Of Minds and Language (80 page)

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Authors: Pello Juan; Salaburu Massimo; Uriagereka Piattelli-Palmarini

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Chee, M. W. L. et al 347

Cherniak, Chris 380

Chierchia, Gennaro 150

chimpanzees, similarity to humans 302–303

Chinese, morphological marking of plurals 82–83

Chomsky, Noam

adjectives 219–220

apes 322

biolinguistics 44–46

Conditions on Transformations
197, 404

EPP 55–56

FSG / PSG 131, 191–193

island constraints 159, 163

language acquisition model 256–257, 270

Merge 52–55, 132–133

P&P approach 212

poverty of the stimulus 262

recursion 181–182, 341–343

SMT 126–127

Christianity and moral judgment 314–315

chromatin 99

Chung, Sandra 160, 164–166

Church's thesis 389

Conceptual-Intentional systems

Cinque, G. 138
, 164–165, 218–219

Clark, Robin 258–259, 271

classical molecular genetics 98

clauses, uniformity of 167

Clayton, N., Yu, K. S., and Dickinson, A. 61–63, 69

see also
Emery, N. J. and Clayton, N.

clitics 200–201

Closure Positive Shift (CPS) 367, 373

coconut experiment 305–307

cognitive psychology, advent of 59

cognoscitive powers 27, 381–382

Collins, C. 135

combinatorial semantics 148, 322

combined violation 376

communication and shared cognoscitive powers 27

comparative analysis of genes and behavior 302

comparative syntax 212–213

complement clauses and structural Case 170

Complementizer Phrases (CPs) 129

complex concept 124

complex predicates 151–152

complicated syntax 183

component placement optimization 111, 116

compositional language 129

compositionality 142–145

compression problem 175–176

computation of syntactic-semantic objects 33

computational system 26–28, 31, 304, 387

vs. communication device 303

of syntax 128

computers, advent in language studies 14

Concatenate and Copy 48, 51

concatenation 51–52

concept acquisition problem 253

Concepts and Consequences
(Chomsky) 262

conceptual evolution 76

conceptual information vs. intentional information 124

Conceptual-Intentional (C-I) systems 126–127, 134–135, 137–138

conceptual interface 140

conceptual representations, linguistic 82

conceptual structures 226

conceptual system vs. vocal imitation in monkeys 308

concreteness in lexical acquisition 241–242

Conditions on Transformations
(Chomsky) 197, 404

configurationality parameters 215–216

connectivity matrix 114

Connolly, T. and Zeelemberg, M. 322

consciousness 88, 92

consequences vs. intentionality 323

consonant intervals vs. dissonant intervals 317, 327

Contact Principle 312–313

context-free grammars 390–391

context sensitivity 238

copying operation 48, 52–53

core domains 226–231, 381, 384–385

vs. “hell on wheels” 383

core mechanisms 302

core proteins 99

corpus callosum (CC) 369–371

damage 376–377

counting vs. labeling 231–232

CP (categorical perception) 84, 334–335

CPs (Complementizer Phrases) 129

CPS (Closure Positive Shift) 367, 373

Crain, S. and Thornton, R. 160–161

credal verb interpretation 249

Crick, Francis 89

criterial heads 158

critical period 283–284

for L2 acquisition 344

“crossed” hemisphere 375

cytoarchitectonics of Broca's area 194

Dally, J. M. et al 64

Damasio, Antonio 320–321

Darwin, Charles 23–24, 40

Darwin's Problem 45, 46–47

Dative Case 171–172

Davidson, D. 153–154

Deacon, Terrence 408

dead reckoning 65

Decade of the Brain 17

declarative sentences 56

degeneracy 92–93

dendrites, optimality 110

derivational processes 286

Descartes, R. 59, 60, 124–125

Descartes' Problem 44–45

The Descent of Man
(Darwin) 45

designated minimal elements 131

Determiner Phrases (DPs) 129

determiners in L 2 351

diffusion tensor imaging technique 190

dimension in simple sentence structure 173

disambiguation 245

(Descartes) 124–125

discourse and syntax 130

discrete infinity

language as a system of 34

and recursion 387

dissonant intervals vs. consonant

intervals 317, 327

distinctive feature theory 396

diversity vs. unity in language evolution 23–24

DNA 98–99

methylation 100, 102

doctrine of double effect 312

domains 225–230

Donati, Caterina 53, 55

Dornhaus, Anna 72

double violation condition 362–363

Dover, G 38–40, 102–105, 302, 397–398

DPs (Determiner Phrases) 129

, neuronal behavior 92

dual conceptions 242–245

dual perceptions 243

duality of semantic interpretation 127

dysgranular area (BA 44) 186

E-languages and I-languages 276, 408–409

E-position 152–154

E-universals and I-universals 196–197

early left anterior negativity (ELAN) 360–365, 364, 374–375

Eccles, Sir John 60–61

ECM (Exceptional Case Marking) 393

ECP (Empty Category Principle) 42

edge features 161–162, 181, 183

Eimas, P. D. et al 334

Einstein, Albert 35

electroencephalography (EEG) 354, 359

Elman, Jeffrey 392

ellipsis, grammatically determined 274

evaluation measure

Emery, N. J. and Clayton, N. 64

Emonds, Joseph 156

emotional prosody 371–372

empiricist epistemology 58

Empty Category Principle (ECP) 42

empty set 32

empty verbs 145

endocentricity 47–48

entailments and events 137

epigenetics 98–103

vs. genetics 102

episodic memory, in jays 61–63

epistasis 104

Epstein, S. D. and Seeley, T. D. 279

EPP (Extended Projection Principle) 278–280, 285

idiosyncratically English 55–56

Ernst, T. B. 137

“escape hatches” for movement 159

ethology 45

evaluation measure (EM) 257, 262, 268

event-denoting semantic units 129

event-related brain potential (ERP) 359–365

events and entailments 137

evo-devo theory 41, 106

evolution 85–86

of cells 38–39

from single variant 301

of language 19, 22–25, 29–30, 41, 46, 75

evolutionary psychology 45

Exceptional Case Marking (ECM) 393

executive systems 130

explanatory adequacy 19, 25

extended argument system 138

Extended Projection Principle (EPP)

Extended Standard Theory 211–212

External-Agent principles 224

external argument 53–54

external Merge 28, 156

externalism 152

externalization 386

mechanisms for 308

extraction 165–166

eye-tracking 373

eyes, evolution 39

false belief and true belief 249–250

familial left-handers (FLH) 282–284, 375

fasciculus longitudinalis superior 190

fast mapping of new words 255

feedback in birds and bees 71–72

Felser, C. 160

filtering generalizations 294

finite automata 15, 390–392

finite-state grammar (FSG, Grammar I) 174, 184, 186, 193, 337

vs. local dependency 192

vs. phrase structure grammar 186–187, 338

first person phenomenon 93

Fisher, C. et al 246

Fitch, Tecumseh 75, 173, 184

and Hauser, M. D. 338

FLB/FLN 47, 50, 83, 101, 102, 193, 197, 303

Flege, Jim 351

FLH (familial left-handers) 282–284, 375

floodlight quality in human reasoning 70

flow optimization 111

Fodor, Janet 105–107, 324–325, 355, 375, 385–387, 393–394, 408

Fodor, Jerry 151, 381, 396, 409

foraging in bees 72–73

force-directed placement algorithm 112

foundational abstractions and non-human behavior 61

frameworks for animate and inanimate objects 224

Frank, R. and Kapur, S. 276

Frazier, Lynn 355

free will, biological basis 93

Frege 149


inversion of subject 159

past participle agreement 160

Friederici, A. D. et al 339

frontal operculum (FOP) 187, 190, 191, 340, 356, 358, 365–367, 376

frozen accidents 89

finite-state grammar

functional heads 157–158

fundamental structure-building operation 156

fusiform gyrus 346

Galilean laws vs. Aristotelian laws 195–196

Gallistel, Randy

animal behavior 27, 173–174, 304, 391

and Kant 381

recursion 180

ganglion-level connectivity map 113

garden path sentence 384

Gehring, W. J. 39

Gelman, R.

core domains 380–381, 383–384

language acquisition 94–95

music 327–328

natural numbers 181–182

representation 71

see also
Hartnett, P. and Gelman, R.; Massey, C. M. and Gelman, R.

general cognitive strategies 56

generation of language 387

generative grammar 19–20, 25, 196, 285

origin 14

generative principle in semantics 123, 128

generic quantifier 147

genes, seven stripes of activity 88

genetic algorithm 112

genetic analysis 38–40

genetic drift 86

genetic mechanisms, ancient 301

genetic modules, shared 89

genetics vs. epigenetics 102


“bottleneck” 116

encoding 108

Gentner, T. Q. et al 339, 391

Georgiades, M. S. and Harris, J. P. 244


repeated interrogatives 160

as a scramble language 358

gestalt model of learning 293

gestural imitation 322

Gibson, E. and Wexler, K. 259–260, 273

Gilovitch, T. and Kahneman, D. 322

Gleitman, Lila 56, 324–325, 373, 385, 394–395, 402–403

see also
Landau, B. and Gleitman, L. R.

Golestani, N. et al 347

Gopnik, A. 253

Gordon, Peter 207–211

Gould, Stephen Jay 46, 49

Government and Binding Theory 131

Grammar I
finite-state grammar

Grammar II
phrase structure grammar

Grammar III (Hierarchical PSG) 189, 192

grammar lattice 106, 264–266, 268–270, 272

grammar switching hypothesis 260

grammars 187, 189

artificial 191

context-free 390–391

disconfirmed 267

enumeration 263–265, 268

variation between languages 212

grammatical form vs. logical form 146

grammatical sentences vs. ungrammatical sentences 338

grammatical strings 387–388

granular area (BA 45) 186

granularity of the cortex 185

“great leap forward” in language evolution 31

Greenberg, Joseph 24, 196, 218

Greenspan, Ralph 92

grey-matter density in L2 learners 346

habituation effects 208

Hale, Ken 53–54

and Keyser, S. J. 169

Halle, Morris 342

Handbook of Mathematical Psychology
(Miller & Chomsky) 391

handedness 375

harmonic principles 327

Harris, Zellig 13–14

Hartnett, P. and Gelman, R. 234

Hauser, M. D. 69–70, 118, 173, 184, 379–380, 383–384

et al 280, 335

head, status of 54

head-XP 52, 54

headedness 50

“hell on wheels” (HoW) 226, 234, 235, 383, 397

hemoglobin thalassemias 105

Henry, Alison 160

Herburger, Elena 70

Heschl gyrus 348

hierarchical agreement 168

Hierarchical Phrase Structure Grammar III 189, 192

hierarchical structure of language 47–48

hierarchy of Case features 169

Higginbotham, James 401–402

behavioral science 340–341

generative grammar 379

Merge 33

moral judgment 319, 321

nouns 53, 82–83

numbers 235–236

speech compression 173, 175–176

word order 219

Hinzen, Wolfram 146, 152–153, 182

hippocampus 347

Hobbes, Thomas 381

homologies and homoplasies 75

Honderich, Ted 93

horizontal language behavior 286

Hox gene system 301

Hsp90 104

Huang, C. T. J. 129

et al 369

hugging and giving experiment 207–211

human exceptionalism 59

human reasoning, floodlight quality 70

Humboldt's Problem 44

Hume, David 20, 148, 382–383

Hund-Georgiadis, M. et al 375

Hutton, J. T. et al 282

I-languages and E-languages 276, 408–409

I-universals and E-universals 196–197

illusion of biological variation 300

imitation in language acquisition 331

immunity to allergens 101

impenetrability, concept of 162–163

incremental learning 266–267

indirect questions, extractable elements 163, 164

individuality as an abstraction 90–91

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