Perfect Alignment (18 page)

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Glancing at Drew, she wasn’t surprised when he held out his hand, offering his help. That was just like him, and she had no problem taking him up on the offer. She watched him give the first few spanks, watched Toby’s head drop back at the pleasure from the harder smacks. Then she climbed up onto the bed, pleased when Toby’s eyes snapped open and he watched her with eager anticipation.

She knelt in front of him and slowly removed the bustier to the music of Drew’s hand striking Toby’s flesh. Once free of the restrictive fabric, she palmed her breasts, tweaked her nipples. He moaned, though whether from a particularly hard smack or from what she was tempting him with, she wasn’t sure. Until he licked his lips.

“Can you reach me, Toby?” she asked.

He immediately strained against his bonds, pushed his ass out as far as he could into Drew’s striking hand in order to lower himself far enough to take one of her nipples into his mouth. He sucked hard, then twirled his tongue around the tight nub. She threaded her fingers through his hair, tugged him free despite his obvious desire to stay right where he was, then directed him to her other breast.

Humming his thanks, he gave that nipple equal attention, his body making little jerks against her each time Drew’s hand landed on him. When she pulled him back again, he tried to turn his head to the other breast, but she held him firmly while she rose to stand on the bed, putting her pussy at his mouth level. With a bit of a shimmy, she pushed her skirt down and stepped in close to Toby.

Without hesitation, he dove in. She had to let go of his head with one hand to grab the bedpost tightly. Bracing herself, she smiled at Drew, enjoying the wicked grin he gave her in return.

“Toby, Drew will stop when I come.”

Toby paused and she knew without a doubt that he was trying to decide which he wanted more, for Drew to continue or to make her come. It took him only a second and he was back in action, working fervently to bring her off. She didn’t try to hold back, let the waves of pleasure run their natural course. Her head went back and she gave a long moan, locking her knees to keep from falling.

A final suckle and kiss, and Toby pulled back, his gaze meeting hers, full of pleasure at his accomplishment. She grinned in response and dropped down to her knees, kissed him hard, her hand gripping his hair, holding him still for her onslaught.

Finally, she needed to catch her breath. She pulled his head back, whispered in his ear, “How about Drew and I switch places?” she asked.

She felt him shudder, lifted her eyes to see what Drew was doing. Her grin widened, threatening to jump off her face as she saw what he was holding. The black straps surrounding a deep blue dildo could only be a strap-on.

“Do you want to suck Drew off, Toby?” She licked his neck. “Would you like that?”

He drew in a stuttered breath. “Yes, Emma. I’d like that.”

“Are you sure?” she teased. “I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want to do.”

He cleared his throat. “Please, Emma. The only thing I don’t want to do is let you down.”

She laughed. “Oh Toby, I don’t see how that could possibly happen. My only other question is, what do you think I should be doing while your mouth is busy with Drew?”

He opened his mouth but she laid her finger on his lips. Instead of speaking, he touched his tongue to her finger. “How about a multiple choice option?” she asked, running her finger along his lips. She pushed her finger between his lips, not giving him a chance to speak, but his eyes were all expectation.

“Option one, I can sit where you can watch me and use the dildo Drew’s holding right now to pleasure myself while you suck him off.”

He sucked hard on her finger, used his teeth very gently to scrape her skin.

“Option two, I can return the favor. I enjoyed having you in my mouth this morning. I’d like to taste you again when you’re naked. Let my fingers explore other parts of you. Would you like that, Toby? Do you think Drew could give me some pointers on how to bring you pleasure with my fingers as well as my mouth?”

He groaned his approval of the idea, but didn’t try to speak.

“Last option.” She pulled her finger free, ran her thumb along his bottom lip. “Are you ready?”

His eyes met hers and she loved the way that he checked to see what she wanted, correctly read the answer on her face.

“Yes, please, Emma. I want to know what you want.”

She bent down and kissed his lips gently. “I’d be perfectly happy with any of the three options, Toby. I mean that.”

He swallowed. “Will you tell me your last option?”

“All right. Option three is that I strap on the dildo that Drew is holding and I fuck you blind while you’re sucking Drew’s dick.”

Toby stopped breathing.

“You know I’ve never done that before. I didn’t even know that Drew had a strap-on.”

He pulled in a shuddering breath.

“Do you think he bought it for us, Toby?”

“I—uh—I don’t think he would have had one lying around. I can’t imagine him inviting you to use it on him.”

She laughed and so did Drew. “So, those are your options. I want you to think about them for a minute, decide what you want to do. Because once you decide, you get no more say in the matter.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

He closed his eyes and pulled in a deep breath. She took the opportunity to glance at Drew. He smiled his approval and she relaxed. It helped so much to know that he was backing her up. It gave her the confidence she needed to keep going. Well, that and the look of utter desire and need that Toby still wore.

She wasn’t sure how Domme-ly she was being, giving him the choices. She didn’t care. It was working for her and she was pretty sure it was working for Toby. That was all that mattered. He opened his eyes and gave her everything in his look. Trust, want, need.

“Please, Emma. Fuck me hard.”

Chapter Eleven

A shiver ran through her. She would have been perfectly happy with whatever answer he’d chosen. But this. This had her pussy clenching in expectation.

“Fuck, you two are hot,” Drew said, coming to stand beside her. He took her hand in his, ran his thumb over her fingernails.

“Will you let me prep him for you?” he asked.

She glanced down at her nails. They weren’t exactly long, but they weren’t really short, either. She loved that Drew was watching out for both of them. And she absolutely loved the image in her head of Drew preparing Toby’s ass for her entrance. Pulling their combined hands to her pussy, she rubbed her clit. Toby’s eyes followed the movement and he licked his lips.

“That would be a treat to watch. Thank you, Drew.”

She dropped her hand, though his stayed behind another few seconds to tease her. Remind her that she was his. As if she needed reminding. The worry that her concentration would be fractured had turned out to be ridiculous. She found she was fully capable of keeping her attention tuned to both of the guys. In the past weeks, her body had become used to watching Drew, looking for cues and following his lead without thought. There was no danger of her forgetting anytime soon.

Which was both wonderful and a worry for another day. For now, they would play.

She climbed up on the bed and brought her mouth to Toby’s while she tracked the sounds of Drew retrieving the lube. Only her lips and tongue touched Toby’s. She gave him no other contact, enjoying the way his whole body strained toward her, held back only by the restraints. Ending the kiss, she put her lips to his ear.

“He looks so fucking sexy coming for you, Toby. The look on his face…he’s looking forward to touching you, opening you up for me.”

Toby groaned and she smiled. His ass clenched and released as Drew approached. Shifting on the bed, she dropped her legs on either side of Toby and reached around to grip those luscious ass cheeks. She kneaded his muscles, then pulled, opening him up for Drew’s slicked thumb.

Drew teased the puckered flesh until Toby pushed his ass out just a bit, then Drew slid the digit inside. Emma felt Toby’s cock, trapped between their torsos, jerk at the entry. She cupped his butt, let her nails dig into the flesh where ass met thigh. Drew pulled back and added more lube, then came at Toby with two fingers.

She licked and nipped at Toby’s side as Drew’s fingers slid smoothly inside. Drew twisted his wrist and fucked his fingers in and out. He placed his other hand on Toby’s neck, running his thumb over the other man’s nape.

“It’s been a while, Toby. I’m trusting you to tell us if anything isn’t right,” Drew reminded him.

“Ye—” Toby’s whole body tightened on a gasp and Emma was left without a doubt that Drew had hit Toby’s prostate. She let go of his ass and ran her hands up his back, holding him tight.

“Yes, Sir,” he managed.

Emma pulled her heels along Toby’s legs until she was able to put them on the mattress and push herself back. Toby watched her intently. She put one arm behind her to brace herself, and brought the other to her sex, twirling a finger through the moisture gathered there. His gaze was totally focused on her, though his body was moving slightly with Drew’s intrusion.

She eased one finger inside, then brought it to her clit. Toby moaned and she smiled. Drew took a step back, then gave Toby a casual smack on the ass. She idly fingered her clit, occasionally pushing two fingers into herself as she watched Drew clean his fingers and retrieve the strap-on. Toby’s focus was on her hands until Drew tossed the contraption onto the bed in front of him, between her legs.

Emma circled her finger through her cream, then rose to her knees, offered her finger to Toby. He sucked it into his mouth like a starving man, his tongue swirling to get every bit of her clean. She pulled free and looked to Drew.

“Get on your hands and knees and face Toby.”

It took her only a moment to get into position and seemed all too convenient that Toby’s cock was now at mouth level. But she waited to hear what Drew wanted from her before moving forward that last little inch. Instead, she blew a cool stream of air.

Lifting her gaze, she was pleased to find Toby biting his bottom lip. So fucking sexy. Drew’s hand ran over her butt and she was surprised to feel the coolness of lube-slicked fingers at her anus. She clenched in automatic reaction, then pushed out, accepting him.

“Mmm, good girl.”

He slid one finger in, then another. She stayed still, trying to keep as open as possible. Soon the smoothness of silicone replaced his fingers and a plug that felt awfully large pushed its way past her tight ring. She gasped when the whole thing was finally inside her, the flared base pressed tightly against her butt. And she knew she hadn’t been wrong. This was definitely a bigger plug than the one they’d been using. Breathing through the fullness that wasn’t quite pain, she worked to relax around the intrusion.

A shudder moved through her and she huffed out a breath, enjoying both the reaction of Toby’s cock and the knowledge that even as she worked her way into Toby, she’d be filled by Drew. Even as he gave her this experience, encouraged her to explore this need she felt, he was with her, in her, surrounding her.

One last pat on the ass, and Drew’s hands withdrew, only to return with soft leather straps. He pulled, buckled, smoothed and adjusted until he was satisfied. One strap ran between her butt cheeks, keeping the plug firmly in place. A wider strap around her waist supported the weight she could feel tugging from the front panel.

“You’re all set,” Drew said.

She stuck her tongue out, gave Toby a teasing lick as she rose to her knees. Then she looked down. The silicone cock jutted forward, bouncing a little as she steadied herself. It was…weird. Definitely weird. She’d certainly never considered men and their dicks as automatically superior, so why did wearing one make her feel…well, cocky?

The material felt silky under her questioning fingers. Warm. She wrapped her hand around it, enjoying the sounds of Toby’s breathing hitching and then speeding up as she explored.

“What do you think, Toby?” She gave it an experimental tug. The straps held securely. Loosening her grip slightly, she used her hips to push the cock through the circle of her fingers, then pulled back and repeated.

“I—uh, I think you look incredible and I hope you’re still planning on fucking me with that.”

“I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet.” She looked to Drew. “Would you please unhook his wrists and give him the lube? I think he can probably do a better job with this than me.” She continued to stroke the dildo idly.

Drew didn’t seem bothered by her request. He stood behind Toby, leaned his body into the other man’s as he stretched to release first one clasp, then the other. His lips lingered at Toby’s ear as he released the second tether. She had no idea what he said but Toby gasped in a breath. Toby’s gaze, however, never left her body. She knelt in front of him and grabbed one of the bedposts.

“Go ahead.”

Toby’s Adams apple bobbed as he squeezed slickness onto his fingers and brought it to the shaft she presented to him. She watched intently as his fingers worked to cover every inch. It was crazy how she could almost feel the sensation of his touch on her nonexistent appendage.

“Harder,” she commanded, and wasn’t surprised it came out sounding breathy and needy.

His grip tightened visibly, his movements, along with his own breathing, speeding up. God, she needed to get inside him.

“Stop.” It was more of a gasp than a command, but his fingers clenched, then released. She looked to Drew. His gaze was hot on her, which almost kept her from noticing that he’d taken off his pants. His cock was erect, red and glistening. Inviting. He held a hand out to her and she took it, letting him help her move off the bed. He took her place, though farther back on the bed, his ass on his heels, hand stroking himself as he watched her move to stand behind Toby.

She put her hand on Toby’s nape and urged him forward. He braced his hands on Drew’s thighs, pausing to receive a nod of approval, then lowered his mouth to her lover’s erection. Her lust somehow managed to ratchet up another notch. She ran her hand along Toby’s back, his muscles stretched tight, ending in the glorious curves of his ass.

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