Natasha's Awakening (44 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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“Eric, I just want to go to bed. I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. Just tell me why you’re here then go, please.” She begged and if anything Eric seemed to become even more angry. “

You’re tired, you’ve had a long day. Well fuck you Natasha. You’re not going anywhere until you give me an explanation and it had better be a fucking good one too.” He snapped.

Natasha’s Mother stepped between him and her daughter. “Don’t you dare use that language on my girl.” She fumed. “She’s done nothing to you. You have hurt her and now you come here acting like the injured party?”

Eric’s reaction to her Mother’s words surprised Natasha. He simply started laughing. “I haven’t done anything to your daughter Kathryn. Your daughter has betrayed me, lied to me. I’m the one who should be upset, not her.”

“What is it that you think I’ve done to you Eric.” Natasha asked, resignation in her voice as she realised he wasn’t going to go anywhere any time soon and she watched as Eric reached into his pocket, pulling something out and threw it at her. It landed in her lap and when she looked down at it, her blood ran cold, the colour draining from her face. Her eyes rose to his briefly, before skating away from that burning rage.

“What is it baby girl?” Her Mother asked, stepping forward. When she saw what lay in Natasha’s lap, her eyes turned to her daughter in shock. “You’re pregnant?” She cried. “Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve been here for a couple of hours and nothing. Why keep something this big from me?” Natasha felt tears threatening again at the hurt clearly visible in her Mother’s eyes.

Eric laughed, but there was no humour in it. “Oh don’t worry Kathryn, your daughter didn’t think that either of us should be given that piece of information.” His eyes locked on Natasha’s again. “I just want to know why you lied. You told me you did the test and it was negative. I’d still be thinking it was negative if I hadn’t found this damning piece of evidence lying in the bin when I was packing up to fly home. If you wanted to keep it from me, you shouldn’t have thrown the fucking thing in the bin.” He yelled. Natasha cringed inwardly. How was she to know he’d see it in the bin? Why was he digging around in the bin in the first place?

Natasha’s Mother was looking very upset, her gaze accusing as she stared down at her daughter. “Why didn’t you tell me Natasha. I’m your Mother. How could you keep that from me?” Natasha’s gaze moved from Eric to her Mother and she sighed. Now she had both of them bristling with indignation at her and somehow she’d become the enemy. Her Mother was looking as deeply offended as Eric and just like that, her Mother had become Eric’s ally and she was the bad guy.

“I was going to tell you Mum, just not tonight.” She tried to explain, ignoring Eric’s snort. “I’m tired. I couldn’t face all the questions tonight.” She looked up at her Mother. Suddenly against what might become her better judgement, Natasha realised she couldn’t have this conversation with Eric in front of her Mother. “Mum, please, I need to speak to Eric alone. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She said but her Mother looked between her and Eric.

“I’m not leaving you alone with him and not before you explain to me why you chose to keep such a vital peace of information like you being pregnant from me.” Her Mother argued.

Eric turned to her Mother. “Please Kathryn, I promise I just want to talk to your daughter. I’m not going to hurt her. I’ve never hurt a woman before and I’m not about to start on Natasha.” He tried to reassure her.

Natasha’s Mother looked from one of them to the other. “You’ve already hurt my daughter. More than I think you realise.” She turned to Natasha. “I’m not happy about this baby girl. Are you sure you want me to go? If I leave here, you have to promise me you’ll call me as soon as he leaves.”

Natasha nodded. “I promise Mum. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you ok. I just wasn’t up to this kind of discussion tonight, but…” She trailed off as her gaze returned to Eric.

After a final glance between the two of them and kissing her daughter again, Natasha’s Mother moved in front of Eric and placed her hand on his chest. “Don’t you dare hurt my daughter.” She warned him.

“I won’t.” He replied quietly.

Once Kathryn had left, Natasha eyed off Eric warily. Suddenly she wondered what the hell she’d been thinking asking her Mother to leave, but a part of her knew she couldn’t talk to him properly with her Mother present as well. She didn’t need to know every detail of what had taken place between them after all.

Eric glared at Natasha, not saying anything for a while and she felt her heart start to thump wildly in her chest. Why wasn’t he saying anything? “I thought you were here to talk or yell or whatever the hell you’re here for.” She finally said.

“Why did you lie to me? If I hadn’t have found that.” He pointed to the test strip. “I wouldn’t know now. Were you ever going to tell me?”

Natasha laughed bitterly. “You dare to ask me why I didn’t tell you? You made it perfectly clear you don’t want to be a Father. I was so scared you’d force me to have an abortion and I’m sorry if that pisses you off, but I want this baby and I’m not destroying this child just because you don’t want it. I’d never thought about becoming a Mother any time soon, but now I’m pregnant, there is no way in hell I’m giving this child up. I don’t need you in my baby’s life Eric. I will not make any financial demands on you. I have money of my own and I’m quite happy to put Father unknown on the birth certificate.” She said.

Eric recoiled, an expression of horror on his face. “You think I would force you to have an abortion? Why do you think I’m such a monster Natasha? I just know I won’t make a good Father. Just because I’m not cut out to be a Father doesn’t mean I’d demand you get rid of the baby.” Natasha watched him as he started to pace restlessly in front of her.

“Why are you so convinced you would be such a terrible Father.” She couldn’t help asking.

Eric stopped pacing long enough to face her again, his expression tormented. “I just know, ok?”

Natasha watched him for a moment, “That doesn’t answer my question Eric. You have to have a reason why you’re so convinced that you would take out Terrible Father of the Year award.” His expression closed off to her and she ground her teeth with frustration. He was still shutting her out and he wondered why she felt the way she did about having him around her child. “Just go home Eric. We have nothing more to discuss.”

“Dammit Natasha, you’re not pushing me out that fucking door.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “Fuck it, fuck it.” He yelled. “Why did everything have to become such a fucking mess?” Frustration was evident in his voice. “This was never meant to happen. It was a huge mistake. Everything was a fucking mistake.” At his words, Natasha’s heart died that little bit more in her chest. He was saying it was all a mess, a mistake which meant he obviously thought their time together was a huge mistake too. For her it had been the most amazing time of her life up until the bubble burst just that morning but Eric wasn’t feeling the same way. He looked like a caged animal, pacing back and forth within the confines of her living room.

She fought to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t want Eric to see her start crying. Natasha just wanted him to leave. “I’m so sorry Eric that everything in your life has gone to shit. I’m sorry that our time away was a huge fucking mistake to you and I’m really sorry that I’m now carrying your child which you don’t want but I’m tired. I want to get to bed, so go home!” She yelled at him, standing up to move to the door so she could open it and hopefully push him out.

Eric’s look was tortured when his eyes met hers. “Dammit Natasha, you’re twisting this all around. I never said that.” With two long strides he stood before her. “Our time away was amazing, you were amazing. I couldn’t get enough of you. I still can’t.” He groaned. “I still want you so damned much.” He said huskily, reaching for her, but she pulled away.

“Don’t you dare touch me Eric. It’s over between us and you know it. Everything has changed. I’m not here for your amusement. I’m pregnant with a baby you don’t want and since this baby and I are a package deal there is no one without the other. Plus.” She held her hand up when Eric went to interrupt her. “That wasn’t some fucking attempt to trap you or anything. I don’t need you, your baby doesn’t need you, so go home!” She made her way to the door but before she could reach it to open it, Eric grabbed her arm pulling her against him.

“Don’t just dismiss me like I’m nothing.” He snapped. “Maybe I need to remind you what it can be like between us.”

Natasha struggled but Eric’s arms closed around her, his mouth crashing down on hers, crushing her lips against her teeth until she tasted blood. His tongue forced its way past her lips and he groaned, easing his assault when he tasted her blood. He began to kiss her gently, nibbling along her full bottom lip and Natasha fought to not feel anything, to not respond.

Eric kissed her, his passion rising as he seduced her mouth, trying to evoke some sort of response from her. Hungrily his hands roamed over her body, cupping her breasts and squeezing them roughly making her gasp. She could feel his erection pressing against her and suddenly she began to struggle again, fighting to break loose of his vice like grip on her. When she heard the deep groan rumble up from his throat she knew her struggles were only exciting him more so she froze, determined not to give him the satisfaction of responding to him in any way. Natasha’s body screamed out for more, betraying her by waking under his touch despite her brain telling her no.

Impatiently he backed up until he had her body pressed up against the wall, his hips moving restlessly with his growing arousal. His hands tore at the button on her jeans then hastily pulled the zip down, plunging his hand inside to press his fingers against her sensitive button and Natasha bit down hard on his lip to try and make him release her. She battled with her body, determined to not give him the response he was looking for.

Eric grunted in pain and Natasha tasted the blood she drew, inflicting pain on him bringing her a small sense of satisfaction. Frantically he pulled her jeans down her legs until he could rip them free, holding her tightly so she wouldn’t fall. She heard the sound of the fabric of her panties give way and suddenly his knee was pushing between hers, forcing them apart.

With his knees bent to bring himself down to her height, Eric pressed the head of his straining penis against her entrance. Then with one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside her. Natasha cried out as her delicate tissues were forced apart. Her body not ready for his invasion.

She cried out with shock and pain at his rough possession of her body. She wondered what had happened to the Eric who would have done anything to prepare her body for him, who would spend ages bringing her to climax. He was gone, replaced by this other version who was only hell bent on reaching his own release. A man who was like a stranger, rutting like an animal with no regard for her.

Eric slammed into her over and over again, sweat coating his face, his breathing rasping in and out of his lungs noisily, as he pressed his face to the side of her neck. Despite his rough assault on her body, with every lunge that sent him hard up against her cervix, Natasha felt her excitement beginning to rise. Unable to help herself, her hands rose to his shoulders, hanging on to him as he continued to thrust into her over and over. Suddenly, she felt him tense and a huge shudder tore through his body before he spurt hotly into her. He thrust a few more times, his body shaking as he filled her with the warm of his release before he finally sagged against Natasha’s body, his breathing tortured and they stood like that for several minutes until she could feel his heart beat slowing down.

Finally she pushed against Eric’s shoulders, desperate to get him away from her. Her body ached from his rough possession. He pulled free from her and Natasha felt the rush of his fluid run down her leg. “Baby, I’m sorry.” He said huskily, his eyes seeking hers and when he saw the look in her eyes, he closed his, pain evident in his expression. “Dammit Natasha, I’m sorry but you’re driving me crazy. I can’t get enough of you. You’re like a drug to me. I’m sorry I was so rough but you just make me loose all self control. I had to have you.” He moaned.

Natasha watched him and she felt her anger rising. “Get dressed and get out.” She said, her voice low and angry. Eric looked at her and when he saw her face, all expression left his. He said nothing, just pulled his jeans up and turned to her again. It was at that moment that he really saw her. Standing with his seed running down her leg and her lips swollen and bleeding from his rough treatment. She derived a small level of satisfaction when she saw the teeth marks in his lip but it wasn’t as much damage as she’d like to do to him. He had gone after what he wanted with no respect for her, not caring that he was being so rough he could have put her baby at risk.

“How dare you Eric. How dare you force yourself on me. You had no regard for me or my child. What if you did something that would make me lose it?” As her words sunk in, Natasha gave a short sharp burst of laughter. “What am I saying? You wouldn’t give a shit if I lost the baby. That would solve all your problems wouldn’t it Eric?” She pointed to her front door. “Now get out of my home. I resign from my job, effective immediately and fuck off out of my life. I don’t want to see you ever again.”

Eric’s expression changed. At her words, his face registered his shock. She watched the dawning shame as he realised what he’d just done and then hot colour flooded his cheeks. He stared at her for several minutes and Natasha held her head high despite being half naked, tears burning at the back of her eyes, but pride wouldn’t allow her to let them fall in front of him. His hand stretched out towards her before falling limply at his side. He closed his eyes for a moment, a muscle ticking in his jaw and when he opened them, moisture glistened in their blue depths. “I’m so sorry baby.” Eric whispered before he walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

Once he was gone, Natasha flicked the deadlock so Eric wouldn’t be able to walk back in and slowly she sank to the floor her tears streaming unchecked. Tremors chorused through her and as realisation hit home that she had told Eric she didn’t want to see him again, she started sobbing, loud, noisy, sobs. The sobs of a woman whose heart was splintering in her chest.

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