No Boundaries (10 page)

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Authors: Donna K. Ford

BOOK: No Boundaries
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Chapter Ten

Gwen’s breath brushed Andi’s skin, trailing ripples of electricity down her neck and arms as if she had been touched. Gwen pulled away but lingered. They were so close, all Andi had to do was sway, and their lips would touch. Andi’s eyes drifted to Gwen’s mouth and Gwen’s tongue slipped across her lips.

Andi shifted on her barstool, afraid she might lean in and kiss Gwen. The desire to taste her was almost more than she could resist. She closed her eyes and pulled back, just as David came back to their table. He was singing Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer.”

“Oh, girls, you are too hot. I can feel the heat all the way across the room. How about we buy you two a beer to cool you off a little?”

Andi smiled at the young man for the first time, hiding her relief at having been interrupted and her disappointment that she hadn’t tasted Gwen’s lips. “You just want to get us tipsy so we don’t school you in pool.”

David laughed. “True, but we also wanted to make up for scaring you earlier. Bear doesn’t realize how intimidating he can be. He’s really sorry.”

Andi looked across the room at the big man. He was definitely intimidating, but she understood he wasn’t the man in her nightmares, and she couldn’t punish him for someone else’s crime. She waved him over.

“Thanks for the beer,” she said as he came up to her.

He smiled and shifted uncomfortably.

Andi saw his hesitation and discomfort. “So, I can only guess where the name Bear comes from.”

He chuckled, the ice broken. “Yeah, well, I guess I fit the description pretty well.”

“Yes,” Andi said warmly, “first impression grizzly, second impression teddy.”

Everyone laughed.

They shook hands and the tension eased.

To Andi’s surprise, she and Mark, otherwise known as Bear, got along beautifully. Once she let herself relax, she found him entertaining and playful. They teamed up against Gwen and David and won three of the four games they played. David pouted when he lost, and Mark petted and cajoled him until he relented and wrapped his gangly arms around Mark’s large frame and smacked him on the behind.

Andi kissed David lightly on the cheek as they were leaving. She realized how much she missed having friends. She’d had a good time and nothing bad had happened. It felt good to play and laugh again.

“Thanks for letting us win,” she said and winked.

David rolled his eyes. “I know my man. He loves to win, and I love to have him make it up to me.”

Andi laughed. Gwen and Mark met them at the door and they all walked out together.

At the car, Mark put his thick arms around Andi and gave her a giant hug, picking her up until her feet dangled in the air as he swung her from side to side until she laughed out loud, before setting her down again. Andi relaxed into the passenger seat, still laughing to herself.

Gwen smiled, looking over at her. “That was fun.”

Andi turned and studied Gwen, pleasantly aware of how much she had enjoyed being with her. Gwen had been patient and understanding. She had been playful, yet protective. She had made Andi laugh and forget all the hang-ups that usually got in the way of her life.

“Yes, thank you. I can’t remember the last time I had that much fun.”

“Good.” Gwen put the car in drive and headed home. As she pulled out of the parking lot she reached across and took Andi’s hand in hers.

Andi didn’t pull away. She closed her eyes and let her head relax against the headrest, sinking into the soft leather, accepting the warmth of Gwen’s fingers entwined with her own. It was dark and she knew Gwen couldn’t see her, but she could feel Gwen’s attention to her. She wondered if Gwen could sense the loosening of the tension in her muscles, the cadence of her breathing, and perhaps the pulse of her heartbeat as it thrummed through her skin.

Perhaps it was the beer or maybe the high from the laughter, but for the first time in years, Andi wasn’t afraid. All she wanted was the feel of Gwen’s hand holding hers.

Gwen pulled the SUV into the drive. “It’s still early. Do you want me to drive you home, or can I ask you to come inside for a while?”

Andi thought for a moment, considering the possibilities if she decided to stay. A thrill surged through her body as she imagined Gwen’s lips on hers and then imagined the feel, the taste of Gwen’s tongue in her mouth. She was glad Gwen couldn’t see her blushing and even more relieved she couldn’t read her thoughts.

“I’m in no hurry. We can hang out at your place for a while. I’m not ready to go home yet.”

Gwen tightened her grip on Andi’s hand. “Good,” she said, sliding the pad of her thumb across the back of Andi’s hand in a caress.

Andi knew she should move away but couldn’t bring herself to break the contact between them. Gwen just felt too good, and she was tired of fighting her own need for closeness.

“So tell me, what’s up with you and Bear?” Gwen said teasingly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you went from all-out fear at the sound of his voice to swinging full-body hugs by the end of the night. Not to mention, Miss Don’t-laugh-at-me-playing-pool—you two schooled us!”

Andi laughed. “Okay, so he was a little scary at first, but then I realized how adorable he is. He’s sweet.”

Gwen cocked her head to the side and cut her eyes to Andi. “I loved the names, Boo and Bear. That’s so Yogi.”

They got out of the car laughing. Zeek’s deep resonant voice could be heard eagerly announcing their welcome home.

Gwen fumbled with the keys, her hands shaking slightly. She was nervous, and that made her laugh at herself. When she managed to get the door open, Zeek bounced back in a frenzied dance, her big head pushing and bumping into Gwen and then Andi. Gwen finally managed to get her to go out into the backyard, where she eagerly sniffed and explored her territory.

Gwen pulled the door closed and turned back to Andi. “I swear, since we moved here, she’s been like a puppy again.”

“It’s good to see her play. She seems really happy here,” Andi added, watching the dog through the glass.

Gwen opened the refrigerator and retrieved two beers, handing one to Andi.


Gwen took a long drink from her beer as she watched Andi. She rubbed her fingers together, missing the feel of Andi’s hand in hers. The touch had felt right. This was the most relaxed she had seen Andi, and she wanted to hold on to that closeness.

“Come on. Let me show you how the house is coming,” Gwen said, and she reached out and took Andi’s hand again. She led them through the living room that was still unfinished, one corner cluttered with paint cans and drop cloths. She brought Andi to the bathroom first, where she showed off her handiwork.

“It’s beautiful,” Andi exclaimed. “I love the way you’ve been able to blend the modern and traditional styles. It seems like everything you’ve brought into the house has always belonged here.”

“I’m glad you like it. Now, check this out.” She led Andi to her office. The room was a rich gray, and two walls were floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelves with a sliding ladder.

Andi gasped and stepped inside. “I’ve always loved these old library ladders,” she said, running her fingers along the rich polished wood.

Gwen stood leaning against the door frame, watching Andi, pleased by her reaction.

“I love this room,” Andi said as she looked around at the artwork and diplomas that hung on the walls. “So this is where you do that serious work you were talking about.”

“Some of it,” Gwen said, stepping into the room and close to Andi, who continued to look around, pulling books from the shelves and looking at photographs of Zeek as a puppy.

Gwen felt the heat of Andi’s body close to hers before she actually touched her. Gwen placed a hand on Andi’s waist and leaned over her, pointing to a black-and-white photo.

“That’s me and Zeek when she was only six weeks old. I can’t believe she was ever that small.”

Andi leaned back against her, their bodies lightly touching. Gwen’s heart raced, beating a pattern in her ears and in much more intimate places. She relished the feel of Andi pressed against her breasts. Andi turned her face so her lips were only a breath away from Gwen’s. Gwen wet her lips with the tip of her tongue as she moved her hand gently up Andi’s back. She raised her hand and brushed her thumb slowly against the tender skin of Andi’s lower lip. She was mesmerized by the feel of Andi’s skin against her fingertips and wanted to caress those lips with her own.

Andi’s lips parted and Gwen heard her faint intake of breath. She watched Andi’s eyes trail across her face and watched her mouth as she moved closer. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she anticipated Andi’s lips claiming her mouth.

Andi leaned into Gwen. She felt like she was falling. The desire to touch Gwen was so strong she couldn’t stop herself. She turned her head until only breath separated her lips from Gwen’s. Gwen’s fingers brushed her lips, and she heard herself gasp. She thought she might explode if Gwen didn’t kiss her. She closed the distance between them.

Just before their lips met, a loud bellowing howl cut through the silence. Gwen’s head shot back, breaking their connection, fear and concern replaced the desire that had been in her eyes only a moment before. The withdrawal ricocheted through Andi like the snap of a whip.

“Zeek!” Gwen turned and ran from the room.

Andi was suddenly in full defense mode at the sound of fear in Gwen’s voice. She followed Gwen through the house as she raced to get to Zeek. As soon as they reached the kitchen, a foul smell began to permeate Andi’s senses. She grabbed Gwen’s arm as she reached for the door, stopping her from going outside.

“Wait, Gwen. It’s a skunk. You can’t let Zeek into the house!”

“What do I do?” Gwen croaked in a desperate plea. Gwen flinched at the sound of Zeek’s cries that had turned to the hurt whines of the wounded.

Andi could see Zeek running around the yard with her face pressed into the ground, trying to rub the offensive chemical from her eyes.

“Give me your keys,” Andi said urgently. “I have everything we need at the shop. I can be back here in five minutes. I’ll help you get her cleaned up, but you can’t go out there yet, and you can’t let her into the house.”

Gwen nodded, grabbed her keys off the counter, and thrust them into Andi’s waiting hand.




Andi sat in the kitchen. It had been a very long night, and Zeek was not a happy dog. She’d been scrubbed repeatedly and her nose and lips were blistered from the skunk spray. She lay on the kitchen floor on the cool tile, looking up at Gwen and Andi as if they’d caused all her trouble. Her big brown eyes shifted from one to the other, and her giant eyebrows danced up and down, emphasizing her dejection. She refused to eat and had to be put on a leash and taken out the front door for bathroom breaks. The backyard still smelled strongly of skunk. The sun was coming up and Andi was exhausted. She needed to get home and shower before opening the store.

Gwen sat across the table, her hands wrapped loosely around her coffee mug. Her hair was mussed and her T-shirt was inside out. She’d changed in a rush after wrestling Zeek’s wet body with the water hose.

Andi smiled as she looked at Gwen in her state of fray. She was beautiful, and she had worried all night over her dog. Briefly Andi’s thoughts drew up the memory of how Gwen’s thumb had felt on her lips and the desire smoldering in Gwen’s eyes as they’d almost kissed. She couldn’t believe how close she had come to allowing Gwen to kiss her. Even more unsettling was how desperately she had wanted Gwen to kiss her. She licked her lips, feeling the warmth spill into her, flowing through her like a current. The memory sent a shiver through her and a pulse of pleasure throbbed through her middle. Andi shifted in her seat.

The movement drew Gwen’s attention and she looked up.

“I have to go,” Andi said. “I’ll need to open the store in a couple of hours.”

Gwen’s eyes softened. “Thank you for staying and helping with Zeek. I wouldn’t have known what to do.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad I was here.” And not just because of Zeek. Andi placed her hand over Gwen’s, still cradling the coffee cup. “She’ll be okay. But unfortunately you’ll find when she gets wet over the next few months, it’ll bring out the odor again, but only faintly.”

“Great,” Gwen moaned.

Andi stood to go. She didn’t know what else to say or do.

Gwen rose with her and closed the distance between them. “I’m sorry things got a little crazy last night.”

“Oh?” Andi flinched.

“I mean, I’m sorry about what happened with Zeek. I’m not sorry about my time with you.” Gwen brought her hand to Andi’s face as she had done the night before.

Andi thought of running out the door but found her feet wouldn’t move. She took Gwen’s hand and drew it away from her face. She couldn’t trust herself to be this close to Gwen right now, not with the desire surging through her like a tidal wave. She was afraid if Gwen kissed her right now, she would wilt under her need to be touched.

“I have to go.”

Gwen sighed. “At least let me drive you home.”

“Thank you, but no. I’m just going to the shop. I’ll get things opened up, and when my part-time help comes in at twelve, I’ll go home and rest.”

“Let me take you to the store then.”

“You don’t have to do that. It’s just a couple of blocks from here. I’ll be fine. The fresh air will do me good,” she said with a laugh.

“I know, but I’m not ready to let you go,” Gwen said.

Andi looked at Gwen, surprised by the vulnerability of her admission, and she felt her resolve slip again. She didn’t have the energy to argue any longer, and if she was honest, she didn’t want to leave Gwen.

Could Gwen be more perfect? Andi sighed. “Okay, to the shop it is.”

Chapter Eleven

Andi jumped at the sound of the bell above the door. She had fallen asleep at her desk, trying to sort through her delivery orders. It had been an exhausting morning as she tried to get a grip on the feelings that had been stirred up by Gwen’s touch. No matter how she tried to distract her thoughts, her body wouldn’t cooperate. She had been aroused when Gwen had held her, and the recollection of Gwen’s thumbs skimming her lips had been enough to stoke her desire for the rest of the night and still lingered, a craving she couldn’t sate. Luckily it had been a quiet morning, and she hadn’t had to be too focused on work. She heard Morgan’s familiar humming and realized it must be time for her to come in for work. Andi was relieved. She couldn’t wait to get home, shower, and go to bed.

Morgan tapped on the open door. “Hey, Andi—” Morgan looked at her in alarm. “You look like shit. Are you all right?”

Andi chuckled. “Yes. I’m fine. I just didn’t get any sleep last night, that’s all. I was up all night helping a friend get rid of fresh skunk spray.”

“Ugh, that’s nasty,” Morgan said with a grimace. “You need to get out of here and go home.”

“That’s exactly what I intend to do. Will you be okay here by yourself?”

“Of course. I close up the store all the time. I’ll be fine. Go.”

Andi rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. She was exhausted and looked forward to sleep. She was so tired she didn’t think even her worst nightmares from the past could keep her awake. She had a lot to think about. She had let her guard down and now had to admit her growing interest in Gwen, but would it be selfish of her to get involved with Gwen, knowing she might never truly be free of her past?

When she walked out the door of her shop, squinting in the bright midday sun, she was surprised to find Gwen standing in the parking lot, leaning against her Land Rover. She had her arms folded across her chest and her legs crossed at the ankles. Andi gasped—Gwen looked so sexy standing there, in all her bravado. It was all very James Dean. Andi’s apprehension vanished at the sight.

Andi’s body stirred and she shook herself, trying to control her racing heartbeat. She walked up to Gwen, smiling. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m waiting for you.”

“And why are you waiting for me?”

“Well, for one, I wanted to see if you would really leave work like you said you would, and second, I wanted to drive you home.”

Andi studied Gwen, trying to figure her out. “Why is it so important to you to drive me home?” She recalled Gwen’s persistence earlier that she drive her home or to the shop.

“I wouldn’t be a very good date if I didn’t make sure you made it home safely.”

Andi smiled. “I thought we agreed it wasn’t a date?”

“Yes, we did, but I’d like it to be a date. And I’d like to see how soon I can see you again.”

Andi laughed and dropped her head, looking at the ground. She nervously shoved her hands into her pockets to hide their trembling.

“Don’t tell me,” Gwen said, pushing away from the truck. “I’m not your type.”

Andi shook her head, grinning.

“Boring then?”

Andi shook her head again.

“Hmm…unattractive?” Gwen said, returning the grin.

Andi laughed again. “That’s definitely not it.” God, could this woman be any sexier?

“Okay, so when can I see you again?”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

Gwen peered at Andi, her gaze warm and resolute. “Not when it’s important,” Gwen said, her voice growing serious.

Andi rocked back and forth on her heels, studying Gwen. If Gwen didn’t stop looking at her like that, she might melt right there on the spot. “All right, I’ll accept a ride home.”

Gwen smiled, moved to the passenger side of the SUV, and opened the door for Andi. Once Andi was securely inside, she jogged around the vehicle with a satisfied smile.

It was a short distance and they pulled into Andi’s driveway only minutes later. Andi watched Gwen examine her home. She watched her eyes play over the pale mint-green Hardie Board siding, the stone accents wrapping the foundation and the porch columns, and the flower gardens blanketing the front entrance. Andi knew the moment Gwen discovered the dark wood door accented by a waist-high statue of a black panther.

Gwen studied the cat quizzically but didn’t comment. She simply got out of the SUV and came to open the door for Andi.

When they walked onto the porch, Gwen was still eyeing the cat. Andi wondered how long Gwen would hold out before asking about it. She unlocked the door and invited Gwen inside. As they entered the house, Andi reached over and stroked the cat’s head.

“Good job, Theo.”

When she removed her hand the cat’s head bobbed gently.

Gwen laughed. “Is that a bobblehead panther?”

“Yes, it is. That’s Theo. He watches the house for me.” Andi grinned to herself as she walked into the living room, amused.

“That is so cool.”

Andi turned to see Gwen still standing in the door, looking at the cat.

“I’m glad you like him, but be careful not to let Goliath out.”

Gwen quickly pulled the door shut and looked around the room nervously as if expecting a real panther to come stalking into the room.

“And Goliath would be?”

“He’s my real cat. Don’t worry, he may think he’s a panther, but he’s just a sweet house cat.”

Gwen’s sigh was slightly exaggerated and the playfulness made Andi smile.

“You didn’t think I had a real panther, did you?”

“Well, I do live with Zeek. I guess there must be a cat equivalent somewhere.”

Andi laughed. “Can I get you something to drink? Tea?”


“Come on. Let me show you my favorite space and I’ll bring us some drinks.” Andi led Gwen through the living room into the kitchen and out the back door to a covered porch that looked out over a modest in-ground pool. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

Gwen sat on the porch, looking out over the glistening water. Gardens filled with vibrant colors surrounded the backyard, making her feel she was in some hidden world only read about in books. She could see why this was Andi’s favorite place. It was an oasis. From the front of the house no one could ever have guessed there was such an elaborate garden hidden within.

Andi came out carrying a pitcher of ice tea and two glasses. She took a seat in the chair next to Gwen and placed the tea on the table. She filled both glasses and handed one to Gwen.

“You have an amazing place,” Gwen said skimming her fingers across Andi’s as she took her glass.

“Thank you.”

“Did you do all this yourself?” Gwen waved her hand in the direction of the gardens.

“Yes.” Andi looked sheepishly over her glass as she took a drink of her tea.

Gwen watched Andi’s lips caress the rim of the glass as she sipped the amber liquid. Gwen’s body tingled as she watched Andi’s tongue dart out to catch the last drops of moisture. Her stomach tightened as arousal coiled in her middle. She imagined her own tongue rimming the edges of Andi’s lips, tasting the sweetness lingering on her mouth.

“How is Zeek?” Andi asked, breaking Gwen’s trance.

“She’s good. I don’t think she’ll be as eager to chase a skunk the next time. Thank you again for your help.”

“You’re welcome.” Andi sat back in her chair, closed her eyes, and sighed.

Gwen watched Andi, trying to memorize the contours of her face, the subtle curve of her jaw, the slight tilt at the tip of her nose, the way her long eyelashes curled against her cheek. There was something about Andi that captivated her. Andi was strikingly beautiful, but there seemed to be something more about this unusual woman that drew Gwen like a moth to a flame. She struggled to control the urge to reach out and touch Andi. She wanted to feel her fingers in her hair, and her lips on her skin.

Gwen set her glass down on the table, trying not to wake Andi, but Andi’s eyes flickered open at the slight clink of glass on glass.

Andi grinned. “I wasn’t asleep.”

“But you should be. I need to go, so you can rest.”

Andi sighed. “Thank you for the ride home. I’m sorry I’m not being more social.”

“Not a problem. It wasn’t exactly how I would have preferred to keep you up all night, but I did enjoy your company.” Gwen’s face grew hot at her own forwardness. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

Andi thought it sounded perfect. She held out her hand when Gwen stood. Gwen took her hand and pulled her up and out of her chair, sliding her left arm around Andi’s waist as she held her hand in her right. Andi felt Gwen’s breasts pressed against her own and the feel of Gwen’s body warmed her.

Their lips were so close, Andi could feel Gwen’s breath.

“Gwen…” Andi reflexively began to protest. Her words implied no, but the subtle shift of her body against Gwen and her imploring gaze said yes.

“Is it too much to ask for a good night kiss?”

Andi’s eyes drifted to Gwen’s lips and she breathed a barely audible sigh. She nodded a welcome, and before she could say a word, Gwen kissed her.

Gwen’s lips were unbelievably soft. Andi savored the taste of sweet tea lingering on Gwen’s mouth, making her want to taste more. As Gwen’s tongue brushed her lips, she opened and invited Gwen inside. Gwen’s tongue met hers with tender strokes that brought her desire roaring to life as pleasure pulsed through her blood, making her middle grow tense and her legs grow weak.

Andi surrendered to the feel of Gwen’s lips as if she were brushing against a delicate flower, tasting its nectar. She pulled Gwen inside her, tasting the succulent essence of her mouth. She accepted Gwen into her, her own tongue meeting Gwen’s with heartbreaking tenderness, urging her deeper into her mouth. It had been so long since she had kissed a woman, so long since she had experienced the floating, soaring sensation brought on by a woman’s touch. Andi’s body cried out for Gwen, reawakened after the long absence of touch.

Gwen drew away and breathed deeply, inhaling Andi’s scent into herself.

“Now that was worth waiting for.”

Andi let her head drop lightly against Gwen’s shoulder. Her legs were weak. She tried to steady her breathing as her heart threatened to pound out of her chest. She hadn’t meant for this to happen. But now that Gwen had kissed her, she couldn’t stop herself from wanting more. And if one kiss could do this to her, she knew she would be in real trouble if she allowed anything more to happen between them.

“You need to go home and rest,” Andi said pushing lightly against Gwen’s shoulders and taking a step back. She could feel Gwen’s hands slide down her back and around her sides, further igniting the ache low in her center.

Gwen groaned. “Yeah, I guess I should go. You must be exhausted.” She took Andi’s hand and squeezed. “I’ll see you soon.”

Andi only nodded. She had no idea what she was doing. But she knew she would be seeing Gwen again, and she couldn’t wait.




Andi fell asleep almost at the instant her head hit the pillow. She was warm, and her body felt light from the lingering feel of Gwen holding her in her arms, her soft lips claiming her mouth. The light in the room was dim when she woke. She brushed the back of her hand across her face and turned to see the clock.

She stared at the glowing numbers in disbelief. It was six o’clock in the morning. She turned to study the light growing faintly through her windows. It couldn’t be morning. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so long, or so soundly. She smiled, pushing back into her pillow. There had been no haunting dreams, no paralyzing fear. She had simply slept, content and peaceful.

Thoughts of Gwen drifted lazily into her mind. The sudden rush of heat between her thighs made her moan. She pressed her hand between her legs and rolled over, laughing.
I can’t believe what this woman does to me.
Reluctantly, she threw back the covers and headed for the shower.

She hardly noticed her surroundings on her bike ride to work. The air that brushed against her face was refreshing and she found a persistent smile pressing at the corners of her mouth. Her steps felt light as she walked across the wooden floor into the shop and tossed her bag on her desk in her office.

The sound of the bell above the door made her look up.

Mrs. Peterson was ambling through the door, pulling a not-so-willing basset hound behind her. “Come on, Churchill, you stubborn old cuss.”

Reluctantly the dog followed her inside.

“Hello, Mrs. Peterson. What can I do for you and Churchill today?”

“We just stopped by to see if you had a fresh batch of those banana treats Churchill likes so much. He ran out yesterday, and he’s been refusing to do anything but chew my garden shoes all morning.”

Andi laughed as she looked down to see the hole that had been chewed in the side of Mrs. Peterson’s shoe. Two of her toes were sticking out the side, showing chipped red nail polish.

“You’re in luck, Churchill. I just baked a batch yesterday. I’ll just go back and scoop out a bag.”

As Andi turned to go to the back room, she could hear Mrs. Peterson scuttling along behind her.

“You know,” Mrs. Peterson started, “I noticed a strange car at your place yesterday. I thought about calling the police, but before I could get back to the house, it left. Was everything all right?”

Andi knew Mrs. Peterson was just snooping for information. Norris was a small town and everyone knew everyone’s business, usually because of Mrs. Peterson’s keen observation and determination to be the first to ferret out the news. But Andi knew her intentions were harmless and she was amused by the old woman’s antics. “Yes, everything is fine. That was just a new friend of mine stopping by for a visit.”

“Hmm. Haven’t seen that car around here before, looked like out of town plates to me.”

“That’s right,” Andi replied vaguely. She was enjoying making Mrs. Peterson work for the information.

“Awful short visit for someone to come all that way.”

“Not really. Her name is Gwen Palmer—she moved to Norris a few weeks ago.”

“Oh, I thought I heard the boys at the diner saying something about a stranger in town. Guess that’s her. Didn’t she buy the old Harman place?”

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