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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“tide of deterioration”: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 119.

“by still trying to jump”: NYT, May 11, 1964, p. 7.

facing a new coup against Khanh:
, April 24, 1964, p. 33.

four more regimes that year: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 101.

assume more efficient direct command: Ibid., p. 118.

“mount a successful campaign”: NYT, May 19, 1964, pp. 1-2.

“just milquetoast as it can be”: LBJ phone call with McGeorge Bundy, 11:24
, May 27, 1964, Cit. 3522, Audiotape WH6405.10, LBJ.

“What do you think”: LBJ phone call with Richard Russell, 10:55
, May 27, 1964, Cit. 3519a, Audiotape WH6405.10. LBJ.

soldiers massed along Race Street:
, May 22, 1964, p. 24;
, May 22, 1964, p. 46C; Lyon,
Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
, pp. 136-41; Lesher,
George Wallace
, pp. 298-300.

longevity record: Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, p. 179.

removing Roger Mudd: Ibid., p. 187.

Wallace won 43 percent: NYT, May 20, 1964, p. 1.

“I wish I had entered California”: NYT, May 21, 1964, p. 25.

“Most distressing of all”: Ibid., p. 34.

“Maryland's Vote Held Anti-Negro”: Ibid., p. 1.

Michigan on May 22: NYT, May 23, 1964, p. 1;
, May 29, 1964, p. 18.

“help build a society”: PPP, May 22, 1964, pp. 704-7.

twenty test runs: Valenti to LBJ, Dec. 15, 1964, WE9, Box 25, LBJ.

“There were twenty-nine”: Miller,
, p. 459.

23. P

Malcolm X returned: Goldman,
Death and Life
, pp. 182-83.

new Sunni Muslim name: NYAN, May 9, 1964, p. 62.

his favorite film: Karim,
Remembering Malcolm
, p. 97.

Handler kept muttering: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, pp. 412-13.

“Malcolm X Pleased”: NYT, May 8, 1964, p. 1.

“Malcolm Rejects Race Separation”: NYT, May 24, 1964, p. 1.

revised opinions on Judaism: Ibid. Also, undated NYAN news article cited in NY FBI report of Jan. 1965, FMX-215, p. 97; Breitman, ed.,
Malcolm X Speaks
, pp. 62-63.

fn “You don't have to be Jewish”: Breitman,
Last Year
, pp. 98-99.

letters Malcolm had sent home: NYT, May 8, 1964, p. 1; Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, pp. 338-42; Breitman, ed.,
Malcolm X Speaks
, pp. 58-64; Farmer,
Lay Bare the Heart
, pp. 229-30; Goldman,
Death and Life
, pp. 168-69.

known of white Muslims: Perry,
, pp. 263-64.

discussed them in public: For example: “Many people think we judge the white man because he is white. No, our attitude toward the American white man isn't because he is white. You have many people in the Muslim world whose skin is white as the people of Europe and North America. We judge the American because of the deeds, the collective deeds that Americans have done against black people….” FBI transcript of Malcolm X remarks on
, Radio KYW, Cleveland, April 7, 1964, FMXNY-4455, pp. 22-23.

“new, positive insights”: NYT, May 8, 1964, p. 1.

Malcolm found himself snatched: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 325.

detained as a questionable Muslim: Ibid. Malcolm described his detention May 23, 1964, on
Kup's Show
in Chicago: FBI transcript in SAC, Chicago, to Director, June 19, 1964, FMXNY-4599, pp. 39-41.

prayed for six solid hours: Perry,
, pp. 265-66.

interval of delight: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, pp. 318-60; Perry,
, p. 264.

“Chinese Ambassador and Mrs. Huang Hua”: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 357.

summer home of the late W. E. B. Du Bois: letter of Shirley Graham Du Bois in
Ghanaian Times
, May 19, 1964.

African Marxists pressed him: H. M. Basner column in
Ghanaian Times
, May 18, 1964, cited in Dept. of State Airgram No. A-625, Accra to State, May 24, 1964. Third Secretary Daniel A. Britz reported that Malcolm “created less of a stir than the Embassy had feared.” Boasting that “President Nkrumah was made aware of the controversial nature of Malcolm X before the visit,” Britz reported erroneously that Nkrumah refused to give Malcolm an audience.

Mayfield's argument:
Ghanaian Times
, May 19, 1964.

Nkrumah, shied away: Goldman,
Death and Life
, pp. 172-73.

Malcolm ran into Muhammad Ali: Perry,
, pp. 270-71; Goldman,
Death and Life
, p. 178.

hurt by this snub: Hauser,
Muhammad Ali
, p. 110.

“funny white robe”: NYT, May 18, 1964;
New York Post
, May 18, 1964, p. 4.

“America needs to understand Islam”: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 340.

“True Islam removes racism”: Breitman, ed.,
Malcolm X Speaks
, p. 360.

“The American whites”: NYAN, May 30, 1964, p. 49.

“Do we correctly understand”: Perry,
, p. 271.

pacified a
correspondent: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 415.

Robert Penn Warren: Warren,
Who Speaks for the Negro?
pp. 244-67.

“There is something of that”: Ibid., p. 266.

“pale, dull yellowish”: Ibid., p. 255.

”: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 364.

James 67X seethed: Perry,
, p. 268.

reveled in the new freedom: Int. Benjamin Karim, March 11, 1991, March 19, 1991, and Aug. 31, 1991.

gave way to aimlessness: Ibid. Also Goldman,
Death and Life
, pp. 170, 182.

presentation on yoga: FBI wiretap transcript of June 4, 1964, FMXNY-1-2, p. 1.

debate in the Civic Opera House:
Chicago Sun-Times
, May 17, 1964; Chicago LHM, May 25, 1964, FMXNY-4515.

bridge expert Oswald Jacoby: FBI transcript of
Kup's Show
, May 23, 1964, in SAC, Chicago, to Director, June 17, 1964, FMXNY-4599, pp. 28-29.

“your white nationalism”: FBI transcript of
Dateline Chicago
, WMBQ-TV, May 31, 1964, in SAC, Chicago, to Director, June 19, 1964, FMXNY-4592, p. 2.

“I very much doubt”: FBI transcript of
Kup's Show
, May 23, 1964, in SAC, Chicago, to Director, June 17, 1964, FMXNY-4599, p. 6.

“I want to settle the situation”: NYAN, May 30, 1964, p. 1.

“if Allah pleases him”: Wiretap transcript of May 8, 1964, in SAC, Chicago, to SAC, New York, May 21, 1964, FMXNY-4482, p. 3.

have no dealings with Malcolm: Cf. report on Muhammad's instruction of May 13, 1964, in SAC, Phoenix, to SAC, Chicago, June 16, 1964, FMXNY-4577.

all those Muslims being shunned: SAC, Newark, to Director, May 1, 1964, FMXNY-4433.

lived under siege within his own family: Malcolm X remarks on
Conversation Piece
, WEEI radio, Boston, June 12, 1964, in Boston FBI LHM of June 15, 1964, p. 2.

“Everyone that sees me”: MS, June 5, 1964, p. 8, quoting Genesis 4:14.

“We had the best”: Malcolm X,
The Autobiography
, p. 411.

“You know”: Karim,
Remembering Malcolm
, p. 182.

dispatched James 67X to locate: FBI wiretap summary of June 4, 1964, in SAC, New York, to SAC, Chicago, July 20, 1964, FMXNY-4754, p. 2.

“Mister Muhammad will be brought to justice”: FBI wiretap summary of June 5, 1964, SAC, New York, to Director, July 1, 1964, FMXNY-4674, p. 2; FBI wiretap transcript of June 5, 1964, FMXNY-1-3a.

finished the June 3 installation: SAC, New York, to Director, June 4, 1964, FMX-113.

“a trapeze artist”: FBI wiretap transcript of June 4, 1964, FMXNY-1-2, pp. 5, 8.

“pumping these brothers with poison”: Ibid., p. 12.

“I know how to do it”: Ibid., p. 11.

“Just another effort”: SAC, New York, to Director, FMX-126.

“the Director told Manchester”: DeLoach to Mohr, June 4, 1964, FRFK-1536.

review of the National Council of Churches: Sullivan to Director, May 8, 1964, FNCC-1172.

From John Doar up through Burke: Doar to Marshall, May 19, 1964, Box 3, Marshall Papers, JFK.

“turn the students”: Katzenbach to LBJ through Lee White, “Civil Rights—Misc.,” Box 6, Lee White Papers, LBJ.

“to avoid as much as possible”: Marshall to RFK, June 5, 1964, Box 3, Marshall Papers, JFK.

“spectacularly efficient”: RFK to LBJ, June 5, 1964, ExHU2/ST24, FG135, LBJ.

meeting alone with President Johnson: Ibid. Also, Valenti,
A Very Human President
, pp. 98-100; LBJ phone call with Lee White, June 4, 1964, Cit. 3624, Audiotape WH6406.02, LBJ.

McNamara had just delivered: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 2, pp. 323-26; McNamara,
In Retrospect
, pp. 121-23.

“is obviously the most important problem”: RFK to LBJ, cited in Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy
, pp. 784-85.

bugs for King's room at the Sheraton: Bland to Sullivan, May 27, 1964, MLK folder, Section 24, FHOC.

King to rent a summer beach: SAC, Jacksonville, to Director, coded teletype of May 28, 1964, FSA-1366.

“Let Freedom Ring”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 76.

“You are proving”: PC, June 6, 1964, pp. 1, 4.

Research Committee: FBI intercept of Wachtel-Jones conversation, May 21, 1964, in FJ-NR; Research Committee members listed in A/KP25f37.

Rustin urged King: New York LHM dated June 9, 1964, FSC-NR.

“is so deeply rooted”: NYT, May 29, 1964, p. 10.

pledged to return: ADW, May 28, 1964, p. 1.

Williams considered Young: Int. Hosea Williams, Oct. 29, 1991; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991.

peaceful march of four hundred: Colburn,
Racial Change
, pp. 80-81.

twice that number at St. Mary's Baptist: Judge Bryan Simpson, “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,” in
Young v. Davis
, No. 64-133-Civ-J, June 9, 1964, in Simpson Papers, p. 6, UF.

cleaning a shotgun: PC, June 6, 1964, p. 4.

Williams ambushed him from the pulpit: Int. Hosea Williams, Oct. 29, 1991; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991; Young,
A Way Out of No Way
, p. 90.

“prettiest girl in this church”: Int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991.

Virgil Stuart halted the line: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 80.

“We come before Thee”: Ibid., p. 83.

down the cheeks of Andrew Young: Int. Willie Bolden, May 14, 1992.

Three hundred fifty people: Colburn,
Racial Change
, p. 82.

C. T. Vivian flinched: Int. C. T. Vivian, May 26, 1990.

Georgia Reed volunteered: Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” p. 47, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine
; int. Georgia Mae Reed, April 2, 1991.

fifteen local Negroes back to jail:
Florida Times-Union
, May 29, 1964.

250 whites amassed to defend: Jacksonville FBK LHM dated June 1, 1964, FSA-1353, pp. 1-2.

press photographers tried to capture: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, pp. 88-89; Colburn,
Racial Change
, pp. 82-83.

“There's that nigger lover!”: Judge Bryan Simpson, “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,” in
Young v. Davis
, No. 64-133-Civ-J, June 9, 1964, in Simpson Papers, pp. 8-9, UF.

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