Natasha's Awakening (47 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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She felt herself being lifted up and managed to crank one eye open to see that Eric was carrying her. He must have already found her keys in her handbag since he had them in one hand and some how as he held her, he managed to unlock her door with the other one.

Kicking the door shut behind him Eric started climbing the stairs to her bedroom and although Natasha was vaguely aware of what he was doing, she just couldn’t seem to wake up enough to ask him to put her down so she could walk for herself.

She felt herself being lowered and then the softness of her bed as Eric carefully lay her down. He pulled off her shoes and whispered something in her ear about her dress needing to come off. “Mmmm.” Was the best she could manage in response and she felt herself rolled over on her side and then his hands were at her neck, undoing the buttons so he could slip the dress from her body. There was the sound of Eric’s soft groan as he was confronted with the image of Natasha in nothing more than a lacy thong since her dress had the support built into the front of it, so no need for a bra.

She was vaguely aware of him lifting her and slipping her into the bed which he must have turned the sheets back on because next thing she felt them being pulled over her body and his lips touched her cheek as he whispered good bye in her ear. Natasha mumbled one hand going out to grab Eric’s arm and she pulled on him as she opened one sleepy eye to try and focus on his face. “Can you stay with me please? Even just for a few hours. I don’t want to be alone.” She said sleepily and with a groan, Eric slipped off his clothes. He was naked since he obviously wasn’t wearing underwear again and the bed dipped as he slid in alongside of her. Natasha burrowed into him, loving the feel of his warmth against her back and his arm came around her holding her close.

She wiggled to get more comfortable and heard Eric sigh. “Baby keep still and go to sleep.” He said, his voice sounding strained. Natasha could feel his arousal against her buttocks but she was so tired and couldn’t do any more than mumble good night to him before sleep claimed her.

When Natasha woke, she could feel something warm and heavy over her waist and across her legs, pinning them down and that was enough to bring her fully awake. She turned her head and found herself staring into the sleeping face of Eric. Her heart leapt at the sight of him. His lips were parted slightly, his hair falling over his forehead and partially covering one eye and those long dark lashes of his fanned across his cheeks.

Natasha’s mind tried to recall just what had happened last night but it was sketchy for her from when they’d left the restaurant. Her hand moved under the blankets and she found she was naked except for her thong. So it seemed they hadn’t had sex then. She didn’t feel like her and Eric had made love and she was sure she’d know if they had. Her body always had that delicious ache to it afterwards and there was nothing like that for her. Still, what he was doing in her bed, she had no idea. She struggled to remember but was only getting brief images from the previous evening.

Carefully she started extracting herself from under his arm and legs. She’d only just managed to pull her legs free when she felt his arm tighten around hers and she was pulled back hard against him. “Natasha?” He said sleepily, a questioning tone in his voice. “What am I doing in your bed?

She turned her head to him. “That’s the very question I was about to ask you.”

Slowly as the sleep cleared from his brain realisation dawned on his face. “You fell asleep in the car on the way home from the restaurant baby and I brought you inside and put you to bed. I removed your clothes but how was I to know you didn’t have a bra on? You couldn’t sleep in your dress.” He tried to reason with her. “I was going to go home but you asked me to stay. You said you didn’t want to be alone baby, but nothing happened I swear. I was going to wait until you were in a deep sleep then leave, but I must have dozed off. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately baby.”

Natasha’s gaze was accusing as she listened to Eric. Still as she racked her brain trying to recall what had happened last night, little details filled her head, enough to realise that Eric wasn’t lying. “Oh.” Was all she said.

She lay back down again her mind in conflict. Natasha knew she had to get out of bed, put some distance between herself and Eric, but another part of her was enjoying having his warmth pressed up against her back and she realised that she hadn’t slept as well as she did last night since their time in Tasmania. While her mind might be in conflict about letting Eric back in too soon, it seemed her body had other ideas.

Eric certainly wasn’t immune to her either if the erection she could feel pressing between her buttocks was any indication. Natasha couldn’t help herself, she wiggled her rear against him and heard him groan softly, his fingers biting into her hip to keep her still. “Baby, if you don’t want me flipping you over and sinking this.” He pressed his erection against her. “Deep inside you, then do us both a favour and keep still.” He warned.

Natasha battled with herself as his words sent a rush of moisture between her legs. It would be so easy to let him make love to her, but would he then assume things were back to the way they’d been in the hotel and Tasmania because she wasn’t ready for that. A part of her still didn’t trust him, that he wouldn’t grow bored with her one day and walk out of her life, leaving her heart in ruins.

She lay there her mind in conflict, listening to his breathing which was starting to rasp heavily in her ear. No question about it, he wanted her right now but despite his hardness that rested against her buttocks, he wasn’t making any effort to coax her into letting him make love to her. He was respecting her wishes when she’d told him they wouldn’t be having sex. Trouble is, her body wouldn’t listen to her mind. Her nipples hardened, her juices trickled across her thigh and her breathing was starting to betray her own level of arousal.

“I have a proposition for you Eric.” Natasha said, her voice husky. “If we make love now, can you accept that this is not an invitation for you to think we can always have sex?” She asked him. “This is a one time deal.” At her words Eric groaned, his penis twitching against her.

“We don’t have to have sex now baby. I told you I want to prove to you that I’m here for you and our baby. It’s not just about me getting my rocks off whenever the opportunity arises and then I move on, in a couple of months like you seem to think I will.” He told her.

As if to prove a point, he pulled away from her and his warmth was gone from her back. Natasha immediately missed his touch and rolled onto her back to look over at him. “Well, if you don’t want me Eric, that’s fine. I’ll just have to take care of things myself.” She said.

“What do you mean by that?” Eric demanded and before she lost her nerve at what she was about to do, she pushed back the blankets, exposing her almost naked body to his gaze. She cupped her breasts in both hands, tweaking her nipples until they were two hard peaks before sliding her hands down her stomach. She parted her legs, one hand moving between them, to cup herself, one finger slipping under her thong to start circling her sensitive clitoris.

Natasha watched Eric’s face as she touched herself. His eyes darkened and a deep flush coloured his cheeks. His eyes moved down her body, before his intense blue gaze locked on the hand that moved between her legs. He closed his eyes briefly and she watched as he clenched his jaw hard, a muscle ticking in his cheek.

“Fuck you baby, you don’t play fair.” He growled and he slid one hand over hers, pushing her fingers aside to slip two fingers into her, moaning when he found how wet she was before using her juices to coat her clitoris. He circled it, pressing over it and using his thumb to flick it until Natasha gasped, her hips moving slowly as he caressed her.

“You win.” He whispered before rolling onto her pinning her against the mattress and thrusting deep into her. “You’re a cruel woman.” He groaned and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her slowly, his tongue invading her mouth to duel with hers.

Eric began to move slowly, carefully, thrusting into her and Natasha’s legs locked around his hips, drawing him deeper inside. He kept the slow, steady pace up for a while which drove her mad as she wanted more and she dug her heels into his buttocks, trying to urge him to move faster.

Suddenly Eric grabbed her and rolled them over so Natasha was on top, never losing their intimate connection. He lay back, one arm flung over his face, just a narrow sliver of his blue eyes showing and she knew he’d handed their love making over to her, for her to set the pace. She began to raise and lower herself, grinding her buttocks down on Eric’s hips as she impaled herself on him, gasping when the head of his hard shaft bumped against her cervix.

Wanting more Natasha leaned back resting her hands on his thighs and she began to ride him hard, bouncing up and down on him as she rapidly climbed towards her climax. Her eyes were closed and she almost forgot about Eric, so focused on the pleasure that was building within her where they were so intimately joined together.

Her eyes shot open when she felt Eric’s fingers at her clitoris and he began to slide them back and forth across the swollen nub as she rotated her hips, working desperately to find her release. With a loud cry she exploded, her inner muscles convulsing and clamping down on his penis as she rode him through her intense orgasm.

Feeling suddenly weak and boneless Natasha collapsed on Eric’s chest, feeling him shift inside her as she lay over his body. He was still hard having not yet reached his own release and with a deep groan, he moved again, flipping her onto her back before beginning to pound into her, his breathing harsh and rasping in her ear. She could feel another orgasm rapidly building and just as Eric went rigid, then thrust into her two, three more times, she cried out as her second climax hit and as she shuddered through her orgasm, she felt the warmth of his release pumping into her.

Little shock waves rippled through her and as her delicate tissues fluttered around Eric, she could feel him twitching and jerking inside her. The only sound in the room was their laboured breathing and with a deep groan, Eric sagged against Natasha, crushing her into the bed under his weight. Fine tremors racked his body and his back was damp with sweat as she traced lazy circles over his smooth skin with her fingers.

They lay like that for several minutes, just enjoying the afterglow from their love making and Natasha could have stayed like that forever, pinned under his weight except suddenly something was wrong, very wrong.

“Eric, let me up.” Natasha said urgently.

“Mmmm.” Was his husky response.

“Eric, please, let me up.” She pushed at his shoulders and Eric raised his head to look down at her.

“What is it baby?” he asked.

“Eric, I’m serious, get the fuck off me NOW!” She yelled and he reared back at her sudden change in mood, pulling his softening erection from her to kneel between her thighs.

“What the hell Natasha. What game are you playing now?” He snapped but Natasha didn’t answer him, she just shoved him hard knocking him onto his side before frantically scrambling off the bed and running into the ensuite bathroom.

She just made it to the toilet, dropping to her knees as she began to retch violently, some of last night’s dinner and burning stomach acid coming up. Eric appeared behind her and Natasha weakly told him to go before the next round of retches hit her. She didn’t want him to see her like this but despite parts of her hair being coated in vomit, he gently pulled her hair back and waited patiently, one hand soothingly rubbing her back as she retched and retched until nothing more would come up. Her stomach hurt, her throat burned and finally Natasha collapsed back on the cool tiles, feeling weak and drained from her bout of vomiting.

“What’s wrong baby.” Eric’s voice was filled with concern, “Is it dinner? Did something not agree with you?” He asked but Natasha shook her head.

“I think this is morning sickness.” She said, her voice hoarse from vomiting.

“Oh baby.” He dropped to the floor beside her and pulled her into his arms, despite her protests.

“Eric, don’t touch me, I smell.” She said trying to pull away from him, tears burning at the back of her eyes. He wouldn’t let her go and held her as they both sat on the cold tiles, running his hand over her hair as hot tears escaped Natasha’s tightly closed eyes and tracked their way down her cheeks.

After a while she thought it might be safe to try standing and when she went to get up, Eric rose to his feet, his arm around her, pulling her up with him. She stood for a few moments testing to see if her stomach was alright with that move and when she still felt ok, she pushed against his chest and his arms dropped away from her, releasing his hold.

“Eric please, I’ve got vomit in my hair, I stink. My mouth tastes vile, it’s too embarrassing to be held close to you right now. You must be feeling like throwing up yourself with the smell in here.” She said, but Eric just reached out and pulled Natasha back into his arms.

“Don’t be so silly baby. Sure, you’re not at your best right now, but don’t feel bad because you’ve been sick. Even I know about morning sickness and some women suffer badly from it. Hopefully you won’t be one of them.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head where thankfully there wasn’t any vomit.

Natasha had to wonder how he could possibly stand being that close to her when she’d been sick. Obviously he had a good constitution if her could handle the strong smell of vomit not only in the room but that was coming off her.

“If you’re so worried, lets take a shower then.” Eric released her, opening her shower door to turn on the taps. He tested the temperature and once he was sure it was ok, he lifted Natasha into his arms and carried her under the warm spray.

“I need a toothbrush.” She said and he stepped back out to grab her toothbrush and toothpaste before bringing them into the shower with him. He picked up the soap and gently soaped her whole body, gently massaging it into her skin, washing carefully between her legs until he was satisfied. Once he’d rinsed her all off, he began to wash her hair. Natasha just stood and let him take care of her, loving the attention. She didn’t know if Eric would stay a part of her life or not, but for now, she was just going to simply enjoy him looking after her.

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