Power Play (48 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Chapter 92



Casino Night buzzed with activity long before doors opened to the public. Several staff members rushed through corridors and gambling areas performing last-minute details. Team members appeared dapper in white shirts, silver vests and ties, and ebony trousers finished with coordinating footwear. Name tags and red rose boutonnières were pinned to each player’s vest.


Alex felt slightly nauseous as final touches were applied to her hair and makeup. She dressed in a silver sheath topped with a white bolero trimmed in black piping, checking the mirror several times for any indication of a “baby bump” before sliding her feet into a pair of silver ballet flats.


An assistant just finished pinning Alex’s corsage and name tag on her bolero when someone tapped on the door.


“Come in!” she called, expecting Troy as the visitor.





Jax stepped inside, his eyes sparkling.
“Jsi krásná.”


Alex turned and greeted him with a bright smile. “
Tak dobrý večer i vám, hezký.”


“Do you need anything else, Miss Galloway?” the assistant asked.


“No, Kristal; I’ll take everything from here.”


The assistant nodded and exited Alex’s dressing room.


“Jak se cítíš?”
Jax asked.


“Trochu špatně od žaludku. Doufejme, že nemám skončit zvracení na Trója nebo horší, některými fanoušky.”


“Měl bych si tým doktora, aby vám zkontrolovat?”


“Ne, Jax; to je jen část z toho, že je těhotná. Mám nějaké zázvorové pivo, takže bych měl být v pořádku, v době, kdy otevřených dveří.”


A grinning Troy appeared behind Jax. “Trying to hit on my date, Ivanka?” he joked.


“Hey, she’s only on loan to you tonight, Talmadge,” Jax kidded in response.





Alex asked. “What am I, a library book?”


Jax’s hearty laughter vibrated the walls. “Not in the least, sweetheart.”


“You look stunning,” Troy complimented her. “The stylists obviously had an easy job with you.”


she replied. “You’re in a good mood.”


“Special events always make me happy.”


“I’m sure last night’s big win over Nashville helped.”


“You know me way too well, shorty. Are you ready to assure fans a good time?”


“Let’s make it a night no one will forget.”


Jax patted Troy’s shoulder. “Take care of our
I’ll catch up with you in the locker room.” He kissed Alex’s cheek.
“Nenechte přepracování sám. To není dobré pro dítě. Můžete požádat o pomoc v případě potřeby, v pořádku?”


“Yes, Father,” she replied with mock annoyance.





“What did he say to you?” Troy asked when Jax left.


“He’s concerned I may overdo my door greeting duties,” Alex replied. “Johann and I are working together, so everything should go well. If anyone should worry about anyone, it’s you getting bombarded by gambling fans. Your table will probably be mobbed all night.”


Troy chuckled and shrugged. “Just another day at the office.”


“I always think how you don’t like to be touched but are so humble that you deal with the discomfort to make sure fans have good experiences.”


“We can’t let outside influences or our personal dispositions interfere with what’s important, Al. I’ve seen many players around the league not only forget where they came from prior to entering the AHC, but also act like total jerks to the people who attend our games, buy our merchandise, attend our appearances, and contribute to our charities, among other things. Those players tend to forget the American Hockey Conference wouldn’t exist without fan support.”


“I agree,” Alex said, “and I’m ready to meet some fans.”





“Do you feel okay?”


“I drank some ginger ale to settle my stomach. Are we going to get things underway or do I have to deal with you and Jax fussing over me all evening?”


Troy offered his arm. “I say let’s send our visitors home happy after they helped support a good cause.”






A loud whistle escaped Lenny’s lips when Alex entered the locker room for a Casino Night team photo. “Holy shit, Galloway! I never realized you had a great set of legs for a short chick.”


His comment made other heads to turn in her direction. The room then filled with wolf whistles and playful catcalls.


“Settle down,” Byron chastised them. “I’m more convinced each day that y’all need Jesus.”


Troy appeared behind him. “All right, you bunch of horn dogs; quit acting like you never saw a woman in your lives. I know the majority of you have wives and girlfriends, and common knowledge states that Walton’s worked through the majority of puck bunnies.”





“They can’t resist my charms,” Lenny cackled. “You’re all a bunch of jealous freaks.”


“Jealous of what?” Marty asked. “Your bout with gonorrhea?”


Crimson appeared on Lenny’s face. “Dude!”


Hysterical chortling spread through the room.


“He got you, Walton!” Reggie bantered.


“Drop dead, Hebert.”


“Come on, Marty; quit being so fucking disgusting,” Troy scolded him. “There’s a lady present.”


Marty addressed Alex. “Sorry for grossing you out, Galloway.”


She swallowed hard to stave off vomiting. “No harm done.”


“So who’s your date tonight, Talmadge or Ivanka? I can’t keep up with who’s your main man one week to the next.”


“You’re too late to put in a bid, Howdy Doody,” she teased him. “Troy won my company for tonight, and then I’ll spend some time with Jax while the team’s in Vegas.”




“Geez, and you all have the cojones to call
a man ho,” Lenny said.


“Hanging out with a couple of teammates doesn’t constitute being a ‘ho,’ Walton,” Pierre said. “She’s not the one with a different person every night unlike some guy we know.”


“Go eat a fucking hockey puck, Germaine. I’m getting a beer with Vince before Joe shows up for pictures.”


“Wrap your willy if you find any strange lasses on the way!” Davy called after him.


“Bite me, St. Cloud!”


Troy and Alex glanced at each other. “To think we play alongside these clowns at least eighty-two games a year,” he said.


“Things could be worse,” she replied. “Now let’s get you loosened up and into the spirit of tonight. You are way too uptight for a man your age.”














Chapter 93



“Beaumont, will you knock off the selfies before I flush your damn phone down the nearest toilet?” Troy groused at Vince. “You’ve been a pain in the ass all evening.”


“Come on, Talmadge,” Vince coaxed, “just one more with us and Galloway. This is the team’s first Casino Night, so why not make it a memorable one?”


“Make this picture quick,” Alex said, trying to resist the urge to hurl. “I need to make a trip to the ladies room soon.”


Troy’s face was etched with worry. “Are you okay?” he asked in a near-whisper.


“I’m managing.”


“Should I find a staff person?”


“For the love of God, will you stop? I swear you and Jax are in competition to see who can antagonize me the most.”





“Je suis inquiet pour vous d'être sur vos pieds tellement dans votre état,”
he replied in French.


“Comme je dis toujours Jax, Troy, je suis enceinte, pas malade.”


“Okay, but let Baby Finn know if you get tired. I’m sure he’ll take care of things alone if the need arises.”


“Go to your game table, Troy. People are waiting.”


Johann spotted Alex and beckoned her from the main entrance. She noted his jovial mood and remembered feeling similar enthusiasm attending her first adult event at eighteen.


“Everything going well here?” she asked.


“Great! Fans coming in have been cool so far. I never thought working benefits could be fun. I know some guys said the novelty eventually wears off, but–”


“Forget the naysayers and enjoy your moment. As Troy always says, a person gets whatever effort they put into something.”


“Thanks. Are you all right? You look kind of pale.”




“Some stubborn bug I’ve battled off and on for a while; nothing a little ginger ale won’t handle.”


“I’ll find you something to sit on.”


“Jo, that isn’t necessary.”


“Nope, I insist. I’d feel bad if you passed out or worse.”


“Fine, you may get me a chair.”
I have a feeling Jo’s talked to either Troy or Jax. He’s more solicitous than usual tonight.


“Be back in five,” Johann said.


Byron waved to her from the main floor. “Hey, Alexandra!”


“Hi, Byron! Everything going okay back there?”


“People are keeping us busy. This event isn’t my cup of tea, but since proceeds are going to a great cause, I’ll grit my teeth and go with the flow. Hank’s here tonight. The event planners called him after Greise left to play for New York.”


“As if the poor man doesn’t have enough to do taking over on game nights while I’m on leave.”








“No, Hank loves working the charity circuit. Apparently the Scranton Revolution has also done fund raisers. Maybe you two can chat during break. I’ll send him over later.”


“I look forward to hearing him say some good stuff about Scranton.”


Johann returned with a chair. “Here. Now you can get more comfortable.”


“Thanks, Jo. I’ll be in the ladies’ room if anyone asks.”


“No problem; take your time.”


Alex rushed toward the nearest rest room. She barely made it inside an empty stall and retched for what seemed a countless number of minutes.


God, I hope this thing passes before Friday. The last thing I want is to throw up all over Jax on our wedding night.


She peered through the stall’s door crack to make sure no one was present. She washed her hands at a sink, cupping a little water in them to rinse her mouth, banishing the caustic taste left from regurgitating.


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