Perfect Alignment (16 page)

BOOK: Perfect Alignment
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“My ass is her ass, to do with as she pleases.”

The tiny bit of sadism that lurked in his heart sparked to life. “Are you quite sure about that?”

Toby pulled in a sharp breath. “Are you—does she—I mean… Hell. Yes, I’m sure.”

There weren’t many people Drew would trust to do this with. Actually, there might not be anyone else he’d trust to do this with. But Toby was an experienced sub, one Drew trusted to know what he could handle, to know how to work with an inexperienced top without fucking with her. He grinned up at Emma, watched her eyes widen just a bit as she started forward. At least not to fuck with her in the wrong sort of way.

All grace, she came to a stop and knelt next to Toby, her face a perfect expression of submission and desire. Just the thing to light his blood on fire. His dick swelled into Toby’s lower back. She lowered her eyes, placed her hands behind her back the way she knew now that he liked.

“You please me very much, Emma.”

She actually blushed. His confident, bold Emma blushed, but didn’t move.

“Tell me, Toby. Is your dick getting hard thinking about her?”

“Yes, Sir. But I’m not thinking of her being on her knees.”

Drew laughed and he heard a muffled choking sound come from Emma.

“I don’t know. I think she can make you pretty excited from her knees. What do you think, Emma?”

“I agree with you, Drew. I’d certainly like to try my best.”

“You go ahead then. I’ll just keep hold of our captive here.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He figured she meant thank you for holding Toby just as she much as she meant thank you for giving her this opportunity. Adjusting himself so that his thighs bracketed Toby’s tightly and he was more comfortable, Drew let go of the other man’s wrists.

“Hold on to my shirt, Toby. You let go, we’ll start Emma on practicing her spanking.”

“Yes, Sir. That’s not much of a deterrent, though.” He grasped Drew’s shirt in both hands and held on tight. Drew brought his freed hand around, pulling Toby more tightly into him, his arms crossed in front of the man, holding both shoulders. Drew knew that Toby liked bondage, wanted to make sure that he felt secured.

Emma stood and lowered herself in front of Toby, on her knees but not resting back as the men were. She leaned over Toby and offered her mouth to Drew. He accepted her offer, kissing her until she moaned and pulled back.

Her eyes were heavy lidded, her lips wet and puffy. Drew was certain that Toby was as captivated by the sight as he was. Emma reached down and squeezed the growing evidence of Toby’s arousal. “Would you like my mouth here, Toby?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, please, Emma. If it pleases you.” He gasped and Drew was sure she’d squeezed him.

“What will you do to earn that from me?”

“What do you want?” The words almost, but didn’t quite, cover the sound of a zipper being pulled.

Drew could see her hand reach into the fly. Toby groaned. Hell, Drew damn near did as well.

“I want you to kiss me.”

Drew blinked, returned his attention to Emma’s face. She was watching Toby carefully. It hadn’t occurred to Drew that she and Toby hadn’t kissed yet. That Toby may not have actually kissed anyone since Caroline.

“I want to kiss you, Emma. You don’t have to ask for that.”

She smiled. “There are lots of places I want you to kiss me, though, Toby.”

“Yes, Ma’am, I think I could handle that.”

Emma put her hands on Drew’s shoulders. The way she was leaning up, she was still taller than they were, so she used him to brace herself and met Toby’s lips with her own.

Drew had known this was a completely different scenario than the previous threesome he’d had with Toby. He liked to think he’d thought it through, examined all angles. Except he’d honestly not considered what it would be like to see Emma kissing another man. But it wasn’t just another man. It was his best friend. It didn’t exactly turn him on, but it warmed him. Not what he’d really expected.

He studied the lashes lying against Emma’s cheek, the sweep of hair falling across her ear. She was beautiful and he could happily stare at her for hours. She switched angles, Toby whining for the second it took him to understand she wasn’t abandoning the kiss, giving Drew a glimpse of her mouth and tongue. Fuck, he was seriously lost if he was thinking about how beautiful her tongue was. Of course, that thought led to memories of her tongue on his dick. Toby rubbed back against the expanding swell of Drew’s erection.

Emma broke the kiss, smiling slightly when Toby tried to lean forward and follow but was caught by Drew’s arms. His friend blinked his eyes open, then licked his lips and ran his gaze over her body, clearly anticipating where else she’d like him to kiss her.

Squeezing Drew’s shoulder, she leaned in and offered Toby her breast, still covered by t-shirt and bra. At least he assumed she was wearing a bra. Toby didn’t seem ready to complain, but took what was offered. When Emma pulled back, the wet spot over her nipple jutted out from the rest of the shirt. She offered Toby the other side and he immediately accepted.

With her breast in Toby’s mouth, Emma’s face was just above Drew’s. She curled enough that she could bring her lips to his. He suprised her by letting her kiss him, rather than the other way around, until she whimpered in frustration. Then he took over, pushing his tongue into her eager mouth, commanding her compliance, which she readily gave.

Before she could end the kiss, he did, earning a moan from her. He did so love to hear her moan. She blinked at him, then lowered her gaze before pulling back and releasing herself from Toby’s attention.

She leaned in and gave the other man a brief kiss, then studied him. Drew angled so he could see Toby as well. His dick was hard, his skin tight, his eyes bright.

Emma pulled her t-shirt off and folded it into a strip. She glanced at both Toby and Drew and tied it around Toby’s eyes when Drew gave her a brief nod.

Her instincts were good and he was fascinated by this side of her that she’d admitted even she’d never known was there. Toby was practically vibrating by the time the t-shirt was firmly in place.

Emma gave him a questioning look, pointing up. He understood what she wanted and rose up on his knees, pulling Toby with him. Emma moved quickly, easing Toby’s jeans down to his knees before Drew resettled them. Toby’s ass rested against his own jean-clad groin and Drew couldn’t help but wish that the other man’s was reddened from a spanking or flogging so that he’d really feel the jeans against his skin. Ah well, couldn’t have everything.

Emma lowered herself to the ground, clearly trying to figure out the best arrangement for her task. She curved her fingers around Toby’s length, lightly tapping along it like a very wide flute. Toby shivered.

Releasing him, she drew her nails down his thighs, sharply enough to leave four perfect red trails from upper thigh to where his jeans bunched around his knees. Toby arched slightly before catching himself, though he hadn’t been able to move much because of Drew’s hold.

Emma’s face showed clear pleasure at the reaction and she did it again. Then, with no warning, she leaned down and engulfed his cock. Toby cried out, ground his head against Drew’s shoulder.

Drew wished he’d thought to tell Emma to take her clothes off once Toby was blindfolded, but it was too late now. Still, her ass, straining against the material of her cargo pants as it wiggled and bounced was a hell of a sight. Knowing that Toby could feel his dick getting harder and harder was another bonus. He tightened his arms and his grip on the other man’s shoulders, tightened his thighs against Toby’s, gave him no room to squirm at all.

Toby’s breathing had become gasps and stutters. Emma reached up to his ass, as far back as she could reach before encountering Drew, and raked her nails down his sides. She hummed loudly enough for Drew to hear it easily, and Toby shouted. She hummed again as Toby slumped back against Drew’s chest.

Emma rose, wiping her mouth, which was lifted in a wicked grin. Oh yeah, she was pleased with herself. Since he was pleased with her as well, he waited to see what she wanted to do. She sat, carefully, legs to either side of Toby’s, her ass firmly on Toby’s lap. Drew let go of Toby and wrapped his arms around Emma to support her. She smiled her thanks, lifted her hands to Toby’s face. She caressed his cheek and smoothed the sweat dampened hair from his forehead before slowly lifting the blindfold away.

Then she kissed the corners of his eyes, the bridge of his nose, each cheekbone, before meeting his lips. Her tenderness had Drew gripping her butt tighter and he saw her lips curl just before she joined them with Toby’s. The other man hadn’t moved, his head still resting against Drew’s shoulder, so when she drew back, she didn’t have far to go to meet his lips instead.

He kissed her gently, eased his tongue in to meet hers, caressed her, owned her. She melted against Toby, one hand curled around his nape, the other on Drew’s. They stayed that way for a while before he finally had to admit to himself that he couldn’t hold the position much longer.

Easing back, he boosted her butt up until she’d gained her feet.

“I don’t think we’re going to get any fish unless we go to the store.” He decided that was exactly what they needed to do to give themselves a rest, time to process. “Let’s get cleaned up and go into town.” He’d be able to keep an eye on Toby while they got ready and drove to town. Make sure the little scene was settling well and Toby didn’t have any bad reactions.

Emma looked surprised and he fought not to frown. He hadn’t gone into town with her because it was too risky. He didn’t need people asking questions about her. But three people who were clearly friends was a different situation. He didn’t say anything, just put his hands on Toby’s waist until the other man was standing steadily, then rose to his feet. His thighs burned, but he wasn’t about to complain.

They packed their stuff away quickly and returned to the house. They didn’t bother to shower, just brushed off as much of the dirt as they could and headed off to the store.

Chapter Ten

Emma trailed behind the men, pushing the cart but letting them figure out what they wanted to put into it. She just studied their butts and went along for the ride. A young woman coming the opposite direction turned to watch them as they passed then winked at Emma. She grinned and waggled her eyebrows. When she looked back, Drew was watching her, his face stern. Oh boy, she was in trouble now. She smiled unrepentantly and he went back to his task.

Soon they had enough food to last her for a week, though she suspected it was meant only for lunch and dinner. An older man and woman stopped to chat with Drew, but she hung back and they moved on quickly.

She knew it was hard for Drew to be out in public with her and she knew she shouldn’t have a problem with that, honestly didn’t think she
have a problem with that, except…well, suddenly it felt as if she had a fucking problem with that. A wave of sadness threatened to engulf her but she refused to let it. They were having a wonderful time and she wasn’t going to let something so stupid screw it up.

She set her shoulders and concentrated on Toby’s ass to cheer herself up. It was very inviting. Maybe she really would spank it. It had never been something she’d wanted to do before, but she could just imagine Toby trying to hold still while she peppered him with smacks. She supposed it wouldn’t be as hard as when Drew spanked her, but he’d probably enjoy it.

That was what she needed to focus on. The fact that Drew was working hard to see that both she and Toby had a wonderful time, that they felt safe and secure. Though it had been only a few weeks, he cared about her, she was absolutely certain of that, just as she cared for him. And that was what she wanted. She couldn’t imagine any other Dom she’d been with letting her explore as he was doing right now. He trusted her with his best friend.

The boys put the groceries in the car and she mentally smacked herself around. No way was she going to ruin this amazing experience by bogging down in shit that didn’t even matter. Period. She almost threw herself into Drew’s arms to cement the thought in her head, when she realized that would be exactly the opposite of helpful. Out here, they were just friends. If that. Shit. She pasted on a smile that she hoped neither of them could actually see as she ducked into the car. Toby had insisted it was her turn to ride shotgun. She put her feet on the dash and leaned back into the seat where her face wouldn’t be in anyone’s line of sight.

While they talked, she carefully reviewed their time at the river. Instead of skipping ahead to the more interesting portion, she thought through the conversation, remembered their sweet concern when she’d spoken about Michael, and the way she’d wanted to hug both of them extra tightly when Toby had talked about Caroline. Then she let herself remember everything that happened afterward.

By the time they’d reached the house, she was hot and bothered and in a much better frame of mind. Working together, it didn’t take long to have everything ready. They set the food out on the table and Drew rubbed his hand over its surface and grinned at her.

“Wow, that’s quite a blush,” Toby said. “Care to explain?”

She shook her head, but of course, that didn’t stop Drew.

“The only time Emma’s ever said her safe word was at this table.”

“Oh! Sorry, you don’t have to tell me.” He sounded sympathetic, which just made Drew laugh.

“I asked her to sit on the table and she said no.”

“I was naked!”

Toby looked confused.

“Seriously, Toby, would you want to be eating at this table right now if you knew I’d sat up here naked and…you know, wet, and stuff?”

His eyes flashed, but it wasn’t disgust she saw in them.

She balled up her napkin and threw it at him. “Pervert.”

Both of the guys laughed. “Well, yeah, and proud of it,” Drew finally said. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

She rolled her eyes and took another bite of her fish.

“So, what you’re saying,” Toby teased, “is that you don’t want to tie me to the table and spank me?”

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