier had
wrapped around his head. The blood flow had been stemmed.
Regardless, he still needed to be monitored closely, especially
since brain swelling was a major concern.

The woman
started talking again. “If
you’re the nurse, then why was that horrid Santini trainer treating
you like a sex slave?”

looked across the bed at her. “I used
to be one before becoming Jagger’s caregiver.”

Which means you’re not now, so
he shouldn’t be harassing you.”

I agree, but I don’t think
he’ll quit anytime soon. He ordered me to come to his room on his

The woman rose to her feet,
face showing her
“Of which you won’t, and if he harasses you again, inform me. I
don’t care what he says; I will find a way to get rid of

Thank you.”

Her angry expression fell away,
a smile replacing it. She
headed around the bed, extending her hand for me
to shake. “My name is Camila Donatelli; I’m the Don’s

s, you mentioned it downstairs.” I
shook her hand, nervous over who her family was. They had kidnapped
me from the D’Angelos on the way to the airport. But, in a way I
should be grateful to them, since they had stopped me from being
flown to Spain, and, unlike Alberto, they hadn’t hurt me. All they
did was place me in a cell, seemingly forgetting about me until I
was returned to the D’Angelos.

The engagement is fairly
recent,” Camila said, “which means I have numerous things to
arrange before the wedding can take place.”

Sophia,” the Don moaned,
grabbing our attention. He stirred in his bed, but remained asleep,
the man appearing to be dreaming. “Sophia,” he repeated.

Camila’s face hardened. “Do you know
anything about Sophia Salvi?”

I shook my head.

What about the woman



Her name’s Rita Kovak.
Jagger and her
escaped the Donatelli—” I cut myself off,
realizing I’d mentioned the woman’s

Continue,” she said.

She said she cares for the Don.
They seem to have a connection.”

When was she brought into

About a week ago, but I could
be mistaken.
The majority of my time here was spent in a cell, so I
rarely knew what day it was.”

If it
has only been a week, or even two, it
seems rather strange that she cares so deeply for my

I agree,
but she seemed genuinely
concerned for him. She was shielding him with her body, stopping
Jagger from further assaulting him. If anything, her actions and
words gave me the impression she has known him for a

I agree;
there’s something rather
peculiar about that woman,
which is why I need you to dig up everything you
can on her.”

I’m not allowed to roam the
house freely, so I wouldn’t be of much help to you. Besides, my
priority is to Jagger

The Don
stirred, capturing our
attention. He opened his eyes, appearing disorientated.

I moved to his side. “How are you

Rita?” he asked, bringing a
hand to his head.

Camila shoved me out of the way. “In a
cell—where she belongs.” She sat down on the bed and took a hold of
his hand. “But, I’m here for you.”


What’s wrong, Frano?”
Camila said, looking concerned.

My head is killing

Camila glanced back at me. “Please help

I’ll get some painkillers from
Jagger’s room.”

headed for Jagger’s room, my soldier
shadowing me. I retrieved the painkillers, then returned to the
Don’s room. I fetched a glass of water from the bathroom and handed
it to the Don along with the painkillers.

drank it down, then handed the empty
glass back. “Get Rita.”

You don’t need her,” Camila
said. “She can’t help you.”

Looking pained, he touched his

didn’t ask for your opinion, now
get her,” he croaked out.

No. You should
wait until you’re
feeling better, then you can visit her cell.”

He focused on one of the
soldiers. “
Bring my slave to me immediately

He nodded,
then exited the

The Don
returned his attention to
Camila. “Leave.”

Camila stiffened. “You don’t need to be so
abrasive; I’m here to help you.”

I told you I didn’t want you in
my room.”

I’m going to be your wife,
this will
be my room too.”

We’re not married yet. Besides,
you should be negotiating your sisters’ release. Now, go downstairs
and sort it out with Alessandro.”

Her face
“I’ve already asked him, but he refused to help. Instead, he
insulted me.”

The Don
frowned. “What did he

The cretin called me an

burst out laughing, then grabbed his
head, looking like it had pained him.

t’s not funny!” Camila snapped. “And, no
one calls me a bitch and gets away with it.”

I do.”

Her jaw clenched. “You’re the don; he is
not, so fire him.”

That’s not going to happen; he
already has slaves ready to be sold.
He’s a huge asset

He’s more trouble than he’s
worth. I caught him
sexually assaulting Honey.

What the hell are you
talking about?”

He was naked and had her pushed
up against a wall in the entrance.”

The Don turned his attention to me.
“Is this so?”

I nodded.

He probably thinks you’re
still a slave. I will make sure he’s aware that your position has

You’re not listening to me,”
Camila cut in. “He was sexually assaulting her. He needs to be

The Don exhaled loudly.
“Don’t over
dramatize things.”


I am not, and you shouldn’t
allow him to get away with it. It’ll only lead to more trouble,
like it did between Alberto and Jagger.”

How do you know what happened
between Alberto and Jagger?” he said, appearing

Nino told me.”

The Don
’s expression tightened. “Where is

He’s run off,” I answered for
Camila. “One of the Landi soldiers is out searching for

did he hit me?” he asked, not looking

He thought you were raping

I wasn’t.”

I am aware of that.”

The door opened. Rita entered, along with
the soldier who’d gone to retrieve her. She still resembled a
savage with her messed up hair and nudity. Her eyes shot to the
Don, a big smile forming across her face. She rushed over, coming
to a halt as Camila stepped in front of her. She attempted to
sidestep the Don’s fiancée, but Camila mirrored her. Rita shoved
her roughly aside and sat down next to the Don. Camila grabbed her
by the hair, and yanked her back. Screaming, Rita turned and swung
a fist, striking Camila in the face. Camila cried out, then flung
herself at Rita, who slammed her with an elbow, knocking Camila to
the floor. The soldiers rushed to part them. One of the men grabbed
Rita, while the other helped Camila up.

Take that bitch back to her
cell!” Camila yelled, covering her bloodied nose, her eyes shooting
venom at Rita.

The soldier lifted Rita off the

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