On China (80 page)

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Authors: Henry Kissinger

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and succession
and Three Worlds
and Tiananmen crisis
travels of
12- and 24-character statements of
and U.S.–China relations
and Vietnam
visit to United States
ambassadorial talks
ambiguity in
Chinese vs. Western approach to
in Cold War,
Cold War
complex issues of
Confucian values in
consultation system of
and context
functions of
in nineteenth century
and Ping-Pong tournament
resident embassies in China
and statesmanship
war as failure of
as zero-sum game
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dream of the Red Chamber
Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste
Dulles, John Foster
and nuclear threat
on peaceful evolution to capitalism
and Taiwan
and Zhou
Dundas, Henry
Eagleburger, Lawrence
Eight-Power expeditionary force
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenhower administration
Elgin, Lord
Elliot, Charles
“Empty City Strategem,”
balance-of-power diplomacy and
colonial aims of
Communist collapse in
economic gain as goal of
pre–World War I
sovereignty in
Thirty Years’ War
traders from
Warsaw Pact in
Westphalian system in
and World War I
and World War II
extraterritoriality principle
Fallaci, Oriana
Fang Lizhi
five baits
Five-Year Plans
“Foolish Old Man, The,”
Ford, Gerald R.:
and foreign policy
and political campaigns
visit to China
Ford administration
Kissinger’s role in
and Taiwan
Foreign Affairs
Kennedy’s article in
Nixon’s article in
Zheng Bijian’s article in
Four Modernizations
and Boxer Uprising
and Japan
pre–World War I
and trade with China
and Vietnam
French Revolution
Fuzhou, as treaty port
Gang of Four
anarchy advocated by
and anti-Confucian campaign
and Cultural Revolution
and Deng
fall of
Jiang Qing
and Mao Zedong Thought
and Taiwan
on turning inward
Wang Hongwen
Yao Wenyuan
Zhang Chunqiao
Gates, Thomas S., Jr.
Geneva Conferences:
1954 conference
1962 conference
Geng Biao
George III, King of England
and Boxer Uprising
and Japan
Nazi-Soviet pact
pre–World War I
Qingdao occupied by
and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
unification of
and world wars
Gingrich, Newt
Gong, Prince
Gorbachev, Mikhail
and arms limitations
economic assistance requested by
and reforms
Tiananmen crisis during visit of
and U.S. summit
Gordon, Charles “Chinese,”
Great Britain:
art treasures destroyed by
and balance of power
Boer War
and Boxer Uprising
Chinese ports blockaded by
Chuan-pi Convention
embassy destroyed by Red Guards
and Hong Kong
Macartney Mission
naval power of
Opium War
pre–World War I
territories sought by
and Tibet
Treaty of Nanjing
Treaty of the Bogue
Treaty of Tianjin
Great Harmony
Great Leap Forward
Great Wall
Gromyko, Andrei
Guangzhou (Canton), trade center
Haig, Alexander
Han Chinese
Han Dynasty
collapse of
five baits of
harmonious world, concept of
Hay, John
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Helms, Richard
Hill, E. F.
Hitler, Adolf
Ho Chi Minh
Holdridge, John
Hong Kong
British claims on
economic growth of
returned to China
horizontal line
Howe, Jon
Hua Guofeng
fading from view
Kissinger’s meetings with
as Mao’s successor
and Soviet Union
Two Whatevers
and U.S.–China relations
Huang Hua
Huang Zhen
Huc, Abbé Régis-Evariste
Hu Jintao
career of
and China’s world role
as fourth-generation leader
and harmony
and new millennium
and traditional wisdom
U.N. speech of
Hundred Flowers Campaign
Hurley, Patrick
Hussein, Saddam
Hu Yaobang
career of
death of
and economic reforms
foreign policy speech of
Ignatieff, Nikolai
asylum to Dalai Lama
border disputes with
British colony in
division of
Forward Policy of
and Korean War
opium in
and Pacific Community
Sino-Indian War (1962)
and Tibet
Communist threat in
and Pacific Community
wars in;
see also
Vietnam War
weak nations in
see also
Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam
Indochinese Federation
international law:
China and
sovereignty in
international relations:
alliances in
avoiding battle in
balance of power in;
see also
Cold War
Chinese aloofness in
collective security in
effect of domestic systems on
and globalization
Heavenly Envoys sent abroad
and Mao
Most Favored Nation status
and national interest
in nineteenth century
psychology applied in
sovereignty in
strategic trust in
transnational principles in
wei qi, see wei qi
Western concept of
Zongli Yamen
Iran-Iraq War
Iraq War
Italy, and Boxer Uprising
Jackson-Vanik Amendment (1974)
and Boxer Uprising
competition for dominance in East Asia
culture of
Deng’s travel to
economy of
Emperor of
exceptionalism of
foreign invasion of
industrialization of
invasion of China
(Divine Wind) of
and Korea
and Manchuria/Manchukuo
Meiji Restoration in
and Pacific Community
political philosophy of
relations of China and
and Russia
Russo-Japanese War
and Ryukyu Islands
in Six Party Talks
and Taiwan
territorial expansion of
threats to China
trade with
U.S. relations with
and World War II
Jiang Qing
and Cultural Revolution
and Gang of Four
Jiang Zemin
achievements of
and Clinton administration
and compromise
and Deng’s Southern Tour
and domestic crisis
and economic growth
and G. H. W. Bush administration
and G. W. Bush administration
Kissinger’s meetings with
leadership style of
and Soviet collapse
and succession
and Taiwan
Three Represents of
and transactional diplomacy
visits to United States
Ji Pengfei
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson administration
Jomini, Antoine-Henri
Kant, Immanuel, “Perpetual Peace,”
Kennan, George
Kennedy, John F.
Keynes, John Maynard
Khmer Rouge
mass killings by
takeover of Cambodia by
and Vietnamese invasion
Khrushchev, Nikita
and de-Stalinization
and Mao
and peaceful coexistence
and Sino-Indian War
and Taiwan
Kim Il-sung
and Korean War
Kohler, Foy
Kong Fu-zi,
economy of
and Japan
northern and southern zones of
and Russia
in Six Party Talks
38th parallel
as tributary state
in twenty-first century
Korean War
armistice agreement
Chinese reactions to
Sino-U.S. confrontation in
and Soviet Union
and U.N.
U.S. entry into
Kosovo war
Kosygin, Aleksei
kowtow ritual
Lake, Anthony
Lampton, David
Lattimore, Owen
Lay, Horatio
Le Duc Tho
Lee Kuan Yew
Lee Teng-hui
Lenin, V. I.
Libya, and nuclear capability
Li Daoyu
Li Hongzhang
death of
and Japan
and Korea
Lilley, James
Lin Biao
and Cultural Revolution
death of
fall from grace
and Korean War
and “Little Red Book,”
“Long Live the Victory of People’s War,”
and Taiwan
Lincoln, Abraham
Lin Zexu
Li Peng
Li Ruihuan
“Little Red Book,”
Liu Mingfu
Liu Shaoqi
Long March
Lord, Winston
Lu Hsing-chi
MacArthur, Douglas
Macartney, Lord George
Macartney mission
aftermath of
aims of
departure of
gap in perceptions of
and kowtow question
rebuff of
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Maclean, Donald
McLeod, Gary
McMahon Line
Malacca Strait
Malaysia, guerrilla war in
Malraux, André
Manchu Dynasty
and Japan
Russian designs on
Trans-Siberian Railway across
Manchu tribes, and Qing Dynasty
Mandate of Heaven:
barbarian threats to
and changes of dynasty
and domestic uprisings
loss of
in the person of the Emperor
as the right to govern
Mao Zedong
achievements of
Chinese heritage dismantled by
and civil war
and Communist Party
and Cultural Revolution
death of
and Dunkirk
epigrams of
and Great Harmony
and Great Leap Forward
health problems of
and horizontal line
and Hundred Flowers Campaign
and ideology
and international relations
and Khrushchev
Kissinger’s meetings with
and Korean War
“Little Red Book” of
mausoleum of
nationalism of
and Nixon
and nuclear threat
personal traits of
as philosopher-teacher
reaching into the past
and revolution
Snow interviews
succession issues
and Sun Tzu’s
Art of War
and Taiwan
and Three Worlds
travels to Moscow
and U.S. relations,
U.S.–China reconciliation
writings of
Mao Zedong Thought
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan
Marx, Karl
Matthews, Diane
Meadows, Thomas
Meiji Restoration
Middle East:
Mao on
oil in
Soviet designs on
Middle Kingdom, as center of universe
Middleton, Drew

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