Outback Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 1) (19 page)

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“That’s right, you saw all of our video introductions live and in person.” Sam blushed, remembering her video. “Man, I was a dork!”

“On the contrary, I thought you were very refreshing. After listening to the other women talk about where they liked to shop and go out at night your story about the bus was precious.” Alex reassured her. “Eddie asked me who I wanted to go home, I told him and they rigged the outcome. On the day you went home, Eddie told me you were going to go. I begged him to let you stay. He tricked me. He promised me Cindee would be going home that night, but he didn’t say for certain that you

“It’s okay, Alex.” Sam soothed him. “I knew that given the choice, any of the other women would choose me to leave. I simply didn’t fit in with them. And I know I didn’t fit in on the show.”

Alex leaned over and kissed her gently, cupping the side of her face with his palm and keeping her face close to his. “The other reason I knew who I wanted to go home was because I was allowed to see all the tapes from the camp and from the competitions and stuff when I went home at night.” Alex explained.

Sam stared at him. What was he saying? That he’d seen everything they’d done at the camp? “What do you mean?” Sam asked confused.

“Just what I said, Sam, I saw you fall in the river and not complain one bit. I saw the scrapes on your side from that fall. I saw you save Kina’s life with that snake. I saw the conversations that everyone had back at the camp, I saw everything…”

Sam could only stare at him. “W-w-what do you mean?” She stuttered, feeling stupid.

Alex pulled her close again and rested his forehead against hers. “I mean just what I said. I think I fell in love with you after that first night. You were freezing, but you never complained, never brought attention to yourself, never told anyone you were hurt. Beauty in a woman I can take or leave, but true courage, pure unselfishness gets me every time. When you saved Kina’s life and didn’t bring it to the attention of anyone else, not a lot of women would have done that. And let’s not even start to talk about the barn incident. Why didn’t you tell my aunt and I what really happened?” he asked her firmly, leaning back and mock glaring at her.

“Your aunt?” Was all Sam could manage. She was dumbfounded with all that Alex was telling her. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it all. 

Alex chuckled. “Yeah, Nancy is my aunt. We watched all the tapes together and she helped me decide who was leaving. You impressed the hell out of her, you know. We didn’t know what really happened in the barn, but we could make an educated guess. But without you telling us for sure, we couldn’t say or do anything.”

“I did it for selfish reasons, Alex,” she told him honestly. “If I’d said anything they would’ve made my life a living hell. I was able to do it, it wasn’t a big deal. I felt pretty darn proud of myself.”

“Ah, honey,” Alex murmured, bringing her palm up to his mouth and kissing it tenderly before continuing. “That’s not selfish, it’s self-preservation. I just wish you didn’t have to get hurt in the process.”

“So you saw all the tapes every day?” Sam asked, trying to take his mind off of the barn.

“Not all of them. Eddie got pretty sneaky and started leaving out the most interesting ones…”

“How did you know they were leaving some out?” Sam asked.

“Kina would bring them to me. I think you made quite an impression on her,” he told her. “She’d bring me the ones that Eddie was leaving out on purpose.”

Sam stared at him. “I had no idea. I was afraid she didn’t like me since I almost got her killed with that snake. Then when they weren’t filming me much anymore I figured that was why.”

“No, Sam,” Alex continued, “you were her favorite from day one. I think she was as mad as I was when you left.”

Sam could only stare at him, overwhelmed.

“I saw the tapes from that day at the lake as well. I had no idea Kathi was faking it until Kina brought me the tape. I saw the wink that night, Sam. I knew Kathi was lying. I knew she didn’t almost drown. I about lost it. I wanted to quit the show, but I was under a contractual obligation. Besides, Eddie wouldn’t let me kick her off. I tried. God, how I tried. He said it made for good television…and ultimately he was right.”

“But, I don’t really understand why you chose her at the end then,” Sam said with confusion. “If you knew the whole time, didn’t it matter to you?”

“Of course it mattered. It was hard for me to even be civil to her. You said you didn’t watch much of the show, but did you see any of it after the lake competition?”

“Honestly? No. After the second episode when they twisted everything around I had no desire to watch. My girlfriends made me watch the last episode with them. I didn’t see anything in between.”

“I don’t know whether to be pleased or irritated,” Alex told her with a grin. “While Eddie told me that I had to keep Kathi around, I did my best to not have her win individual dates, and I certainly didn’t help her that much while she was ‘recovering’,” Alex told her. “As to why I chose her at the end? I heard what you told me while we were on our date, and I honestly liked Amy. But if I’d picked Amy I’d have no reason after the show ended to dump her. I didn’t want to hurt her. By choosing Kathi I had a perfect excuse to break up with her on National Television and use the information the show provided as my reasoning.”

“I don’t understand, Alex,” Sam said, “If you’d chosen Amy you could’ve made that work. She was pretty nice, and I know you got along, and she’s from Texas, you could’ve seen her all the time. You have a lot in common.”

“Sam,” Alex said quietly and intensely, “I didn’t
it to work. I knew the day you left that
were the one I wanted to make it work with. Do you remember what I said the other day on that morning news show?”

Sam could only shake her head in confusion. Had he really just said he wanted to be with

“I was asked if there was someone else, and I said I thought there was. That someone else is
Sam. I want to make
work. I know we have some obstacles in front of us, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left the show. I go to sleep wondering what you’re doing. I dream about meeting your dogs. I can see us mucking out my barn together.” He smiled. Then said, “Please say something…” he trailed off.

“I’m not really sure
to say,” Sam told him honestly. “I like you too. I guess that’s part of the reason why I didn’t watch any more of the episodes after they edited me out. I know how I felt that day on our date, but I figured there was no way I’d fit into your world anyway.” Sam saw the irritated glint in Alex’s eyes and quickly continued. “Don’t get mad, Alex. I know as CEO of your company you have to project a certain image, just as I know I’m not that image.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sam,” he told her. “I’m a person just like you and just like everyone who works for my company. Are you telling me you think they’d rather have me be with a person like Kathi who would lie her way through life?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” Sam said with exasperation. “I meant that you should have someone by your side that is beautiful and thin and—”

Alex cut her off and grasped her arms, looking into her eyes. “
are beautiful. Why won’t you believe me? I’ve never liked bony women. There’s nothing to hold on to.” He smiled at her. “You’re beautiful, Sam. You’re beautiful in part because of who you are. You make me happy to be around you. I love your long legs, your eyes sparkle with life…there isn’t anything about you I don’t think is beautiful. I’d rather have you by my side than any of those women on that show. I thank my lucky stars every day you were in Australia, I’m not sure we ever would’ve met otherwise. Please tell me there’s a chance for us. I want to date you, Sam. I want to get to know you here in our own little corner of the world. I want to take you out to eat, to the zoo, I want to hang out with you and your dogs and watch movies on the weekends. I want to hear about your day when you get home and be able to tell you about mine. I want to spend all day in bed with you, exploring your body and making you come apart under me. Do you think we can try that?”

Blushing because she’d thought about having Alex in her bed as well, she managed to say, “But we live so far apart,” Sam hesitantly told him.

“Did you forget I’m a pilot?” Alex grinned at her. “You think I’m going to let a few miles stand between us?” He got serious and stared into her eyes. “I’m not saying it’ll be easy, Sam. All I’m saying is that I want a chance. I want the chance to make you happy. If, down the line, we decide together we should make our home here in Albuquerque, we will. If we decide Austin is where we should live, we will.”

At Sam’s surprised look, he continued. “I’m in this for the long haul, Sam. I want us to end up together, married, together for the rest of our lives. This isn’t a short-term fling for me. I want us to go into this expecting that we’ll make it permanent. I’m not promising anything, things might not work out, but I want you to know I’m serious here. I’ve had nine months to think about this, about us, and even though we weren’t physically together very long, I’ve watched those tapes from the show over and over and I’ve missed you terribly…please let me know what you’re thinking behind those beautiful eyes.”

Sam looked at Alex. He looked so earnest, so worried. She lifted her hand and smoothed it over his brow. “I want those things too, Alex. I never expected to find someone like you. I’d like to try.”

Alex leaned in and caught Sam’s lips with his own. He couldn’t be gentle. He slanted his head to the side and ravaged her mouth. God, she tasted so good and all he could think of was laying her down and spending all night exploring her body. They spent the next few minutes lost in each other’s kiss and only came up for air when they heard the waitress clearing her throat next to the table.

“Did you need anything else?” she asked with a grin.

“No, I have everything I need right here,” Alex replied, never taking his eyes off of Sam. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

“No,” Sam replied. “
are the luckiest people alive.”



Sam and Alex were lying on the couch, watching a movie. Sam was lying with her head in Alex’s lap and his hands were idly brushing through her hair. The last year was like a dream. After Alex had come to Albuquerque to get her, the media frenzy was unbelievable. The newspapers and entertainment shows had gone crazy over the story of the reality show hunk who ended up with one of the rejected contestants.

They’d dated for a few months, but Sam quickly realized there wasn’t anything keeping her in Albuquerque, except for Beth and Christina. They wouldn’t let her stay for them. They wanted her to be happy and they loved Alex. Alex made it a point to include them in something every time he visited. Sometimes they all went out to dinner and other times they just hung out at Sam’s house and watched movies. As a result of his efforts to include them in their relationship, they were the first to tell Sam to move to Austin.

They sat down with her and had a long talk. The three talked about Sam’s relationship, they talked about what would happen with Sam’s career, and they talked about sex. Anytime the three of them got together, the talk most often turned to sex.

Sam wasn’t one to talk much about what she and Alex did in the bedroom, but she’d admitted to her friends that Alex was incredible. She hadn’t been a virgin when they’d gotten together, but he made her feel inexperienced. He was patient and the two of them together were explosive.

The night Sam told Alex she was thinking about moving to Austin was amazing. Alex showed her his appreciation for hours in her bedroom. It hadn’t taken him long to arrange to have her belongings moved into his ranch outside of Austin. Albert, Duke, and Blue were happy to move to a bigger house as well. They quickly acclimated, but then again, they were happy anywhere Sam went.

Blue was currently lying at Sam’s feet on the couch, while Duke and Albert were napping on one of the many dog beds strewn about the room.

Alex’s cell phone rang and Sam looked up as he leaned over to answer it. She only heard his side of the conversation.

“This is Alex. Hello, Eddie. Good. Really? Congratulations. What? Uh, I’m not sure. It’s not about the money, Eddie. Hell, you know we don’t need it. All right, I’ll talk to her and we’ll think about it. Yeah. You too. Bye.”

              Sam watched as Alex ended the call and put the phone back on the table next to the couch. His hand returned to stroking her hair. Sam waited, knowing he’d tell her what the call was about when he was ready. There was no telling what Eddie wanted now. Sam really couldn’t hate the man. After all, he
one of the reasons she was with Alex now, but she also knew how the man operated. He never did anything out of the kindness of his heart.

Finally, Alex took a deep breath.

“That was Eddie.”

Sam nodded and sat up, snuggling into Alex’s side.

“He wanted to let me know he’s starting a new reality show based in Arizona.” Alex shook his head and chuckled. “He wanted us to come to the set one day to meet the contestants and encourage them with our story.”

Sam laughed. “He
remember that I was kicked off and he arranged to edit me out of the entire show, right? What kind of encouragement will our showing up offer anyone?”

“Maybe that they too can make it out alive?” Alex said sarcastically.

Sam laughed. “You decide,” she told Alex. “I don’t care what we do. I’ve got you, you’ve got me and he can’t do anything to break us up.”

“Damn straight,” Alex said.

“I do feel sorry for whoever is on that show, though,” Sam said. She squealed as Alex suddenly stood up, cradling her against his chest.

“Those poor bastards,” he agreed, nuzzling against Sam’s neck, breathing in her scent. He carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. “I suppose we should make an appearance to keep Eddie off our backs. You know he won’t give up if he wants us there.”

Sam barely managed a nod as Alex leaned over and placed her on their bed. She had much better things to think about than some new reality show that Eddie was planning. She had to think about how she’d please her man.


* * *


Download the next book in the Beyond Reality Series:

Flaming Hearts


Read on for an excerpt from the second book in Beyond Reality Series,

Flaming Hearts


Becky sighed. She knew he was right. She
it. “I know, but…” her voice trailed off. “It’s just hard.” That was a lame explanation, and sort of like calling the ocean “big”, but she didn’t really know how to explain it, but she tried. “I feel like I’m in this bubble. I’m floating around watching what’s going on around me. I can see the dangerous sharp things around that will pop my bubble and since I’m not steering all I can do is hope that I don’t run into them. I’m always aware of the cameras around here and I can’t help but think of when this show finally airs what it’s going to make me look like. I know that sounds vain and selfish, but I’m trying to watch everything I say and everything I do and everywhere I look, but I know I’m still making a fool out of myself,” her voice trailed off.

Dean was furious, not at Becky, but at Eddie and director. They were shredding this woman’s self-esteem in front of his eyes, and he couldn’t say or do anything to stop it. He felt as helpless as she just described being inside a floating bubble.

“Listen Becky,” he told her urgently, “Please. This is what
saw today watching you…will you listen to me?”

Becky nodded, then realizing that he couldn’t see her said, “uh-huh.”

Dean took a deep breath. He knew this moment was very important and what he said to her now would hopefully lighten her load.

“During lunch today, when Marissa was complaining about the temperature of the soup, you touched the server’s hand and thanked her for her efforts. You probably didn’t know this, but she smiled all the way back to the kitchen just because you took the time to compliment her. Out by the pool when everyone else was swimming and playing, you were sitting in the lounge chair. When everyone went in, you gathered up all of the used towels and put them on a chair so someone else didn’t have to do it. You smiled at one of the camera operators for no special reason as you went into the house. I even saw you tell one of the assistant producers happy birthday, when no one else on the show seemed to care. Hell, I have no idea how you even knew it was his birthday! Even when the clueless men on the show are ignoring you and simpering all over Marissa, when they aren’t able to get near her you still talk to them and try to get to know them. You answer all their questions about Marissa and try to give them hope she just might choose them. I even saw you open a damn window today because a fly was buzzing on the pane and couldn’t get outside. You’re a good person Becky. To the core. No matter what these people throw at you, no matter what they say, you remember this. I see you. I see the real you. Not only do I see you, I like what I see. And I know America will see it too.”

His voice tapered off. He waited. He heard Becky sniff once. Oh god, he’d made her cry. He hadn’t meant to make her cry. “Sweetheart?” he asked softly, “I didn’t say all that to make you cry.” When she didn’t immediately say anything he said frustratedly, “Damn, I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I want to be there to hold you Becky, and it’s pissing me off I can’t be. Are you okay?”

“I’m know, I’m okay Dean. Really. I just…..” She paused and sniffed again. “I’ve just had a bad day and that was possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in my entire life.”



Flaming Hearts

Beyond Reality, Book 2



Becky and her mom used to watch reality shows together all the time. Her mom passed away before she could see Becky on her very own show…except it’s not her own show. She has to share the limelight with another woman. They’re both competing for the love and attention of the same men. Becky had no idea she’d meet a wonderful, protective man while on the show, but unfortunately he wasn’t a contestant.


Dean always knew he’d find the one woman meant for him, but he had no idea she’d be competing on a reality show. Luckily his brother was a cameraman; it was just the key to get to spend time with Becky, as long as the Director didn’t catch wind of their plans. Dean and Becky become close and are counting the days until the reality show is over and they can spend time together openly, when Dean gets called away on a job.


When an incident on the show threatens her safety and Dean isn’t around for her to turn to, Becky isn’t sure their relationship can survive. She has to figure out a way to trust Dean to help her, and Dean will do whatever it takes for Becky to realize she’s his…forever.



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