Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1)
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Nick withdrew completely, and I heard my whimper. Dropping down next to me, he smiled and moved my leg over his hip. He tugged me even closer and with an adjustment, slid himself back inside. There wasn’t as much ability to move, but this felt so much more intimate than him looming over me, or me over him. We were equals here.

His thrusts were not nearly as deep, but the tug and pull on my clitoris was much more powerful. It freed his hands to pull me close, caress my back, palm my breast, tease the tender area on my sides. And he took full advantage of that, over and over as he moved just as much as I needed to feel him inside me.

“You are so soft.” He breathed in my ear. “Touchable. Real.”

“There are moments when I can hardly believe this
real.” I massaged my fingers into his back, into the dimples just above that wonderful backside.

“A thousand women could stand in a room, and I would only see you.”

I didn’t know if it was his words, his touch, his gentle movement, but the climax took me whole and shattered me against him. I didn’t expect it and his name flowed out of me as the consuming waves of delight and joy spread through my whole body, tightening, loosening every fiber of my being. “Nick!”

He seemed as surprised by it as I was, but his body was in harmony and as I started to come back to my senses, he peaked, and I could feel him press harder, deeper into me. His breath stuttered and his glorious chest heaved, arching into me and crushing me closer to him. “Oh, Morgan...” The name was a whisper as his lips sought mine. The kiss was not burning passion, but a deep, consuming connection between us. We were equal in that kiss, in this sharing of selves.

I never wanted to leave his bed. I never wanted to leave his arms. I never wanted to leave him.


ave you talked to Lisa?” Nadine was on the other side of the phone, and her voice was disapproving, but not of me or of Lisa.

I yawned and stretched, looking over at the extremely sexy man lying next to me in the bed. He was naked under the blanket and after what had happened just a few minutes before, I wasn’t really interested in talking to Nadine at that moment. But I knew I couldn’t ignore her call at eight a.m. on Sunday morning. She didn’t do things like this. “I haven’t. Why? What’s going on?”

“You guys got a hate package at the door this morning.”

“What? On a Sunday?”

“She called me because she didn’t want to bother you.” Nadine sighed. “I made her call Franz. Are you two sure this is Dominic? Because what we found in that box was really threatening.”

“What did you find?” My voice had gone quiet. All along we thought Dominic was just being a jerk. Both Lisa and I had some baggage, and I feared it could be one of our pieces of luggage come back to haunt us. After what went down with our phones, and Nadine’s tone on the other end of the line, I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on.

“I’ll send you the picture. Morgan, this is too much now. We
to bring the police in on this. Franz wants to. This stuff is goddamn scary and it’s just getting worse. I mean, how many threats have you gotten in the past week?”

“Fifty-one, as of this morning.”

“And you’re really not taking this seriously?”

“Dee, you’re scaring the fuck out of me. What’s going on?”

“When you see this picture, you’ll understand.”


“Promise me you aren’t going to go anywhere alone. Just... bring someone with you. Don’t give me that karate speech, either. You’ll see why. Promise?”

“I promise.” Nick was watching me quietly. I could see concern in his eyes and I didn’t know how to quell it. I didn’t know if I should.

“Are you still at his house?”

“You woke me up.” I rubbed my eyes. “What time did you leave?”

“Four a.m.,” she said. “Stat kept us supplied well.”

“Of course he did,” I said with a smirk.

“And what time did you get to sleep?”

“Last night? We had a little heart to heart.” I looked at Nick. “But this morning... Well. Let’s just be glad you called when you did.”

“Damn it.” She cursed at me, but I could hear the laugh in her tone. “I have got to learn not to ask you that shit.” Nadine let out a breath. “All right. Be safe, and I’m serious—be careful. With this maniac and with your sex god. Okay?”


“I’ll talk to you later.” I pressed the end button, and put the phone face down on the night table.

Nick had my hand in his a second later. “What’s going on?”

“Lisa and I have been getting threatening letters and phone calls for about a month. We’re sure, or we
pretty sure it was just her ex being an asshole. Apparently, whatever arrived this morning threw Lisa and Nadine off. So much so that Dee called Franz.”

The phone vibrated. I was almost afraid to pick it up and turn it over. But I did and I flipped through the phone until I got to Dee’s newest message, with the picture in it. I tapped on it to bring it up on the screen alone.

Dominic would never do something like this.

There were two little voodoo dolls inside the box. One was clearly me and the other Lisa. Lisa’s was wearing her favorite robe, and mine had on Hello Kitty. The ankles and wrists were bound and tied together. There was a blindfold over each little set of eyes. There was a noose around each tiny neck. And both of these little dolls had clearly been set on fire and extinguished only so we could identify the threat.

Nick took the phone and looked at the picture. He zoomed in and zoomed out. “This is not a lightly veiled threat, Morgan.”

“I’m an officer of the court, I should expect some of this at some point in my life.” I put a hand to my head. “This is too much for Dominic. He’s an asshole, but he would
go this far.”

He tapped a finger on the side of the phone. “Can you get these to me?”

“Franz called the police. They’ll have them.”

“Good then. Paul and I can work on them.”


“Doctor Wainwright.” He looked up. “He and I work together a lot. We can do some analysis and see if we get any DNA hits off of it, or if there are any unique chemicals that have traceable signatures and lots.”

I paused and stared at him. “I forget sometimes.”

“Forget what?”

I lowered my voice “That at the opposite end of that magnificent dick is a brain just as formidable.”

He swallowed hard. “Talk like that, kitten, and we’re not getting out of bed.”

“That’s a problem how?”

“I am really starting to enjoy your dirty mind.” He handed the phone back to me, but didn’t let it go. “Morgan, I don’t think either of you should stay there this week. I want you to come stay with me, all week. Starting now. We’ll get Nicole out of there too.”

The phone chirped and I looked down to see a text message.

I don’t want either of you in that apartment this week.

Nick lifted his eyebrows. “See?”

You and your sister can stay at North Hills or Galloping Ridge. Your choice.

Nick let my hand go so I could answer.

Actually, I have a place. I’m going to stay with Dr. Dovadsky.


My boyfriend.

“Tell Franz who I am, and give him my phone number.”

“Are you sure?”

“He’s worried about you, he’s your boss and clearly a friend, so yes. I’m sure.” He tapped on the back of the phone. “And tell him you’re picking up your clothes and coming to my place after class tonight.”

“What about my cat?”

“You have a cat?” He was genuinely stunned. “I didn’t see any cats when I was there.”

“That’s because you were busy petting another pussy.” I grinned. “Seriously. I can’t leave Dervish alone.”

“No, you can’t. Just didn’t expect you to have a cat.”

“Dervish and I adopted each other. I guess Dervish can stay—”

He shook his head. “No, bring the cat, too. If they don’t get along, Butter can hang in the bedroom.”

“So...a week of clothes and my cat.”

“And tell Franz what’s going on.”

Done. I’m going to refuse my pussy a chance to play at his house?

Chapter 22


ill you stop?” Emmy commanded. She had phrased it as question, but there was no option for disobeying. I’d seen Emmy do it a few times; she was a Domme through and through and was clearly what Lisa needed at that moment. Lisa was bouncing on her feet. For the first time in my life, I’d wished she was wearing a leash. I would have pulled hard and had her sit. Emmy managed without the leash.

Lisa settled instantly. Nadine let out a breath as did Chantal and Heather. Ally snorted and stuck her tongue out at her sister. “Told’ja.” Emmy returned the gesture. A pang of regret stole through me watching the two sisters, and I squelched it with a shot of tequila and a smile at my sister. We’d get there, eventually.

We sat around one of the reserved tables at the back of the club. Allison and I had cooked up the whole thing, after deciding the typical bachelorette party wasn’t going to work for the former Prima domme of Club Imperial. Someone who used to satisfy the needs of men who needed to be dominated for sexual gratification probably wouldn’t find too much joy in a strip club.

The whole group of women with me were popping excitedly anyway. Nick was going to have us all come back after the second set that night, and let them hang with everyone. I’d started to get over the thrill of hanging with Silver Soul so I was just excited to get to see my boyfriend.

Dave tried to keep me out of the dressing room every time I went back to see Nick. But Nick made sure Oliver, the owner, told all the bouncers I had unfettered access. The battle with Dave each and every time always made the weekend a little sucky, but since I was spending almost every weekend with him, we had plenty of time to get over it. Together.

The phone calls and text messages were just as bad as they’d ever been. We weren’t really any closer to figuring the whole thing out. Stat couldn’t track anything; everything done had been traced behind with a virus that wiped out what the person had done. I thought that went a very long way to eliminating Dominic from our pool, because he was too much of an idiot to come up with something so complicated, but Lisa wasn’t as convinced as I was.

One of the waiters came over with eight mugs of beer and put them all down. He had two extra mugs, full of root beer, for Nicole and Allison. “Courtesy of the band, ladies.”

“Nice!” Chantal grabbed hers right away. “You always get free beer here?”

“Nick usually has a standing tab.” I grabbed my own beer. “Oliver takes it right out of the box take, so I try not to abuse it.”

“I still cannot believe that you are dating Nick D,” Rachelle said.

“I am, and I have trouble believing it myself.” I took a draught of the dark liquid. “But it sure is fun. And he’s hot.”

“That he is,” Lisa agreed.

“How’s that whole threatening message thing going?” Emmy asked.

I pulled out my phone. “Let’s see. I’ve gotten forty-nine threatening messages in the past three days.” I slipped it back in my pocket. “Lisa?”

“I’m up to fifty-two!” She scrolled through the phone. “Oh, wait! Look! I just got another email. That’s fifty-three.” She rolled her eyes and put the phone back in her purse.

“How about, how is the new do—uh, boyfriend,” Cece asked. We had agreed earlier to keep most of the straight talk about the club and lifestyle to a minimum around Nicole and Allison.

Lisa rubbed her wrist unconsciously, and smiled broadly. “I had no idea what I was missing out on with Dominic. It’s so wonderful to have someone who knows what they’re doing and aren’t macho assholes about it.”

“Long term?” Emmy asked.

“Nah,” she said. “It’s fun, but I don’t see him as a forever kind of guy. I’m looking for more of a twenty-four-seven kinda guy. He’s more like a fuck buddy.”

“Can you have a fuck buddy?” Allison’s question was humorously innocent.

“It’s more common in the lifestyle than anywhere else,” Cece answered. She blanched and looked at Nicole, who had a hand over her laugh, and Allison, who was just batting her eyelashes at us. “Whoops. Sorry.”

I noticed that Emmy squirmed a bit. I glanced over and for the first time since I’d known her, Emmy looked distinctly uncomfortable talking about her lifestyle. I raised my eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes and answered, “She’s my little sister. It’s bad enough she knows about it, she doesn’t really need the details of it.”

“Em, I’m ok with it,” Allison said.

“Ally, I’m not.” Her temper flared a bit.

“This is your bachelorette party.” Allison poked her hard. “You need to chill and enjoy the hot dudes on stage and drink beer and just relax. You’re like an old biddy at twenty-four. Chill. If I want to learn more about the lifestyle, I’ll make sure not to ask you.”

“Unless it’s about whips.” I took a swallow of my beer, hiding the laugh

“Yeah, I have to agree there.” Cece also grabbed her beer to take a drink for the same reason.

“I’m gonna put that to a vote.” Chantal also went for the beer-swig cover.

“All in favor?” Lisa called.

“Aye!” All eight of us raised a hand.

“You all
.” Emmy laughed, flicking a peanut shell at my head.

“Only my boyfriend would know.” I stuck my tongue out. And then I blanched because my little sister was sitting there. I turned to find her shaking with silent laughter.

“Nice!” Allison giggled at my answer.

Emmy put another shot in front of me and in front of her. “New rule. Every time someone brings up the club at this party, you have to take a shot. Drink, bitch.”

“Fuck you.” I grabbed and tossed it back.

Emmy laughed and followed me back. Heather had put a crown on Emmy when we walked in, and it fell right off as we downed the shots. She looked down at it and giggled. “Dropped my halo.”

Cece threw her head back and roared with laughter at that one. “You never had a halo!”

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