Penitence (2010) (14 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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call me if she gets crazier. Weston. Coming to my rescue. What a thought. Weirder things had happened. When I clicked on the line for Britt, shed already disconnected. Thirteen The next morning I could barely see my way through the forest of clothes in my closet to put on jeans and a royal blue PGHS Vikings hoodie. My hair went back in a claw and I brushed on some blush. That was it. Who cared if I looked dead tired? I felt pretty close. I went downstairs for breakfast. I hadnt gotten enough sleepfive hours didnt cut it, not after the mixed up night Id had. Mom always watched the morning news and had the TV on in the background since she never had time to read the paper. A lion-sized yawn cracked my face and I glanced over at the screen on my way to the kitchen. A young reporter stood outside of Jack and Jills, the yellow tape behind him flickering in the soft winter breeze. Black uniformed police officers scurried like ants in and out of the building. Two employees were on the premises when the robbery occurred. Both were found bound in the office. Three men are in custody, thanks to a phone tip. Officers arrived just as the suspects were leaving the scene with over seven hundred dollars in cash. The blood in my head sunk to my feet. Mom was talking to me, her voice wound around in my head, but I didnt hear the words. Zoe? Moms gaze met mine across the room. Are you feeling okay? Yyeah. A knob of shock lodged in my throat. Mom left Abria at the table and crossed to me. Honey? Is Luke around? My voice scratched. She gently stroked my cheek. Are you sure youre okay? I nodded. Hungry. Avoiding her deciphering, I went into the kitchen, pretending to look for something to eat. I grabbed a Yoplait lemon yogurt. Shed freak if she knew Id been at the bowling alley last night, that close to another life-threatening experience, even I had been home by my midnight curfew. It was better if she didnt know. I saw him a few minutes ago. Better try to catch him if youre looking for a ride to school. She went back to Abria, playing in her cream of rice cereal. K. I pulled out my phone and texted him, asking for a ride. im out in the car, hurry Bye Mom! I jogged to the back door, went out and found Lukes blue car idling at the curb. I got in the car but couldnt think to say anything more than a grumbled, hey. My mind flashed with the faces of the two employees bound in an office. How close we had all come to something dangerous. Did Matthias know what had happened? I was disappointed he hadnt shown up. I shouldnt be. He wasnt my guardian anymore. That boy and girl hadnt had guardians. But then, Weston and Chase and I had been there. * * * I was in the middle of class when my cell vibrated. I slipped my hand into my bag and brought it up for a peek. Weston. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. His eyes came into my mind. I reminded myself that Britt loved him, an emotion I would never feel for him and, even if she and I were on the outs right now, I had to respect her over-the-top desire to win him back. hey. hey. r u ok? yeah. U? did u hear? yeah. weird, huh? wanna do lunch? Uh-oh. I stared at the words on my phone screen. I figured there was no harm in lunch, since Britt wanted to kill us both at this point. I hadnt seen her at school today; she was probably at home with a huge hangover. sure c u then. meet me at my truck. K My stomach was filled with butterflies the rest of the morning. I was so distracted by what had happened last night and Westons invite to lunch I didnt notice Krissy until she tapped my arm in the hall. I was at my locker, unloading books, the scent of cafeteria tacos seeping out in the halls. Krissy. Hey. She smiled. She had on her usual blue jumper and long sleeved white tee shirt and ankle boots. Hi. How are you? Good, you? I shut my locker door. Around us, the hall buzzed with moving bodies and buzzing voices. Okay. I wondered if you wanted to go get some lunch. Oh. Jeez. Id love to, but I already have plans. Her hopeful expression wilted. How about tomorrow? Oh. I guess thatll work. Im sorry, but Ive gotta run. Wait. Why dont you come with me? Im going to lunch with Weston. This was the perfect way to be with Weston without him getting the idea that anything more than friendship was going to develop between us. Krissys face bloomed like a daisy under the rising sun. Seriously? Come on. She followed me through the pack of students and we went out of the building. Gosh, Im nervous. Are you sure he wont mind? Hes pretty cool about crashing. He does it himself. Really? I would have thought he had dates booked months in advance and he didnt need to crash. Hes just a guy like any other. No, hes not. Whatever. Girls fantasies blinded them. Weston leaned against his silver truck. When he saw me, he stood upright. He stuffed his hands into his front pockets, the corners of his jaw shifting. His gaze flicked from me to Krissy then back, his smile faltering a little. Hey, he said. Weston, do you know Krissy? He gave a sharp nod. Krissy jittered at my side. She coming? he asked. I knew you wouldnt mind. I flashed a grin, wondered if Krissy caught the slight tilt of his head, the annoyance in his eyes or if she was too buzzed just looking at him to notice. Like any other kid whod had their share of social experience, Weston smoothed over his annoyance with a sleek smile. He opened the back door and gestured to it. Zoe, why dont you sit in the back? Krissy, you can sit up front with me. I cocked a brow at him over a teasing smile. After Krissy got in and he shut the door, I started around the back of the car, but he blocked me with his body. He stared into my eyes. His lips curve up in a smirk. You afraid to be alone with me? My heart pattered out of control. No. Weston lowered his voice. I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night. Alone. Sorry. How do you feel about it? Close call, you know? He gave a nod. Yeah. I got in and he shut the door. My jumping pulse began to settle a little. This is exciting, Krissy whispered. People are staring. I hadnt noticed until now. I swallowed. Britt will get wind of this, but having Krissy in the picture will throw her off balance. Westons masculinity filled the car: faded cologne, laundry detergent and testosterone. My head swam. Krissy, glowing in the front seat, didnt take her eyes off him. He started up the engine. Where would you like to eat? he asked Krissy. Anywhere, Krissy swooned. Westons smile shined back at me. How about you, Zoe? The Purple Turtle. The hangout where rumors were born; I couldnt resist suggesting the place. Was Weston brave enough to go? He cranked up something pop on his CD player and we drove in the direction of the hamburger place. Apparently he wasnt concerned about being seen with either me or Krissy. He parked the truck, got out and opened Krissys door. She jumped out like popcorn popping. Thanks, she blushed. No problem. He eyed me through the glass, his gaze staying with me as he rounded the car, opened my door. Zoe. I got out. He held the door open, but once I stood, blocked the pizza-slice sized opening with his body. His dark hair tousled on a french-fry breeze. Then he stepped back and I took a deep breath. I crossed to Krissy who stood watching us in wide-eyed fascination. My bouncing heart leapt to my throat and caused my voice to tremble. Im starving? You? * * * We ate at a window table, one Weston chose, in a blatant move to challenge my choice of eating there, I guessed. Krissy ordered a chicken and chips basket. I ordered a chocolate shake and fries. Weston chose a triple cheeseburger, fries and a Pepsi. He paid for the meal, which impressed Krissy and didnt surprise me. I went to your games, Krissy admitted. All of them. Just to watch you. Oh yeah? Westons practiced bravado was admirable. Only because Id hung around Britt did I actually see past the performance to where reality fought with pretense. You like football? Krissy nibbled a fry. I like watching. Um... yeah. I reached over and stole Westons Pepsi to hide the smile blooming on my lips. His brown eyes locked on my mouth, wrapping around the straw. Krissy followed every move of Westons like a cat watching a bird. How well do you two know each other? Were friends, I blurted at the same time Weston said, Really well. Weston reached over, his warm fingers covered my hand on his cup, and he gently eased the Pepsi away, promptly bringing the red straw to his lips. Zoes the first real girl Ive known. His mouth went around the straw. A warm trickle dripped through me. Krissys focused gaze shifted from Weston, to me, back to Weston. She didnt say anything for a few seconds. Are you going to have another party soon? Weston looked antsy for a minute. Not likely. Why? Id like to go to one. They sound fun. Weston sat forward, crossing his arms on the table. He plucked a fry and twisted the long, golden string potato, his brown eyes looking into mine. Parties are overrated, Krissy. He ate the fry, his jaw slowly knotting and unknotting. Well, Krissys tone was defensive. Id still like to go. Ive never been to one. You think youll have one, Zoe? Me? No way. My house is not a party house. How come? My sister has autism. My family doesnt go anywhere or do anything unless they have to with her. I could have one, Krissy piped. Weston and I stole glances at each other. Weston swallowed another fry. At your house? My parents are never home. Krissy, people do things at parties, Westons tone was both instructive and disgusted at the same time. Drink. Get high. Hook up. Steal things. Annihilate things. Sounds like an adventure. Krissy squeezed her shoulders together and beamed. She reached for Westons Pepsi, smiled when his eyes widened, and brought the red straw to her lips. * * * Weston escorted Krissy and me out to the parking lot. I felt curious eyes follow our movements and thought: dont you guys have anything better to do but speculate? Krissy beamed in the temporary spotlight of popularity, soaking up the moments of being watched and scrutinized. Outside in the cool winter air, Krissy was first to the truck, making sure she secured the front bench for the ride back to school by standing at the passenger side door. Westons boy-charming face hid amusement at her eagerness. He didnt even send me an uh-okay grin. Kudos to him. He opened Krissys door and she got inside. Then he came around to the drivers side where I stood at the back. With a press of a remote button he unlocked my door. Scoring with possessed chicks now? Bro, thats brave. Brady, surrounded by a small pack of other jocks, came up behind us. He slapped Weston on the back and snickered. Weston shrugged off Bradys palm. Screw off. Careful. Brady leaned close, and a black spirit rose from his back. The female straddled his shoulders, her talons stimulating his scalp, down his neck and further down his chest. Her gaping mouth gnashed in silent laughter. I heard her head spins when you get on her. Westons right snapped out, hooking Bradys nose, sending Brady stumbling back into his buddies. Bradys face twisted in fury. The black creature on his shoulders jumped up and down like a crazed monkey. Brady lunged. Westons fists wrapped around the front Bradys shirt and he yanked him close, their noses nearly touching. Then he shoved Brady back. Brady lost his footing and fell like a domino into his pals. Weston turned, opened my door. Get in. I did. Behind him, Brady and his friends stood like a pack of restless wolves. Brady swiped blood into smears underneath his nose. Weston ignored them, opened the drivers door, got in, shut it and started the ignition. Brady strode to the hood and banged his fists down, shaking the front of the truck. His furious gaze locked on Weston. This isnt over! Weston accelerated enough to send Brady leaping back, then the truck screeched out of the parking lot. We drove to the school in silence the short mile it took to get there. In the front seat, Krissys face paled. She kept her gaze on her hands, twisted in her lap. After Weston parked, he got out and opened my door first, his expression apologetic over sparkling brown eyes. Then he jogged over to Krissys side where she patiently waited. My gaze caught Lukes blue Samurai parked a few aisles over, a handful of his friends jumping out of it. Ive gotta go, I called to Weston and Krissy, and started in Lukes direction. Bye Zoe, Krissys voice shookno doubt from shock. Westons eyes were huge with youre-going-to-leave-me-alone-here? I almost broke out in a laugh. One of Lukes mop-headed buddies saw me and elbowed Luke who whipped up his blond head. His friends conveniently scattered. Hey, I said. Hey. You okay? Im good. He started up the drag toward the buildings and I stayed by his side. He smelled of cigarette smoke, but he had his backpack, which meant he at least intended to go to class. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You came in late last night. His blue eyes met mine. You were up? No lights were on. It was a crazy night. I went to Jack and Jills. Wasnt there a burglary there last night? Yeah. My friends and I just missed it. Serious? I nodded. Man, you have bad luck. He opened the glass door to the main building and we paraded in with other students. Its not bad luck. I went there on a date. Did you see anything? Kind of. The place was closing. Then these three dudes came in, just as we were walking out. He whistled. Man. Yeah. Creepy to say the least. My point is I couldnt sleep. Thats why I heard you come in. So, is this you checking up on me? No. Well, maybe. This is me saying Im sorry for being a retard yesterday. He looked at me, as if he had to see for himself that I was truly apologetic. He didnt say anything for a few minutes. I followed him to his class. I had no idea what it was and I was sure Id be late for mine, but I felt the need to talk to him. Why have you relapsed? He glanced around to see if anyone was listening. Of course, no one was. It bugged me no one cared enough to. It happens, now get off my back about it. I grabbed his sleeve and he slowed. You saw Matthias. Doesnt that mean anything to you? Like what? Im supposed to fall to my knees and praise God? He pulled free and glared at me. Thats harsh. He leaned close. It freaked me out, okay? he whispered. Thats all Im going to say about it. The bell shrilled. He was ten feet from his classroom door and he turned. Im sorry, I said again. He paused at the open door but didnt look at me, before he went inside. I had to jog across campus to my class, through empty halls echoing with my tardy footsteps. * * * I found Chase in newspaper class. He sat at his desk until I came in, then he jumped to his feet and came right to me. Zoe, can you believe what happened? I tossed my backpack on my desk. Freaky, huh? Its a good thing you called. Yeah. A shudder wove through me. I made myself sit, suddenly weak-kneed. Chase leaned close. You okay? You look pale. I nodded. I didnt get a

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