Pillar of Fire (118 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“although some teen-age girls”: Claude Sitton, “2 Hurt in Clash in St. Augustine,” NYT, May 29, 1964.

“We are declaring martial law”: Judge Bryan Simpson, “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,” in
Young v. Davis
, No. 64-133-Civ-J, June 9, 1964, in Simpson Papers, p. 12, UF.

bushwhackers had fired: Ibid. Also Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 89; Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 327; Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” p. 45, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine

“loss of momentum”: NYT, May 30, 1964, p. 14.

“continue our efforts”: ADW, May 30, 1964, p. 1.

“We cannot in good conscience”: MLK to LBJ, May 29, 1964 (from San Diego), A/KS.

eleven thousand in San Diego: San Diego LHM of June 6, 1964, FSC-NR.

he called Burke Marshall: Lee White file memo, June 1, 1964, HU2/St9, LG/St. Augustine, LBJ.

“hang a Negro”: Jacksonville FBI LHM, June 1, 1964, FSA-1353, p. 7.

explicit death threat against King: MLK statement of June 5, 1964, A/KS; Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 328.

Coretta King complained bitterly: Garrow,
Bearing the Cross

permission to bug the premises: Jacksonville urgent teletype to Director, 10:12
, May 28, 1964, FK-NR.

anonymous tipsters had publicized: Colburn,
Racial Change
, p. 83.

Bryant of Florida boasted: Lee White file memo, June 1, 1964, HU2/St9, LG/St. Augustine, LBJ.

“Be certain that we do not yield”: Hoover's handwritten note on UPI news story of June 9, 1964, FK-384; Baumgardner to Sullivan, June 10, 1964, FK-NR.

Hoover asked his aides: Jones to DeLoach, June 5, 1964, FK-NR.

“unshirted hell”: LBJ phone call with George Smathers, June 1, 1964, Cit. 3602, Audiotape WH6406.01, LBJ.

“Discussions should be begun”: Dolan to Marshall, June 5, 1964, Box 7, Marshall Papers, JFK.

“I want to commend you”: Pat Watters, “St. Augustine,”
New South
, Sept. 1964, p. 11.

Simpson had asked for a courtesy moratorium: Kunstler,
Deep in My Heart
, pp. 289-95; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991.

Georgia Reed testified: Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” p. 47, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine

“they were just a bunch of kids”: Kunstler,
Deep in My Heart
, p. 290.

“Why that man's a convicted felon”: Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” p. 47, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine

1959 moonshine trial:
Miami Herald
, June 14, 1964, p. 14;
Port Arthur
, June 15, 1977, p. 17.

Simpson asked: Pat Watters, “St. Augustine,”
New South
, Sept. 1964, p. 10. FBI officials, who briefed Simpson on ties between law enforcement and the Klan, ignored the Catholic-Klan technicalities and routinely referred to Manucy as the “Exalted Cyclops of the St. Augustine Klavern.” (Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, pp. 328-29; Jacksonville FBI LHM, June 1, 1964, FSA-1353, pp. 4-5; Rosen to Belmont, June 2, 1964, FSA-1364.)

baccalaureate address two days later: NYT, June 8, 1964, p. 22.

taking Coretta with him: Int. John Maguire, Sept. 15, 1990.

causing a fright: Ibid.

“long and difficult wilderness”: King speech of June 7, 1964, A/KS6.

fn $67 in his government account: Moyers to Walter Jenkins, June 8, 1964, Box 39, Moyers Papers, LBJ.

first gentile to receive: NYT, June 8, 1964, p. 22.

24. B

arsonists set fire: McGowan to Rosen, May 30, 1964, FSA-1343; Jacksonville teletype to Director, June 8, 1964, FSA-1343; Jacksonville LHM of June 8, 1964, FSA-1380, p. 2.

King and his new Research Committee: Wachtel to Reddick, June 2, 1964, A/KP25f26.

calling Muslim women: FBI wiretap transcript of June 7, 1964, FMXNY-1-5a, pp. 1-3.

“You think the Messenger is that ruthless?”: Ibid., p. 1.

“The Nation would even murder”: New York FBI LHM, June 8, 1964, FMXNY-4536.

loyalist members stayed late: Ibid., p. 2.

“Just tell him he's as good as dead”: FBI wiretap transcript of June 8, 1964, FMXNY-1-6, p. 1.

Wallace rushed him into a studio: Ibid., pp. 3-7; SAC, New York, to SACs, Phoenix, Chicago, and Director, June 8, 1964, FMXNY-4539; Perry,
, p. 288.

He alerted friends: SAC, New York, to Director, June 9, 1964, FMXNY-4540; FBI wiretap transcript of June 7, 1964, FMXNY-1-5a, p. 2.

citizens' hearing on Mississippi: Summary of June 8 hearing prepared by Judge Justine Polier, A/SN100f14; Dittmer,
Local People
, p. 239.

“It cannot be stated”: COFO notice to members of the United States Congress, June 3, 1964, cited in Holt,
The Summer That Didn't End
, pp. 204-7.

“That is why”: Elizabeth Allen testimony of June 8, 1964, reprinted in
Congressional Record
, June 16, 1964, photocopied in A/SN111f17, p. 5.

Hartman Turnbow testified: Ibid., pp. 6-7.

“Not only have I been”: Ibid., pp. 3-4.

piled into a car and headed from Greenwood: Affidavit of Charles McLaurin, July 27, 1964, A/MFDP10f3.

admitted that he was a nigger: Ibid. Also affidavits of James Jones, James Black, and Samuel Block regarding incident of June 8, 1964, A/MFDP10f1.

ambushed three white magazine writers: United States Commission on Civil Rights,
Law Enforcement: A Report on Equal Protection in the South
, 1965, pp. 30-31.

novelist Joseph Heller and other sponsors: Harold Taylor, Robert Coles, Noel Day, Paul Goodman, Joseph Heller, Murray Kempton, Justine Polier, and Gresham Sykes to LBJ, June 11, 1964, A/SN100f14.

Roy Wilkins was candidly criticizing: Staff Meeting Minutes, June 9-11, 1964, A/SN7, p. 11.

“Oh, but you are all so American”: Ed King, “SNCC and Dr. Lohia,”
New South
, Summer 1971, pp. 57-62.

marathon at Frazier's Lounge: Staff Meeting Minutes, June 9-11, 1964, A/SN7; Mary King,
Freedom Song
, pp. 307-25.

“There used to be a bond”: Staff Meeting Minutes, June 9-11, 1964, A/SN7, p. 1.

“No one can be rational”: Ibid., p. 15; Mary King,
Freedom Song
, p. 314.

“Don't you see?”: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, p. 324.

“To the extent that we think”: Staff Meeting Minutes, June 9-11, 1964, A/SN7, p. 4.

“the controllable things”: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, p. 318.

Moses later sent Stokely: Forman,
Black Revolutionaries
, p. 374.

“I am probably a dead man already”: Perry,
, p. 288.

“certain information”: SAC, New York, to Director and SACs, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Phoenix, June 9, 1964, FMXNY-4540.

vetoed airing the sex charges: SAC, New York, to SAC, Boston, June 11, 1964, FMXNY-4549; SAC, New York, to Director and SACs, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Phoenix, June 11, 1964, FMXNY-4552; SAC, New York, to Director, July 1, 1964, FMXNY-4674.

brawl outside the Philadelphia mosque: FBI wiretap transcript of June 11, 1964, FMXNY-1-9a, p. 2.

refuge in the Chicago FBI office: Chicago LHM of June 15, 1964, FMXNY-4568.

reverberations among the women: SAC, Chicago, to Director, June 16, 1964, FMXNY-4576.

“If we don't stop clowning”: Intercept of conversation between Lottie Muhammad and her mother, Clara, June 12, 1964, in ibid., p. 3.

“the direction which my life should take”: Young to Douglass and Hotchkiss, June 9, 1964, A/KP27f41.

council had just voted formally: NYT, June 6, 1964, p. 26.

Simpson terminated the ban: Judge Bryan Simpson, “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,” in
Young v. Davis
, No. 64-133-Civ-J, June 9, 1964, in Simpson Papers, UF;
Jacksonville Journal
, June 10, 1964, p. 10; Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” p. 49, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine

crisis from Alabama: NYT, June 10, 1964, p. 1.

dispatched James Bevel: UPI news story of June 9, 1964, FK-384.

“heard of this incident”: LBJ phone call with Robert Kennedy, June 9, 1964, Cit. 3646, Audiotape WH6406.03, LBJ.

shot down over northern Laos: An April coup in Laos collapsed resistance to the Laotian Communists (Pathet Lao). Historian Robert Warner described a haphazard, “unreal quality” to the short-lived coup that precipitated the introduction of U.S. warplanes in Laos, almost as a distraction from the Johnson administration's secret, protracted debate about war options in neighboring Vietnam. “Under house arrest, the prime minister [Souvanna Phouma] appeared on the balcony of his official residence,” wrote Warner. “The U.S. Ambassador, Leonard Under, shouted encouragement to him from the garden. Within hours the right-wing generals were quarreling with one another.” Warner,
Back Fire
, pp. 136-38; Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, vol. 3, pp. 172-74, 180; Shapley,
Promise and Power
, p. 300.

notifying congressional leaders: LBJ phone call with Carl Albert, June 9, 1964, Cit. 3649, Audiotape WH6406.04, LBJ.

“too big a deal of it”: LBJ phone call with Hubert Humphrey, June 9, 1964, Cit. 3653, Audiotape WH6406.04, LBJ.

“If they'll just quit advancing”: LBJ phone call with Mike Mansfield, June 9, 1964, Cit. 3651, Audiotape WH6406.04, LBJ.

“If we're gonna stay”: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, June 9, 1964, Cit. 3663, Audiotape WH6406.04, LBJ.

Marshall called Lee White: Lee White file memo, June 10, 1964, HU2/St9, LG/St. Augustine, LBJ.

SCLC sent a telegram: UPI news story of June 9, 1964, FK-384.

Clarence Jones orchestrated: Hoover to Walter Jenkins, June 10, 1964, FK-377.

threats against King were not a federal matter: Ibid., p. 2.

“Dr. King—this is the letter”: Young, handwritten note on Young to Douglass and Hotchkiss, June 9, 1964, A/KP36f15.

took the Senate floor at 7:38
: Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, p. 195.

“749 years ago next Monday”:
Congressional Record
, June 9, 1964, p. S13188.

“when it comes to employment”: Ibid., p. S13150.

“a woman of one race”: Ibid., p. S13201.

Andrew Young walked again: Colburn,
Racial Change
, p. 90; Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, pp. 92-93.

watched Young rise slowly: Int. Willie Bolden, May 14, 1992; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991; Young,
A Way Out of No Way
, pp. 90-94.

“The thud of the kicks”:
Jacksonville Journal
, June 10, 1964, p. 10.

as Martin Luther King left Atlanta: King arrived in Jacksonville by plane and drove toward St. Augustine at 10:40
, twenty minutes before the cloture vote began in Washington. SAC, Jacksonville, teletype to Director, FBI, June 10, 1964, FSA-1388.

“I have attempted to reach”:
Congressional Record
, June 9, 1964, p. S13206.

“curse of Noah”: Ibid., p. S13207 (from Genesis 9:25).

“thy cattle gender”: Ibid. (from Leviticus 19:19).

“to do what I will”: Ibid. (from Matthew 20:15).

“even in heaven”: Ibid. (from 1 Peter 3:22).

“the verbiage of the Declaration”: Ibid., p. S13208.

“If all men”: Ibid. (from Matthew 25:1-13).

“from the garden of Mrs. Humphrey”: Ibid., p. S13207.

“But the Scriptural”: Ibid., p. S13208.

after fourteen hours: Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, p. 197.

fn filibuster filled: Ibid., p. 200; Graham,
The Civil Rights Era
, p. 151.

Californian Clair Engle: NYT, June 11, 1964, p. 21.

“we voted cloture”: PPP, June 10, 1964, pp. 762-65.

“Hello, hero”: PDD, 6:30
, June 10, 1964, LBJ.

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