My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections (8 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #romance, #erotica, #mafia, #sex slaves, #human trafficking, #captives

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Jagger trained me for his

If he trained you only for his
liking then he didn’t do his job, because you were meant to be sold
either to the Spaniard or my father, and as far as I know, the
Spaniard is a sadist and would’ve made you have sex with numerous
people, whereas I would’ve kept you for myself.” He frowned. “You
look stricken by my words. Why?”

If it wasn’t for Camila’s
family, I would be with the Spaniard now.”

I’m glad you aren’t, but
regardless, we have diverged from the negotiations. So, let’s
settle the deal. Instead of you becoming my slave, we will have sex
and I will exchange the ten slaves for the two Donatelli

I’m not having sex with

Then it’s fifteen slaves in
exchange for them.”

No, we agreed to

I will put it up to twenty if
you continue to argue with me.”

The Don
will never agree to fifteen let
alone twenty.”

How badly do you want those
Donatelli sisters back?”

This negotiation isn’t for me,
so you have no leverage,” I bluffed.

essandro stared at me, making me
shift about on my feet.

What?” I said, wishing he
would stop staring.

You’re lying. I may not know
you well, but I know my job, and part of it is to tell if
lying. So, what do you get out of this negotiation?”

Nothing, other than I do
my job.”

Your job is to be a nurse for
pretty boy, which means you’re doing this for him. Why? What’s he
got to do with getting that dreadful witch’s sisters

Why do you have to be so

He pushed the woman sucking him away, and
stood up, the man’s cock now fully hard, the ring on the head
glistening under the light. I dropped my gaze as he walked up to
me, then quickly raised it, hoping he didn’t assume I was looking
at his cock.

So, now you’re asking the
questions, are you?” he said. “Well, Honey, that’s not how things
work, because I have the power, and you don’t. When someone asks
for something they are instantly on the back foot. Do you know what
that means?”

They are at a

Exactly, which means you have
to give me what I want, and right now I want to know what’s in it
for you, and if you tell me, I might consider helping you

dropped my gaze again, his stare too

Stop staring at my cock and
answer the question,” he said.

I looked back up at his face. “I’m not
staring at it; it’s you who’s staring at me. Please, can you just
get dressed, so we can discuss this like civilized human

He frowned.
“I don’t wear

You don’t have to get smart
with me. You know what I meant

Obviously, I don’t, and right
now, I don’t appreciate your tone of voice,” he said, sounding

But, everyone knows what
getting dressed means.”

In case you haven’t
noticed, you are in Italy, not America. English is a second
language here, so don’t assume everyone knows what you’re talking

I’m sorry, I didn’t think,” I
breathed out, hoping my slip up didn’t affect the negotiations.
“Getting dressed means putting on clothes.”

He frowned. “I will get
when I am ready to,
not when you tell me. You are in my domain, so you will abide by my

But, your body is distracting

Focus on my

Your stare is distracting me

I only stare because your
accent and wording is not that easy to understand. I’m trying to
concentrate on what you’re saying.”


And if you find my nudity so
offensive, le
ave. I will just tell the Don you were being too difficult
to negotiate with, which you are.”

I am not!”

You just proved my point. Your
tone has become disrespectful and you’re avoiding my questions.
When I ask a question, it is to be answered straight away, so stop
wasting my time and tell me what’s in it for you before I lose my

I get permission to
ook for
Jagger with two soldiers assisting me.”

Then you have one of two
options. Give me fifteen slaves or ten as well as sex with

Sex is out of the
I’m not cheating on Jagger.”

Jagger is your master, not your

He is my

Alessandro frowned. “Okay, then I will
settle for the ten slaves and you sleeping with me

I just said I won’t have
sex with you.”

You Americans cannot understand
your own language. To sleep is not to fuck.”

It’s not meant to be taken
literally, it’s just a saying.”

That doesn’t make

It doesn’t matter; I still
can’t sleep next to you. I wouldn’t feel safe, since you rape women
for a living.”

I don’t rape women,” he said,
looking offended. “I train them.”

I was once a sex slave, and
that’s not how it works; sex is just taken.”

Well, your
trainer must’ve been an
asshole, because I don’t work that way. Was it Jagger who did this
to you?”


Please tell me he didn’t
brutalize you, like he did to Jagger,” he said, looking

went quiet; surprised that he

Honey, don’t leave me in
suspense, please tell me.”

He punched me a lot, but always
where it didn’t bruise.” I touched my stomach. “He also raped me in
both…” I stopped, the words
sounding as though I was a thing that couldn’t
hurt. But it always hurt. I dropped my gaze, willing myself not to
cry, the memory of Alberto abusing me painful. But, what he had
done to Jagger hurt even more, my poor lover now a broken

If the Don hadn’t killed him, I
would have, for you,” Alessandro said.

looked back up, surprised to find him
upset. “I don’t understand you,” I said.

That’s not hard when I don’t
understand myself either, but I do promise you this, I would never
take you by force. So, will you accept my offer to sleep in the
same bed as me? It will only be for one night and I will even sign
a contract that states you can cut my nuts off if I harm you
physically in any way.”

wiped my eyes. “I couldn’t do

What? Sign a contract or cut
off my nuts?”

Cut your nuts off.”

He smiled. “
Grazie a
, because I’m rather attached to
these,” he said, giving them a squeeze. “So, do we have a deal with
the ten slaves
AND the sleeping in the same bed tonight?”


His smile widened.
“Do you remember
where I told you my bedroom is?”

I nodded.

Be there by seven

Seven’s early.”

I would like to get to know
you. These girls,” he indicated to the slaves, “are great at sex,
but when it comes to conversation they don’t have two brain cells
to rub together. Also, no one in this house talks to me unless it’s
about business, and I’m getting rather bored.”


, and I will make sure this,”
he patted his cock, “is well spent before you get into my

breathed out, not really knowing how
to answer that.

Actually,” he said,

we’ll have
to make it tomorrow night, because if you want me to get those
sisters back quick I will need to return home, and it takes at
least a day before my mother allows me to leave again.”

I smiled despite myself.

I know what you’re thinking,”
he said, returning the smile, “that a big man like me shouldn’t be
controlled by their
, but you haven’t met a fierce Italian mother if you think
that, and mine is the fiercest. Plus, she is important to me, and I
don’t disrespect people I love.”

I smiled again. Maybe the man wasn’t as
bad as I had originally thought. “So, will your family accept the
offer?” I said, feeling better, despite the fact that my eyes kept
wanting to look down at his cock.

I’m ninety-nine percent certain
they will, though my brother will make me pay for it. Actually, I
will just avoid him, because he’ll be bruising for a fight, and as
I said, I don’t like hurting the people I love.”

Maybe the Donatelli sister he
likes will continue to see him.”

I doubt it;
she’s a snobby
who broke his heart
in high school. I hope he made her pay for it, because I kind of
feel bad about taking her from him, but I can’t exactly turn down
ten slaves. Quality slaves, of which you will be giving me, are
worth millions of dollars.”

Millions?” I croaked

, this is a lucrative business.”

My mind went
back to what he’d
said about buying me. “How much am I worth?”

You were going for

Two million!”

, but unfortunately that damn Spaniard offered
three and my father wouldn’t go that high.”

I’m worth three

He smiled wide. “No, you’re

face heated at his compliment. “I
still can’t believe people would pay such an absurd amount of

oney doesn’t have the same value for the
wealthy. Anyway, I think you better run along and claim your prize,
while I go sort out getting the sisters back.” He grabbed a towel
off the bed and wrapped it around his hips. “I’ll see you tomorrow
night at seven,” he said, heading past me.

followed him out of the cell and up
the staircase, the soldier shadowing me. At the top of the
staircase, I stopped at the sight of Camila, who was glaring at
Alessandro’s back as he headed for the main staircase, his towel
now at her feet.

Camila,” I

She turned to me. “Did he


She breathed out, looking
“Then I better arrange the slaves for him.”

I also have to sleep with him
tomorrow night, so I
will need a
written contract of my own.”

Her eyes widened. “You agreed to sleep
with him?”

Only to sleep, not to have

Do you realize that sleeping
with someone means to have sex with them?”

Yes, though he

Probably because he’s a

I laughed. “I think he just doesn’t
understand American sayings.”

No, he’s definitely

I laughed again, liking her. “It will
be fine, he understands my limitations.”

I still wouldn’t trust him;
he’ll be on you in a second.”

Not if he wants to keep his
balls. He’s agreed to sign a contract, stating that if he harms me
in any way I can cut them off.”

She barked out a laugh.

Yes, s

He’ll still try to seduce

I know, but he won’t

Are you sure? Despite being
, he’s an extremely attractive man, and one who I’ve been
told was used as a honeytrap before becoming a slave

He won’t trap

No, a h
oneytrap is someone who seduces
someone into a compromising sexual position in an attempt to
blackmail them.”

My mind froze. “But … it’s just

I’d still be very careful with

He said he’d sign the

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