Penitence (2010) (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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right at his front door. Lights were on at the porch, the garage and along the front walkway. I shrunk. Stalking always presented a risk of being seen. Britt was in the backseat, behind darkened windows and I was exposed up front. With Chase. I looked like a psycho. Chase, inexperienced at the obsessive habit of stalking, drove right to the curb and parked, bringing a laugh from Britt. I slipped further down the seat. Perfect. Thanks, Chase. So this is where he lives? This is heaven, Britt murmured like a love-sick weirdo. No, this is not Heaven. Nothing remotely associated with Weston Larson could ever be considered heavenly. Not the Heaven Id seen. A pair of bright headlights shined at our faces. Its Wes! Britt bounced in the back seat. I sunk below the dash, my heart pounding. Chases gaze darted around. Am I supposed to sit here? Should I drive on? What? Let me see him, Britt panted. GO! GO! I hissed. Chase was under Britts invisible spell and wasnt listening to me. You know how this looks? I whispered to Britt. I dont care. I love him. He needs to know I wont leave him without a fight. I heard the engine of the truck outside stop. The reflected beams of the trucks headlights went out, returning Chases cab interior to near darkness. I couldnt believe Chase sat there like a spectator at a movie. And I couldnt believe Britt finagled her way with Chase and now we all looked like psychos. Hes coming! Britt wiggled. Are you serious? I whispered a shriek. My heart banged against my ribs. Chase, drive! II cant. Hes... right... Chase rolled down his window. I closed my eyes, covered my face and tried to vanish underneath the dashboard, but hiding was impossible. Can I help you? Westons coffee and cream voice flowed into the car. My pulse swirled with embarrassment. I didnt dare open my eyes. I could pretend I was sick, right? Vomiting? I felt nauseated. Wes. I heard Britt scramble out of the car. How desperate can you be? I peered through my fingers. Weston had his hands on the edge of the open window and his stark brown gaze on me. Zoe? I squirmed back into the seat and let out a sigh. My skin flushed with heat. Wes, can we talk? Britt butted her body into Westons shoulder. He ignored her. What are you doing here? Weston asked the question clearly aimed at me. Chase looked at me, then at Weston, then back at me. Britt had a look of stunned annoyance on her face. Britt wanted to come by, I snapped. Weston shifted. Underneath his snug, long sleeved tee shirt, the muscles in his arms roped and drew tight as he gripped Chases door. He slid a look of condemnation at Britt who shrunk back a step. Then his dark eyes fastened on me again. Chase cleared his throat. Were going bowling. Is that right? Westons jaw twitched. Sounds cool. Mind if I come along? My eyes gaped wider. Britt crossed her arms over her chest. You? Bowling? she snickered, following his taut connection to me. He looked at her. Not as ridiculous as you bowling. Zoes my best friend. Whats your excuse? she demanded. Weston moved his intense gaze to me again. Why was he staring? Its Chase, right? He nodded at Chase. Yeah. Yes, it is. If its okay with the girls, you can come. Ive reserved lane fifteen at Jack and Jills. Ever been there? Weston nodded. He shouldered Britt aside, opened the back door and filled the backseat, bringing with him a tense energy that splintered like a whip. My heart trembled. Not so much from fear, but from the unknown. Britt let out a sigh and stood outside, peering in at him. I want to know why youre going. You havent spoken to me in weeks. Now, I show up on your doorstep with Zoe and some guy youve never met and youre all ripped to go bowling? Im not going because of you. Britt let out a gasp. If you think Im going to let you go bowling with her, then youre brain damaged. Weston reached over, grabbed the handle and brought the door closed with a slam. Drive. Wide-eyed, Chase looked at me. Britt stomped outside the car like a toddler throwing a tantrum. You pig! Her fists hit the back window. She yanked at the handle, but Weston locked the door and faced forward. Britt came to the front window, wagging her fist at me. Get out of the car, Zoe! Hes mine! Im with Chase, you retard! Chase started to sweat. What should I do? Drive, Weston repeated. But... I cant leave her here. Shes got a cell phone and a stable of guys, man. Drive. Shes going to break the window, Chase whispered at me. Shes out of control, I said. Part of me wondered if Id be better off joining her. The other part was irritated that shed used Chase and I, was acting like a spoiled brat, and now the tables had turned on us all. Suddenly, the car lurched forward and we were driving. Weston ran his hands down his face. I didnt know what to sayto either boy. How weird was this night? I faced forward, trying to deal with the fact that Britt was gone and Weston now sat in her place. My cell phone vibrated. I pulled it out. Britt. if u go with him ill never speak 2 u again whatever. he barged in after u insisted we go to his house! come back and get me! no way u 2 will kill each other hes dead anyway! I heard Westons finger tapping furiously on his cell phone. Then he snapped it closed and looked at me. That ought to shut her up. You two need to fight your battles in private, I spat. Ive tried. She doesnt take no for an answer. Britt was overboard when it came to Weston. Still, that he sat in the car with Chase and I while she stood back at his house burned me for a reason I couldnt identify except to say I was pissed. I flipped around in the seat and glared at him. Youre really going to go through with this? Weston lifted his shoulders. Yeah. Its cool, Chase piped. He seemed unable to sense the jagged vibes in the air. We dont mind, do we, Zoe? We? We? Like were and item? Grrrr. Its just that, if Britt came, wed have enough for doubles. Right? There is such a thing as doubles in bowling, isnt there? Not technically, Chase said matter-of-factly. Though, Britt And none of us are couples, Weston said, his expression serious. Thats the beauty of it. * * * We bowled. Chase was enthusiastic about the sport and effervescent that he was with two of Pleasant Grove High Schools elite. The genial host to both Weston and me, he showed us his favorite spots at the alley, offering us Pepsison him. Weston was surprisingly nice to Chase. But then Weston knew the gameand I dont mean bowling. Weston was adept in the art of social pins, how to set them up, how to avoid getting knocked over and, if necessary, how to strike and annihilate. Though, as the evening wore on I realized Weston was not going to annihilate mild mannered Chase. Chase bowled 220. Weston 185. The two of them at a dead heat near the end of our last game. I slid by on a 70 to which Chase simply pushed up his glasses, grinned and said, You did great for a beginner. Weston tossed a deep red ball from one strong palm to another, slowly coming toward me. You dont know how to throw, Zoe. He came to a dead stop when the cold marble ball was between our chests. My heart pattered. Let me show you. He swept around me, wrapped one solid-as-steel arm around my left, the other whipped the marble ball to breast level as if it were nothing more than a fluffy pom-pom. His face was so close to mine, I jerked my head to the side, sure his jaw would come into contact with my cheek. In front of us, blocking my swing, Chase stood, a befuddled expression causing him to cross his arms and bite his lower lip. No, thats not the best way, he joined us, standing next to me, making it clear to Weston that he was the better bowler, he should be demonstrating the moves. Westons warm body hovered over mine like a panther ready to mate. Whatever cologne he wore nullified common sense, wafted into secret places in my brain and body, luring and taunting to life female desires. I locked my knees, tried to block the flutterings coming to life in my system. This is Weston, you retard. Britts ex. Westons skilled fingers wrapped gingerly around my hands as he showed me how to hold the ball. I swallowed a knot. You cradle it like this. His low voice snuck into my ear and tried to caress my eardrum. Thanks, I got it. I wiggled free, took a few steps to the lane and readied to roll the ball. My hands shook. I felt him behind me again. Now, bring your arm back nice and strong in a full I can do it. I moved back and landed on his instep. He grunted. I shot a smirk over my shoulder and took the swing. The ball rolled off into the gutter and sped down the lane and out of sight without hitting anything but the slatted curtain hanging behind the standing pins. Oh well, I sucked at bowling. At least I got Weston off my back. Great try, Chase cheered behind me. I turned and bumped into Weston, his dark eyes holding me still. My heart bounced in my chest. You just need a little work on that arm, he said. I needed to get away from him. Im going to leave the next game to you guys and sit this one out. I crossed to the red Formica bench and sat. You sure? Weston followed me. Yeah, come on, Zoe. My right arms getting tired, Im sure Ill bowl a lousy game. I grinned. Not you, Chase. Youre a machine. Ive never seen anyone like you. Weston shifted, looking rather miffed by my comment. I enjoyed pinching his ego. Maybe it was because hed been muscling me with his manliness and now I was getting back at him with my tongue. Suddenly, I noticed how quiet it was in the place. I looked down the lanes. The rest of the patrons had left. I checked the large clock on the wall. Five minutes to eleven. Wed been playing for two hours. The place was about to close. Commotion drew my attention to the door where three guys had just entered the bowling alley. My heart dropped. Black spirits crawled all over their bodies like writhing serpents, hands caressing, teeth gnashing, bodies whipping in a frenzy of evil that reached out across the building to where we lingered at the lanes. Twelve I jumped to my feet, grabbed Westons shirt, and Chases sleeve. We need to leave. Now. Both followed my gaze to the check-in desk where the gang was headed. What is it? Chase whispered. We need to get out of here. I didnt need to drag them, they put down their bowling balls, we all slipped off our shoes and Weston took the lead. Stay behind me, he commanded. His face drew tight. Did he see the black spirits? Chase and I followed him to the desk where we set down our shoes. Weston kept his gaze on the three guys. When their darting eyes met his, he gave them a casual nod. Only one nodded back, a tall guy with a bandana wrapped around his head. All three looked around the place again. Their baggy clothes were draped with chains. Tattoos decorated what skin they bared. One had a cap on backwards. They didnt look like your typical bowlers, and the young guy and girl working behind the desk became jittery. I tried to tear my eyes from the crawling creatures, but they were so hideous, their evil so menacing, I was caught in the snare of fear. Id never seen black spirits seep from eye sockets. Every time one of the guys opened their mouths, a creature slipped out in fanged frenzy, then joined the others already infesting the men, wrapping, writhing and taunting in a wicked silence that felt like a magnetic field, trying to suck us closer. The creatures were male and female, and, like when Id seen them before, were oblivious to anything but arousing their hosts. Each guy had two perched on his shoulders, their mouths whispering into the mens ears while the talons on their hands stroked effortlessly over the mens bodies. I shuddered. What could they be saying? I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and noticed that Id moved closer to Weston. He took my hand, pulled me into his side and looked at Chase. With a jerk of his head, he indicated the exit. Weston on my right, Chase on my left, we headed for the door. My heart raced. I didnt dare look back, too afraid the three men would sense something was upwe were onto them or somethingeven though I had no idea what they were going to do if anything at all. For all I knew, they could be three guys trying to get in one last game before closing. Three guys who happened to be infected with the worst case of black spirits Id ever seen. The further we got from them, the less pull I felt from the magnetic evil they carried. I dug out my cell phone once we were out the door. I dialed nine-oneone. That was bad in there, Chase said. Did you see those guys? Keep going. Weston didnt break the protective hold he had on me, ushering me to Chases car. He glanced over his shoulder, then saw that I had my phone out. What are you doing? Calling nine-one-one. You think somethings going to happen? Chase pressed the button on his key remote and the car beeped. Weston opened the back door and gestured for me to get in. I did. When the dispatcher came on the line, I swallowed. Um, we just left Jack and Jills bowling and three suspicious guys went into the place. Can you describe them? They had on bandanas and chains and they had tats and stuff. Maybe like gang members? But it was more than the way they were dressed. It was like they were checking the place out. Can I have your name please? Zoe Dodd. She took my cell phone number and thanked me for reporting the suspicious behavior. I hoped the police would show. Lets get out of here, I said. Weston slid in beside me. Chase jumped into the front and started the engine. We drove in silence for a minute, and I stared out the window into the dark neighborhoods we passed. I hoped the employees at Jack and Jills were safe. I hoped they had guardians. I hadnt seen any. Maybe nothing bad was going to happenthats why I hadnt seen any. The thought didnt ease my fear. I closed my eyes, not comfortable with the black night surrounding me. Why did bad things happen when it got dark? To more easily camouflage wickedness? Did darkness bring out the worst in a mind already turned in that direction? You okay? Weston. I looked over, found him studying me. His hand was close to mine as it lay on the backseatfingertips nearly touching. His brown-black eyes sparkled in the occasional reflected light we passed. No dark spirits here. Yeah. That was just... bad back there, you know? I felt it. He nodded. I felt it, too. Me three, Chase piped. He kept glancing at us through the rear view mirror. Anybody want a Starbucks? I just want to get home, I said. Yeah, man. Thanks for the offer, though. Weston patted the back of Chases seat. This was cool tonight. Yeah, it was, Chase nodded. I wonder if well hear anything in the news tomorrow about Jack and Jills. For their sake, I hope not, I said. Im just glad we got out of there when we did. Weston kept his gaze on me. Unnerving, because I was still deciphering who he was and what he was after. Britt would have freaked, I said, watching his reaction to the mention of her name. Weariness washed over his face. He looked

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