Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga Book 2)
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But I was not to be deterred. My woman wouldn’t just come today. She would keep coming and keep coming until her body was so sated, so exhausted, she could do nothing except fall asleep against me.

After that orgasm though, she scooted herself upward, breaking my suction on her pussy with a loud smack. “Talon, I can’t take it anymore. I have to have your cock. Please. Now.” She sat up and grabbed fistfuls of my green T-shirt, pulling it up my torso.

This time I couldn’t say no. I raised my arms and let her rid me of the shirt. Then she unbuckled my belt, unsnapping and unzipping my jeans before pushing them and my boxer briefs over my hips.

Her silvery eyes turned a smoky gray as she glared at me. “Now,” she said through clenched teeth.

Without even taking off my boots and jeans, I pushed her back on the bed and thrust into her welcoming warmth.

Oh, the glory, the glory of finding the one who had been sculpted just for me. For that’s what Jade was. No one gripped me like she did. No one gloved me like she did. I thrust inside her, and then I had to wait, willing myself to hold off. I wanted to plunge into her one more time and release my seed inside her.

Like an animal, I wanted to spread my seed, impregnate my mate.

She was on the pill, so that wouldn’t happen. I had never wanted children before, but the thought of her swelling with my child excited me, surged through me like primal joy.

I pulled out and thrust in again, and she sighed beneath me, that soft sigh that always escaped her like a sweet breeze when I entered her.

I brought my mouth down to hers and kissed her deeply, our tongues twirling together, letting her taste her own flavor from my mouth. She kissed me back with so much fervor, so much passion, that I thought I would come right there.

But again I held off. Determined to make this last. Determined to make this about her for once—not about me.

She moved her thighs upward so her knees were right at my armpits. God, the angle was so deep, so perfect. I thrust and I thrust and I thrust once more, and then, with an explosion of stars behind me, I released into her honeyed pussy.

My breath came in rapid pants as I held fast, not moving, just letting my cock stay embedded in her wet heat.

Emotion swirled thick around me, gutting me. And when I finally opened my eyes, hers were piercing me with that silvery-steel gaze.

I could no longer stop the words.

“God, Jade, I love you. I love you so much.”

Chapter Eighteen

he warmth
of a summer day burst through me. Had I heard him right? I didn’t want to ask, for fear he might take the words back. Perhaps they’d only been said in the throes of his orgasm.

No. That couldn’t be. Talon was too closed off, too walled in to bring forth words he didn’t mean.

As I stared into his dark, blazing eyes, I knew he had spoken the truth.

As much as I wanted to ask him to repeat the words, to say them over and over again until I tired of hearing them… What a crock. I would never tire of hearing them.

But I wouldn’t ask him to repeat them. They had been hard for him to say, I could tell. The last thing I wanted was for him to take them back or regret saying them. I wasn’t going to be one of those needy women who had to hear her lover profess his devotion over and over again.

I had been that way with Colin.

But with Colin…

Things had never been like this with Colin.

As much as I’d thought I was in love with Colin, those feelings paled next to what I felt for Talon now. Never had such a primitive force taken me over, demanded obedience…demanded Talon. It was lust, it was desire, it was passion, and it was…
. Love like I’d never known or imagined.

I simply smiled at Talon and hoped the smile said what I feared my words couldn’t.

He stroked my cheek and pressed his lips gently against mine. Then he rose and sat on the bed next to my supine form. He removed his boots and socks and then his jeans and underwear, which were still down around his knees. He lay next to me, still silent. For once, the silence seemed natural. I reveled in it, in the emotion that was thick around us, in the love we shared.

I didn’t delude myself into thinking this could be something permanent…even though I wished with everything in me that it could be. Talon still had too much he needed to work out, and plus… What would he think when he found out I was investigating him and his family for Larry?

What a conundrum. I didn’t want to quit my job. I needed it, even though I didn’t have a lot of respect for my boss. And on a personal level, I wanted to know more about Talon and his family. I wanted to know why he had tried to get himself killed overseas when he was saving all of those troops.

Something poisoned him inside, and he needed to work through that before we could even think about being together in the long-term.

But for now, I simply wanted to lie next to him, feel his closeness, his warmth. With all my soul, I wanted to help him through whatever was nagging at him. I just wasn’t sure he was ready for that yet. I would have to be content to do for him what I could at the moment, and that was to be here for him. To love him. To let him know how important he was to me.

“I meant it,” he said.

I smiled again, looking to the ceiling. “So did I.”

He turned to me, got up on his shoulder with his head in his hand. “But I don’t know if I can…”

I pressed two fingers to his lips. “Don’t worry about anything right now. Just know that I love you, and I don’t have any expectations. All I need to know right now is that you love me. We don’t have to think about anything past the end of today. At least not yet.”

He cleared his throat. “Well, there is one thing I do need to talk to you about.”

His gaze was intense and fiery, his eyes serious.

“All right. What is it?”

“I don’t want you to get a tattoo.”

The calming love permeating me morphed into a defensive knot in my gut. “Why not?”

“I just don’t.”

I sighed, willing the calm to return…and failing. I had been dreaming of a tattoo for years. I loved them, and I really felt that they could tell a story, be a part of me inherently. “I don’t understand. Why would you have anything against a tattoo?”

“I hate tattoos.”

“Then you don’t have to get one.”

He sat up, clearly agitated, gripping the bed clothes. “I would never mar my body like that.”

“That’s your choice, Talon. And I respect it. I just need you to respect mine. I think tattoos are beautiful when done tastefully. And I do plan to get one.”

“I forbid it.”

This time
sat up, the defensive knot rising into indignation. “Did I just hear you forbid me to do something?”

He looked at me, his eyes glaring. “That’s correct. I forbid it.”

I let out a laugh and shook my head. “I really can’t believe you just said that. You can’t forbid me from getting a tattoo.”

“I just did, didn’t I?”

I stood and gathered my clothes. “I do love you, Talon.” Oh, I did. In spite of everything. “But if this is how a relationship with you is going to be, I’m not sure I can participate.”

He grabbed me and tossed me down on the bed. He turned me over so I was facedown, and he slapped one cheek of my ass hard.

He covered my body with his and bit into my neck. I jolted, the pleasure-pain so intense, it rolled through me like a whirlwind.

He whispered into my ear, “I won’t have your beautiful body marred by that horrible image.”

Horrible image? A phoenix rising from ashes? It was a beautiful image with meaningful symbolism. Why did he hate it so much? He had reacted so violently to the outline the other night. Something about the phoenix bothered him. What could it be?

I would find out, but right now, with his warm body covering mine, my pussy was starting to get wet again.

His rock-hard cock jabbed against the crease of my ass. God, what his body did to mine. My skin tautened, and my core throbbed. I knew he was ready to take me again, and I also knew I wouldn’t resist.

He slid his cock slowly into me.

“You will not get that tattoo, do I make myself clear?”

I didn’t answer, my body so full of heat and desire.

“Your body is mine, Jade. Mine. You will not ink it up.”

He thrust again, filling me, completing me.

In that moment, I might’ve agreed to anything. But I kept my lips shut. The throes of passion would not overwhelm me.

Before I knew it, I was releasing into an explosive orgasm. I bit my lip, moaning, grasping fistfuls of the comforter.

“Mine,” he chanted. “Mine, mine, mine.”

He kept fucking me, harder and harder, and my pussy began to burn. I wanted more and more and more and more…until another climax overtook me.

Again I fisted the comforter, molded to the sheets.

“Take it, Jade. Take me. Take all of me. You’re mine, Jade. Mine.”

He pushed hard once more, and then, my pussy so sensitive from two explosive climaxes, I felt every spasm of his cock as he released into me.

His perspiration dripped on my neck, my shoulders, and I relished it as the droplets rivered down my skin.

When he finally pulled out, he rolled off me and lay on his back with his arm over his forehead, his standard post-coital position. I turned onto my back as well but slid the other way so that our bodies were not touching.

As much as I wanted to roll into his arms, I had to figure out a way to deal with this tattoo business. I had every intention of still getting a tattoo. Was it just the image that he objected to? Or was it a tattoo in general?

Surely he had come across tattoos before. He had been in the military, for God’s sake. Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t have one himself.

I kept quiet for now, breathing in, still relaxing in the afterglow from my two orgasms.

My feet were dangling at the end of the bed, and soon I felt a warm tongue on them. I let out a giggle, sat up, and found Roger licking at my toes. I pulled him up onto the bed and gave him a hug. “Such a good boy. So cute.” I stroked his furry little face.

Talon still lay faceup, his arm across his eyes. I released Roger, and the dog bounded straight to his master, licking at his chest and face. No doubt he was nice and salty from all the perspiration.

With his free hand, Talon reached out and petted Roger, still not opening his eyes or moving his other arm.

I loved how much Talon adored this little guy. A man who loved dogs—was there anything better? I had never trusted people who didn’t like dogs. I personally loved them, and I’d missed having one in my life the last seven years during college and law school. I doubted that Sarah would let me have one in that tiny little apartment I rented above beauty shop. If I still lived here, I’d have Roger to greet me every day when I came home.

If I still lived here, I’d have a lot of things that I missed.

Talon didn’t appear to have any intention of moving. Now probably wouldn’t be a good time to bring up the tattoo again. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I should go now, Talon,” I said. “It’s Saturday, and I have tons of errands to run.”

He grunted.

I put my clothes on, gave Roger another quick pet, and—

Crap. I had no way to get home.

I sat down on the bed again and nudged Talon. “Talon, can you drive me home?”

He didn’t move his arms. “Just take the Mustang. The keys are in the little ceramic pot in the kitchen where they always are. I don’t mind you using it, and I know Marj doesn’t.”

“Really, I don’t want to impose.”

Eyes still covered. “Look, I wish you were still staying here, okay? I asked you to come back. At least take the car. You need transportation.”

I swallowed. He was right. I did need transportation. I was spending way too much on cab fare, although George was probably deliriously happy.

“All right. Thank you. That’s very generous.”

He grunted again.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed the keys, and left.

* * *

efore heading back
to my apartment, I decided to stop at Toby’s. Maybe I could find a different image, one that wouldn’t upset Talon so much. Haley was at the front desk.

“Haley,” I said, “I’m really sorry I had to dart out of here the other night.”

She looked at me oddly, biting her lip, playing with the dangling hoop. “Let me go get Toby.”

“What for?”

She didn’t answer, just walked to the back and returned with a young blond guy.

“This is Toby. Toby, Jade, the woman who was in the other night wanting the phoenix tattoo.”

“Hi, Toby,” I said. “I wanted to look through the books and see if I could find a different image for my tat. I had some…issues with the first one.”

Toby shook his head. “I’m sure Haley explained things to you.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Haley didn’t say anything to me. What do you mean?”

Toby cleared his throat, his features uneasy. “I’m sorry, Ms. Roberts. We can’t.”

“Can’t what? What do you mean?”

“What I mean is…we can’t help you with a tattoo here.”

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