Pieces of Paisley (41 page)

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Authors: Leigh Ann Lunsford

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Pieces of Paisley
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“Ice cream date later?” Paisley throws in. That sways my little girl, and she bounces off to my mom. “Bribery is a wonderful tool, Jake. Don’t look so surprised.” I laugh at her and kiss the top of her head. Whatever this girl wants, she can have.

“Want me to talk to Wayne about getting your stuff?”

“Nope. It is fine. I have to get my clothes, but most of my stuff I put in storage or got rid of. We can rid of the storage if you don’t need anything.”

“I think we are good. Laura and I got new everything. We wanted a fresh start, but you can change anything you want.”

“I have you, Laura and jellybean . . . I am good.” She runs over to Wayne and lets him know the plans, and he says he is going out with his friends to drown his sorrows. She punches him in the arm, and he laughs at her.

She hands me the keys to her car, and I am sad to see she got rid of the Jeep. “Beautiful, we need to rethink this car.” It is a compact and it isn’t safe for my family and the roads can get pretty nasty during winter, she needs a four-wheeled-drive.

“Why? It is only like five months old.”

I explain my reasons, and she relents. “We can just sell it and fly back, I don’t want the hassle of registering it in a different state and taxes just to sell it.”

“You are really okay with all this?” I can’t but have doubt. I feel bad for constantly questioning her.

“Yes, and you can ask me that as much as you want. I deserve the doubts you have.” I don’t want her feeling bad; we both carry the baggage in this relationship.

“No more from here on out. I promise.” I grab her hand and let her direct me to the house to get her stuff. I won’t ever refer to another home besides ours as hers. I decide to wait in the car for her to get her stuff, and she is relatively fast. One huge suitcase dragging behind her, and she is almost back to the car. “Is that it?”

“It is enough for now. I can always get new stuff, but I can’t get back all the wasted time, so I want to make new memories starting now.” Her parents are meeting us at the hotel restaurant later so we can finalize what needs to be done. I want the world to fade away and be locked in the hotel room for days with her. I have the urge to be buried so deep inside of her I don’t ‘know where I end and she begins. “What is that smile for?” she asks me.

“Well, I am thinking of what I want to do to you when I have you alone in the hotel room, and thinking those same things got you pregnant. I swear so many of my dreams came true today.”

“Surreal isn’t it? I can’t believe it and keep pinching myself.”

“It’s real, baby. Our life starts over, today.” As soon as we get to the hotel we are bombarded by a little girl wanting ice cream, and I let her and Paisley go on their own. I need to allow that relationship to develop without being a buffer. The look of shock and love from Paisley when I told her that killed me. I can’t believe that for so long she thought it was her fault that I didn’t tell her about Laura.

She notices I was going down that road, “Remember, starting over. No more, Jake. You promised,” and just like that she brought me back. After ice cream her parents are there, and if I don’t get her alone soon I am going to burst. Laura insists on Paisley bathing her and drying her hair and I can see the day is taking its toll on her. She is ready to drop, but she caters to Laura’s demands. I will be having a talk with Laura soon about wearing Paisley out. I need to keep her safe and healthy. Finally, it is my girl’s bedtime. I tuck her in to my parent’s room and make my way back to Paisley. The anticipation is making me wired, and I need to calm myself because I want to savor tonight.

She has taken a bath and is lying in the bed, and her beauty still makes me breathless. I stalk towards the bed and gently climb on top of her. I kiss her ear, running my tongue around the shell, when she lets a moan out, I feel my dick jump and strain against my pants. I move to the other ear and start making my way down her body. The knocking on the door halts me, “Daddy, Paisley.” I hop off the bed and open the door.

She runs in the room and jumps on the bed. Looking between us with her eyes as big as saucers, “I need to be with you. It is our first night as a family.” I am about to put this little manipulator back to bed when Paisley stops me.

“Jake, this is our life now,” she turns to Laura. “Get comfy baby, and you can snuggle with us.” I groan and resolve myself to a cold shower. I am not really mad, just horny. Paisley is right, this is our life now, and I am embracing the hell out of it.

I step out of the shower and stop dead in my tracks when I see the bed come in to focus. My whole world is within reach, all in one room and one bed. Laura is snuggled as close as she can get to Paisley and both are fast asleep. Paisley is cradling Laura, protecting and loving her in their sleep. I stop and silently thank the Lord. I will never take these moments for granted. I will cherish every second I have with them. If I have learned anything it is that life is precious, and you never know what tomorrow brings, so grab on to today and live it, love it, but most of all enjoy it. I will create memories every day, and the vision in front of me is one of my most precious memories. I slip into the bed, carefully so I don’t disturb them, I get as close as I can and take them both in my arms. The three loves of my life. I hold them close all night.

The next two days are spent at the beach. It is Laura’s first time seeing the ocean, and she is as in love with it as Paisley. I realize how much Paisley had really lost herself when she tells me, “I haven’t been here since Krista died. I came on my nineteenth birthday and said goodbye to it, and I refused to come back. I felt like I was awakened here, I didn’t want to relive that time in my life. I thought it was over. You couldn’t have picked a better place to bring us back together.” She may have grown older, gained some insight on life, but she was still the same girl she was at sixteen. I am glad to see all her experiences hadn’t truly changed her.

Tuesday shines bright and clear and I wake once again to both my girls in my arms. This will not be the case tonight, I promise you. I may revert to Paisley’s parenting and use bribery, but Laura will not be joining us in bed again. I promised Paisley a fresh start, and that is what I am giving her today. I order breakfast for my little piglets and wake them up. “We have a date in a few hours,” I remind them. They both roll their eyes at me and give me the look they have perfected. The one that clearly states I am an idiot. I chalk that up to ‘Paisley Parenting’ and roll with it.

I leave them to get ready and my mom goes down to join them once I reach her room. She is fucking over the moon and every chance she gets she is touching Paisley, or caressing her stomach. I wasn’t around when Lisa was pregnant, but my mom assures me it is normal for people to want to touch Paisley, but I am going to have to put an electric fence around her stomach because I am not down with people randomly touching her and I will make that known.

It is show time. I chose the spot on the beach directly across from the house where we began. It seemed fitting to me. This wedding is as beach casual as you can get, and perfectly Paisley. I chose ‘Tenerife Sea’ by Ed Sheeran for her to walk towards me. Marcus walks her down the aisle and once he hands her off to me, that is one of the most profound moments I have ever have. I always promised to take care of her, and I tried. When he placed her hand in mine, it was now my duty, my calling, and my reason. She is becoming my wife. The foundation to our future begins today.

Standing before one another with the ocean breeze around us, the smell of salt in the air, we pledged ourselves to one another and our family. Paisley insisted on two things . . . Laura standing with us the entire time and the first dance was her pick. After all three of us said our ‘I do’s I allowed myself a moment before I got swept up in the celebration. I looked at the deck of that house and remembered seeing her for the first time, the banter we had between us, the easiness of falling in love with her, our first kiss, our first fight, seeing her walking away from me that day on the beach and the way she looked when I came after her. All of our firsts and lasts were tied somewhat to this beach and that house. It is fitting that here, our union finally happened.

Sometimes you can go back.

When I hear the chords of that song, I see her walking towards me. “You promised me one night, outside under the stars that you wouldn’t dance to me to this song again until I was your wife. Time to pay up, Mr. Grant.”

“With pleasure, Mrs. Grant.” It feels like heaven rolling off my tongue. I hold her close and dance with my wife.

Chapter 48


Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

James A. Baldwin


If there is one word to describe today it hasn’t been invented. Perfection, fairytale, dream come true, those don’t even come close to it. I am married to Jake, our promises of past have now been solidified. Our kismet meeting sealed our fate and today we etched our future. I am on cloud nine, and I don’t think anything can bring me down. If it tries, I know Jake will be right there to kick its ass.

Laura insisted that I be the one to put her to bed, since she didn’t get to sleep with us tonight, and she promised to stay with Rose and Brian all night over ice cream, and that shit is sacred. That puts pinky-promises to shame, or so I was told. After the third book and the millionth promise that I was flying home with them tomorrow she finally lets me go back to our room. I am worried about her calling me Mommy, and I need to talk to Jake about it, the last thing I want is to start off on the wrong foot with Lisa. I love hearing it out of her mouth, it is music to my ears, but I don’t want to overstep any boundaries.

My hotel room has been transformed. There are fragrant candles over every flat surface and rose petals scattered from the door to the bed and my man is standing there holding a champagne flute filled with I assume white grape juice. He has already told me the importance of juices and brain development for babies. I don’t have the heart to tell him that shit is nasty, and I prefer apple juice. “For me?” I ask him coyly.

“For us. Is the urchin asleep?” I laugh at his endearments for her. She is the light of his life and I can’t wait to see him with our other child. There is nothing sexier to me than when he is in father mode. That protective side is growing on me, and it comes from the purest part of his heart. He guards what is his.

“Not yet, but won’t be long.” He hands me my glass, and I take a small sip. It isn’t grape juice.

“Didn’t think I noticed those faces you have been making every day? Well, I appreciate you not saying anything, but I think I have you figured out.” He did. Filling this flute is apple juice. He leans down and kisses me. “Yum, I like the taste of apple juice better.” Enough fucking around. I grab his neck and pull him down for a real kiss. His tongue demands entrance into my mouth and I allow it to dominate me. He sweeps it inside of my mouth and sucks my tongue into his mouth and immediately causes my core to convulse. No more words are spoken as he removes my sundress and when he bends down to remove my thong, he pauses at my stomach and peppers kisses all around it. Once I am bare in front of him, he caresses me with his eyes, and reaches out with both of his hands and runs them on the outsides of my breasts. My nipples immediately harden and my breathing speeds up. Picking me up he carries me to the bed and places me in the center like I am made of glass.

He removes his shorts, and he is commando underneath. Seeing the effect I have on him ignites my passion, and I feel myself getting wetter. I can tell he is going to be slow and easy tonight and I am ready for a release. He places one knee on the bed to join me and I reach out to stroke him. He pulses in my hand and I know he is on the brink already. We are going to have to get creative with little ones. I sit up and lick him once. He pushes me back on the bed and shakes his head no. I pout at him and he bends down and bites my bottom lip. “Behave,” he reprimands me. I know he doesn’t mean it, but I will gladly give him control tonight. Starting at my ankles he places open mouth kisses up to my thigh and then starts over on the other side. When he reaches my sex, he runs his tongue around me and thrusts it in quickly. I am ready to detonate from that little bit. Sucking on my clit he enters one finger in me and languidly drags it in and out. His other hand moves up and pinches a nipple gently, and I immediately convulse around his finger, and he continues to lick and suck on my clit. I try to close my legs because it is becoming too much, but he refuses to move his head.

“JAKE!” I scream out.

“That’s right baby. You will be screaming that name all night.” Pompous bastard.

He continues his ministrations with his tongue and adds another finger and pumps them harder until I am going over the edge again. Licking up my body he stops at my nipples and alternates licking and pinching them. I need him in me now. “Please, Jake. I need you.” He ignores me and keeps torturing and setting my body on fire. I grab his cock in my hand and stoke up and down. He lets a hiss out and tries to move away. I take the head of him and swipe my finger across the tip and suck the pre cum off my finger. His pupils dilate while he is watching me. I rub him along my clit and down towards my entrance never allowing him to penetrate. I lock my eyes on his the whole time I am pleasuring myself. As soon as my orgasm starts from using him like a sex toy, he enters in me in one long hard thrust, and I shatter. I have unleashed a beast, and he pulls all the way out, slapping my clit with his dick before immediately sliding back in. After three orgasms I am dripping, and feeling him filling me and emptying me has me on the brink again.

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