My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections (10 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 7 Connections Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #romance, #erotica, #mafia, #sex slaves, #human trafficking, #captives

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pulled on my T-shirt, the little
bitch being impatient. I waved at lettuce teeth, and followed Dora
as she nudged people aside to get to the bar. A guy spun around and
yelled at us, just itching for a fight. I held my hand up in peace,
then when he had stopped yelling, I grabbed his neck and yanked him
closer. “I’m a Donatelli, which means if you don’t buy me and my
sister a drink consider yourself dead.” I released his neck, the
guy looking terrified. Yeah, the Donatelli were rather infamous on
the island. Everyone knew about us and our means of settling

He pulled
money from his pocket and held
it out for me to take. If anything, I found him hot, the guy
brutish looking, but I didn’t think he would like me putting my
hand down his pants since his lady friend was standing right behind
him. Nah, fuck it, he couldn’t do shit to me. I grabbed his crotch,
the guy’s eyes going wide. “Come near me again and this thing,” I
squeezed his cock, “is mine.”

I snatched the money out of his hand, then
let go of his crotch, the guy gaping at me. The woman grabbed his
arm and yanked on him.

I flicked my tongue out at him. “Run
before I fuck you.”

The man turned and took off with his

That was so mean, Matty,” Dora

Nah, I think he liked me; he
got a boner.”


No, he pissed himself.” I stuck
my hand on Dora’s face. She squealed, and hit out at me. Laughing,
I grabbed her wrists to stop her. “I’m kidding, I’m

She yanked her wrists free. “You are such
an asshole!”

I told you he didn’t piss
himself. Would I do this if he had?” I licked my hand.

Her face screwed up. “Yuck! You still
touched his crotch.”

I would’ve licked his cock and
balls too if he dropped his trousers—even his crack.” I wriggled my
tongue at her.

You are so

Says cock breath.”

She hit me again.

, you’re

I’m still your favorite

Her annoyed expression dropped
. “Only
because I don’t know half of them,” she said, grinning.

Even if you did, I’d still be
your favorite.” I placed an arm around her shoulder. “Now, let’s
get some drinks.” I waved the money at the bartender, who instantly
came over, Dora’s shrill whistle pulling him in even

The bartender leaned on the bar
towards her.
“Hello, Teo,” he said, smiling at her, the bastard sexy as
fuck. Not brutish enough for me, but I’d still bend over for him
any day. He reminded me of that FBI agent I killed. I had wanted to
keep him, but my grandfather ordered the hit. What a

leaned across the bar, giving the
bartender a good tonguing.

Screwing up my
face, I tapped her
shoulder. “Don’t scar me, chica.” I held out the money to the
bartender. “Plus, I’m
,” I said, giving him a wink. He smiled back at
me, obviously not getting the pun.

Don’t flirt with him,” she
said, smacking me, “and we don’t need to pay for drinks, Leo’s my

But he’s a
—” I
cut myself off, realizing I’d spoken without thought. “Gross, don’t
talk about your pussy in front of me. Now

Dora and Leo laughed.

Is he your boyfriend?” I

No, a fuck

Leo nodded, looking extremely pleased over
her words.

leaned close to her ear. “Will he
mind if you hook up with one of the Landi soldiers?”

No, we fuck
ever we
like. We only get together when we’re having a dry spell,” she
winked at Leo, “or when I want some cut cock, because a girl can
never find cut cock in this place.”

I’m circumcised,” I

She pulled a face. “Don’t talk about your
cock with me; that’s just wrong.”

Then don’t talk about your
pussy in front of me.”

Deal.” She turned back to her
fuck buddy, giving him our order, my sister knowing what I liked.
He took off to mix our drinks, my eyes following his

Does he swing both ways,”

No! And don’t even think about
asking him.”

You were never very good at

We didn’t grow up together,
Matty, so how the hell would you know?”

But it sounded funny, and
you’re still greedy for not sharing.”

No cock that touches you will
ever come near my vagina.”

I told you not to mention your
pussy, and once they’ve had my tight ass they won’t want your

What the hell is a

Something that’s looser
than my ass, slut.”

She slapped my arm. “You are such an

That’s why all the tops want

A top?”

It’s someone who likes to

Like you

Nah, I liked to get
fucked, so I’m a bottom.”

She stared at me blankly.

I formed a fist, then pushed my
finger through the hole. “
Pretend my fist is my bottom, while my finger is
the top’s cock.”

Her eyes widened.
“Too much

laughed. “You never fail to amuse

She smacked my arm again. “Shut up, and
let’s get to work.”

We turned around and
leaned against the
bar, scanning the nightclub floor. Multicolored strobe lights made
patterns across the packed floor, which made it harder to spot the
Landi sisters—if they were even here. Still, once we had finished
our drinks, my sister and I would head out onto the dance floor and
show off our moves. I knew it was risky to be out in public, but I
wanted to attract the attention of a Landi girl quickly.

The bartender
returned with our
drinks. Once we had finished them, we headed through the crowd and
onto the dance floor. We started dancing to the techno
skills complimenting each other
. People stopped to watch us, plus I
looked sexy as fuck in my tight jeans and clingy T-shirt, which by
the way was becoming see-through, because I was sweating like a
bastard under the
lights. Regardless, it didn’t matter since it just made me
look sexier, the ridges of my six-pack now showing through the damp

We continued dancing
for several
minutes, then I grabbed Dora’s hand and pulled her through the
crowded dance floor to the door that led to the fucking rooms. We
leaned against the red wall, pretending to be resting. I looked at
the bouncer who was guarding the door. “You see any of the Landi
sisters tonight?”

He indicated
to the popular area
where the upper class went. “Looks like they have seen

I looked up at
the mezzanine
floor. One of the Landi sisters was staring my way. I waved, to see
if it was me she was looking at and she waved back, making me
smile. Yup, my little dance number had worked. My eyes moved to the
tall man standing next to her. It was the same Landi soldier I’d
seen with her at the market, the older one I’d give anything to
fuck. Luckily, he was occupied with another Landi sister, who was
waving her hands about in front of him, looking angry. I assessed
the others surrounding them, but couldn’t find Thierry.

Looks like the kid might
not be here,” I said to Dora.

You still want to get with a
Landi sister?”

Yeah, unfortunately. I need to
find a way into their circle, so I can invite them to the

Shall we go

Not necessary, the oldest is
coming to me.” I watched as she slipped through the crowd, the
soldier too busy arguing with the other sister to notice. It made
me wonder whether they were having a lover’s tiff, which would be a
shame because he was way too hot for her, plus he would look better
topping me. God, the thought of him naked and penetrating me made
my dick want to explode.

soldier turned around, noticing for
the first time the oldest Landi sister wasn’t behind him. His head
started doing the exodus thing, turning in all directions to find
her. It made me wonder where the other soldier was. Maybe he was
with the third sister, who I couldn’t see.

I watched as the soldier
target as she pushed her way through the main-floor crowd, heading
for me: the chick magnet. I turned around, making sure he didn’t
see me. “Tell me if the big man up on the balcony is heading for
the stairs,” I said to Dora.

, he is.”

Use the ring I gave you
earlier,” I said. All she needed to do was to take the lid off it
and press the tiny drug-filled needles against his fuckable
wouldn’t kill him, just make him dizzy, and unable to see properly
for an hour or so.

He’s yummy,” she said, also
liking rough-looking guys … beautiful guys … hell, it didn’t
matter, Dora just liked cock.

Well, he’s all yours once I get
my girl,” I said, feeling jealous she could get a shot at him,
because he was definitely straight. What a damn waste.

She’s here,” Dora

I glanced over my shoulder as the oldest
Landi sister pushed through a group of people, her tits almost
falling out of her low cut animal-print dress. She had thick black
hair and her eyes were a little too close together, but luckily she
knew how to pluck, unlike her sisters, Freda and Kahlo. I gave her
my best Colgate smile, purposely looking at her tits so she thought
I was attracted to her.

” she shouted over the

I looked up, glancing over the crowd to
see where the soldier was. He was at the bottom of the stairs,
heading towards us.

Hi,” I said back to whatever
her name was. “I’m going in there,” I indicated to the fucking
room, “you’re welcome to join me.” I turned and entered the room,
the bouncer holding the door open for me.

The room was dimly lit, probably so you
couldn’t see people having sex, but you could certainly hear them.
I headed across the floor, hearing the clip clop of high-heels
behind me. I turned to find the Landi sister smiling at me. She was
a tall girl, about six foot, which sort of made her look a bit like
a tranny with all the make-up plastered on her face, but at least
she wasn’t ugly like her younger sisters. Plus, I was relieved I
got her out of the trio, since I refused to do teenagers—unlike my
sick uncle.

I pointe
d to the door. “Your
boyfriend’s coming.”

He’s not my boyfriend,” she
said. “He’s a bodyguard, which means we can’t stay here.” She
grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit, practically
dragging me through it. The girl was retarded for leaving with
someone she didn’t even know. Though, it wasn’t like I could hurt
her in the alleyway, because it was closed off to the public. It
even had wet weather couches to fuck on, which were getting well
used at the moment.

She pulled me past them,
telling me she was taking me to
, which I had no clue why, because it was
a sleazy joint. We exited onto the busy main street, and headed
down the road, both of us half-running, the girl giggling. She
probably thought it was exciting meeting someone and running off
with them. She was obviously stupid, but that was just fine by me,
because I loved stupid people. It was much easier to con them than
the intelligent ones.

pulled me to the doors of
, a dive and a known drug club, but one protected by the
Rosso family. I had been told that the Rossos had helped the
Santini take over my household, but I knew it had all been a ploy,
since the Rossos never helped anyone without an ulterior motive.
Basically, they were trying to play both sides, showing their
support to the D’Angelos while giving us information on what was
happening—of course for the right price: which was to guarantee
their safety if we won the war. I liked them; they were my kind of

The bouncer smiled at the Landi sister,
looking like he knew her. She said his name, proving my

We entered the semi-lit
, the
Landi sister leading me across the empty dance floor and through a
set of curtains, choosing the first room on our right. Before I had
barely closed the door behind us, she pushed me up against the wall
and started kissing me, the girl an octopus. Her hands were all
over me, almost ripping my T-shirt to get it off. I quickly removed
it as she unzipped my jeans, the woman taking me by surprise. I had
only expected to chat with her, not to get my clothes ripped off my
body, but this chica was a bulldozer, her balls bigger than mine
with the way she was manhandling me. I wondered whether she was
ever let out for sex, because this was insane!

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