Penitence (2010) (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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chance to tell you last night because Weston was there, I began. But those guys had the worst case of black spirits Id ever seen. Chase lowered himself into a chair next to me. Really? Like maggots on a dead body. They were everywhere. Coming out of their eyes, mouths. Disgusting. I shuddered. Wow. I wish Id seen them. No you dont. Zoe, yes I do. I want to see all spirits, both the good and the bad. Why? I was so creeped I couldnt sleep last night. Because itd be the coolest thing to see them, thats why. Did you see guardians with the employees? No. Thats odd. We were there. We were the guardians, I said. Chase stood, seeing that Mr. Brewer was starting to give out instructions. He crossed back to his desk. After class, Chase was tied up talking to Mr. Brewer. I wanted to ask him for a ride home, since Id texted Luke and gotten no answer. He was no doubt pissed at me. I exchanged books at my locker, the familiar streaming noises of laughter, talk and slamming metal oddly comforting. Chase, Weston and I had done our part in preventing something last night. A warm confirmation spread through my soul, brought a smile to my face and I shut my locker door. The hall had emptied to a handful of kids who were about the business of getting out of the school as fast as was humanly possible. Albert stood ten feet away. Fourteen How had I not noticed him? A shudder of the unknown rammed through my system. Matthias warning flashed in my head: Do not speak with him. Today, he was sharply dressed in a sleek pair of black slacks, the same dove grey shirt, blood red tie and fitted black suit jacket that tapered over his narrow hips. His dark blond hair was neatly slicked back. He smiled and started my direction. The hall was empty now, echoing my heart pounding in my chest. He wore shiny black shoes. His smooth gait seemed to hover above the tiles without any sound. His gaze held me in a taut intensity that sent ice down my spine. Afternoon, Zoe. He stopped inches from me. He reminded me so much of Matthiashis pretty blue eyes, angular face and expressive mouth. Matthias words of warning muddled in my head. Um, hi. His glance swept the hall. Schools certainly have changed since I was at university. Well, this isnt a university, its a high school. Yes. I know. I attended Brighton Beach College. Charming place, if not administratively challenged. I dont believe its still in existence. I ... I dont know. Albert clasped his hands behind his back. He started walking toward the exit, tilting his head that direction, his white teeth gleaming in friendly invitation. Shall we? I didnt want to be rude. He was charming, magnetic and charismatic like Matthias, the resemblance to his son an attractive lure that wiped away any misgivings I carried. Oh, sure. I walked with him. When we arrived at the glass doors, he waited for me to open them. He chuckled when I figured out that in order for us both to go out, I would have to. I opened the door and we went into the bitter winter air. I started toward the parking lot and brought out my phone. I need to find a ride. My brother, Luke, is being a retard. Mm yes. Family can be like that. Albert eyed my cell phone and texting with interest. Youve never seen a cell phone? I asked him. His slicked back hair shined under the hazy winter sun. He shook his head. Ive heard theyre wonderful transmitters. Imagine being able to broadcast anything your heart desires to anyone in the world with the push of a button. Something in his voice sent a thread of unease through me. Matthias warnings had never been wrong. I shouldnt ignore this feeling for a second longer. Um, I need to go. I turned and started toward the half-circle section of the parking lot where students were dropped off in front of the high school. I prayed for somebodyanybody, to grab a ride home with. I dialed Weston. Hey, Zoe. You still here? Yeah, you need a ride? Where are you? At the marquee. Be right there. I snapped my phone closed and tried to quell the unease spreading inside of me. I tried not to be obvious, but Alberts heavy presence remained pressing behind my back. I was afraid to confirm that he was following with me with a glance. I walked to the Pleasant Grove High School marquee and sat on the white-stone base with built-in bench. A few students stood idly waiting for rides. Albert sat next to me, stretching out like a rich man on a lounge chair, watching the teenagers go by. Why didnt he leave me alone? Alberts blue eyes had an eerie quality that sent a fresh trickle of fear through my blood. The same intensity Matthias had when he looked at me, but differentpiercing the soul, hungering for it. Hungering with a drive that threatened devouring. Perhaps I could give you a lift home. His voice was smooth, dangerous, like black tar. You... drive? He threw his head back in a laugh. He reminded me so much of Matthias, my nerves settled for a second. No, I dont drive anymore. I have another way of transporting you. Hasnt Matthias taught you how to close your eyes and use your thoughts to get you anywhere your heart desires? He tskd, shook his head slowly, his icy blue eyes sending a whisper of freezing fear along my skin. Unnerved, I looked away, my heart speeding like a rocket. Look at me, Zoe. I couldnt not look; his aura surrounded me in a sudden burst of energy, snapping like the tentacles of an octopus after prey. I couldnt keep my attention away from him. His lips lifted, baring white, gleaming teeth. Yes, like that. Your eyes are so lovely. So expressive. This will be easy, youll see. That same wet dread I felt whenever I saw black spirits sunk into every recess of my body, filling me up, closing in around my heart, stopping my lungs from taking another breath. Zoe. Youre not afraid of me, are you? I opened my mouth. Nothing came. Run. Flee. GO! My body wouldnt move. I felt cemented to the stone on which I sat. Drowning in fear. Albert leaned close. My heart punched, a frightened fist, through my ribs. Move! Run! Do you know what I am? he whispered. Every hair on my body sprung up. I still couldnt make my voice work. Youre not welcome here. Matthias voice cut through the air like a blade in full swing. I jerked my head left. He stood with his hand outstretched, fingers extended as if at any moment hed strike his father with an invisible force from his fingertips. Fear paralyzed me. I didnt breathe. Didnt blink. My body felt as though the aura encompassing Albert would leech every last bit of energy and oxygen I had left into obscurity. Matthias was surrounded by light and an invisible current that bounced and snapped, angry and forceful, a whispering lyric of angelic power. Albert slowly rose to his feet. Around him wound a dark energy, one that started at his shiny black shoes in deep black smoke and inched around and around him in a voracious tornado. I sat between the two energies. Both fought for me, reaching out in swirling power. Alberts gripped me with fiery teeth, tearing me in half. Matthias was an all over pull. I knew youd come. Alberts voice slithered through me. As each one spoke, their words traveled straight through me. Had they torn me open? My body screamed. I didnt feel in control of myself. I was only aware of their conversation, of the whooshing pass of words traveling in my system I was helpless to exorcise. Youre not welcome here, Matthias repeated. Albert laughed. You cant stop me from taking her. You cant touch her. Shes mine. Leave. Try to stop me, Matthias. Try. Id savor the experience. A violent jolt ripped me from head to groin, and I gasped. I looked at Matthias, his face taut and stony as he reached a hand out for me. Yes. Alberts voice was in my ear, swirling down my neck, a hot, greedy snake that raced through my body, just under my skin, rippling my limbs into convulsions. Come and get her. Matthias eyes colored with bright flamesas if he might burst into a brush fire at that very moment and consume everything in his path. His gaze was locked on me, following the trail of the serpent that had invaded my body. Breathing stopped. I couldnt move, but I felt the unearthly movement of something else inside of me swirl around bones, curl around my lungs and pass over my pounding heart. As if throwing an invisible ball, the fingers on Matthias right hand reached my direction, formed a claw and he drew back his arm. At the same time, I felt the creature sucked out of my frame, a whirlwind of screaming so high pitched and frenzied, I covered my ears with my hands and grimaced as Matthias removed Albert from me and discarded him with a powerful thrust into the sky. A screeching wail filled the air, so unnerving, my knees buckled. I let out a scream. Matthias tight face turned to me and softened. Zoe. The moment he spoke my name, invisible arms of comfort and security surrounded me and pulled me to my feet. Should I touch him? Hed told me we couldnt touch. Seconds ticked by. I cant Without any contact, his outstretched hand drew me closer to him, out of the realm of the ravenous tornado still whirling in black grief where Albert had once stood and into the warm safety of Matthias protective power. I wanted to feel his warm, alive fleshId missed the feel of him, and yearned for it. My desire was my undoing. I collapsed. Everything around me went black. Fifteen Zoe? A familiar voice.Zoe? Warm fingers touched my cheeks. Matthias. My eyes flew open, my fuzzy gaze sharpened, bringing Weston into focus. His brows were knit over concerned brown eyes. He held me against him, on his lap. Behind him stood four random students Id never seen before. Wheres Matthias? I slurred. Are you okay? Weston had one arm around me, cradling me against his chest, his other stroked my face. You fainted just as I was pulling into the parking lot. You hit your head. I reached around and felt a small egg on the back of my skull. Ow. Ow, yeah. He sat me upright. Aware that we were under scrutiny by those still waiting for rides home, I slid off his lap and stretched out my legs so I could stand. He jumped up and helped me to my feet, his hands steadying on my arms. You sure you want to stand? I nodded. Weston inched closer, reaching out as if to embrace me, then he seemed afraid to, like I was too fragile, and he was unsure of what might happen next. I looked around for Matthias. For Albert. Neither was anywhere in sight and the vibes, and the battle both of them had brought had also gone. What happened? Weston whispered. I... blacked out. My quick scan of the nosy pairs of eyes watching us sent the loitering students on their way. I rubbed the back of my head. Westons palms rubbed my upper arms. His gaze raked my face, his eyes dark with worry. He pulled me against his chest and wrapped around me. Scared me, he whispered against my hair. Residual fear caused me to shake. I was mortified, clinging to him like he was my savior, but too scared to let go. Feeling someone, having strength to hold ontoeven someone elses strength comforted me. I allowed myself the moment to hold and be held even if I might regret the decision later. With his arm wrapped around me, he carefully walked me to his truck, idling at the curb, his drivers side door wide open, like hed jumped from the automobile. He opened my door and helped me into the seat as though I was fragile crystal. We drove in silence. No music. My breath static, his heavy and male. I rested my aching skull against the headrest, aware of his frequent glances. Are youyou think you fainted because of what happened to you in the car accident? No. I shook my head. No. I saw Albert empty eyes, his slick smile and a deep shudder wracked my body. I heard his declaration shes mine, and wanted to dissolve into the seat, so afraid just the echo of his words in my head would enslave me to a force that mere mortality wasnt strong enough to fight off. Are you cold? Weston leaned forward and turned on the heater. No. Yes. I wrapped myself in my own embrace. Matthias. Hed been there. His heavenly presence had only been with me for a minute, maybe lessmy accounting of time distorted in the fear surrounding the moment but Id seen him. Hed saved me. Please, please, I hope his intervention didnt further condemn us somehow. I closed my eyes, a tear escaping down my cheek. Westons finger touched the tear, and I looked at him. Concern wracked his features. You sure nothing happened? Did one of those losers back there touch you? No. Youre still trembling. What happened, Zoe? You can tell me. I turned my face toward the window. Black and gray clouds billowed in the afternoon sky, thick and dense, sealing Heaven away from me. Is this how its going to be, Matthias? Me only able to see you when my soul is at stake? Id never felt such profound evil as Id felt from Albert. Albert. Matthias father. The way his piercing eyes had looked into mine, the memory prickled every nerve in my body and threw me into a fit of shivering that rattled my teeth. Whatever he was, he was bigger than anything I could measure with my mortal capacity. Whatever was going on between the two of them was fierce. Deadly. And Id stepped into the middle of it. Albert was dead. And yet he looked as alive and real as Matthias. I was weighed down with confusion and questions. Why had Albert come to me? How had he been able to get inside of me like that? Recalling his possession of my body threw me into a fit of nausea. I covered my mouth and held back the urge to vomit. Weston pulled the truck over, shoved the gears in park and reached his arm around my shoulder. His fingers pressed into my skin. Zoe. Tears crested my eyes. My swollen emotions were on the verge of erupting. I longed to talk to someone. Share my confusion. Get some answers. He searched my face, his brows tight, fingers digging into me, urging me closer to him. What? Tell me. I cant talk about it. Something happened back there at the marquee, what was it? His fingertips pressed harder into my shoulder. Who? Tell me. Ill kill them. Nobody did anything, Weston. It wasnt that. Britt? Did she threaten you? No. I really cant elaborate. Why? Our gazes held. Seconds dragged. Because of... you still dont trust me, do you? Thats not it. What happened was very... personal. Confusion shadowed his eyes. Ill try to understand if you try and trust me. I cant share this with anyone. Im sorry. My agony was my own cross to bear. Only one person could answer my questions and calm the rampant fears about the evil abyss Id just stood close enough to that if Id moved an inch, I would have fallen and been lost forever. I shuddered again, convulsing with dread. Alberts face embedded in my brain and every time his empty eyes came into mind my body wracked with terror. Weston slid closer, his arms wrapping tight around me. His strong palm cupped my cheek and pressed my head against his chest. It wasnt weakness that enabled me to slip my arms around him and hold tight. Need. Fear. Convenience. Weston was there

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