Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition) (22 page)

BOOK: Penthouse of pleasure - uncertain desire (German Edition)
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Liam walks right over to his room. I wonder what he’s planned. What did he mean by “
I’ve prepared something while I was waiting for you

It’s unbelievable how my body responds to him. My nipples are rubbing against the fabric of my bra, they are that hard with the thrill of anticipation.

“Wait a second and close your eyes,” Liam demands.

Glad that he’s now distracted, I do as I’m told and close my eyes. And wait. And wait. Whatever is he doing? Just as I want to open my eyes, I hear his voice in my ear: “You can open them again now!”

Wow, I think when I see what he’s done. How beautiful!

Liam has lowered all the blinds and the only light emanates from about fourty little tea lights on the floor. That’s why it took so long. He had to light them all first.


“I have a little surprise for you. To make it up to you because I had to leave so soon yesterday,” he grins.

God, I love that cheeky grin. It’s sooo sexy.

“Well, it won’t be easy to make me forgive you,” I reply and fold my arms over my chest. “It wasn’t at all nice waking up on my own.”

“I’m really sorry, but I had no choice. I had an appointment I couldn’t miss and I didn’t want to wake you. I also thought a bit of rest would do you good after our initiation ritual.”

His apology strikes me as genuine. I can’t really expect Liam to understand me. How could he? Someone who never has serious relationships presumably doesn’t have a clue about interpersonal behavior. I should just let it go and enjoy the evening.

“I can’t wait,” I say and swagger into his room, head held high. I’m not at all as confident as I pretend to be. Truth be told, I’m actually terribly anxious. With Liam you never know what he’s cooked up.


My eyes need a moment to adjust to the dim light. I have a look around Liam’s room, but don’t notice anything out of the ordinary. No love swing, handcuffs on wall hooks or anything else of that ilk. Phew!

“Alright,” Liam smiles. “Let’s start!”

“Let’s start what?” I want to know.


“What if I don’t want to?”

“Oh, I’m sure you will. You won’t want to miss this!” „

“What exactly have you planned?”

“Stop being so inquisitive, Kate. Just trust me for once!” he say and pushes his hand under my top. “Why do you always get so nervous?” he asks when he feels my rapid heartbeat.

Me and nervous? I think. If this is nervous I wonder how Nicole rated on the nervousness scale. 

I can hear Nicole’s warning again.

Forget it! the woman in me screams. She’s just paranoid! Have some fun, will you!

Liam’s hand circles my breasts and his fingers stroke my hard nipples.

“Yum,” he mumbles, pulls my top off, opens my bra and flings it aside. Then he takes my breast into his mouth and lets his tongue play with my nipple. A sweet sensation spreads through my abdomen and my head takes a vacation.

“Come with me,” Liam orders, takes my hand and leads me to his bed.

Standing in front of it, I see that something’s different. His bedclothes have disappeared and the sheet’s gleaming in a strange way.

“What is that?” I ask, pointing to the sheet.

“Your surprise. That’s a special latex pleasure sheet. I’m going to massage you. Every bit of you!” His blue eyes glint mischievously. Very slowly he takes off his T-shirt, exposes his chest muscles and then takes off the rest off his clothes until he stands bare ass naked in front of me. His member is already slightly erect.

Yet another adrenalin hit! It’s unreal how I react to him. The idea of Liam’s massage alone makes me all wet.

“Why are you getting undressed?” I ask and gulp.

“Because it’s going to get wet soon,” he replies with a suggestive grin. “Your turn!” he says and points to my jeans. “Take them off!”


I slip out off my clothes until I’m completely naked.

“You’re so beautiful!” Liam mumbles, appreciatively, scanning my body.

I smile.

“Lie down and relax,” he says.

Right, I think and do just that. Let’s see what he has in store for me.


The pleasure sheet feels cold. I can feel the goosebumps on my skin.

Liam starts playing some relaxing music on his phone. He comes over to me with a large black plastic bottle and kneels beside me on the bed.

“Are you cold?” he asks.

“A little,” I nod and glance at the bottle in his hand.

“Don’t worry. That will soon pass. I’ll get you all hot again now,” he whispers in my ear and unscrews the bottle. God, I love our dirty talk.

What is that? Massage oil?

Ever so slowly he lets the contents run through his fingers and drip onto my breasts before he skillfully spreads it all over them. Then he drizzles some of the oil onto his own chest. His muscles are gleaming in the candlelight. He leans over me and rubs his chest against mine.

Jesus, that feels good!

“Turn around,” he mumbles. “I want to start on your back!”

Obediently, I turn over onto my stomach. 

Each drop of oil he drips onto my naked back and tushy makes me jerk a little. My nerves are already stretched to breaking point. When he starts gently caressing my back, I moan with pleasure. Gee, this is great!

With slightly more pressure, his fingers wander over my neck, my back and my butt down to my feet and back again.

I slowly relax. Liam drizzles some more oil on my back, then he lies on top of me and rubs his chest against my back. I feel his erection against my fanny. My clitoris starts to throb.

“Full body massage,” Liam whispers and tenderly bites my earlobe. 

“Um,” I growl. “Not bad!”

“Do you feel a bit warmer?”

“Not a bit,” I fib.

“Well,” he mumbles, “let’s see what we can do about that,” raises himself up and spreads my legs apart. “Don’t move!”

I pant when what seems like a whole gallon of oil flows over my behind, my back and along the lips of my vulva.


With the tips of his fingers he rubs the oil onto my fanny. More or less automatically, I stretch my pelvis towards him. More! More!

Infinitely slow, his fingers wander further down, stroke the insides of my thighs until at last he enters me with two fingers. They instantly find my G-spot.

I moan blissfully.

“And? Warmer now?” he asks bemused.

“Not a bit!” I pant through clenched teeth.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Looks as if I need some help!” he mutters and pulls his fingers out.

“No! No! I beg.

“You asked for it!” he growls, opens the drawer of the nightstand and takes out a latex dildo. “Maybe this will warm you up!”

He places his hand under my mons pubis, raises my pelvis and penetrates me with the dildo. With merciless thrusts, the dildo’s dancing inside me while Liam stimulates my clitoris.

“Ah!” I scream.

“Better now?” he asks.

“Yes,” I moan.

“What? I can’t hear you,” he says and stops.

“Yeees!” I shout. “Don’t stop!”

“Sorry, angel!” he says and removes the dildo. “It’s your turn!”

You asshole, I think indignantly and raise myself up. He kneels down beside me and invitingly offers me the bottle.

I take it and drizzle some oil over his semi-erect cock. Just wait for it!

I firmly hold his phallus and massage the shaft with gentle pressure until his member stands up in all its glory. Liam throws his head back and groans. His naked, oily body glistens in the light of the candles. He looks incredibly sexy! This is the exact moment I would like to take a photo of him – for later! In a way I don’t want this to end. It would be nice if we could stay in some kind of time warp.

“Stop it,” Liam gasps, “or I’ll come soon!”

Grinning, I finish the massage.

He pushes me slightly and I topple over backwards onto the mattress. He picks up the plastic bottle again and pours the rest of its contents over my body.

The entire latex sheet is now covered in oil.

So am I.

Liam lies on top of me and rubs it into me with his muscular body. His stiff cock glides over my stomach and my pubic region. The oil between our naked flesh feels wonderful. Incredibly wonderful!

“Please, take me!” I beg. I can hardly wait to feel him inside me.

When Liam enters me at last, I wrap my legs around his back and thus prevent him from pulling out again.

He pokes me forcefully. Our bodies slither across the sheet, claw each other – become one. I’m overpowered by the passion and give myself to him completely, blank everything else around me. There’s only him and me and the oil. When I finally come, I heartily bite his shoulder.


Satisfied, we lie beside each other.

“Little minx,” Liam mumbles and rubs his shoulder. A small red spot decorates his skin.

“Sorry,” I mumble back.

“Just as well my shoulder was oiled and you slipped or that would be quite a bite wound! You were no longer in control of yourself, am I right?”

“It’s your own fault. When you tease me like that!”

“So? Do you accept my apology now?”

“I’ve no problem with you apologizing more often.” I wink at him.

Tenderly, Liam caresses my back. “Shall we shower?” He smiles.

“Good plan,” I reply. I’m covered in oil. It’s even in my hair and Liam doesn’t look much better.

“Okay,” he says and kisses the tip of my nose. “Into the shower it is and then we’ll have a cozy evening in front of the TV.”
















The smell of coffee tickles my nose and gently wakes me up. I contentedly stretch my limbs.

“Good morning, angel! I made us breakfast!”

I slowly open my eyes. Liam’s is standing in front of me with a tray of delicacies.

Wonderful, I think. It’ can’t get much better than this. Sharing a bed with such a man and then even be served breakfast by him. Divine!



Liam doesn’t let any of the women sleep in his bed – never”
I suddenly remember Marcus’s words. 

Just shut up! I curse my inner demon and relegate him to the bottom drawer of my mind. Just enjoy, Kate!

“Did you sleep well?” Liam wants to know and puts the tray down in the middle of the bed.

“Like a baby,” I reply. “Thank you for breakfast!”

I’m delighted with the lovely gesture and can’t remember the last time someone served me breakfast in bed. Must have been my mother when I still lived at home. Anyway, it’s been ages.

We enjoy the food while chatting animatedly.

“How about going to the sauna later on?” Liam suggests. “There’s a really great sauna and a wellness centre just around the corner!” 

“I’d love to,” I say. A relaxed Sunday with a sauna and a meal out after is right up my street.



A sudden ringsound disturbs our intimate twosome.

“Is that your cell?” Liam asks.

I nod. “I think so. It doesn’t matter!” I dismiss the call. Whoever that is, I’m not available right now. The ringing stops only to start again soon after.

“Someone seems to want you urgently,” Liam remarks.

I sigh and get up. “Hurry back. I could still do with a little dessert,” Liam grins and glances at me suggestively.

“I’ll just turn if off,” I say and toddle barefoot into the hall.

I extract the phone from my purse and look at the screen. It’s my dad. He never calls my cell. Perhaps I should take the call.

“Hi, Dad. Are you okay?

“You have to come home at once, Kate.“ He sounds completely out of breath.

“What happened, Dad?!

“It’s your mother. She had an accident. She’s in the hospital. Can you come?”

The sudden shock makes my fingers shake. I nearly drop the phone.

“Oh, God! What happened?” I gasp.

“She was hit by a car. She’s in intensive care. Please! You have to come home!” He sounds close to tears.

“How is she doing?” My voice sounds all squeaky with shock.

“I don’t know. I have to hang up now. Please come. I need you!”

I stare at my cell in disbelief. I can’t be. It must be a sick joke. I start feeling nauseous and have to sit down before I faint.



“Kate? What is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Liam’s suddenly standing beside me. He watches me anxiously.

“That was my dad. My mom had an accident. She’s in intensive care. I have to go home immediately!” I can’t breathe. I’m scared!

“Will I drive you?”

“Would you do that?”

“Of course. Get dressed!”



I’m very grateful to Liam for getting me home. At the speed he drives his sports car we should make it to my hometown in an hour and a half. He tries to distract me a little during the journey, but it’s no good. All I can think of is my mother! Please, God, don’t let her die! 


Exactly an hour and a half later Liam stops at the hospital gates with screeching tires. “Do you want me to come in?” he asks.

“No,” I shake my head. “Thanks for getting me here!” 

“Call me, you hear. I want to know what’s happening. And if you want me to, I collect you again!”

I nod, blow him a kiss and sprint towards the hospital without turning around again. All my thoughts are with my mom.

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