Power Play (25 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Alex’s door opened and she joined the others. She made efforts to avoid Troy’s gaze as she sat beside Jax, exchanged pleasantries in Czech, and shared a laugh with him.







Third period brought more improvements and fewer penalties for the Rebels. Using her old trick of visualizing a puck as the head of someone whom she disliked or infuriated her (Troy in the latter case), Alex struck the three-inch piece of rubber with every strength of her being and sent it flying past the Wildings’ goaltender twice.


Jax cried in approval when Alex made the second goal.


“Sakra, Jax, mluví anglicky jednou za čas, takže všichni ostatní nám může pochopit!”
she loudly answered.
“Jinak si budou myslet, že mluvíme špinavý!”


"Říkáš, že jako by to špatná věc."


"V tomto případě, ano."






Jax’s hearty guffaws lightened the moods of everyone around them.


“Don’t be propositioning the lady during game time, Ivanka!” Lenny kidded him.


“I’m saving that for later, Walton!”


Alex chuckled and skated past teammates seated on the bench, giving each person a fist bump in celebration of her recent goal.


Troy caught her eye, winked, and mouthed “Good job!”


She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry.


He shook his head.
Let it go, Troy. You can approach her after the game.


Most of the remaining period progressed without incident until Alex assisted Byron with a game-tying goal.


“Way to go, Byron!” she cheerfully called.


“Looks like we may send this game into overtime,” he replied and gave her a thumbs-up gesture.


“There’s still plenty of time to score another goal and








“Anything’s possible at this point, little lady.”


Troy observed their exchange with a smile from where he stood. Alex turned and blew him another raspberry, to which Troy responded by laughing.


She winked and smiled before skating off in another direction. Alex concentrated on her battle to regain possession of the puck against the Wildings’ Carlton Belcher.


Byron knew Belcher’s history of aggression too well and signaled Troy to help keep an eye on Alex. Belcher already checked Reggie out of the referee’s view and Byron had a sinking feeling the opposing player may try something with Alex. She was strong for her small stature but not yet powerful enough to counter a potential attack.


His concerns were founded; within minutes, Belcher checked Alex in the back, causing her to violently fall head first into the boards and knock her unconscious. 


“Oh my God, Al!”
  Troy screamed and sped to the area where she’d fallen.


His outburst caught the attentions of Byron, Reggie, and Jax. They sped on Troy’s heels until everyone reached Alex’s motionless figure.




Troy dropped to his knees, ripped off his gloves, took one of her hands in his, and desperately begged Alex to open her eyes.


“Please wake up, shorty. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.”


She remained unconscious as several spectators stood for a better view of chaos unfolding on the ice and trainers rushed to where she lay.


“Did anyone see what happened?” one of the trainers asked.


“Belcher back checked Al and sent her into the boards,” Troy replied in a shaken voice.


Jax was furious. “These refs are blind as hell. The impact knocked her out and no fucking penalty called!”


“Captain’s been trying to wake her,” Byron added.


“No use delaying the game any longer,” another trainer replied. “Let’s move Galloway to the back for further evaluation.”


“I’ll give you guys a hand," Jax offered. He gently lifted Alex’s motionless body from the ice with little effort, one arm supporting her head and the other slipped behind her knees.





“What the hell are you doing, Ivanka?” Troy wailed with a cracking voice. “You could cause her further injury!”


“Drž hubu,
Talmadge! I’ve done this many times for downed teammates.”


“All right, be careful. I’m going to find the referee and give him a piece of my mind. Reggie, Preacher, go with Ivanka and the trainers in case Al wakes up.”


“I’ll try to keep you posted,” Byron reassured Troy. “Keep your faith and focus on finishing the game. Alexandra will be okay; she’s a tough young woman.”


“I know, Preacher. Just make sure Ivanka doesn’t try anything with her.”














Chapter 50



Alex opened her eyes to sights of white walls and sounds of anxious whispering male voices in the trainers’ room. She tried to sit up, but something – or
– prevented her from moving.


What happened? Where am I?


“She’s awake!” Reggie whispered to everyone.


Byron gently nudged her. “Alexandra?”


She turned her head toward his voice. “Byron? I–”


“Shhh…everything’s going to be okay.”


“Why am I here?” Alex asked while again trying to move.


“No, sweetheart; you need to stay still,” Jax said in a soft voice.




“Jax…what’s happening?”


“Belcher back checked you and you went head first into the boards,” he explained.


“You’re being taken to the hospital,” Reggie added.


“No…no…don’t! I have to go back on…” She tried sitting up a third time, but held back by Jax, Reggie, and Byron.


“Alexandra, don’t move. You could have some serious injuries,” Byron said firmly.


Brian scurried into the room. “I saw on the big screen where that asshole Belcher sent Alex into the boards and Ivanka carry her back here. Is she okay?”


“She’s going to the hospital for further tests,” Reggie answered.


“Oh God, tell me history isn’t repeating itself. We went through this scene a few years ago with Talmadge.”


“Trainers and team doc think it may be some kind of head injury, but no one knows for sure until Alex is examined at the hospital.”




“Troy? Where’s Troy?” Alex asked.


“He has to finish the game, baby girl,” Reggie said soothingly. “Brian’s here.”


“Brian? Why aren’t you…?”


“I got ejected for fighting with Kennedy, remember? Coach sent out guys to cover for me, Preacher, Hebert, and Ivanka. You’re in good hands.”


“The paramedics are here, Galloway,” a trainer informed her. “You’re being taken to Mercy.”


Alex no longer had the strength to protest as she was carefully transferred to a gurney. “Okay…”









“What do you mean Al’s at Mercy Hospital?” Troy asked, his voice tinged with anxiety. “How bad is she hurt? Tell me everything; I can handle it.”


“She’s being evaluated for head injuries, Captain,” Byron said. “You’re clearly upset and in no condition to drive. Let me take you to the hospital.”


“Preacher, what if things are bad enough that she no longer can play? The last thing Al and I did before the game was argue. If her career’s over I’ll never forgive my–”


“Don’t beat up yourself over this,” Brian interjected. “Belcher’s the one who should feel guilty, but I doubt he has enough of a conscience.”


“Žádný dobrý kus hovna,”
Jax hissed, “and we have another game against the Wildings tomorrow night.”


“Don’t worry, guys,” Brian replied. “I’ll take care of Belcher.”


“You’ll do no such thing,” Troy warned him. “You’re in enough deep shit for that scuffle with Kennedy earlier tonight.”




“Belcher hurt someone I consider a sister, Troy. Somebody has to defend her honor.”


“We can all do that by pulling off a second win tomorrow night,” Jax said. “Don’t put your career on the line by doing something stupid, Donahue.”


“Better me than Alex, Old Man.”


Marty and Lenny rushed into the locker room, their faces etched with worry.


“Have you guys heard anything new on Galloway?” Marty asked.


“Nothing yet,” Reggie replied.


“Since when are you ass munches concerned about Alex?” Brian inquired. “You’re usually too busy thinking of pranks to pull on her when not picking up random sluts.”


“Donahue, Galloway’s much our teammate as yours,” Lenny answered. “Chill out. Anyone else headed to the hospital? Coach left about five minutes ago.”





“Troy and I are ready to leave,” Byron said. “You’re welcome to come along.”


“Thanks, Preacher. Marty and I will ride together.”


“Al doesn’t have family,” Troy pointed out, “but I’m sure she designated someone to handle her affairs in times like this.”


Jonathan Halloran walked into the room. “As a matter of fact, Alexandra did authorize someone.” He handed Troy some papers. “Looks like it’s you, Captain.”


Troy stared at the forms. “You mean Al…?”


“She obviously trusts you enough to make such important decisions for her. Go on; get out of here. No one’s going to learn anything by standing around scratching their heads.”
















Chapter 51


“Tell whoever’s in charge to get me out of here,” Alex said when Troy walked into her hospital room. “My head hurts and I need aspirin.”


“You’re staying right where you are and no aspirin. Al. The doctors said you have a concussion. They’re keeping you a couple days for observation and further tests.”


“What happened to me?”


“You don’t remember any plays against Belcher or going into the boards?”




“You went head first and were knocked out for a while. Luckily the AHC requires players to wear specific helmets or you’d probably been killed.”


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