Natasha's Awakening (25 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Natasha scrambled off the bed and glared at Eric who stood grinning at her. “It’s not funny.” She snapped at him and he laughed in response. He gathered her into his arms holding her tight, one hand rubbing soothingly over her buttock.

“Well I had to stop you falling asleep Natasha. Come on baby, that wasn’t much of a slap. At least it got you up.” He reasoned with her.

Reluctantly she smiled at him. She wasn’t angry or hurt so much by him spanking her, just surprised. “You go have your shower if you want. I’ve got a couple of calls to make.” Eric told her and Natasha saluted him before scurrying off to the bathroom, smiling to herself when she heard him laugh.


Natasha looked out the window at the passing scenery of inner city Sydney as the limo made its way through heavy traffic on the way to the airport. She was dressed in the warmest clothes she had with her given it was March in Tasmania and although this time of the year was still quite hot in mainland Australia, Tasmania had more defined seasons according to Eric and after having spoken to Thomas, it was definitely cooler there apparently, the evenings already cold enough for the fire.

She glanced down at her well worn jeans that sat low on her hips and her white camisole styled top with a black cotton long sleeved top that tied at the waist, over it, the only warmer items of clothing she had with her. She had wanted to drop home first and pick up more suitable clothes but Eric had insisted she could buy warmer things once they got to Tasmania. She suspected he didn’t want her going home, he didn’t want her doing anything that might make her change her mind about coming with him. She had managed to call her Mother and tell her she was going away for a little while and her Mother had been full of questions about where she was going and who she was going with, but Natasha had been vague with the information she gave her, other than to tell her she was going to Tasmania.

Once they arrived at the airport they walked straight out to the company jet that sat on the tarmac glistening in the midday sun. It was white with the company logo down the fuselage of the jet in the customary red and black writing.

Eric held her hand as they approached the plane and helped her up the stairs, nodding and greeting the hostess who was waiting for them. She was a beautifully groomed woman, sleek black hair secured in a bun, her make up perfect and her uniform matching the company logo in red and black. She smiled at them both and waved them through to their seats.

Natasha’s mouth opened in awe when she saw the interior of the plane. Although nowhere near the size of the commercial jets, it was the height of luxury inside. They passed through what looked like a conference room with caramel coloured leather seats down either side of the jet and small wooden tables dotted amongst them. The next room was more traditional with the same kind of leather seats as the conference room but a large television screen was mounted at the front.

Eric sat down on one of the seats, pulling Natasha down into the seat alongside of his and she groaned when the soft leather embraced her body.

“Oh god, I could live in this thing.” She said and Eric’s lip tilted up on one side as he watched her wriggle and writhe in her seat.

“Bloody hell baby, I think I’m jealous of that seat, you sound almost orgasmic.” He said, his eyes darkening at her obvious enjoyment.

Natasha hit him on the arm and finally settled in her seat. “I’m just going up the front, I need to see Joe and Colin.” Eric said, getting up and she looked at him as he stood before her in his jeans and pale lilac t-shirt, a colour that might be considered feminine but looked as sexy as hell on him.

“Who are Joe and Colin?” She asked trying not to make it too obvious that she was eating him up with her eyes and Eric told her they were the pilot and co- pilot. “Oh, ok.” She said, still distracted by his overwhelming sexiness. It seemed no matter how many times they made love, she could never get enough of him and it surprised her that he had such an effect on her as she’d never felt this level of attraction for anyone else before.

Eric watched her for a moment before bending down to drop a hard kiss on her slightly parted lips. “I know baby, it never goes away, does it? I want you all the time. Even when I come I want you again.” He said and Natasha realised all that she felt, he felt too. The overwhelming need for one another.

“Be patient, I have something to show you soon.” And he turned, walking away towards the front of the plane. She watched him go, her breathing a bit shaky. How did he know, she asked herself? Her expression must have given her away. “So much for being cool, calm and collected.” She whispered. Still, it was a relief to hear him admit that he couldn’t get enough of her either. Maybe there was hope for them beyond this time away, after all.

After about 10 minutes Eric came back and sat down next to her. While she had been waiting she decided she might as well read for a little while and she had her kindle out, catching up on the book she’d started prior to her time away with him. He glanced over at what she was doing and he clutched at his chest, startling her into looking over at him to see what was wrong.

“Oh baby, I’m wounded. You brought a kindle with you to read for our week away? Were you expecting it to be that bad were you? My ego may never recover.” He dropped his head back, his acting definitely way over done.

Natasha laughed at him. “Well, a girl has to be prepared for all possible scenarios.” She told him and Eric grinned at her.

“Give me that damned thing, what are you reading?” He snatched the kindle out of Natasha’s hands and she lunged trying to get it back but he held it high above his head and to one side so she couldn’t reach it.

“Damn you Eric, give it back.” She lunged again, but missed as he positioned it out of her reach again. With it held over his head he started reading what she had been reading and his eyebrows shot up. Natasha’s cheeks heated with embarrassment. His timing couldn’t be worse, she had been right at a very graphic sex scene and now he was going to tease her mercilessly about it.

“He ran his tongue down between her folds, lapping at the juices that trickled onto her thigh……” Eric looked over at her. “Is this your usual reading material baby?” He asked, his gaze teasing and Natasha just wanted to hit him, in between sliding under her seat as she was about as mortified as she could be.

“Shut up Eric and give me back my damned kindle.” She said, holding out her hand for it, but still he refused to give it back. He held it above his head, continuing to read aloud and finally Natasha jumped up and lunged at the kindle, she lost her balance and tumbled onto Eric’s lap where his arm came around her, pinning her against him.

“Oh baby, did reading that make you horny?” He smirked and Natasha gave him her best death stare, struggling to get back to her feet, but he wouldn’t release his firm grip from around her waist.

“Let me go Eric,” She squirmed trying to break free of his strong grip, but he just laughed at her, holding her against him. “Eric.” She protested wriggling and suddenly the mood in the cabin changed. She watched his eyes darken, his pupils dilate and he stopped grinning at her. Natasha felt a slow warmth invade her body and she stopped struggling, her thighs in close contact with Eric’s groin. She was suddenly aware that he was aroused, his erection pressing against her thigh and she moaned softly, instantly feeling her irritation at him replaced by excitement.

Eric’s hands tunneled into Natasha’s hair, holding her still and his lips found hers, parting them before sliding his tongue in to duel with hers, She groaned running her hands through his hair, moisture pooling between her thighs, her excitement growing when suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat cut through their rising passion and she pulled away from him, turning towards the source of the sound.

When she saw the hostess standing there watching them, Natasha scrambled off Eric’s lap and sat back down in her seat, trying frantically to smooth her hair that was tangled after him running his hands through it.

“What is it Claudette?” Eric asked, impatience lacing his voice.

“You need to buckle your seatbelts, we’re about to take off.” She told him, smiling warmly at him showing a set of very white perfect looking teeth. Her gaze moved to Natasha, cooling, her smile more forced and Natasha groaned to herself.

“Another one bites the dust.” She thought. It was obvious that Claudette was interested in Eric going by the look in her eyes. She turned to watch him, but apart from thanking the hostess he barely gave her another look and instead reached over to buckle up Natasha before doing up his own seatbelt.

Claudette left them alone and Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, trying desperately to get herself back under control. She stole a look over at Eric and was pleased to see that he was looking just as unsettled as she felt. He reached over and placed her kindle back on her lap where she grabbed it, turning it off and stuffing it back in her bag. For now it would appear the mood had been broken and Eric’s focus shifted to the window, watching as their jet taxied out to the runway.

In no time at all, Natasha heard the engines start to scream and the plane surged forward, rapidly accelerating down the runway. She dug her fingers into the arm of her chair as flying always made her a bit nervous and she dropped her head back, closing her eyes to blot out the sight of the runway as they rushed down it. She felt Eric’s fingers loosen her death grip on the arm of her seat and he laced his fingers with hers. She opened her eyes and looked over at him where he sat, watching her, an unreadable expression in his eyes.

They lifted smoothly into the air and after a few minutes of steady climbing, Natasha felt the plane level off and the seatbelts sign went out. Eric released his and stretched over to release her seatbelt too before stretching his legs out in front of him.

Claudette came back in carrying a tray with a bottle of chilled water and a platter of cheeses and crackers which she placed on the table nearby. With one final questioning glance at them both, she left them alone. Natasha poured herself a glass of water as her mouth suddenly felt dry and looked over at Eric who nodded. She poured him a glass of water, handing it to him and resumed her seat alongside of him. They were both silent and she worried as to why Eric suddenly seemed almost distant. It was obvious something was on his mind.

“Eric?” She said tentatively. “Are you ok?”

He looked over at her giving her a tight smile. “I’m fine, I’m ready to show you something if you’re interested.” He said. He stood up. “Come with me baby.” And he took her hand, pulling her to her feet.

He headed for the back of the plane where there was a closed door leading into another room and Natasha’s curiosity was peaked as to what was in there. Eric swung the door open gesturing for her to go in ahead of him and when she stepped in, she gasped, it was a bedroom. The main feature of the room was a massive king sized bed, covered in various shades of cream and beige silk bedding. Curtains hung from every window in the plane and at one corner another door led into a small bathroom containing a shower and toilet.

Eric watched her as she looked around the room, standing in the doorway while she wandered around, touching things with her fingertips. “For overseas trips the bedroom comes in handy.” He told her. “Much more comfortable than being stuck in a seat for a long flight.”

Natasha couldn’t help but wonder how many other women had shared that bed with him. She stood in front of it bending to run her fingers over the silken fabric and she felt Eric’s hands on her hips, pulling her buttocks against him. She could feel his semi hardness through her jeans and she straightened, turning to face him. “Someone seems pleased to see me.” She said smiling and Eric returned her smile,

“Someone is always pleased to see you.”

“I bet your old girlfriends loved travelling with you in this kind of luxury.” Natasha said, subtly trying to find out how many had been with him in that bed.

Eric sighed. “You’re the first woman who has been on this plane other than Claudette.” He told her. His words sent a rush of relief through her.

“So why are we here now?” She asked him, giving him a coy grin and Eric pulled her close, pressing her hips against his.

“I thought you might like to become part of the Mile High Club.” He told her and her heart leapt. She’d heard about the Mile High Club of course but given she’d been a virgin before Eric, she’d never had an opportunity to experience it for herself, well accept for now.

“Do we have time?” She asked and Eric nodded.

“It’s an hour and a half flight to Launceston.” He told her. “We have plenty of time baby.” And he covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply, his tongue moving and caressing hers as she kissed him back with renewed passion.

He dropped his hands between them to untie her black top, pushing it off her shoulders and tossing it onto a nearby chair, then pulled her camisole top over her head where it joined her black top and he unclasped her bra, cupping her breasts once she stood before him naked from the waist up.

Eric brushed his thumbs over her nipples until they hardened and he studied them for a moment before bending his head and drawing one nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking on it while he caressed the other one.

Natasha felt the pull from her nipples down low in her stomach and she gasped, pressing her hips against Eric’s, wanting to be as close to him as she could get, but the barrier of their clothing got in the way, frustrating her. She groaned, groping for the belt of his jeans, her hands shaking as she fumbled to undo it before gently easing his fly down and eagerly sliding her hand in, finding him naked again under his jeans. She pushed to slip the denim over his hips and then released his erection which sprang free between them.

“Slow down baby.” Eric groaned as she grasped him, running her hand up and down the hard length of him, but Natasha didn’t want to. She felt needy and hungry for him, she didn’t want to go slowly. “Natasha please.” He whispered, “It will be over before it begins at this rate. I seem to lose all self control with you so don’t push it.” He gasped.

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