Perfect Alignment (17 page)

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“Sure, we can do that,” she answered easily.

Drew raised his eyebrow at her.

“What, if he doesn’t want to be naked for a spanking, I can respect that. Personally, I think he’d look a hell of a lot hotter tied to your footboard, bent over the bed with that naked ass begging for attention and completely available to whatever I want to do with it.” She took a sip of water and shrugged. “But maybe that’s just me.”

Toby had stopped chewing and was staring at her, pupils gone wide. Drew was grinning at her over his glass. He winked and she smiled and turned her attention back to her plate. After a second she heard Toby gulping his drink and had to bite her lip to keep her smile from going supernova.

They finished the meal and Emma found herself rushing around the kitchen to get everything put away. She and Toby nearly tripped over each other in their haste, but Drew seemed to be taking his time, damn the man. Finally there was nothing left to do, and they both turned to Drew.

“Impatient, much?” he asked.

When neither of them responded, he just laughed. “You guys have one hour to bathe, groom, dress, whatever you need to do, and be in my bedroom. You can either be naked or in club clothes. There will be ankle and wrist cuffs on the bed. Be wearing them by the time I get there.”

He turned and walked out of the room, heading into the den. Emma didn’t waste any time, and decided she’d take Toby with her every step of the way. She grabbed his wrist and dashed up the stairs. He hesitated at the guest room, but she pulled him along to the master to grab her bag of club clothes.

She dropped it off in the guest room then led him to the bathroom. Never having used it, she took a look around. Nothing fancy, it had a shower tub and a single sink, with Toby’s things scattered around the room. Taking a deep breath, she turned to him.

“Did you, um, already prep yourself?” she asked. She figured he had, since she’d found him to be fully shaved in the morning activities.

He nodded. “I’ll just do a bit of touch up. You?”

“Want to help me?”

“Oh yeah.”

She laughed and they quickly shed their clothing. Toby reached in to turn on the water and adjust the temperature, and she let her gaze roam his body. She’d pretty much seen everything by now, but not all at once. The long, lean line of him was very, very tempting. He had something of a farmer’s tan, definitely more pronounced on his bottom half. She didn’t suppose he had much time for sunbathing in New York.

He turned and caught her staring, but she didn’t blush and neither did he. Instead, he took his time returning the favor, giving her a very thorough up and down that stirred her blood. She knew absolutely that they couldn’t do anything now, and that there would be plenty of doing starting in an hour. It made it somehow nice and relaxing to take the slow journey into the lust.

Seemingly on the same wavelength, he winked at her and offered his hand, holding her securely as she stepped into the tub. It was ridiculous to find that charming, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t stepped into the shower a million times without the help of a man’s hand, but she
charmed, damn it.

She wet her hair in the hot water, turned to find him with shampoo already in his hand. He looked a little sad all of a sudden and she knew they’d be having moments like these all night. It wasn’t a bad thing, she reminded herself. She just needed to tread carefully.

Not saying anything, she waited.

“I always used to wash her hair,” he finally said. He looked back down at his hands, carefully cupping the shampoo.

“You don’t need to.”

“Do you mind?”

“I don’t mind either way. Whatever you like.”

He nodded but didn’t move. In no hurry, she waited, then moved aside when he reached his hands into the stream, rinsing them clean. She started to reach for the bottle herself, but he shook his head. He squeezed a fresh blob into his hand, then motioned for her to turn around. She did, tilting her head back, giving a slight moan as his hands massaged the soap into her hair.

It was obvious he’d had practice, his fingers firm against her scalp for a time before working his way down her hair. When his hands dropped to her hips, she turned in his sudsy grasp, letting the water sluice her hair clean. He reached over her shoulder to help, then repeated the whole process with the conditioner.

Again she reached for the shampoo bottle, and he seemed startled. He moved toward the bottle, then stopped, let his hands drop. When she had a good dollop in one hand, she set the bottle back in its rack and pulled the shower wand free of its stand.

“On your knees,” she said, gesturing to her feet.

He blinked but said nothing, simply stepped back until he had enough room, then knelt at her feet. She enjoyed washing his hair, something she’d never done before. It seemed strange that when he’d washed hers, she hadn’t felt either submissive or dominant. She’d simply enjoyed the experience. And she’d been perfectly passive, as he was being now. But the feelings she had now were definitely dominant. Almost possessive. As though he were hers to care for and they both knew it.

God, she really needed to be careful here. Rinsing his hair clear of the conditioner, she grabbed shaving cream and dropped to her knees in front of him. She handed him the wand, then wet her hands thoroughly in the steam before sitting all the way down, careful not to run into the faucet.

She spread her knees wide. “Can you wet me down, please.” Not that she wasn’t wet already from the shower, but better to be careful. He aimed the water at her center, moved it around until she told him it was enough. She smeared the cream everywhere, then looked at him expectantly.

“I didn’t bring a razor.”

He blinked, stood and took a razor from the ledge, then knelt in front of her again, bending low. With slow, careful moves, he shaved the little bit of stubble she had. When he was done, she took the razor and did her own armpits.

By the time they were finished, the bathroom was a steam bath. Figuring there was no harm in being seen mid prep, she opened the bathroom door, letting the cooler air from the hallway caress their still wet bodies. They dried themselves off, then Toby slathered her favorite lotion on her body. He refused any for himself, even when she pouted.

It hadn’t occurred to her before, but this was one thing she missed in her encounters with Drew. Since she was usually coming from work or school, she didn’t take much time getting ready for him. Couldn’t get ready in the same types of outfits she would wear to Apex. Plus, she often stayed with Stephanie when in Boston, and they would get ready together, making the prep a whole event in and of itself.

Emma loved readying for her trips to the club. It made her feel feminine and beautiful and powerful when she prepped herself, slipped on her special outfits. This was similar, but also different. For one thing, she’d never gotten ready with a guy she planned on having sex with before. And yet, much of it was still the same. She found herself falling into the headspace that she usually did. Not subspace, but similar. After all, she usually had to drive to a club once she was ready. But the sense of excitement, anticipation, nervousness—all of it gelled into an expectation that she was familiar with, that she had come to love.

She could see the same happening to Toby, and it made them comrades. There was no chatter, only the necessary give and take of the preparations. He helped her blow her hair mostly dry, then nodded approvingly when she slicked it back into a tight ponytail. She pulled on a tight leather miniskirt and a small purple lace bustier. With ten minutes left in their allotted time, they headed to the master bedroom.

The room was empty, with the cuffs lying in two piles on the bed as promised. There was a table by the bed that wasn’t normally there, a pillowcase covering whatever lay on top of it. Emma’s heart rate picked up as she wondered what toys Drew might have picked out for them.

She held her hands out first, silently directing Toby to put the cuffs on her. When he was done, he immediately dropped to his knees and did first her ankles, then his own. When he stood, he offered his wrists to her. She secured the cuffs, then, without really thinking about it, guided his hands behind his back and secured the cuffs together. She put one hand on his shoulder and urged him down, brushing the hair away from his face when he’d complied.

Leaning down, she kissed his forehead. “So gorgeous,” she murmured, then lowered herself beside him. She clasped her hands behind her back and settled herself. There was still an awareness of the man beside her, but her main focus was on Drew. Waiting for him. Being ready for him.

She knew the moment he started climbing the stairs, was able to trace his faint path to the room, knew he stood in the doorway, watching them. It was crazy how she could feel peaceful and anxious at the same time. Wondering what would happen, but not at all worried about it. Not anymore. Now, it was simply time to happen.

When his feet entered her viewing range, she smiled. Couldn’t help herself. He was here. Bare feet had never been particularly sexy to her before. Had she even noticed Toby’s? But these feet, brushed by faded and slightly straggly denim, were beautiful to her.

For the first time in her life, she sort of understood those with foot fetishes. Drew’s hand came down in front of her face, palm up, in invitation. She took it and rose. He pulled her into him, joined his lips with hers. Oh yeah, she was really getting to be in trouble with this guy. A kiss and she was ready to do anything he asked of her. Hell, without the kiss, she was there.

He pulled back and she brushed the idea aside for later as he linked their fingers together.

“Let’s take a look at what we have here, shall we?” he asked.

She smiled. “Oh yes, let’s do that.”

They turned to look at Toby. His head was slightly bent, his shoulders relaxed, hands resting on his ass. Drew didn’t seem to mind that she’d attached the cuffs. He wrapped his hands around her waist and leaned to set his chin on her shoulder.

Toby’s toes flexed and clenched and she was thrilled at that sign of his nervousness. He wore only a pair of boxer briefs and the cuffs. His longish hair, still damp, had fallen back over his forehead and again she reached out and brushed it back. She drew her hand down his cheek and along his jaw until she cupped his chin, raised his face up so they could see him.

Handsome, though she realized she hadn’t necessarily thought that word in association with him before. He was a bit more tan than when they’d first met, his green eyes sparkled with desire, his lips, looking redder than they had when she’d looked at him only moments before, were parted just slightly, his breath brushing along her arm.

“You get me the best presents,” she told Drew.

He chuckled. “Wait until you see what else I have for you.”

“It can’t be as perfect as him.”

“Maybe not, but it will help you play with him, and I think you’ll like it.”

She turned her head so she could kiss him. “I’m sure I will.”

“For now, what do you want him to do?”

So many thoughts ran through her head, but the one that stood out the most clearly was the one from lunch. And there was no reason to deny herself, was there? She licked her lips, delighted when Toby’s eyes followed the movement.

“I want to put him at the foot of the bed, like I said earlier. Can I use your toys?”

“Of course.” He stepped back, gestured to the small cabinet that she knew held his things. She strode to it and quickly located the tethers she needed. Her favorite flogger caught her attention and she stroked her hands over its suede lashes, but she resisted. There was already a lot of newness, a lot of learning. She didn’t want to get crazy.

Moving back to the boys, she wasn’t surprised to see that Toby hadn’t moved, but was startled at how much it pleased her. He was staying still for her, though his toes were now digging into the carpet and his fingers had twined together.

“Toby, stand up and face the bed.” She kept her voice quiet but firm. He didn’t hesitate and she just stared for a moment, enthralled by his easy movements, his perfect willingness.

With a sigh of pleasure, she ran her palm down his back, snagged the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. He lifted one foot, then the other, at her direction. Using her nails but no pressure, she drew her fingers along the backs of his thighs and knees, then nudged his feet wide.

She secured each ankle cuff to a bedpost with the tethers, checking the fit of the restraints just as hers had been checked hundreds of times. She ran her hands back up his legs, using her whole hand this time, not just her fingernails. His muscles clenched and released under her touch.

She checked his face, found just what she was looking for. Desire, anticipation, the right kind of nervousness. At least she figured his expression was the mixture she was used to feeling, it sure looked like it to her. And she’d never realized how intoxicating the look was to the person watching for it.

She unhooked his wrists then attached them to the bedposts at shoulder height, letting Drew help her. Toby pulled against the straps reflexively, then relaxed.

Placing her hand on his bare ass, she caressed it for just a moment, then drew back and gave it a good smack. Yes, the setup would work just fine. She looked to Drew, who nodded his approval.

“What you make me want to do to you, Toby.” She put every bit of the appreciation she felt for how he looked and the gift he was giving her into her voice. His head turned, trying to see her, and she moved to accommodate him, stepping to the side but keeping her hand steady on him.


A quick flush rose up his neck and over his face, but he didn’t look away. She pinched his side, then soothed the pain away.

“Please,” he moaned.

She smiled and gave him what he wanted. The first spank stung her hand, but she was more focused on watching Toby than how it felt to her. The second blow jarred her shoulder, but she was pleased to see Toby’s ass pushing out towards her. Drew had given her some pointers, let her know that Toby liked a spanking or a light flogging as a warm-up. He’d warned her that she’d be surprised how quickly her hand would grow tired and sore, and he’d been right. Of course. But she had a plan for that.

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